Draco Malfoy Harry Potter
Romance Humor
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 05/14/2004
Updated: 01/04/2005
Words: 114,843
Chapters: 29
Hits: 563,518

Dragon Tamer


Story Summary:
Desperate to avoid an arranged marriage, Draco convinces Harry to pretend to be his boyfriend. What follows is an epic romantic comedy involving scheming, snogging, silliness, shagging, snarky boys, superstars, singing, shagging, snuggling, secrets, sex gods, shagging, and a bunny named Draco Lucius Malfoy the Third. HD SLASH (and how!).

Chapter 13

Chapter Summary:
A daring rescue by Hogwart's resident Prince Charming, and um...sex.
Author's Note:
I realize the last chapter ended on a cliffhanger - but here you go! Here's the next chapter right away, so don't worry.


Dragon Tamer

Chapter 13: My Hero


Harry said his goodnights to his friends and made his way back to his room from the Gryffindor common room, still very annoyed with Draco. Honestly, what the hell was the blonde's problem? He wasn't mad about Draco's little revenge scheme, Merlin knows he had enough Slytherin in him to handle something like that. In fact, he fully intended to get Draco back for all his evil plotting. No, he was annoyed that Draco's jealousy had caused him to blame Harry for a situation that wasn't his fault at all.

Harry sighed and flopped down on his bed. He wanted to just fall asleep and not think about Draco, but he was too riled up. He rubbed his eyes for a moment, and then figured it couldn't hurt to see where Draco was. He pulled out his Marauder's Map and murmured the spell, tapping the paper with his wand. He looked at the dungeons but to his surprise Draco wasn't there. He scanned the rest of the map, looking for a dot that read "Draco Malfoy." When he found it, his heart stopped.

The dot was unmoving in a corridor near Gryffindor tower, and it wasn't alone. Another dot labeled "Terry Boot" was almost on top of it.


Draco's head was pounding from when he had crashed into the floor, and black dots were coming in and out of his vision. He could feel his wrists chafing where he was struggling against his bonds. His stomach was aching and he was having trouble breathing. The world started going in and out of focus when Terry Boot shook him roughly and backhanded him with a stinging slap to his face.

"Don't you dare pass out on me, Draco," he said mockingly. "You'll ruin all my fun." Draco glared through the haze of pain at his captor, and then lay still, closing his eyes. Boot leaned down close to Draco's face to check if he had indeed passed out, and Draco did the only thing he could think of: he flung his head in the direction of the Ravenclaw's face as hard as he could and heard a sickening crunch as his skull met Boot's nose.

The prefect yowled with pain, and Draco prayed that someone, anyone heard the noise. His hopes appeared to be in vain though, as no one came to his rescue. Terry grabbed him by the front of his shirt and yanked him roughly up, inches from his own face.

"You're going to pay for that, Draco," he growled, and threw the blonde against the wall. Draco was vaguely aware that blood was seeping through his hair and he vaguely thought he heard footsteps in the distance, but these notions were lost in the horrible realization that Terry's hands were opening his pants and he was truly all alone.


Harry was sprinting through the corridors when he heard a yell in the distance. "Oh God, Draco," he thought. He ran as fast as he could, praying that he wasn't too late. He turned a corner and was overcome by an incredible rage at the sight that met his eyes. His boyfriend was bound, gagged and bleeding while another boy pawed at him. Harry threw himself at Terry Boot, knocking him off Draco and slamming him into the wall. He threw punch after punch at the Ravenclaw prefect, who was admittedly a little bigger than Harry, and who got in a few lucky punches himself but was no match for the Boy-Who-Lived in all his fury.

"I told you," he snarled between punches, "To stay away...from my boyfriend...you fucker." He threw Terry to the ground and landed a couple hard kicks to his ribs, and would have continued when he remembered Draco lying in a bloody heap against the wall.

Draco had turned his throbbing head to the side to look up, and when he saw Harry he had been faint with relief. He was fighting so hard to stay conscious, his body shaking with the aftermath of the attack. Harry ran to his side.

