Draco Malfoy Harry Potter
Romance Humor
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 05/14/2004
Updated: 01/04/2005
Words: 114,843
Chapters: 29
Hits: 563,518

Dragon Tamer


Story Summary:
Desperate to avoid an arranged marriage, Draco convinces Harry to pretend to be his boyfriend. What follows is an epic romantic comedy involving scheming, snogging, silliness, shagging, snarky boys, superstars, singing, shagging, snuggling, secrets, sex gods, shagging, and a bunny named Draco Lucius Malfoy the Third. HD SLASH (and how!).

Chapter 06

Chapter Summary:
Gorgeous Harry, drooling Seamus, and jealous Draco.
Author's Note:
The same warnings I give every chapter: This is a slashy Harry/Draco romantic comedy that's rated R for a reason. Take note: BOYS KISSING. You've been warned.


Dragon Tamer

Chapter 6: GQ Wizard


The next morning, Harry finally awoke to discover that his dorm room was empty.

"Bugger," he thought absently to himself, glancing at the clock next to the bed. He had slept in and it looked like he had missed breakfast. Needless to say, it had taken him a long time to fall asleep the night before, unable as he was to get the sensation of kissing Draco to leave his mind. Even once he finally did fall asleep, his dreams had all focused around a certain blonde-haired Slytherin, and they had not been the sort of dreams one was normally accustomed to having about their arch-rivals.

Harry groaned, remembering one particularly racy scene involving Malfoy and the table at the Three Broomsticks. He shook his head, trying to clear his mind, but it was futile. Alright, Harry, you're going to have to get in control of yourself here. He had every intention of taking every opportunity he had to snog the Slytherin, but he knew if he didn't get some kind of handle on his hormones he might take their snog sessions a little too far, in which case Draco would probably kill him.

Harry sighed, and decided to spend the morning flying. At least I can work off some of this excess energy. Besides, I can try flying with my new contacts. He grabbed his Firebolt and some random clothes that Draco had bought for him the day before, and set off for the Quidditch pitch, intent on working out until Draco was the farthest thing from his mind.


Lunch time rolled around at Hogwarts, and Draco was annoyed to find himself watching the doors of the Great Hall. He ostensibly told himself that he wasn't really watching for Harry, he was just doing a convincing acting job. Surely it was natural for someone to wonder where their boyfriend had been all morning?

The kisses from the day before were still on Draco's mind as well, and when he closed his eyes hould almost feel Harry's lips on his. The memory made him want to find Harry and shove him up against the nearest wall, but Draco refrained, as he (being a Malfoy and all) was a master of self control. He never thought his skills would come in handy when he was trying to keep himself from ravishing his sworn enemy. Not sure that's exactly what my father had in mind when teaching me to exert self-control at all times, he thought wryly. Then again, it was a little scary how close Harry made him come to losing that precious self-control, which of course would lead to Draco's hands traveling to very inappropriate places on Harry's body, which of course would lead to total disaster when Harry retaliated by beating the living daylights out of him.

At least this way I get to snog him and he thinks it's just one big act. Things will be fine as long as he doesn't know I like it. Draco absently munched on a roll, thinking about Harry, and vaguely listening to a riveting conversation between Crabbe and Goyle about flobberworms. He then heard a collective gasp from all the students around him, and instinctively looked up to the doors of the Great Hall.

Harry Potter had just walked in, and Draco felt his mouth drop open. Draco figured Harry must have been out flying, because he had that 'just exercised' look and his hair was still wet from the shower. Hring khaki cargo pants and a tight green shirt that matched his eyes perfectly and showed off every muscle on his torso. Without his glasses, Draco could see the color of his eyes from the Slytherin table.

The entire Great Hall was staring at him, many trying not to drool. Harry, having just grabbed clothes at random and having not even bothered to look in the mirror before leaving the Quidditch locker room and heading to the Great Hall, had no idea that he looked any different. Besides that, he had grown so accustomed to being stared at that he now tuned it out, and was completely oblivious to the reactions of everyone around him. He walked over to the Gryffindor table, took his regular seat by Ron and Hermione and started piling food onto his plate.

