Draco Malfoy Harry Potter
Romance Humor
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 05/14/2004
Updated: 01/04/2005
Words: 114,843
Chapters: 29
Hits: 563,518

Dragon Tamer


Story Summary:
Desperate to avoid an arranged marriage, Draco convinces Harry to pretend to be his boyfriend. What follows is an epic romantic comedy involving scheming, snogging, silliness, shagging, snarky boys, superstars, singing, shagging, snuggling, secrets, sex gods, shagging, and a bunny named Draco Lucius Malfoy the Third. HD SLASH (and how!).

Chapter 24

Chapter Summary:
Harry goes to Malfoy Manor for Christmas break.
Author's Note:
Please take note: this story is rated R for a very good reason - it involves two very hot boys and a lot of wild, kinky-monkey sex.


Dragon Tamer

Chapter 24: Meet the Malfoys


The remaining few weeks of classes flew by, and before you could say "hot boys shagging" it was the first day of the holidays, and Harry and Draco were getting ready to go to Malfoy Manor.

They were all packed and ready to go, and Harry was sitting with Hermione, Ron, and Seamus (and Crookshanks, Pig, and Hedwig) at the Gryffindor table having breakfast before they all boarded the Hogwarts Express, which would take them back to King's Cross station.

"So I'll see you guys at Draco's party after Christmas, right?" Harry was saying to his friends, who all nodded back.

"Speaking of Draco, where is he?" Hermione asked, looking around.

"Getting all his stuff together," Harry replied. "He said he'd join us for breakfast."

Just then, as if on cue, Draco appeared in the doorway of the Great Hall, carrying a small pet carrier which Harry rightly assumed held DLM III. He walked over to the Gryffindor table and plunked down next to Harry, dropping his head on Harry's shoulder.

"Tired?" Harry asked, affectionately running a hand through his hair, and Draco merely grumbled a reply into Harry's neck.

"Awww, poor little Draco. Did big bad Harry keep our little ferret up all night?" Ron teased, and Draco lifted his head and sent Ron an extremely impressive death glare for 7:30 in the morning.

"Not that it's any of yourbusiness, Weasel," Draco sneered, "But no, he didn't. I had important party business to attend to. Now if you don't mind, it's way too fucking early in the morning for me to have to deal with your mindless and idiotic blithering."

The blonde leaned down and opened up the pet carrier and lifted out his rabbit. Harry caught Ron's eyes and mouthed "Not a Morning Person" to Ron, who nodded in understanding.

"Not a Nice Person either," he mouthed back at Harry.

"Harry, I don't mean to be rude, but...what is your boyfriend doing?" Seamus asked, sounding puzzled. Harry turned to look. Draco had the bunny on his lap, and by the looks of things was dressing him in a little bunny sweater.

"Um, Draco, love," Harry began, as sweetly as he could, "What are you doing?"

"I'm putting a jumper on DLM here, because I don't want my little bunny getting cold," Draco cooed at his rabbit, much to Harry's amusement.

Harry took a closer look at the bunny's new outfit. "I see...and did you, by any chance, get that jumper from the HPFC catalog?"

Draco looked around a bit shiftily. "Don't be silly. What on earth would make you think that?"

"Because it says 'Some Bunny Loves Harry Potter!'. It sort of gave it away."

"Yeah, well, look at what Crookshanks and Pigwidgeon are wearing."

Harry whirled around to see his two best friends hiding their pets away. "Ron...Hermione...," Harry began, a pleading note in his voice, "Please tell me that you did not buy your pets clothes from the HPFC catalogue?"

"What? No, of course not, no, wouldn't do that, no way," Hermione and Ron both mumbled, and Harry sighed.

"Just let me see them," he said, and Hermione and Ron guiltily brought their pets back up to eye level.

Pig and Crookshanks were both wearing little t-shirts. Pig's said 'Hoot if You Love Harry!' and Crookshanks' read 'Harry Potter is the Cat's Meow!'

"Oh my God," said Harry, looking completely flabbergasted. "Who designs these shirts?"

"Oh, everyone pitches in," Seamus said cheerfully, "We chat at our meetings and come up with ideas. We've got great stuff, like t-shirts and hats and sleepwear, but we're really hoping to branch out into underwear and lingerie soon."

