1 - 20 of 306 Stories
Reign O'er Me by cts
03/18/2011This fic picks up from where OotP ended; unlike many fics dealing with this period that are angst-ridden, this fic explores a different direction - what might happen if Harry should instead start to get his life together.
Be All My Secrets Remembered by La Reine Noire
05/07/2007'Some rise by sin, and some by virtue fall.' Spanning from spring of 1976 through the fateful Halloween night of 1981, the adventures and misadventures of Messrs. Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs, and their contemporaries, particularly those belonging to the Most Noble and Ancient House of Black, Toujours Dysfunctional. Warnings: contains dark thematic material, violence, innuendo, as many literary references as can be managed, and very mild slash.
Some Perfect World by Crikkita
07/15/2008Draco wants a rematch, Hermione wants some answers, Ron wants things back the way they were, and Harry just wants a good night's sleep. A coming-out tale in the life of a famous young wizard, complete with meddling professors, 'fowl' play, first love, and some truly excellent friends.
Making Mistakes by little_bird
05/09/2009The events leading to the birth of Albus Severus Potter.
Draco's Draught by Elf Flame
09/23/2004Draco is splashed by a potion. How will the changes it causes affect his life?
There'll Be Bluebirds by little_bird
07/12/2013Teddy Lupin finds his father's journals. Order of the Phoenix, Half Blood Prince, and Deathly Hallows from the perspective of Remus Lupin.
Teamwork by GatewayGirl
04/10/2012When Gryffindors and Slytherins work together, anything can happen!
Harry Potter and the Remnants of the Soul by Pestilence
10/09/2007WIP, Post-HBP, The final battle arrived more quickly than anyone expected. Voldemort’s miscalculation granted Harry a victory, but one deeply tainted by loss. Piecing together his shattered Soul, Harry must finish school and step into a society where he wields incredible power, wealth, and responsibility.
Where Life Leads by SavingSaturn
08/24/2009James Potter and Lily Evans have never gotten along despite their many similarities. But when they are chosen as Head Boy and Girl they are forced to work together. As a war begins in the Wizarding World James and Lily overcome their differences and discover the most important things in life.
The Dream of One Night by Renfair
12/02/2007Regardless of what others may think of him, Severus Snape is a brave man. However, a Dark secret in his past makes him fearful of what could happen if he gives into the feelings he is developing for his apprentice, Avrille. What he doesn't know is that her love might just save his life. ~2008 HPFF Dobby Finalist, 2 GluttonyFiction Pure Indulgence Awards~
Red Tide Rising by Bren
02/02/2004A sixth year fic, no AU. A new teacher comes to the school, which leads to some problems. Snape hates her, and she doesn't really like anyone, except herself, maybe. Hermione starts a newspaper, with proceeds to SPEW, but what's her secret? Harry discovers too much, much too fast, and nearly explodes, but instead decides revenge can be very sweet, especially against Snape... And Ron is deeply disappointed with Dumbledore, who requires him to continue Divination, even if he nearly failed the OWL, and swore he'd never listen to another tea leaf. Other little bits and pieces that fall lovingly into place (or bitterly, if you're Draco), and this first chapter sets Harry up for a difficult (but plausible) sixth year.
The Very Long Night Of Harry Potter by bibliophile20
08/02/2006Ron and Hermione bring an unconscious Harry to St. Mungo's, where a long night stretches out before them...
Moonlight by adoranymph
10/13/2010Love. Betrayal. Understanding. Friendship. Sacrifice. These are the words describing the story that unfolds as Teddy retraces the story of his father Remus Lupin. Hey guys! Well, currently I am juggling a schedule and only have time to submit new chaps to one site at a time, so if you wish to read more about this story, catch up with it on harrypotterfanfiction.com. If you can't wait. If you can, then just sit tight and I'll be updating again soon. :)
Against the Tide by Bren
11/18/2005Seventh-year, continuation of Red Tide Rising. This fic continues with the story, with important contributions from smaller characters like Luna, Tonks, Charlie, twins, Neville, Morag and Blaise (girl). Also, OCs continue to develop. This first chapter is simply excellent, and I know you'll agree if you read it. Please review.