Draco felt his mouth go dry. Due to the kisses from yesterday, he had completely forgotten that he had spent most of the day making Harry over. He had known Harry was going to look better once he cleaned him up, but he hadn't been expecting this. He heard the whispers around him, and to his surprise he noticed that even the Slytherins were blatantly checking Harry out.

"Damn, Draco, you are one lucky bird," Millicent Bullstrode was saying next to him, having kept her eyes on Harry from the moment he walked into the Great Hall.

"Yeah, your boyfriend's hot enough to almost make me see straight," Pansy smirked.

Boyfriend? What the...Draco, whose mind had stopped functioning when Harry walked into the room, suddenly remembered that the sex god that just waltzed on in was supposed to be his boyfriend. He briefly felt a sort of smug satisfaction as he glanced around the Great Hall at everyone lusting after Harry, but that satisfaction quickly changed into a very different sort of emotion as he found himself angry and irritated with everyone who was currently drooling over Harry. He decided he didn't want all these other people checking out his boyfriend. He was completely unperturbed by the fact that Harry wasn't actually his boyfriend - he was a Malfoy, and as such figured he had every right to be possessive.

Draco sent a very irritated scowl to the entire Slytherin table, and actually managed to cow all of the younger students into guiltily averting theieyes from the Gryffindor table. His friends, however, ignored him. Pansy, Blaise and Millicent continued to stare at Harry and make lascivious comments, and even Crabbe and Goyle seemed to have jumped on the Harry Potter bandwagon, sending him longing looks, and causing Draco several bad mental images which would unfortunately be with him a very long time.

"God, Harry is such a fox. I can see those eyes from here. Mind if I borrow him?" Blaise was staring openly at Harry, licking his lips, and Draco was not happy with this.

"Yes, as a matter of fact, I do. Leave him alone, he's mine." Draco was glaring icily at Blaise, who spent had spent too long as Draco's boyfriend to be even the slightest bit intimidated.

"Fine, you always were the jealous type. If you won't share him though, at least share details. How is he in bed? I bet he's bloody amazing."

"I patently refuse to share any details with you because I know they will inevitably fuel some twisted, kinky fantasy of yours. Now all of you, sod off and stop drooling over my boyfriend!" Draco was getting very upset, and was about to pull out his wand and start hexing his housemates when Harry looked up from the Gryffindor table, grinned at him, then sent him a wink and a kiss. Much to his chagrin, Draco nearly melted. Frustrated noises were heard around the Great Hall as everyone else remembered that the young Adonis at the Gryffindor table was indeed spoken for. Draco merely nodded back at Harry, but he felt his heart flutter in a very un-Malfoyish way, and he sternly reprimanded himself. Draco, honestly, stop being such a girl. It's just Potter. Still, he couldn't completely hold back the grin that was playing around his lips.

Meanwhile, at the Gryffindor table, Harry was happily eating his lunch, unaware as always of the effect he was having on other people. His friends were giving him strange looks. Hermione eyed him warily.

"Umm, Harry?"


"What happened to you?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, you look...well, you look...very...nice. Especially your eyes." Hermione found herself blushing a little at the statement. Next to her, Ginny nodded emphatically. Ron scowled at the two of them.

Harry shrugged. "Blame Malfoy."

"He did this? He - gave you a makeover?"

"Yeah, basically. New clothes, new haircut, new contacts, the works. It was like having my very own personal Fab Five rolled into one cranky little blonde."

Hermione laughed. Ron looked confused. "Fab Five? I don't get it, mate."

"It's a reference to a muggle TV show, Ron - Queer Eye for the Straight Guy? Ring any bells? No?" Hermione tutted. "Honestly, Ron, you should take Muggle Studies, if for nothing else then to learn to appreciate more of our jokes."

Ron just rolled his eyes. Ginny, however, leaned in a little closer to Harry. "He did a good job on you, Harry. You look absolutely fantastic. I had no idea you were hiding that body under your robes." At her words, Harry's cheeks flushed.

"Ginny!" Ron was scandalized.