"Oh God, Draco, are you okay? Oh love, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I should have been there, oh God," Harry was babbling and struggling to untie Draco when he sensed a presence behind him.

Harry drew his wand in a heartbeat and whirled around, shouting "Stupefy" at the same time another voice shouted "Expelliarmus!" Terry Boot flew back into the corridor, unconscious, his wand flying up the air. Harry followed the movement and watched as the wand landed in the hand of Severus Snape.

Snape had taken about .5 seconds to process the scene: Draco Malfoy, his favorite student, lying on the floor, clothes ripped, bound and bleeding; Harry Potter kneeling over him, bloody nose, cut over one eye and heavily bleeding knuckles, fighting to untie him; Terry Boot, staggering, covered in blood, standing behind Potter, about to attempt to curse him. It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what was had just happened, especially given Boot's history where Draco was concerned.

Snape flicked his wand, and Draco was released. Harry immediately cradled the blonde in his arms.

"Draco, are you okay? How badly are you hurt?" Harry leaned in close and got a better look at the cut and the bruise forming on Draco's head, and his anger rushed back in full force. "I am going to kill him," he said, seething with fury and Harry stood up, eyes flashing, wand in hand, ready to send Terry Boot to join Voldemort and half his Death Eaters in hell.

Snape stopped him. "No, Mr. Potter, you're not. You are going to take Mr. Malfoy to the hospital wing. I am going to take Mr. Boot to Dumbledore to be dealt with."

"That fucker should be sent to prison," Harry spat, not caring about his language in front of Snape.

"For once, Mr. Potter, you and I are in complete agreement," Snape drawled, walking over to where the Ravenclaw prefect was lying and looking at him with utter disgust. "Just get Mr. Malfoy out of here. I will deal this situation and inform you of the outcome."

Harry nodded and looked down at Draco. "Can you walk?" he asked softly, helping the other wizard to his feet.

"Of course I can walk, Potter," said Draco, whose pride prevented him from asking for help. He took a tentative step forward, then promptly grimaced in pain. He tried to hide it but Harry was an expert in the field of hiding injuries, and he knew when someone was hurt and trying not to show it.

He reached out and snaked his arm around the blonde's waist, pulling Draco's arm over his own shoulder. Draco tried to resist the help but Harry refused to let him go. "Honestly Draco, don't be so difficult. I'm helping you to the hospital wing and you are letting me."

"I'm fine," the blonde replied testily, trying to pull away, and Harry rolled his eyes.

"Oh yes, you're right as rain," Harry said sarcastically, holding Draco against his body securely. "Nevermind that not five minutes ago you were all tied up so some twisted psycho could make you his bitch, and now you're all bloody and probably have bruises the size of dragon eggs. Honestly, you and your Malfoy pride."

"I said I'm fine," Draco spat through clenched teeth, wincing as he tried to put weight on an apparently twisted ankle.

"Look Malfoy, either I help you like this or I put the full body bind on you and carry you. Your choice." One look at Harry's eyes told him the Gryffindor was deadly serious. Draco sighed in defeat.

"Very well, Potter, help me if you must," he said, resigned, and he and Harry began their trek to the hospital wing.


Madame Pomphrey was livid when she saw the two boys and heard the story of what had happened. She immediately made Draco lay down and conjured a chair for Harry. She handed Harry a bowl of warm water and a sponge, asking him to begin cleaning some of Draco's cuts while she went to get potions to treat their cuts and bruises. She bustled out of the room, and Harry ignored the chair in favor of lying on the bed next to his boyfriend.

He tentatively dabbed the sponge against a cut on Draco's forehead, and began seething in anger again as the blonde winced ever so slightly. Draco saw the fury flashing in Harry's emerald eyes and gave him a wry smile.

"Hey Potter," he said softly. "Thanks." Harry calmed down a bit at this and went back to work cleaning the cut, brushing a lock of hair out of Draco's eyes.

"No problem," he replied, just as softly. "Are you going to be okay?"

"Aside from a severely bruised ego at having to be rescued like some storybook princess by Hogwart's resident Prince Charming, I think I'll be alright," Draco smiled wanely.