Love Among Muggles by Luckynumber
03/12/2008Ever wondered how patrician Andromeda Black ended up with a Muggleborn like Ted Tonks? Step back in time to the swinging 60s, when skirts were short and love was free!
Matters of Blood and Connection by ReverseBeauty
10/13/2008It was just something that they had to do. To find out for themselves if it was really worth it. But sometimes things don't always turn out the way you want.
Four Weddings and a Funeral by Anton Mickawber
07/04/2005School is finished, the battles are over, and it's time to get on with the future. (Sequel story cycle to The Weasley Family Picnic: Tossing Apples, Tea, Time, Toi and Twins.)
The Potters and Dumbledore's Secret by Emerald Stag
08/24/2007AU. Book 1 of the Stagverse series. The Potters survived Halloween 1981. Harry tries to deal with his first year at Hogwarts, but not everything can go smoothly. Dumbledore is hiding something at Hogwarts and a teacher seems to be after it!
Scenes from October by DrT
10/21/2004Vignettes from October of Harry's Sixth year. Harry and Susan are dating, which makes Hermione curious and Ginny a tad jealous. Chapter 1 of 2. See Hermione find the story behind the story and what happens when Malfoy assaults Susan.
A Fine Line by Sabelle
03/28/2008Alice McCoy walks a fine line. After practically selling her soul to help James Potter, she embarks on a mission that could end a friendship and possibly get her beheaded in the process. JP/LE, minor Frank/Alice later.
Variations by kazooband
07/27/2007This is the final battle as seen by fourteen different people, because Harry didn't know the half of it. *Contains no DH spoilers, unless I happened to guess right on something.*
By the Numbers by Wolfcat
08/09/2003An escaped convict is targeting Hogwarts, there are Dementors at the gates, and the new teacher is a werewolf. Just why does that really bother Severus Snape so much, anyway? The story behind the story, straight from the quill of Professor Anna Vector. She was more involved than you think.
Destruction Where You Stand by Auberus
05/15/200731 October 1981. Instead of going to Azkaban Sirius Black goes on the run, determined to catch the traitorous Peter Pettigrew even as post-war violence tears through the wizarding world. Meanwhile, Remus Lupin and a handful of others work desparately to clear Sirius' name, and to find him. After all, they are not the only ones hunting Sirius. The Ministry of Magic has set the Dementors on his trail, and they have been given permission to administer the Kiss the instant they catch him. The remnants of the Death Eaters are pursuing him as well, in hopes that he will lead them to Pettigrew, whom they blame for Voldemort's defeat.
Crown of the North by Grace has Victory
08/21/2005Two years after Voldemort’s fall, Remus Lupin plays at teaching, while Ariadne MacDougal prepares for a career in apothecarism. But what is the price of choosing what is right over what is easy? And is Caradoc Dearborn really dead? Part II of
A Different Life by Annemarie25
05/23/2008Lily and James Potter had a daughter instead of a son. When they died, Dumbledore left the baby, Bethany Lily, at the Dursleys'. However, Vernon did not want a freak in his home and Petunia didn't really want to have anything to do with her sister's child. Beth was left on the steps of an apartment bulding. In the morning, the residents discovered the baby and wondered what to do. One of the tenants happened to be a single witch named Natalia Harper and recognized Bethany. She decided to adopt the child and Bethany grew up as Bethany Lily Potter-Harper. Eventually, Beth attends Hogwarts with her best friend and makes four other friends. I have also put this fic on fanfiction.net
Unbalanced Equations by Wolfcat
10/04/2004When Remus Lupin left Hogwarts at the end of The Prisoner of Azkaban, he left behind more than just a job. Anna Vector has always loved her job teaching Arithmancy but this year, the year the Tri-Wizard Tournament returns to Hogwarts, is different. Responsibility, love, a big black dog, a vengeful Death Eater and the Ministry of Magic are distractions during this pivotal time in the battles between good and evil, desire and duty, and people and politics. A sequel to By the Numbers.