"She has a point, Ron. I mean, the entire Great Hall has not stopped staring at Harry since he walked in."

"What? Don't be ridiculous," Harry protested at Hermione's words.

"Oh, Harry, don't be so naïve. It's true, just look around you." Harry obliged, and was very shocked. Students from every table were indeed eyeing him as if he were some new kind of chocolate from Honeyduke's. Alarmed, he blushed crimson and slunk down in his seat, trying to hide under the table.

Ginny gave Ron a smug look. "There, you see Ron? Now, honestly, he's like my brother. I can tell him he looks good. Besides, he doesn't even like girls, so what's the big deal? I can't have him anyway." Ron opened his mouth to protest, but a voice from above cutt>

"Lucky for me, I'm not a girl, then, eh Harry?" Seamus Finnigan joined their group, sitting down next to Harry. "Maybe I can still have you." Seamus had pulled Harry upright, and was looking him up and down and not bothering to hide it. "You can't hide under the table Harry, your adoring public wants to see you, and that includes me. I personally have to wonder how I shared a dorm with you all these years and you managed to hide this body."

Harry, who seemed to have lost his voice as a direct result of all the stares he was trying to avoid, was looking at Seamus a little wide eyed. "Seamus, knock it off, you're embarrassing Harry." Dean Thomas was now joining their group.

Seamus was completely unabashed. "I know. I like making Harry blush. It's adorable." At these words, Harry's blush deepened, and he slouched again, trying desperately to seek refuge back under the table.

Dean rolled his eyes. "Come on now, I came over here because Lavender and Parvati will not shut up about Harry, but now that I'm here, I actually think Seamus is worse."

"Oh please, Dean, don't even try to tell me you're not sweating over Harry's gorgeous body."

"Maybe Thomas here remembers that Harry's gorgeous body currently belongs to someone else." The group of Gryffindors looked up to find a seething Draco Malfoy standing over their group. He had his arms crossed over his chest and looked very cross indeed.

Draco had been watching the scene with the Gryffindors from across the hall, and he had decided that, pretend boyfriend or not, while he was extremely irritated with his Slytherin posse for drooling over Harry and making lewd comments, he was even less happy with how Finnigan was blatantly making a pass at Harry. Never being one to really bother to hide his displeasure, he had marched over to the Gryffindor table to tell Seamus off.

Under Draco's icy stare, Seamus had the grace to look a little sheepish. For the first time in his life, Harry was actually relived to see Draco Malfoy. He was not accustomed to being an object of desire, and he was incredibly sick of blushing. Not to mention that Harry found this angry, possessive Draco oddly appealing. Taking the opportunity to steal a good look at Draco's slightly flushed cheeks and glowing eyes he felt images from the previous nights dreams crash unbidden into his mind, and felt his cheeks begin to burn for an entirely different reason.

Draco took a seat on Harry's free side and wrapped his arms around Harry's waist possessively, maintaining his glare at Seamus. He was incensed that the other boy would have the gall to flirt with his boyfriend so shamelessly. Obviously, he wasn't familiar with Seamus Finnigan, who merely shrugged and decided to bide his time until Harry was alone. Taking a moment to take his first good look at Harry, Draco congratulated himself on a job well done. Harry really was gorgeous. But then, you've always known he was gorgeous.

He turned to Harry. "I missed you a. Were you out flying?"

Harry looked slightly startled. "Yeah, I was. I was trying out the new contacts you gave me. They're absolutely brilliant, by the way, I owe you a huge thank you." Draco mentally stored that promise away for future use. "But how did you know where I was?"

"I'm your boyfriend," he enunciated the word with a pointed look at Seamus, "I know these things. Like I know that you look amazing right now," Draco said to Harry, doing a very convincing job of acting like a loving, caring boyfriend. To his never-ending frustration, Harry felt his cheeks turn pink again - honestly, he was just going to get a freaking paintbrush and paint them permanently red, do the job properly. Draco, to his own frustration, albeit a different kind, found that Harry's inclination to blush only made him cuter. Apparently Seamus thought so too, because Draco saw him watching Harry again out of the corner of his eye. Needless to say Draco was not happy, but he had no intention of letting all his jealousy go to waste - he'd be damned if he wasn't going to get a snog out of this.