Harry countered with a half smile of his own. "Don't beat yourself up over it, Malfoy. Boot had you tied up, for God's sake. There was nothing you could have done. Although," he said, looking curiously at Draco, "I have to ask. His nose looked broken before I got anywhere near it. Did you do that?"

Draco shrugged nonchalantly. "I might have." At Harry's insistence he explained everything that had happened with Terry as the brunette finished cleaning all the visible scrapes. Needless to say, Harry was impressed by Draco's self-defense skills. Having finished with Draco's head, Harry then carefully helped Draco remove his torn shirt so he could get to the cuts on Draco's torso.

"Hey Potter, where on earth did you learn to fight like that anway?" Draco asked, screwing up his face in pain as Harry moved on to a gash on his shoulder.

"My cousin. He's huge, and he can fight. He's won some muggle boxing competitions." At Draco's confused look, he explained what boxing was. "So anyway, Dudley was the Junior Heaveyweight Inter-School Boxing Champion, or something like that a couple years back, and so I decided to take advantage of this. I threatened to turn him into a pig when I was old enough to use magic out of school unless he taught me to fight."

"That was rather Slytherin of you, blackmailing him like that."

"Why thank you. See, I wanted to be sure that even if I lost my wand I could still kick someone's ass. It's very handy, wizards rely on magic so much they usually don't know how to fight."

"True enough," Draco agreed, and then narrowed his eyes slightly. "Listen, Potter, you may be the ultimate storybook hero, but don't think for one second that I plan to be your damsel in distress." Despite his words, Draco closed his eyes and sighed contentedly as Harry continued seeing to his injuries. He winced almost imperceptively as Harry came close to a wicked-looking bruise on his ribs. Harry looked at him with concern.

"Gods, Draco, I am so sorry," he said, very upset that his boyfriend was in pain.

"Why are you sorry?" asked Draco, curious as to why Harry seemed so distraught.

"I should have been there, or I should have gotten there sooner. I can't believe I let him hurt you," Harry said with a haunted look in his eyes, and to his surprise, Draco rolled his eyes.

"Merlin, I was just joking, but you really are dead set on being the ultimate storybook hero, aren't you?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, you didn't let him hurt me. He's a twisted fuck who's had it in for me for a long time. You actually saved me. But yet, you still feel responsible for what happened. Bloody Gryffindor," he said, rather affectionately.

"Yes, well, it's still tearing me up. You're mine now, you know? I'm supposed to take care of you and protect you and not let anything hurt you."

"And now you even sound like a storybook hero, making sappy promises to the newly-rescued damsel in distress. Do you want me to swoon now or later?" Harry snorted and Draco sighed melodramatically. "Still, I suppose that's what I get for dating the archetypal Gryffindor and the sodding Boy-Who-Lived at that. Now, you do know I can take care of myself, right?"

"Sure you can, sweetie," Harry said in a patronizing tone of voice, patting Draco's head and earning himself a very icy glare from the blonde. Harry grinned back. "Don't have a fit, I'm only joking. Nobody in their right mind would mess with you. You know more Dark magic than anyone else in this school."

"And I'm very tough," Draco said meaningfully.

"And you're very tough," Harry agreed, dabbing another cut.

"And mean."

"And mean."

"And sexy."

Harry rolled his eyes. Draco prodded him in the ribs. "Go on, say it."

Harry sighed in exasperation. "And sexy."

"Damn straight." Draco closed his eyes again. He heard Harry set the sponge and water down, and then he felt a soft touch against his cheek and hair as Harry stroked him gently, pressing the softest of kisses against his cheek and temple. That felt sooo nice. Harry was treating him so gently and lovingly, and instead of making Draco gag at the sappiness of it all, he felt all warm and fluffy inside. Maybe there was something to this whole 'damsel in distress' thing after all.

"Hey Draco?" Harry asked quietly, not wanting to disturb the other.

"What?" Draco kept his eyes closed, not caring to leave the blissful state he was in.

"What were you doing in that corridor, anyway?"

"Oh. That. Well," and here Draco inexplicably felt a little sheepish, "Obviously, I was coming to see you."