To Seduce a Serpent - The Diary of Pansy Parkinson by Sabelle
01/14/2008Ridiculously AU with the release of HBP & DH: The trials and tribulations of Pansy Parkinson as she attempts to seduce the unwitting Draco Malfoy. Watch her fail, rise and come out victorious. For awhile, at least.
Mistaken Love by myOWNthoughts
03/09/2007Hogwarts isn't reopening and Voldemort is back and more alive then ever. Sirius is gone and so is Dumbledore. Living through the heartbreak from Ginny and the pain from the deaths, Harry is left to find the Horcruxes with Ron and Hermione by his side. What happens when he meets a girl that has a surprising past which has a lot to do with Harry?
With One Breath by jlh
01/12/2004Parvati Patil has a twin sister and a best friend. One knows her better than she knows herself. And the other one doesn't know her at all.
Dulce Et Decorum Est Pro Patria Mori by DrT
02/19/2006In the immediate aftermath of the Final Battle, five witches gather to help their hero.
Thinking For Herself by Luckynumber
11/17/2006In her fifth year at Hogwarts, Millicent Bulstrode starts doing what she feels is right, not following her friends.
Not Quite a Maia by KarasAunty
08/18/2012Middle Earth has a problem: Gandalf the Grey is AWOL in Time and Space after destroying the Balrog of Khazad-dum. But who will take his place in the Quest to defeat the Dark Lord Sauron? Not who you think... HP/LOTR Crossover. Wildly AU! UK English.
Drawing the Circle by Elf Flame
09/14/2004Draco decides to make a list of all the facts he knows about Harry to find weakneses to exploit.
Most Charming Smile by Hazelle
06/29/2006Romilda Vane and the girls from the Hogwarts Charms Club rally together to try to catch the eye of Harry Potter and promote him for Witch Weekly's most prestigious award.
The Reticulation by Least Milres
05/17/2006This story opens with the final battle between Harry Potter and Lord Voldemort, but this is no ordinary fic. Read on to find out more...
The Legends & the Stooges of Fate by DrT
10/25/2006A possible ending for Book Seven and the Epilogue.
They Shook Hands : Post-Canon Revision : Year One by Dethryl
04/03/2012After swearing I was done tinkering with the first entry in the series, the Muse struck me. Essentially the same story, but with a more solid introduction to the new characters. Names changed to protect the innocent. Less canon text. More Snape!
Holding a Torch For Gilderoy Lockhart by Bren
08/26/2005*Complete* Miriam Strout is an accomplished Healer - whether she wants to be or not - with good friends - generally, anyway - and a passable social life - well... So, when her ex-husband escapes from Azkaban prison, it understandably throws a wrench in her plans. Takes place in PoA, Sirius/OFC. Funny, quick, interesting, and something that fell into place very nicely without any central planning.
The Banebrewer by Grace has Victory
11/27/2006Wolfsbane Potion is illegal, but the illicit brewing continues. Ariadne Lupin can preserve the human mind of a werewolf, but can she reverse the mindset of a whole civilisation? Part IV of
Toujours Pur by SnorkackCatcher
02/25/2005Mrs Black watches the Quidditch from her private box and reflects on her disappointing sons, the importance of Black family values, and a certain Chaser for the Kenmare Kestrels ... [Written for the FictionAlley OTP challenge, set a few years after the end of the first war. Slightly revised from the version originally Niffled to take into account the names and dates on JKR's 'Black Family Tree' recently sold at auction.]