"Don't I get a kiss hello?" he said playfully to Harry, having no idea that Harry was currently racking his own brains to come up with a good reason to engage in some serious Draco action. Harry was elated at Draco's words and didn't even bother to answer him, he just reached out and pulled Draco against his lips. If Draco was startled he didn't show it; instead he reacted by opening his mouth and running his hands up Harry's arms and down his back, enjoying the feel of hard Quidditch muscles under his touch. Harry reacted with a stifled moan and a shudder, and buried his hands in Draco's unbearably soft, blonde hair.

There were some assorted noises from the Great Hall around them, ranging from moans of jealousy to gasps of shock, but just as the day before in the Three Broomsticks the two boys were unaware of anything past each other. Draco was really getting into it, enjoying the feeling of Harry's extremely talented tongue against his own and wondering how Harry would react if he starting sucking on his neck with abandon, when a voice crashed into their dream, bringing them back to reality.

"Five points from Gryffindor for that outrageous display, Potter." The two boys broke apart to find Snape staring down at them and giving them a Look. "And five points from Slytherin for having the indecency to snog a Gryffindor." who had been scandalized at the strange turn of events that the boy's relationship had taken, was now decidedly amused at the twin glares he was receiving from Potter and Malfoy. He merely smirked at them, and turned and left in a billow of robes.

Draco and Harry looked around to find most of the Great Hall staring at them with a mixture of jealousy and lust, especially Ginny and Seamus, who had watched the whole thing up close and personal. The big exceptions were Hermione, who looked vaguely horrified, and Ron, who looked completely horrified, especially due to the fact that Harry had initiated the kiss. Draco shot Ron a wicked smirk.

"Like that, did you, Weasley? Gives you something nice and racy to think about in your more private moments besides Grang - " Harry promptly clapped a hand over Draco's mouth.

"Quiet, you. Stop taunting Ron." Keeping one hand firmly over Draco's mouth, he looked at his fellow Gryffindors. "So what are we doing this afternoon?"

"Hhhrrmmph...mmrtt mrree ggmrph" A series of unintelligible murmuring was coming from Draco's mouth, but Harry kept his hand firmly in place. "Dean, Seamus, Ginny? It's gorgeous out. What should we do?"

"Football?" Dean Thomas, who was muggle born, was a huge football fan and had taught most of Gryffindor tower how to play. Harry beamed.

"Perfect. You guys all in?" Draco's eyes became very wide and he started sputtering against Harry's hand. The assorted Gryffindors, even Hermione, nodded, and Dean left to go get the football from his room. Harry turned to Draco. "Let's go, I'll explain the rules on our way out." Against his better judgment he took his hand off Draco's mouth.

Draco promptly started yelling at him. "Harry, football is a muggle game!"

Harry looked at him nonchalantly. "And?"

"You can't possibly expect me to play a muggle game! I'm a pure-blood wizard! And a Malfoy! And a -"

"Malfoy, shut up. Let's go." And he dragged the protesting Slytherin kicking and screaming outside to play muggle football with a group of very amused Gryffindors.


Draco would never admit it to anyone, ever, not in his entire life, but he had had fun playing football with the Gryffindors. Of course he pretended disdain and irritation at the lack of broomsticks and magic, but when it came down to it football was a very fun game, and he had turned out to be quite good at it. Besides that, for the first time he haa sport on Harry's team, and between the two of them they had soundly beaten the other team.

He was now on his way to Gryffindor tower, of all bloody places, to do homework with Harry and company. I must be crazy. I'm willingly hanging out with Gryffindors. Oh, the horror. Draco knew what he was doing, though. He was planning on snogging Harry some more. That boy could kiss, and Draco would gladly have put up with an entire herd of Gryffindors for a chance at some more action from Harry.

He was walking down a little used corridor when he became aware of footsteps behind him. Before he could react he felt someone grab his arm and whirl him around. Draco's stomach fell into his feet when he realized he was face to face with Terry Boot in a deserted corridor.

