1 - 20 of 50 Stories
Letters by little_bird
06/11/2011A series of letters by different characters...
Some Perfect World by Crikkita
07/15/2008Draco wants a rematch, Hermione wants some answers, Ron wants things back the way they were, and Harry just wants a good night's sleep. A coming-out tale in the life of a famous young wizard, complete with meddling professors, 'fowl' play, first love, and some truly excellent friends.
Making Mistakes by little_bird
05/09/2009The events leading to the birth of Albus Severus Potter.
Rose Among the Thorns by RhianEnchanted
06/02/2010After giving everything to save the wizarding world they thought they could finally live their lives. They were wrong. Now they've got to make the best of it. An alternate take on the traditional Marriage Law.
Four Weddings and a Funeral by Anton Mickawber
07/04/2005School is finished, the battles are over, and it's time to get on with the future. (Sequel story cycle to The Weasley Family Picnic: Tossing Apples, Tea, Time, Toi and Twins.)
Nest of Vipers by Inara
07/26/2007In a world where Voldemort triumphed, Hermione Granger and Charlie Weasley, the sole survivors of Dumbledore's legacy, face the greatest of all crises that threatens the very core of their self-identities. Both find that they must struggle to maintain the hunger that motivates all that they fight for...even it if means joining their enemies.
Nightdress by little_bird
12/08/2007Birthdays are always a big event in the Weasley family.
Smear by ReverseBeauty
10/04/2009When anger leads to one reckless night with a familiar person, Ginny realizes she is in over her head.
Here Be Dragons by shosier
11/15/2011As a little boy, Charlie Weasley cultivated a passion for dragons. But that little boy had no way of knowing where that passion would take him in life. These are Charlie's adventures – the ones only hinted at in canon. My story consists of vignettes of Charlie's life, with emphasis on those rare, brief moments when JKR mentioned him in passing, and few other gaps filled in.
Here, There, and Everywhere by Sweet-Lemmon
08/22/2007After five years away, Hermione returns to Britain with a shocking surprise. And Harry won't like it.
Of Dogs and Dragons by Labby
11/06/2008In the Muggle town of Newberry, veterinarian Emilia Reynolds, is mystified by a sudden streak of dog killings. When Charlie Weasley comes into town to try to capture the unknown threat, both of them learn more about life and love than they ever expected.
Tossing Apples by Anton Mickawber
12/04/2004Charlie and Ginny go out walking, after midnight, thinking about their babies... and talking (seriously) about first times.... ``H/G, Charlie/Tonks. First chapter of The Weasley Family Picnic
It Happened One-Night Stand by Miroslav
01/19/2006When Marcus Flint and Percy Weasley agree to a verbal contract in which they would have a one-night stand and then never speak of it again, secret crushes are revealed and both their lives are changed forever (Slash, Marcus/Percy)
Under a Dragon Moon by Wemyss
04/26/2009The sequel to the AT-housed
Retrospection by Gwendolyn
01/31/2005Susy Blake travels to London on business and finds more than she was expecting. Part One of "Shadows on the Autumn Moon".
Silly Things That Might Happen by Muthru
07/21/2007Five one-shots about silly things that might happen.
Uncovering the Past by Silver Eagle
02/20/2006It's Hermione and Ron's wedding day, but Arthur Weasley and Julia Granger reveal a secret that ruins the big day completely. But they aren't the only ones with a secret that could wreck their lives. One Shot
Who I Remember He Was by Sabrina
02/09/2004After fifth year Harry loses his memories and is found by Charlie Weasley. Why doesn't he return Harry to the Burrow or Hogwarts?
A Bedtime Story by emiime
01/13/2007Arthur Weasley tells his six sons a bedtime story.
The Giant Laughed, the Centaur Cried by DrT
05/16/2007A silly one-shot, as Remus tells the story of how Harry and Ginny got engaged at Harry's Bachelor Party.
The Wrong Weasley by Sukie
11/07/2007Ron did not enjoy Bill and Fleur's wedding. It made him feel sicker than that time when he accidentally mistook those aspirin for Acid Pops. So when a combination of animal lust and too much vodka leads him to find Harry and one of his siblings in his bed, his reaction isn't exactly understanding. Sexual humour and weird, slashy pairings afoot! Written before DH.
What Is Love? by crazy4malfoy
09/24/2007Hermione is in an abusive relationship with her boyfriend, Ron. What happens when Ginny tries to help her best friend out? Hermione/Sirius and Ginny/Remus
A Dragon-Sized Problem by Sabrina
01/12/2005Charlie is called to Hogwarts because a dragon has settled into the Forbidden Forest. And where did Harry disappear to? Mild Harry/Charlie slash.
Nym by SarcasticMyth
07/11/2007In the tumultuous years that follow Harry Potter's defeat of Lord Voldemort, Nymphadora Tonks is sent to live with family friends at The Burrow. It is there that she meets and befriends Charlie Weasley, creating a bond that will last throughout her life....
All witches and wizards display pre-training talent in the magical field. Harry made strange things happen all the time - finding himself on the school roof, setting the snake loose.... Even wizards who have grown up in the wizarding world experience such happenstances. Grab your helmets, ladies and gentlemen, because here come the Weasley twins!
Black Magic by Nundu
03/15/2007A box of chocolates on a warm summer day. Add in some Weasleys and a little dark (chocolate) magic is inevitable.
Damsel in Distress by ColtonGirl
10/21/2006Charlie Weasley takes Ron, Harry and Hermione to Romania over the summer to visit the dragon caves, but the vacation turns into a complete fiasco when Hermione finds herself in a very hot situation.