Harry looked fairly green.

"Seamus, I really don't think - " he began, but at that moment owl post arrived, and everyone looked up as a small brown owl dropped a letter right in front of Draco, who grabbed it and tore it open.

Scanning the contents quickly, he smiled.

"Who's the letter from?" Ron asked, curious.

"Oliver Wood," Draco replied, noticing how Harry tensed up beside him at the name.

"Oh?" said Harry, in a would-be casual voice, "So, what's good old Ollie got to say?"

"Oh, nothing much. Just letting me know that he's coming to my party."

"WHAT?" Harry yelled, causing all the pets present at the table to jump and several heads to snap in their direction.

Draco rolled his eyes. "Really, Harry."

"Draco, you didn't tell me you'd invited that...that..." Harry sputtered, clearly still not quite over his jealousy from the whole Oliver/Draco incident.

"Well, of course I didn't tell you. I knew you'd over-react. Like you're doing right now."

Harry glared at him. "Draco, I don't want him there," the brunette whined. "He still wants you, I know he does."

"So? You're a sodding celebrity, and everyone in this bloody school wants you. You've got a fan club, for Merlin's sake. How do you think I feel?"

"But that's different," Harry argued. "They're just...well, just crazy, usually."

"Hey!" Seamus protested. "I resent that! We are not crazy, we just happen to -

"Listen, Harry, Oliver is still my friend," Draco broke in. "He's coming to my party and that's final."

"Okay, fine," Harry said, with narrowed eyes. "In that case, Charlie's still my friend. Why don't you invite him?"

"For your information, Potter," Draco began haughtily. "I invited all of the Weasley brats to my party, just for you."

"Really?" Harry visibly softened. "That's so sweet, Draco. Okay, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have -

"Oh honestly, Harry, don't listen to a word that git says. He lies like a cheap rug," Ron interrupted. "Malfoy sent us an invitation that invited all of the Weasley children except for, and I quote, that "ugly, scum-sucking, good-for-nothing flea-bag who works with dragons."

"Draco!" Harry was appalled. Draco shrugged.

"What?" the blonde asked innocently.

"If Oliver comes then Charlie comes," Harry said, folding his arms over his chest. Draco narrowed his eyes.



"Now see here, Potter," Draco seethed, getting a chance to air some long standing grievances, "Nothing ever happened between Oliver and me. Nothing. However, I'm still inviting Finnigan here, even though I've caught him kissing you, and you kissed him once just to make me jealous and -

"Oh, would you look at the time! I think I better go find Blaise!" Seamus said hurriedly, pushing away from the table and making a run for it, a little nervous at the angry glint in Draco's eyes.

Hermione looked back and forth between the two glaring boys. "Honestly," she sighed. "You two are ridiculous. You're both obviously head over heels for the other. Why do you still get so jealous?"

"I am not jealous!" Harry and Draco protested in the same breath, then resumed glaring at each other.

Hermione raised an eyebrow. "Alright then. Prove it. Draco, invite Charlie to the party. And Harry, not another word about Oliver."

There was silence for a moment.

"Fine," Harry finally said, through gritted teeth, and Draco nodded his acquiescence.

"Good," Hermione said brightly, getting up from the table. "I need to go get my bag. I'll meet you guys down at the train?"

Draco stood up too. "Yes, I need to write Oliver back before we leave." He looked at Harry, daring him to say something. Harry looked very annoyed but said nothing. Draco handed him the bunny.

"Will you take DLM to the train for me?" Harry took the fluffy little rabbit from his boyfriend, and nodded. Draco began to walk towards the door.

"And don't you dare touch his jumper!" he shouted over his shoulder as he left.

"Damn," Harry swore, and dropped his hands from where he had been trying to take off the bunny's sweater.


After dashing off a quick reply to Oliver about the party (and a grudging invitation to Charlie Weasley), Draco headed out the doors of the Great Hall to the thestral-drawn carriages. He had just left his bag with the rest of the luggage waited to be loaded on the train and walked down the steps when he saw Hermione up ahead, struggling with an enormous bag.

"Granger, wait up!" he said, and Hermione paused. "Why are you carrying your bag? Why didn't you just leave it for the house elves to put on the train?" He pointed at the enormous pile of baggage on the steps of the castle.