"To see me?" Harry asked.

"Yes," Draco replied with finality, as if that settled things. Harry raised an eyebrow.

"Care to elaborate?"

The Slytherin reluctantly opened one eye to find his boyfriend gazing at him expectantly. He closed his eyes again and sighed. "Oh, very well. If you must know, I was coming to apologize."

Harry was rather amused by this. "Is that so? And what, pray tell, were you coming to apologize for?"

Draco opened his eyes to glare at the brunette. "Do I really have to say? Don't you already know?"

"Maybe. But maybe I want to hear it from you. You're not very good at saying sorry, you know." Harry was teasing him, and Draco scowled.

"Fine. I'm sorry I got mad at you about those bloody fangirls. It wasn't your fault, and I was totally out of line to get upset with you. I acted like a stupid, jealous prat. There, I've said it." Harry chuckled softly and leaned down to press a kiss against Draco's lips.

"You are a stupid, jealous prat." Draco scowled harder. "And you were out of line. But I forgive you. Like I could do anything else when you're lying here all bruised and bloody because your psycho ex-boyfriend caught you on your way to come apologize to me."

"Glad to know there's one upside to looking this pathetic," Draco muttered, closing his eyes again. He rested a few moments, then cracked an eye open again to look at Harry.

"I hope you don't think I'm apologizing for any of my other actions today," he said. "Because I'm not."

Harry grinned at him. "No, I'm not expecting miracles here. I didn't think you'd be sorry for that right now. I expect to make you sorry for that later."

"There you go again, always with the threats. Be careful, one of these days you might make one that actually makes me the tiniest bit nervous."

"God, but you're cheeky. You know, most people are quite terrified at the thought of receiving threats from the Boy-Who-Lived."

"Yeah, well most people haven't had the pleasure of making you come. It's hard to be scared of someone when they turn to into shuddering, moaning putty in your hands."

"This coming from the blonde who was screaming my name yesterday for the whole of Slytherin house to hear."

Draco opened his mouth for an indignant response but was cut off by the return of Madame Pomphrey. She promptly told Harry to get out of Draco's bed. She quickly patched up his cuts and bruises and then ordered him out of the infirmary. When he protested, she told him that Draco would be fine in about an hour, and she would send him back to his dorm to sleep and that he should do the same. He kept arguing with her until she threatened to pull a Lockhart on him next time he was in her care after a Quidditch accident. Harry gave in at this threat and left, giving Draco one last kiss that left the Slytherin panting for more.


Draco had lain patiently as Madame Pomphrey fixed his ankle and all his cuts and bruises, and had smiled and nodded when she told him to go off to bed. He intended on going to bed of course - just not his own. He snuck silently through the corridors of Hogwarts until he reached the Gryffindor common room. There he proceeded to charm and flirt with the Fat Lady until she was blushing and swung open to let him in.

Remembering where Harry's room was based on one of the last times he was in Gryffindor tower, he snuck in very quietly and made his way over to Harry's bed. He quietly opened the hangings and smiled at the sight that met his eyes.

Harry was fast asleep; lying on his side snuggled deep into the covers, hair messy and flopping into his face. He looked so peaceful and angelic that Draco hesitated to wake him up. Instead he leaned down and gently pressed a kiss to the famous lightening bolt scar on his forehead. He turned to leave but Harry's eyes were flittering open.

"Draco? Is that you?" he asked drowsily.

"Yes, of course it's me," Draco whispered back, sitting on the edge of the bed and running his hands through Harry's hair. "Whom were you expecting?"

Harry smiled a happy, sleepy smile. "No one else," he yawned, reaching up to touch Draco's face. Then he frowned. "You're cold. Get under the covers with me before you freeze." He held open the blankets meaningfully. Draco quickly shed his clothes and, stripped down to boxers and a t-shirt, he climbed into bed next to Harry, who promptly wrapped his arms around him and pulled him in close. Draco happily snuggled into the warm, cozy depths of Harry's arms and blankets.

