Tangelo Licker

Staring by Tangelo Licker

Harry has a bit of a staring problem. One day in detention, a certain person notices. SLASH H/D

Words: 2,280
Chapters: 1
Hits: 329
Unnoticed by Tangelo Licker

I love you...but I go unnoticed. I love you, but you do``not love me. I love you, but you do not know my name." When someone loves a person, what really happens to their mind when that goes unnoticed? Meet Ginny, a well-adjusted girl. Meet Draco, a snobby, selfish, arrogant jerk. Things are not what they seem, people are not who they say, and depression is a very common thing in one lonely girl's room.

Words: 2,139
Chapters: 3
Hits: 750