The Werewolf's Bride by Grace has Victory
06/13/2006Remus and Ariadne Lupin have the same problems as any other newlyweds - work, money, in-laws, communication - and, of course, werewolves. Will her idealism collapse under the pressure of his lycanthropy? Or will her approach take him by surprise yet? Part III of
Fraternisation by Worth 12 of Malfoy
07/02/2005[COMPLETE] 1994. Twelve students from Beauxbatons Academy of Magic travel to Britain's Hogwarts School to compete in the dangerous Triwizard Tournament. For Jacques Serdaigle, there to make up the numbers, the world of Hogwarts is both strange and enlightening. As the champions battle through the tasks, Jacques must face up to some harsh truths about society and his place in it. Exciting, dangerous and confusing, his year at Hogwarts is one that will change his life forever.
A True Hufflepuff by Belle of the Ball
01/02/2006It was about time a Hufflepuff took the spotlight. For years, the Gryffindors had been stealing their glory. When they finally had a chance for fame, their hero was brutally murdered by the most evil wizard of their time. And a Gryffindor got all the attention. Now comes another chance. Meet Susan Bones. Often overlooked and overshadowed, she enters Hogwarts for her sixth year knowing that this year will be different. The Ministry is finally admitting the return of You-Know-Who, and the wizarding world is preparing for war. So in all of this, what will one unknown Hufflepuff do?
Dumbledore's Army and the Year of Darkness by Thanfiction
08/14/2008During the reign of Snape and the Carrows, Dumbledore's Army becomes a true resistance movement under the most unlikely of leaders.
To Walk a Mile by Daedalus
02/18/2009A series of short vignettes featuring some of our favorite (and not so favorite) minor characters.
A Bitter Road To Hell by Chthonia
05/05/2003A Malfoy view of the Voldemort years: the Muggle threat is growing, the Minister has his head in the sand, and terrifying rumours are spreading. What price survival for those who have everything, when everything is at stake? From the icy clarity of Durmstrang to the stuffy corridors of the Ministry, Lucius and Narcissa are about to find out…
The Psychic Runaway by QuidditchGIRL
08/27/2006Most children lead lives of overall happiness- they have parents, go to school, make friends, (eventually) find love. But as Harry discovers one late afternoon, there was one girl that lived a life of needless suffering, one girl that was desperate for an escape, one girl...that would change him forever.
Dealing with the Devil by Tabari
01/11/2006When Bellatrix Black, newly graduated from Hogwarts, cornered her younger sister Andromeda and dragged her out of their home and into Diagon Alley, Andromeda expected danger, excitement, and trouble - all part and parcel to dealings with Bellatrix. Nothing, however, could prepare her for the nightmarish ordeal that ended with her coming face to face with Lord Voldemort.
Hogwarts' Spy by ZahariaCelestina
03/12/2006Hogwarts' spy might not be the one you think of.... His/her essay, found in the library, travels from hand to hand and causes many different reactions until it meets its fate. Who might the mysterious author be?
Burn Marks by Lorelei Lynn
07/13/2006The tattered tapestry depicting the descent of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black has burn marks in every generation; they represent the disowned members of the family. Three vignettes show how Isla, Phineas, and Marius Black achieved this honor.
Professional Pranksters I: The Hogwarts Four by Alexannah
10/04/2007Harry takes a seemingly useful field trip to the 1940s, but within hours of arriving is distracted by something he did not expect. Tom Riddle has his eye on a sixteen-year-old Minerva McGonagall and she's not doing a lot to stop his advances. How can Harry stop the impending disaster without completely messing up history? He can't ...
Kidnapped by rainfromheaven
03/09/2008The Potters' first wedding anniversary is fast approaching, and despite the dark times, Lily wants to make this day special. James, however, does not only seem too busy to remember ... he seems to be cold enough to allow their marriage to fall apart! Lily vows to spark the flame once more and comes up with the ultimate plan to surprise him... Only to end up getting surprised herself.