"Are you okay now?" Having Draco in his arms was waking Harry up pretty quickly, and he wanted to be sure he wasn't causing Draco any pain by accidentally touching a bruise.

"Oh yes, all better. Nurse fixed me right up."

"Glad to hear it." Harry was now nuzzling Draco's neck. "Mmmm, you smell good,"

"Well, of course I do. I'm a Malfoy."

"Right. Like smelling good and being a Malfoy are related," Harry responded with a roll of his eyes. "I'll have you know that you're also a jealous, possessive tease," he added, trailing tickling kisses all over Draco's neck, causing him to shiver.

"Yes, well, about that. As nice as all this cuddling is, I'm actually here for a reason, you know."

"Oh really?" said Harry, nibbling on an earlobe. "And what's that?"

"To finish my apology." And before Harry had a chance to comprehend his meaning Draco rolled him onto his back, climbed on top of him, and claimed his lips in an intense, possessive kiss.

OH! Was Harry's only thought as Draco's lips moved over his, tongues twisting together and teeth nibbling gently on his lower lip. Gods, but Draco could kiss. He moved his hands to bury them in that soft, silky blonde hair that drove him crazier than he would ever admit.

"No hair gel today," he muttered against the Slytherin's lips, sliding his fingers through he cool flaxen locks with ease. "Feels so nice."

"Thought you'd like that," Draco replied, leaning down to kiss and nibble Harry's neck. Harry moaned and arched into Draco, who was currently indulging his possessive side by leaving a noticeable love bite on the brunette's neck. Then Harry got worried. He stopped Draco and pulled him up by the shoulders to look him in the eye.

"Are you planning to get me all riled up and then leave me hanging again? Because if that's the case then you better stop right now, Draco Malfoy. I'll have you know that if you plan on starting something tonight you're going to see it through, even if I have to chase your arse through this castle and have my way with you in a broom closet somewhere."

Draco pondered how oddly appealing this threat was for a moment before leaning in to reassure Harry. "I'm not teasing tonight, I promise. I swear by Salazar Slytherin I'm not," he swore, holding a hand over his chest. Harry wasn't sure how reassured he felt at Draco swearing by the ultimate Slytherin, but his body was screaming at him to trust him anyway. He nodded and placed a kiss on Draco's lips, and Draco responded eagerly before resuming his trail of love bites.

"Now, if I remember correctly," Draco managed to say against Harry's neck, "You promised to shag me six ways to Sunday next chance you got."

"So I did," agreed Harry, slipping his hands under Draco's t-shirt to run them up and down his bare back, enjoying the way his touch caused the blonde on top of him to shudder. He reached down and grabbed the hem of the shirt, and Draco sat back for a moment, permitting Harry to pull his shirt off.

"Well, how about it?" Draco returned his lips to Harry's and brought his hands to either side of his face, cradling him as he covered Harry with ravishing kisses. Harry allowed him to plunder his mouth, and then pulled away slightly.

"Are you sure?" he asked softly, looking in Draco's eyes for the truth. He wanted Draco so badly, but he didn't want to take advantage of him just because he was shaken up from his encounter with Terry Boot.

"Beyond sure," he whispered back, pulling Harry's hand down and placing it against his groin so that Harry could feel just exactly how sure he was. Harry eyes widened slightly and he felt his heart thudding in his chest. He moved his hand softly and gently against Draco, arching his neck up to plant soft kisses on Draco's shoulder. Draco held still for a moment, bracing himself up on his arms, enjoying the sensation, but it was too light and teasing. He wanted more, and he wanted it now.

"Harry," Draco pulled back to look at the Gryffindor. "Listen. There's going to be a time where I'll want you to make love to me. Slowly, softly, with lots of tender words and kisses. That time is not tonight. Tonight," and here Draco leaned down and licked Harry's lips softly, "I want you to fuck me."

At Draco's words, Harry felt blood rush straight to his groin. He looked at Draco wordlessly. Draco felt the evidence of what his words had done to Harry, and he smirked wickedly. "Oh yes. I want you to fuck me," he whispered. "I want you to fuck me hard," he kissed his lips, "deep," he bit his neck, "and now," and here he ground his body against Harry's. "Can you handle that?"