Hermione narrowed her eyes. "See, it's just that kind of attitude that leads to their oppression! Why should a tiny little house elf have to carry my bag when I can do it myself? Don't they already have enough to do?" She began lugging her huge bag again.

Draco opened his mouth to say, "they use magic on the bags, you know, you stupid muggle-born," when he had a much better idea.

"You know, Granger," he said sweetly, giving Hermione a very charming smile. "You're absolutely right."

Hermione stopped in her tracks. "Wh-what?" she said disbelievingly. Draco's fantastically charming smile became even more charming.

"I said you're right," he began earnestly. "House-elves are already burdened with terrible amounts of work, and we should help them any way we can. It's utter madness and cruelty that they have to work so hard for no wages in the first place."

Hermione looked like she was on the verge of kissing Draco.

"Oh Draco, I knew someone would understand!" she said happily. "After all these years of SPEW, and campaigning for House Elf rights, to have someone like a Malfoy agree with me is just wonderful!" she gushed, and Draco patted her shoulder in a friendly way.

"That's right. In fact, why don't you let me carry your bag? I've been oppressing House Elves for years, and it's time I did something about it."

"Are you serious?" Hermione asked, dumbfounded.

"Absolutely serious," Draco affirmed.

"Draco, that's just...I don't even know what to say. Should I walk you down?"

"Oh no, you go on ahead," Draco assured her. "I want to do this myself. You know, atone for my sins and all. Tell Harry I'll be right along."

"Oh, absolutely! You're wonderful, Draco, just wonderful." Hermione kissed him on the cheek and bounded off to the carriages. Draco watched her go until she was out of eyesight, and then bent down and popped open her suitcase.

"It's got to be in here somewhere," he muttered, digging through the piles of clothes, books, and magical accessories that Hermione was taking home for the holidays.

"Come on, come on....A HA!!"

And from the bottom of Hermione's suitcase Draco had just pulled out a little black book the size of a diary. He pocketed it with a sly smile, closed up Hermione's bag, and dragged it over to the steps of the castle, tossing it into the pile of luggage waiting to be loaded onto the train by the house elves.


Ron and Harry were sitting in a compartment on the Hogwart's Express, eating chocolate frogs and waiting for their respective significant others to join them.

"It's not that I'm jealous," Harry complained for what must have been the millionth time. "I just don't understand why Oliver is writing to my Draco." He moodily stared at his unwrapped chocolate frog.

Ron raised an eyebrow as he ate his fourth frog. "Your Draco? Are you taking a leaf out of Malfoy's "How to be a Possessive Bastard" notebook now?"

"No," said Harry defensively. "I just don't trust Oliver with Draco, that's all."

"Say, Harry," Ron began, in an attempt to get Harry's mind off of Draco and Oliver, "Did you ever decide if you were going to sign with Puddlemere United?"

Harry shook his head. "I haven't decided yet. I've gotten a couple more offers in the past couple weeks, and I can't decide."

"I can help you," Ron said eagerly, and Harry smiled at his best friend.

"I'd like that," he said earnestly, cheering up a bit. "I can show you everything I've got. In fact, you could be like, my agent or something, if you wanted." He unwrapped the chocolate frog and popped it in his mouth.

"Your agent..." Ron said in a dreamy voice. "I could be Ron Weasley, Quidditch Agent. That's brilliant!" He looked over at Harry, and then took on a business-like air. "All right then, Potter, let's hear your offers."

Harry laughed, and began to discuss his options with Ron. They were still talking as the train began moving. After a bit, Hermione joined them, and they had just gotten to the point of debating the merits of joining a team with a winning record, like the Montrose Magpies, vs. a team with a...um...not winning record, like the Chudley Cannons, when Draco appeared in the doorway, leaning against the glass and watching Harry with a smile.

"Nice of you to finally join us, Malfoy," Harry said petulantly. It was obvious to Draco that Harry was still a little jealous over the letter from Oliver Wood, and Draco was finding Harry's uncharacteristic pouting to be absolutely adorable.

"Oh, lay off him, Harry. Draco was carrying my bag for me so the house elves didn't have to. Isn't that sweet?" gushed Hermione.

"He was what?" Harry and Ron said together.