Tracey Davis' Guide to Surviving Slytherin by mekelon
02/14/2007Tracey Davis, fifth year Slytherin encompassing none of its finer attributes and all of its nonsensical ones, is the invisible damsel in distress trying to make it through just one more day of her housemates' irksome competitions. A story where Blaise steals butterbeer and more besides, Pansy's busy attempting to flirt with Draco (presently, it's quite one-sided) and everyone's in love with Daphne Greengrass. A slow but un-fluffy romance about the difficulties of being unconventional in the traditionalistic society that is the Slytherin Common Room. Just because you're a Slytherin doesn't make surviving your fellow housemates any easier.
Pettigrew's Daughter by Anda
05/25/2006An alternate universe fic set in Harry's fifth year. Several 'invented' characters. On the evening of Peter Pettigrew's death, Iris McGonagall makes a decision that will impact on her life in ways she never imagined. Or at least, those around her believe that... 14 years later, her delinquent daughter, Morgiana Pettigrew, arrives at Hogwarts, plagued by mother-influenced fears of Sirius Black. One night, she dreams of her mother's murder, sparking a murderous chain of events that threatens to rip Hogwarts apart at the seams...
A Time For Heroes by Anisky
01/26/2011She had always been proper. Collected. But Hermione should have known she couldn’t keep it up, not when her life falls apart and all of Wizarding Britain is watching and taking pictures. The problem is, she's not sure she ever learned what it was to live. Hermione/Penelope
Picture If You Will by Lyta Padfoot
10/09/2002Ravenclaw fifth years Terry Boot and Lisa Turpin think that Cho Chang and Roger Davies would make an excellent couple, so they decide to play matchmaker - with unexpected consequences for themselves.
The Reticulation, Part II by Least Milres
06/28/2006Lord Voldemort has, under the strangest circumstances, finally been killed. Or has he? Sequel, as you might expect, to
Draco Malfoy is a Stupid Wanker by Emma Grant
01/13/2007Romilda Vane's crush on Harry Potter evolves into a slashy obsession. Set during HBP. (Harry/Draco, Harry/Ginny, humor.)
How Mandy Brocklehurst Found the Best Boyfriend Ever by Jetamors
03/14/2005Harry Potter may be out fighting evil, but Mandy Brocklehurst is focusing on the more important things, like starting fanclubs and trying to win insane bets. Original title "Mandy Brocklehurst and a Bunch of Stuff that Happened." Het.
Adrian Pucey: Gringotts Curse-Breaker by Luckynumber
09/27/2007When Adrian Pucey leaves Hogwarts, curse-breaking seems a less risky activity than staying in Britain. His girlfriend, half-blood Slytherin Millicent Bulstrode, has to stay and brave things out.
The Girl in the Picture by Wickedlass
05/11/2006We know that Dorcas Meadows was killed by Voldemort himself, but why? What made her so important that he had to personally search her out himself? And is that fact that she was next to Sirius in that Order picture significant?
A Law of the Medes and Persians by SnorkackCatcher
01/22/2009Harry would have liked a little peace and quiet after the Battle of Hogwarts to decide what he wanted to do next (although rebuilding his relationship with Ginny was definitely high on the list). But any such hopes were dashed by unexpected threats to his godson and to Kingsley's position as Minister, and once again, he and his friends found themselves in a courtroom taking on an old enemy ... (Gen central plot with a side helping of H/G and R/Hr.)
Eternal Glory Is for Suckers by Eliane Fraser
02/11/2006Once upon a time, there was a boy. Now, this might not surprise you, because there have been many boys in the world, all of whom started their lives at 'once upon a time.' However, this boy happened to be very special. One day, this skinny lad received a letter, which he was not allowed to keep. You, however, know all this, and I will not attempt to lump together seven years of events in a few paragraphs. For now, we shall start from a new 'once upon a time', a time where everything finally seemed to be returning to normal after years of chaos and mayhem. It all started one beautiful October afternoon; Harry Potter was sitting on the porch of Hermione Krum's house, having a cup of tea, when a letter arrived. HP/Susan, HG/VK, NL/Padma, R/D
Hearthlinks by Grace has Victory
09/05/2008Growing up with two stepfamilies, Sally-Anne Perks has all the usual family problems in triplicate. Now her stepmother wants to prevent her attending the Yule Ball. Will this ruin Sally-Anne’s chances of winning her prince? And who has stolen her magic shoe? This is a response to a challenge to retell a traditional fairy tale with a Hogwarts setting. You might consider that I put a twist in the ending… or you might not.
