Draco Malfoy Harry Potter
Romance Humor
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 05/14/2004
Updated: 01/04/2005
Words: 114,843
Chapters: 29
Hits: 563,518

Dragon Tamer


Story Summary:
Desperate to avoid an arranged marriage, Draco convinces Harry to pretend to be his boyfriend. What follows is an epic romantic comedy involving scheming, snogging, silliness, shagging, snarky boys, superstars, singing, shagging, snuggling, secrets, sex gods, shagging, and a bunny named Draco Lucius Malfoy the Third. HD SLASH (and how!).

Chapter 23

Chapter Summary:
Ahh, the joys of a good Quidditch match.
Author's Note:
Please take note: this story is rated R for a very good reason - it involves two very hot boys and a lot of wild, kinky-monkey sex.


Dragon Tamer

Chapter 23: Chasing the Snitch


After a long, productive day of shopping in Hogsmeade, Draco and Harry headed out to the Quidditch pitch for a little one-on-one action.

No, not that kind of one-on-one action.

Draco reached into his pocket and pulled out a tiny golden practice snitch, its little wings glittering in the sunlight.

"Ready, Potter?" he asked, with a quirk of his eyebrows.

"Ready," Harry returned. Draco released the snitch, and they were off.

Draco had to admit, he loved to watch Harry fly. The wizard had a natural grace in the air that was seen only in the very best Quidditch players around the world. Not only that, but the wind roughing up his hair and the glow of exertion coloring his cheeks made Harry look so gorgeously alive that Draco felt himself getting seriously turned on.

After three or four rounds of chasing the snitch, with Harry edging Draco out every time, Draco's mind had hatched out a very sneaky little plan to spice up the rest of his evening.

He signaled to Harry that he wanted to talk, and they flew their brooms within inches of each other. Draco took a good, long look at his boyfriend - hair wild and messy, cheeks red with the cold and exercise, vivid green eyes absolutely glowing with excitement. Oh yeah, Draco was ready to change the stakes of their game a little bit.

"So what did you want to talk about?" Harry asked, indulging himself in flying a backwards loop as he waited to hear what Draco would say.

Draco smirked. "Well, if you think you're up for it, Potter, what do you say we make things a little more exciting?"

At the suggestive wording of Draco's statement, Harry stopped mid-loop and quickly righted himself. "I might be interested. What did you have in mind?" he asked, his nonchalant tone betrayed by the quickening of his breathing.

"Oh, just a little bet, that's all," Draco said casually. He took in Harry's rising and falling chest and his own heart began to beat just a little bit quicker. One thing he loved about Harry - the brunette was usually up for anything.

"A bet over who'll get the snitch? Alright. What're the terms?" Harry asked, his eyes traveling up and down his mischievous-looking blonde boyfriend. His body hadn't forgotten his previous handling of Draco this morning, and now it was positively tingling with excitement at the thought of a repeat performance.

Draco flew a couple inches closer. "Easy terms. The one who fails to catch the snitch," he purred softly, "becomes the snitch for the winner."

Harry gave him a wary look. "What do you mean?" he asked cautiously, wondering what Draco was getting at. He resumed his casual loops on his Firebolt as he waited for Draco to explain.

"I mean," Draco continued, eyeing Harry in a distinctly coy manner, "If you catch the snitch, then I have to run while you chase me. All over the bloody castle, if you like. You're still the seeker, and I become the snitch. And then when you catch me, you can fuck me any way you want."

Harry froze on his broom.

Draco gave him that blasted coy, flirtatious smile again. "And of course, if I catch the snitch, then vice versa. What do you say Harry?"

Harry opened his mouth to speak, but the words seemed to stick in his suddenly dry throat. He reached up and tugged at the neck of his sweater as an overwhelming heat rushed through his body. His mind enthusiastically flooded itself with images of Draco - Draco on his back, on Harry's bed; Draco, handcuffed and writhing on his own bed; Draco bent over a desk in an empty classroom.

He took a deep breath and nodded at Draco.

"Great." Draco smiled winningly at Harry. "Shake on it?" He held out his hand and Harry took it. Pleasant tingles of electricity sparked on both boys' skin where their hands connected.

Draco held out his free hand and opened it, the snitch resting innocently on his palm. Grey eyes met vivid green ones.

"To the winner goes the snitch, then," Draco said silkily. "Think you can handle the pressure, Potter?"