Goes Without Saying by ReverseBeauty
03/04/2010When Ginny returns home after months of work she sees that many things are different and, unable to cope, she flees from the Burrow. What she doesn't know is that things in her own life are about to take an interesting turn when she runs into Draco Malfoy.
Lessons Well Learned by Phantom Puppet
03/05/2005Alone in Romania with nothing but memories, Charlie thinks of his brother.
Charmed by Quidditch Star
03/11/2006Tonks didn't understand how it happened so quickly. They were together, she and Charlie, for the first time in five years. Then her world came crashing down. But bloodthirsty Death Eaters, mass destruction, and a lingering guilt over Sirius can only bring them closer together. Perhaps.
Denouement by Tangelo Licker
08/05/2007They had won, hadn't they? Angelina's not so sure. Fred/Angelina. One-shot. Angst.
Christmas Gifts by Ravenpuff
03/08/2008The Weasleys are surprised when Charlie shows up on Christmas Eve--and even more surprised by the guest he brings along. A sequel to "Dragonfire and Moonglow."
Charming Charlie by caity_es_moi
10/26/2006Charlie Weasley has always lived a lonely life. When a strange girl enters into it, will his whole world change? Join Charlie in an adventure through romance-land, including dragons, beaches, trolls, and more.
My Mother is a Fish by Acacia Dion
05/29/2006Molly Weasley is dead. Her children remain. What more's to be said Except words of pain?
Dragonfire and Moonglow by Ravenpuff
02/01/2008On a cold winter's night in Romania, Charlie Weasley gets a surprise visit from a near-stranger. Even more surprising, Looney Lovegood makes almost as much sense to Charlie as one of his beloved Romanian Horntails.
The Strength in the Wild by Crzyangelchic
01/17/2006Voldemort reigns and is now slowly but surely ridding his wizarding world of those with "dirtied blood". Many have fled to the mountains, Angelina being one of them. She and her band of followers come across dangers they have no clue of overcoming. Help arrives with Charlie Weasley, one of the few Weasley members left, and together they must find a way to restore order in a now dying world filled with evil. Charlie x Angelina fic
A Week at Dragon Park by WannabeaPotter
11/23/2006When Charlie Weasley takes his nieces to a Muggle park to see a dragon themed play structure, he finds more than just slides and swings. What can happen over a week while visiting the same park and the same woman? A lot.
Heart In Hand by Lady Tourmaline
04/05/2007After graduating from Hogwarts, Cho Chang didn't know what to do with her life. She was broke, she was friendless, and her emotions were a mess. She's never been anything but a burden, and her chances to do the right thing slip through her fingers like sand through a sieve. When opportunity stares Cho in the face in the form of the Order of the Phoenix, though, she's willing to risk everything for a chance at self acceptance and her dreams of a better day.
Giving One Thousand Percent by Thanfiction
08/24/2008Ten Weasleys. One hundred words each. A family like no other.
A Dartmoor Eclogue by Wemyss
05/25/2009Many years after the War, Harry is chivvied into seeking out the last of the elder Potters, with some unlikely companions. Of course, the Fates have inventive ways of buggering up his life, particularly on mysterious Dartmoor.
Percy's Bachelor Party by shosier
07/10/2009Percy is understandably leery at the prospect of a bachelor party planned by George. The latest of the Weasley brothers to marry, Percy asks them all a question burning in his mind during a serious moment: how did you know she was "the one"? A one-shot companion to George & Annie: an Unofficial Biography. George/OC, all other ships canon compliant.
Compulsive by Bren
08/30/2005When Charlie was young, Ollivander captivated him with wands. As Charlie grew, so did his love of wands. Dragons got in the way. Charlie-centric one-shot, explaining why Charlie gave Ron a wand with its core sticking out.
Ties That Bind by Ravenpuff
09/23/2008All Luna and Charlie want to do is study dragons--and each other. Molly Weasley's attitude toward Luna is a pain, but Xenophilius Lovegood's mysterious memory loss causes real problems for two people who just want to be together.
The Last Lotus Blossom by Ai
04/20/2007Cho Chang has come to work on the same dragon reserve as Charlie Weasley, and they soon become more to each other than "just one of the guys." But when their innocuous crushes turn into something deeper than love, a shocking twist occurs in their romance and Cho learns that the things we most wish to forget will haunt us the longest. WARNING: Quite sad.
Nothing Says 'I'm Sorry' Like a Tuna Casserole by Kiscico
12/17/2008Take that, Voldemort, Charlie thought as he viciously stabbed a stray piece of tuna. Charlie receives a note from his father after the events of the Triwizard Tournament, and isn't quite sure how to handle the news. He reacts the only way he knows how... with tuna casserole.
Dracopedia by Sabrina
01/12/2005How Charlie fell in love with his job.
Dreaming by pumpkinpastie
09/27/2006She can feel it inside, beating against her ribs like a heavy, black heart. It's strong and steady, her lifeline, and she can't help but think to herself how cruel it is that this war, this god-awful beast that has taken her life, has become the very thing keeping her alive.
The Birthday Party by Rita A. Black
05/04/2009Charlie Weasley's been invited to a girl's birthday party, and it looks like he might just be part of the prize.
Redemption by Rita A. Black
05/05/2009Ronald Weasley went through a rather bleak period after Fred's death. He thought that running away was his only option. This story is about where he went and what he did. After almost three years away from his family, he makes decisions that will change his life forever.
The Midnight Watch by Kerichi
01/07/2009It started with a Christmas visit and his father's question. "If you patrol during the day, who takes the night watch?" Charlie's search for an answer leads to his discovery of a nocturnal keeper named Nadia...and a thirteenth use for dragons' blood. *Complete*