Lavender Brown is processing samples from the brutal murder of Millicent Bullstrode and is in love with her flatmate and confidante, Zacharias Smith. Ronald Weasley is bodyguarding Draco Malfoy, who is a predicted next victim for Millicent’s killer and is struggling with being a gay boy in a straight world. Susan Bones is training to be an auror but can’t make a patronus. She wishes that more people had the sense to not get into relationships. Zacharias Smith is sick of being bossed around by Daily Prophet executives and is going to ask Ginny Weasley to move in with him. Mister Darcy is a cat. He thinks they’re all a bit pathetic really. But he still hasn’t forgiven Lavender for the scalping.
A Place for Us by Elf Flame
01/12/2005Lily Evans and Hestia Jones make a bet--about Severus Snape. Marauders school years.
His Pet by JellyBellys
05/10/2006The War is won by the wrong side, and Katie Bell is owned by a certain Death Eater.
Food Tales by max_theWanderer
04/15/2006Fred and George Weasley, owners of Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes and master purveyors are proud to present to you their best and well-told bizarre Weasley food tales for the humor pleasure of everyone from kids to adults. That's right, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls - the food tales fresh from The Burrow in Ottery St. Catchpole! Need to say more? Nuff said!
Cigarettes And Lakeside Conversation by Kate Bolin
05/16/2003What, exactly, do two girls discuss during a lakeside smoke break? Why not everything?
The Week of Preocupied Interests by Emmaline Vaine
10/12/2006One week throught the eyes of everyone. Books, clothing, shoes, and more objests go flying through the air!
A Handful of Dreams by DrArchie
07/31/2007Things won't ever be perfect, but they are looking up.
A Tangled Web We Weave by Emily Carter
06/28/2006This is the diary of Alicia Spinnet. Complete with all the heartaches, heartbreaks, triumphs and failures of her and her friends Katie, Angelina, Fred, George and Lee.
Harry Potter and Susan Bones are Aurors on a stakeout. Following a successful DE raid and arrest, they, um, celebrate their victory.
Mother's Delight by Lady Black
12/08/2005"Every woman, whether born a Black or simply marrying into the family (sometimes both), has worn them on her wedding day."
Puddle-Wonderful by GoldenGardenia
06/26/2008A quiet sixth year at Hogwarts is coming to an end, and unusual weather patterns promise to put pay to what would otherwise be an idyllic summer. During an impromptu Quidditch match, Harry and Draco collide, in the first of a series of events that twist and turn until up is down, back is front, and the distant war is suddenly looming straight ahead.
Preventive Medicine by SnorkackCatcher
11/19/2006Two students visit Madam Pomfrey with an embarrassing problem. The cure may possibly be worse than the disease.
Once Touched by Allison E.L. Cleckler
11/13/2002A fellow Gryffindor remembers her time with Percy Weasley.
Come On Eileen by JoTwo
07/17/2006Everything you wanted to know about Eileen Prince ... but were afraid to ask.
A True Gryffindor by Samiaow
06/07/2011Hogwarts has a new Headmaster and a new regime. Harry Potter, the students' hero, is missing, and someone must step into his shoes. That someone is Neville Longbottom. This is my interpretation of the seventh year at Hogwarts.
A Healer's Touch by Rachael DuBois
01/16/2007Emmeline Vance died a martyr, and Snape was responsible.