"Oh, you're going down, Malfoy," Harry returned, the competitive trash talking and delicious double entendre with Draco sending even more fire into his already heated veins. "Your arse is mine."

"I wouldn't be so sure about that, Harry," Draco purred with a smile. Harry, already focused on the snitch, failed to notice that Draco's smile had switch from coy and flirtatious to downright predatory. If he had noticed, he would have known Draco was up to something.

But he didn't notice, and when Draco released the little golden ball, both boys took off into the air, soaring high above the ground, both completely determined to catch the elusive snitch.


Even with both of them tearing after it, the snitch managed to evade capture and disappear. Draco and Harry both flew up to the middle of the pitch and hovered there, waiting.

Draco took advantage of the momentary lull to affix a very innocent expression to his face. He turned to Harry. "You know, Potter," he began, in a would-be casual voice, "I had a dream about you last night."

"That so?" replied Harry, not really paying attention, eyes too riveted on locating that speck of gold that would mean a night of hot sex with a hot blonde. He was in top seeker mode, completely attentive, his awareness solely focused on finding the snitch. He was a rock, completely un-distractible and imperturbable. Nothing could break his concentration.

"Yup," said Draco, also keeping his eyes peeled. "Another one of those blasted erotic wet dreams I used to have about you."

Okay, almost nothing could break his concentration.

Harry completely forgot about the snitch, did an about-face on his broom and turned to look at Draco. "Wh-what?" he asked, voice slightly shaky.

Draco bit back a smirk of triumph. "Oh yeah. I used to have all these crazy, wild, kinky sex dreams about you, Potter, before we got together. Merlin, they were so unbelievably hot."

"R-really?" stuttered Harry, who had the nagging feeling that he was supposed to be focusing on something besides the idea of Draco having erotic sex dreams about the two of them. "So...uh...what did you dream about?" he asked, hoping he sounded in control when he so clearly wasn't.

"Oh, the usual, I guess. Sucking you off in your own bed at night, tying you up in my bed and licking every inch of your body, doing you on Snape's desk during Potions class. Most often, though, it was dreams of you, stripping me completely naked and then having your way with me in the Quidditch locker rooms. The dreams were always so sexy that when I woke up in the morning, I'd still be hard, and I'd have to toss off in the shower thinking about you."

"Oh. My. God." Harry was in a bit of a daze and just staring at his boyfriend.

"Mmmm, I'm getting all turned on again just remembering it," Draco purred, leaning back a bit on his broom and trailing his hands down his body. He had Harry's complete and total attention. He pretended to close his eyes while still looking for the snitch through his eyelashes. "Mmm, fuck, Harry," he moaned. "You make me so hot. I just want to -

And then he saw it. The snitch.

Fast as a bolt of lightning Draco took off after it. It took Harry, who had been completely enraptured by Draco's little performance, a few seconds to realize what had just happened before he cursed Draco thoroughly and took off after him.

They both soared down towards the little golden ball that held such promise for the one who caught it. Faster and faster they both went, hurdling towards it, but the blonde had a ferocious head start. Harry managed to catch up with the Draco, and just as Draco's outstretched fingers touched the snitch, Harry slammed into him from the side and they both tumbled to the ground.

They fell together in a tangled heap, all legs and arms, both breathing heavily.

"You dirty rotten cheater," Harry scowled, as he disentangled himself from Draco's body and stood up to glare at his boyfriend. "I can't believe you tried to distract me like that, you bloody bastard."

Draco stood up as well, and fixed Harry with what was unmistakably a leer. "Well, lucky for me, Harry," he said silkily, opening his fist, "it worked."

There, in his hand, lay the golden snitch.

Harry's stunned, verdant green eyes met Draco's wicked looking grey ones. Draco's leer turned rapacious as he flashed perfect white teeth in a feral, predatory smile.

"You better run, Potter."


Harry bolted from the Quidditch field, running as fast as he could. He didn't trust Draco to give him much more than a 30 second head start. He sprinted up to the castle, flung open the doors and barreled through the Entrance Hall, crashing into students at every turn but determined to put some distance between himself and Draco.

Racking his brain for the place that Draco would least likely suspect, he turned and dashed down into the Slytherin dungeons. He passed Snape's classroom, and then quickly back-tracked, opened the door and ran in, closing the door behind him. He leaned back against the door and paused to catch his breath, panting heavily.

