Crystal Potter and the Ancient Power

Crystal Potter

Story Summary:
Crystal is Harry's sister. After Dumbledore's death he doesn't trust her and is really mean to her. A sequence of powers and dreams tell her that Harry is going to die in the war, but he doesn't believe her. After a huge argument Crystal falls into the hands of one Draco Malfoy.

Chapter 01


Crystal Potter is Harry Potter's younger sister. She is the girl who lived. The entire magical world focused their attention on Harry because he was found in the rubble first. Some kind of blue magic carried her away and into a home built just for her. Her story is the one we should have focused on. Crystal didn't live with the Dursleys.

She lived on her own in the middle of a forest.

Professor Severus Snape, who taught potions at Hogwarts, sometimes visited her she unlike Harry, had grown up with magic.

She lived with a unicorn who she called Snowy. She always wanted to meet her brother and to find out what had happened to her parents.

The only thing she had inherited from her mother was a blue diamond necklace and a magical book called the book of light. Crystal hadn't been able to read the book because some kind of magic was protecting, it. Crystal could remember the time when her mother gave the necklace to her.


It was a dark night. The stars were out that night and unusually bright. Lily looked out towards the stars still cradling Crystal her most beloved daughter. James came out to meet his wife.

"Harry's asleep. I think it's Crystal's bed time, as well."

"Danger comes tonight. I fear our lives are in danger. We may die, tonight." Lily's green eyes were scared.

"Lily, there is no way that Peter is going to betray us." Suddenly the room glowed red.

"Oh my God. He's here. Lily you will have to take Harry and Crystal I will hold him off. Go to Dumbledore."

"But James..." Her next words were cut off when James' lips crashed onto hers. Lily grabbed Harry and went down the secret stairs which were placed encase of emergencies and hid when someone went through.

With Crystal and Harry with her she froze when she heard the two dreaded words of Wizard kind.

"Avada Kedavra." Her heart hammered against her chest. James was dead.

She hurried down the corridor and into the secret room. She put Harry and Crystal onto the bed. She took her blue diamond necklace off and placed it on Crystal who giggled. Lily's eyes were brimming with tears.

She muttered a strange incantation before saying.

"I love you my darlings and I wish this would never have happened. Now my spell is complete. You both will live full lives. Crystal you will know of your destiny soon and I..." Her next words were broke off when there was a crash and Lily looked away and to the intruder. Her eyes full of hate.


**********************End memory********************

That was all Crystal could remember. Crystal had blue eyes and red hair

(Not as bright as the Weasleys' but as Lily's).She was also 15. She had a beautiful blue diamond necklace.

"Snowy!" she called. "Time to go riding" She was answered by a neigh.

As soon as Snowy came in view Crystal saw that Snowy had a huge gash on her front right leg.

"Stupid Nifflers," Crystal muttered darkly as she ran to her friend.

"Come here so I can heal you." She placed her hands over the unicorns' leg and a blue glow emitted from Crystal hands. Snowys' leg was healed in no time.

Snowy was a unicorn that has been Crystal's loyal companion since she came to the forest. Snowy neighed gratefully.

"Those are quite amazing healing powers you have Miss Potter," An unfamiliar voice said behind Crystal.

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