With a cry Harry bucked off the bed and promptly rolled them over, so that Draco was now on his back against the mattress, Harry's hard body lodged between his legs. He brought his mouth crashing down on Draco's and began to kiss him. This time the kisses were rough and needy as the frustrated arousal that Draco had left him with all day came rushing back into his body. Draco moaned softly as Harry rocked his hips against his forcefully.

"Can I handle it?" Harry said in a throaty voice, locking eyes with Draco beneath him. "Oh, you just wait, blondie. You don't know what you've gotten yourself in for. I can fuck you harder," he bit down on a nipple, "deeper," he bit down on the other one, "and better than you have ever been fucked before." He intensified his grinding, moving his hips meaningfully against Draco's, and the Slytherin bit his lip to keep from crying out. Harry bent down and brought his lips to Draco's ear. "I can fuck you until you can't see straight and you can't remember your own name. So the question is," and he snaked out his tongue to trace the soft, delicate skin of Draco's ear, "Can you handle it?" And with that he plunged his hand into Draco's boxers.

"Oh God," Draco moaned loudly, unable to hold it back any longer. Harry paused for a second and leaned back. Draco looked at him in blatant disappointment, but Harry just reached for the night table and grabbed his wand.

"Silencio," he whispered, and gave the blonde a wicked look. "I plan to make you scream my name again tonight, and I don't plan to share it with my roommates."


Much later, the two lay in a panting, sweaty heap for a few moments, before Harry propped himself up and pressed a sloppy kiss to Draco's mouth. Draco returned the kiss, and the two snogged for a moment before Harry slid off Draco to one side, dropping his head back down on Draco's chest and cuddling against him. Draco responded by wrapping his arms around the brunette on top of him, one hand across his back and one hand tangled in his hair, playing with the silky black strands.

Finally, Harry spoke. "Draco?"


"Are you asleep?"

"Not yet."


"Why good?"

"Because we're not done."

"We're not?"

"Definitely not." And here Harry began lightly kissing Draco's torso, trailing his tongue over the smooth skin and hard muscles of his boyfriend's chest. Little electric sparks were traveling from Harry's mouth directly through Draco's bloodstream, but he was attempting to feign indifference. Deciding to tease the Gryffindor for a moment, he yawned.

"I think we are done, Harry. I'm much too tired to go another round."

"A likely story."

"I swear." Harry dragged his fingers across Draco's stomach, tracing circles around his bellybutton before his questing hand dipped slightly lower. Draco's breath hitched, and Harry smirked triumphantly.

"You bloody liar," Harry said, propping himself up to look at Draco. "You're not fooling anyone. Besides, it's not like you really have a choice."

"No choice? You planning to take me by force, then? Handcuff me to the bed and have your wicked way with me like last time? Barbaric, really." Privately Draco was rather hoping this would be the case.

"You wish. You don't have a choice because the way I see it, you owe me more sex."

"Is that right? How do you figure?"

"How many times did you leave me hanging today?"

"Just the one time."


Draco rolled his eyes. "Okay, maybe it was twice."

"Draco Malfoy, don't make me smack you. It was three times and you know it. Therefore, I think you owe me at least three goes at you before I let you go to sleep."

Draco's eyes were rather wide. "Three?"

"At least."

"Bloody hell, Potter."

"It's your own fault, you know, for being such a vengeful brat. You have no one to blame but yourself."

Draco sighed dramatically. "Oh, very well then, you horny little bugger. Get on with it."

"With pleasure." Harry went to kiss Draco again, but the blonde surprised him by promptly flipping him over onto his back.

"It's my turn on top," Draco whispered mischievously, and Harry's enthusiastic response was lost in their kiss. It wasn't long before the two boys found heaven in each other again.

And again.

And again.


Author notes: For anyone who was wondering, this is the edited version of this chapter that complies with FA.org's standards for an "R" rating. Uncensored chapters will be available soon in my livejournal.

Thank you so much everyone who has read and reviewed this story! I really, really appreicate it! Thank you thank you thank you!