- Rating:
- R
- House:
- Riddikulus
- Characters:
- Draco Malfoy Harry Potter
- Genres:
- Romance Humor
- Era:
- Multiple Eras
- Spoilers:
- Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
- Stats:
Published: 05/14/2004Updated: 01/04/2005Words: 114,843Chapters: 29Hits: 563,518
Dragon Tamer
- Story Summary:
- Desperate to avoid an arranged marriage, Draco convinces Harry to pretend to be his boyfriend. What follows is an epic romantic comedy involving scheming, snogging, silliness, shagging, snarky boys, superstars, singing, shagging, snuggling, secrets, sex gods, shagging, and a bunny named Draco Lucius Malfoy the Third. HD SLASH (and how!).
Chapter 01
05/14/2004To avoid an arranged marriage, Draco gets Harry to be his boyfriend. Outrageously shallow plot? Check. Superstar!Harry and Draco behaving badly? You bet. Absolute mayhem and craziness? Oh yes. Pack your compass, because it’s a wild ride. Slash.
Chapter 02
05/27/2004So Draco's got a desperate plan...is Harry going to go along with it?
Chapter 03
06/06/2004At Lucius Malfoy's insistence, Harry and Draco announce their "relationship" to Hogwarts.
Chapter 04
06/10/2004Harry and Draco go to Hogsmeade. Includes reporters, makeovers, and butterbeer.
Chapter 05
06/10/2004Harry and Draco go to Hogsmeade. Includes reporters, makeovers, and butterbeer. Part 2.
Chapter 07
06/28/2004Harry and Draco hang out in Gryffindor tower. There will be chess, more snogging, shirtless boys and Draco getting into trouble.
Chapter 10
07/22/2004Did Draco really sleep with Oliver? And what's going to happen with Harry and Seamus? Read on to find out who ends up in "Snog City"!
Chapter 11
08/02/2004The chapter in which we find out just what, exactly, Draco told Harry's fan club, and what, exactly, they did with that information.
Chapter 12
08/05/2004Draco decides to get a bit of revenge on Harry for his prank the night before.
Chapter 13
08/05/2004A daring rescue by Hogwart's resident Prince Charming, and um...sex.
Chapter 15
08/08/2004Sex, fluffy bunny rabbits, and Draco singing Madonna. And I'm dead serious here.
Chapter 18
09/15/2004Harry and Draco have found the solution to their problem...but then Harry overhears something very troubling. But did he really hear what he thought he heard?
Chapter 19
09/15/2004The second half of the Truth or Dare game...and what Draco does when he finds out what's really going on.
Chapter 20
09/21/2004What happens when Boys Who Lived are shagged silly. World, meet Diva!Harry.
Chapter 21
09/21/2004Harry has to face up to the consequences of his actions, and we learn something rather interesting about Lucius.
Chapter 22
09/21/2004Harry and Draco stumble into something unexpected, and the Dark Lord makes an appearance.
Chapter 27
09/21/2004A grounded Harry and Draco shag like bunnies, and the man-bag carrying Dark Lord makes an appearance.
Chapter 28
01/04/2005Models, man-bags, and pretty blue punch....the party gets going.
Chapter 29
01/04/2005The LAST CHAPTER of Dragon Tamer! How will the madness ever end?