"Promoting house elf rights. It's wonderful! He even said he thought SPEW was a great idea!" Hermione continued happily. Ron looked flabbergasted. Harry looked at his boyfriend in disbelief.

"What?" Draco said casually, entering their compartment. "Aren't I allowed to be concerned about the welfare of my fellow magical creatures?" He sauntered over to Harry and plunked himself down heavily in his lap.

'Prat," Harry said under his breath, as Draco's full weight landed on him suddenly, but his arms crept up and around Draco's waist anyway, and he buried his face in Draco's soft sweater. Draco smiled and stroked his hands through Harry's hair.

"Ugh, are you two going to cuddle the entire ride back to King's Cross?" Ron said, sounding disgusted.

"Probably," Draco affirmed, leaning down to kiss Harry's head. "Although it might progress to shagging, you never know."

"Oh yuck," Ron said, and Hermione smiled at him.

"You know, Ron, we've never shagged on the Hogwart's Express," she said sweetly, and Harry groaned against Draco's back.

"Hermioneee!" he protested, his voice muffled in Draco's sweater. "Don't say things like that!"

Ron, however, looked ecstatic. "First time for everything, right?" He jumped up, grabbed Hermione's hand, and muttered, "Bye Harry, bye Malfoy," as he pulled Hermione out of the compartment, most assuredly to go look for an empty one for the two of them.

Which, of course, left Draco and Harry alone in a compartment, with Draco already sitting on Harry's lap.


They sat together snuggling in companionable silence for a few minutes, before Harry finally said something.

"Does Oliver really have to come?" Harry said into Draco's sweater, sounding for all the world like a petulant six year old. Draco smiled, and was about to start reassuring Harry that he and Oliver were just friends when a thought occurred to him: he had never actually had sex with Harry when the brunette was jealous.

Well, like Weasley said, there's a first time for everything.

"Actually, Harry," Draco began innocently enough, "I'm really looking forward to seeing Oliver again. I haven't seen him in ages."

"Hmph," was Harry's reply, but his grip tightened ever so slightly around Draco's waist. Encouraged, Draco continued.

"Professional Qudditch has done wonders for his body, you know. The fangirls are absolutely mad about him."

"Are they." It was a tense statement from Harry, which made it quite clear that Draco's not-really-innocent remarks were affecting Harry.

"Oh yes. The fanboys too. Everyone's just mad about Oliver."

"I'm sure they are. Mad about bloody Oliver Wood." Harry's entire body was tensing up now, and Draco wondered just how long it would be before the explosion.

"As well they should be. He's a great guy, and a really good Quidditch player." Draco paused for effect. "Oh, and a bloody fantastic shag."

Well, that did it.

In a maneuver that wasn't so much skillful as it was powerful, Harry upended Draco off his lap and onto the floor of the Hogwarts Express. Draco barely had time to make an "oomph" of surprise before Harry was on top of him, hips pinning hips, Harry's hands locking Draco's wrists above his head, and Harry's heated mouth now only inches from Draco's own.

"You shouldn't have said that last bit, Malfoy," Harry murmured, his eyes alight with emerald fire.

"Oh no? And why's that, Harry?" Draco's words were followed by Harry's hips grinding forcefully into his own, causing the blonde to gasp in delight at the sudden sensation that shot through his body.

"Because now I'm going to have to prove that I'm a much better shag than Oliver Wood ever was."

And with those words Harry drove his mouth down against Draco's, and the blonde's head began to spin. Harry tasted like the chocolate frogs he had been eating, and he was crushing Draco's body against the floor of the moving train, which was warm and rocking slightly underneath him.

Harry paused just long enough to yank of Draco's sweater, and then busied himself with kissing every inch of Draco's chest. Draco let his eyes roll back into his head as he surrendered to his boyfriend's touch, and as Harry's head moved ever downward he thanked all the ancient gods and wizards that he was right here, in this moment, still tasting Harry's chocolate-flavored kisses and about to be ravished on the vibrating floor of their compartment on the Hogwart's Express.


Harry and Draco woke up from where they had been lightly dozing, snuggled together on the seats of the train, when the Hogwarts Express finally pulled into King's Cross station. Harry smiled as Draco quickly tried to smooth his hair back into place, but couldn't quite fight back the little buzz of nervousness in his stomach as he thought of his impending meeting with Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy.