The Joys of Apparition by Overhill
06/03/2006"We have a SPLINCH!" "ACCIO floating head" Why do the Heads of House look forward to this class?
Everything Will Be Okay Soon by Grugster
11/22/2008Poppy has the wizard flu and Severus and Minerva are taking care of her. But will someone realize that Severus is in need of help himself?
A Quidditch Kiss by Ali W
11/15/2006A passionate kiss occurs in post Quidditch-victory euphoria.
26 Limericks by Chthonia
12/27/2008A collection of limericks featuring various students, teachers, Death Eaters and others.
The Price of Passion by The Viceroy of Kush
03/26/2009A night of intense passion leaves James Potter and Amelia Zabini in quite the predicament -- seventeen and expecting a little witch or wizard. All too soon, the two teenagers learn that when you play adult games, there are very adult consequences. NextGen.
Not Much To Look At by Islander2
03/30/2007As expected, Harry must spend a week in the Hospital Wing to recover from his final battle with Voldemort. But unexpected is this: Poppy Pomfrey finally realizes that her feelings for this raven-haired boy are stronger than she thought. One-shot.
Putting Away Childish Things by La Reine Noire
03/10/2006Andromeda Tonks reflects, as she visits her family's home for the final time.
Once there were two brothers named Prewett, a girl who died, and a Black who could never be serious...
Marcus Flint and Katie Bell after the Quidditch final.
A rowdy poltergeist, two female Hogwarts students in the prefects' bath, house rivalry and a quietly amused Rowena Ravenclaw... featuring harsh words, not quite so harsh words, and a distinct lack of clothing.
The Photograph by Chonny
02/04/2006The seventh year for the class of 1978 was unforgettable, it was a year of change and a year when boundaries were forgotten, indeed with the explosive Lily and James as heads how could it be anything short of eventful?
Secrets of the Classlist by Grace has Victory
09/14/2008Non-fiction essay about Harry Potter and his 39 classmates. Originally written pre-HBP, this new edition has been revised and corrected in the light of DH canon.
Crystal Potter and the Ancient Power by Crystal Potter
12/16/2005Crystal is Harry's sister. After Dumbledore's death he doesn't trust her and is really mean to her. A sequence of powers and dreams tell her that Harry is going to die in the war, but he doesn't believe her. After a huge argument Crystal falls into the hands of one Draco Malfoy.
Lost Innocence by coppertop1
12/27/2011Tracey Davis is fourteen, and about to learn some hard life lessons.
A Different Sort of Legacy by LoonyLoopyLuna
05/14/2010For Daphne, Draco, Blaise, Pansy, and the rest of the 7th year Slytherins, the prospect of redoing a year of school is almost as desirable as standing trial for war crimes. Enter a different sort of world than Harry's, where money is never lacking and an old circle of friends struggles to stay together in the aftermath of the war.
What Happens in Italy... by Butterfly_Kate
05/23/2008On a trip to the Quidditch World Cup in Rome, Ginny sees Draco for the first time in eight years. To her surprise, a torch she didn't know she was carrying is relit.
Uniform by hellomrdeath
06/05/2007The war is over, Voldemort dead. When Draco returns to Hogwarts, Harry tries to see if his loyalties can really be trusted.
The Dark Star by Fabio P. Barbieri
11/25/2007Mrs. Zabini. Seven young and healthy men have died with her ring on their fingers; and still men fall in love or in lust with her. Listen as she tells her secrets to Albus Dumbledore...
Plan B by Carmen Black
01/17/2006A question has been on the minds of Harry Potter fans everywhere: How will Harry defeat Voldemort? Looking for a theory that's completely illogical, totally improbable, and just plain silly? Here it is.
Neville's summer plans change when he gets a summer job that could make his dreams come true. However trouble arises when he finds out his employer is the sister of Bellatrix Lestrange. But after the war strikes home he finds himself getting to know the Tonks family much better and a mystery surround his own family is unearthed.