"Draco, how nice to see you."

"Get your funds off me, Boot."

"Tsk, tsk. And here I would have thought going out with the famous Gryffindor Golden Boy would have taught you some manners."

"I'm warning you, Boot. Get your hands off me."

"Why, Draco? You never used to mind my hands on you. In fact, if I remember correctly, you used to like it a lot."

Draco was trembling mostly with fury, but a little in terror. Boot had probably five inches and forty pounds on Draco, and Draco wasn't fooling himself on who would win a physical scuffle between them. From past experience, he already knew the answer. He went for his wand.

Boot grabbed his arms and pinned them behind his back. "Really, Draco, you don't need your wand. I'm just here to talk. To find out the truth behind your relationship with Potter."

"What are you talking about?"

"I know you, Draco. You would never go for Potter. I don't believe you'd ever go out with him. And maybe you can fool your father and the entire school, but you can't fool me." He leaned in and whispered in Draco's ear. "You can't fool someone who loves you."

Draco glared up at him. "Fuck you, Boot." He struggled to break out of Terry's grasp. Terry held him tighter.

"It doesn't have to be like this, Draco. Why don't you just give in? I know you want me, not Potter. I can see it in your eyes." Terry was staring a very hungry look in his eyes, and Draco felt a moment of real panic and closed his eyes to avoid the look in Terry's.

"Get your hands off him. NOW." Draco's eyes popped open, and he felt relief and gratitude surge through him. Harry Potter was standing next to Boot, wand pointed straight at his head, his green eyes shining with fury.

Boot immediately released Draco. A furious Harry Potter was not something that any student at Hogwarts ever wanted to deal with. "Um, Harry, what a pleasant surprise!"

"Shut the fuck up, Boot. What the hell did you think you were doing to Draco?" Harry did not lower his wand. Terry gulped and stuttered, fear obvious in his eyes.

Draco gave him a nasty glare. "Terry here doesn't believe you're really my boyfriend. He was trying to...persuade

"Really." Harry was still starting Terry straight in the eyes, wand pointed at his head. "Sorry, Boot, but I'm afraid you're out of luck. Draco is my boyfriend. And I think you should know that I take very good care of the people close to me. I'm not in the habit of letting anyone hurt them."

"Potter, look, I-"

"Shut up and listen. This is your lucky day. I'm letting you off with a warning. But I promise you, if you ever attempt to get at Draco again, I'll make you wish you were dead. Now get out of here before I change my mind." He didn't need to tell Terry twice before he took off running down the corridor.

Harry turned back to Draco. "You alright?"

Draco let out a slightly shuddery breath. "Yeah. Stupid bastard." He and Harry began walking down the corridor in the direction of Gryffindor tower. "Thanks for the save there, Potter. I think you scared the hell out of Boot." Harry just shrugged.

"The one major upside of being the Boy-Who-Lived and fighting Voldemort all those sodding times. People are terrified of you."

Draco gave him a wry grin. "How did you find me?"

Harry hesitated for a moment. There were two reasons - one, he had been a little concerned that Draco didn't know the way to Gryffindor Tower. The second, however, was that several of the Gryffindors, most notably Seamus, had been flirting very shamelessly with Harry, and Harry, still not completely comfortable with his newfound sex god status, had made the excuse that he needed to go find Draco and took off running. However, he cringed at the thought of explaining it, thinking that it im sound arrogant, so he settled for just the first part.

"You were taking a long time, and I was worried you didn't know the way, so I went looking for you." Draco had a feeling there was more to it, but didn't question Harry. He simply nodded and they continued walking to Gryffindor tower, each lost in thoughts of the other.


Author notes: Right, so it's now blantantly obvious that I watch too much Queer Eye, but I love Gorgeous!Harry and Jealous!Draco, I really do. Anyway, I would very very much like to thank everyone who has taken the time to read and review this story so far. Your reviews are so awesome and encouraging, and I'm really glad that's you're enjoying the story!

Seriously, thank you so much for reading and reviewing! You are all awesome!