Draco noticed the look on his face and kissed him. "Stop worrying, it'll be fine," he said reassuringly. Harry took a deep breath, summoned up every ounce of his legendary courage, and stood up, ready as he'd ever be to meet Draco's parents.


Lucius and Narcissa were out on the platform, Narcissa eagerly scanning the crowd for Draco's shock of white blonde hair, and Lucius doing his best to look menacing and dangerous.

"Oh Lucius, dear, stop trying to look so mean. You're scaring the children," Narcissa chided him gently. Lucius shot her a pained look.

"I'm a Malfoy, Narcissa. I'm supposed to scare children." He glared at a very small child as if to prove his point. The child "eeped" in fear and ran off to their parents. Narcissa sighed.

"But sweetie, if you act all mean then you won't make a good first impression on Draco's boyfriend, and we want him to like you, don't we?"

Lucius took a deep breath and desperately wished for a shot of vodka. "Cissa, honey, I told you, I've met Harry Potter before. It's much too late for a good first impression."

Narcissa turned to face him, surprise in her eyes. "Darling, you've met Draco's boyfriend? Harry Potter, the celebrity? Why didn't you say anything? And is Harry just as sweet and good-looking as the papers make him out to be?"

Lucius closed his eyes and counted to ten.


"Mum! Dad! Over here!" Draco shouted, and he and a rather nervous looking Harry made their way towards Draco's parents.

"Draco, baby!" Narcissa cooed, wrapping her arms around her son in a hug and beaming at him. "Just look at you! I think you've grown at least half a foot since September!" She kissed Draco on the cheek and Draco smiled back at her.

"It's so good to see you again, Mum," Draco said back earnestly, and then turned to his father. The two Malfoy men eyed each other.

"Dad," Draco said with a polite nod. "You're still looking good, I see."

"Son," Lucius said back, acknowledging the nod with a nod of his own. He looked past Draco to Harry Potter, who was looking very insecure and uncertain behind Draco. "You're still gay, I see."

Draco glowered at him defiantly.

"Draco, honey, aren't you going to introduce me to your boyfriend?" Narcissa asked, smiling at Harry, who tentatively smiled back.

"Oh yes, introduce us all to the famous Boy Who sodding Lived," Lucius said under his breath, and Draco shot him a nasty look.

"Mum, this is Harry," Draco said, pointedly wrapping his arm around Harry's waist. "Harry, this is my Mum."

"Pleased to meet you, Mrs. Malfoy," Harry said in his most polite voice, shaking hands with Narcissa.

"Oh, well now aren't you precious?" Narcissa smiled, and Lucius rolled his eyes. "And just look at those pretty green eyes you have! I'm so glad you could join us for the holidays, Harry. It will be wonderful to have you as a guest."

"Thank you for having me, Mrs. Malfoy," Harry said earnestly, beginning to perk up at how nice Narcissa was, and Narcissa beamed at him.

"You're quite welcome, Harry. Lucius and I are just so excited to meet the young man that Draco's so crazy about, aren't we, Lucius dear?"

"Oh yes," Luciuis muttered sarcastically. "My son is crazy about a young man. I'm ecstatic."

Draco looked annoyed. "Now Dad, really, I told you I was gay a year ago, and just because I'm bringing home Harry Potter -

Narcissa snapped her fingers. "Harry Potter! Of course! Now I know why that name sounds so familiar!"

Harry, Draco, and Lucius exchanged looks. "Um, because I'm the...um...Boy-Who-Lived?" Harry offered tentatively, and Narcissa shook her head.

"No, that's not it, sweetie. You have the same last name as Lucius's little friend at Hogwarts, that other Potter boy." She appeared to be completely obvious to the amazing shades of green that the faces of the men around her were turning. "You were awfully close to him, weren't you dear? After all, you spent so much time with him, always running off together after Quidditch games, playing around in empty classrooms and such. I can't believe I didn't remember this sooner. What was his name, darling? Jim? Josh? John?"

Lucius smiled weakly. "I have no idea who you're talking about, Narcissa." He quickly turned to the boys. "Shall we be get your bags and get back to the Manor, then?"

Draco and Harry very quickly nodded their assent, and the foursome made its way over to the limo that was waiting to take them to Malfoy Manor.


Author notes: Thank you all so much for reading and reviewing!