"Damn that stupid Slytherin git," Harry thought to himself, tilting his head back and sliding down to the floor to better rest. "He planned that whole thing, getting me all hot and bothered and distracted so he could catch the snitch." Harry paused for a moment and held his breath as he heard voices right outside the door. He listened closely, but it wasn't Draco. He sighed with relief.

Still, he reflected to himself, it wasn't like having Draco chase him was bad. Actually, Harry noticed that his stomach felt all nervous and fluttery in a very pleasant sort of way. The knowledge that Draco Malfoy was out there searching for him, and that when he caught him he was going to shag him six ways to Sunday was really quite a bit of a turn-on.

"Like a very dirty game of muggle hide-and-seek," Harry considered, standing up slowly. Well, if he was a snitch he ought to act like it, and that meant not just hiding in one place but trying to stay moving. Besides, he didn't want Draco to find him too easily. He contemplated sneaking up to his room for his Maurader's Map and invisibility cloak, but that didn't seem in the spirit of fair play, and Harry Potter was known for being a fierce but fair competitor.

And he wanted Draco to catch him - eventually. First, he was going to do everything in his power to hide from Draco. Maybe he hadn't beat Draco to the snitch, but he sure as hell could drag the hunt for him out for hours.


While Harry was sneaking out of Snape's classroom, inching along the corridor and keeping his eyes peeled for a shock of blonde hair, Draco was at the other end of the castle, up by the North Tower, silently treading through the halls and peeking in classrooms along the way. Already he was both cursing and congratulating himself for such a clever plan. Congratulating himself because Potter was out there running scared from Draco, and Draco had to admit that chasing him was turning out to be a hell of a turn-on.

Cursing himself because if he had just suggested a bet about straight up sex right after the match, he could be shagging Harry right now instead of searching all over the bloody castle.


Harry successfully evaded capture until dinner time, when he was faced with a serious dilemma. He was starving. He had to have food, no two ways about it. The question was whether he should head down to the kitchens or to the Great Hall. Which one would Draco be less likely to suspect?

After several moments of deliberation, Harry chose the Great Hall, figuring that Draco would assume he was trying to stay out of sight. Besides, there was a certain safety in numbers. He'd have time to run away again (hopefully) if Draco spotted him.

Harry snuck down to the Great Hall and peeked in through the doors at the Slytherin table. No Draco. Perfect!

He speedily walked over the Gryffindor table and sat down in his usual spot next to Ron across from Hermione, piled some food on his plate and began eating at light speed.

"Hey Harry," Ron said, watching him curiously, "Are you in a hurry or something?"

Harry just nodded, gulping down a glass of pumpkin juice and going back to shoveling food in his mouth at top speed.

"You probably want to get dinner over with so you can start on that Transfiguration essay that's due Monday, don't you?" Hermione said knowingly.

Harry paused. He gave Hermione a disbelieving look, and then shrugged. "Yeah, that's right Herm. My essay. That's it exactly."

Hermione nodded approvingly. "Good for you, Harry. You don't want to put that essay to the last minute, or McGonagall will really ride you."

Harry almost chocked on his food. Why did Hermione have to use unintentional innuendo when he already had sex on the brain?

"Yeah, mate," Ron agreed sagely, "The professors around here really give it to you hard when you're late with stuff."

This time Harry really did choke.

"Harry, are you alright?" Hermione asked, concerned. "Why are you choking? Has something gotten into you?"

Harry took a deep breath. "Nothing yet," he muttered under his breath, "But it's only a matter of time." Hermione and Ron looked very puzzled, but Harry ignored them. He finished all the food on his plate, threw back the rest of his juice, wiped his mouth and got ready to leave. He glanced back up to check the doors into the hall - and to his horror Draco was swaggering in, heading for the Slytherin table

Their eyes locked over the heads of hundreds of classmates.

Harry's eyes flew open wide while Draco licked his lips suggestively. Without even pausing to give a word of explanation to his friends, Harry pushed back from the Gryffindor table and bolted out of the Great Hall, Draco hot on his heels.


As soon as he locked eyes with Harry, a shiver of electricity had sizzled down his spine. "You're mine, Potter," he thought to himself as Harry jumped up from the table and ran out of the Great Hall. Draco scrambled after him.

He dashed after Harry down corridor after corridor, up a flight of stairs, and down another corridor. Up in front of him he saw Harry turn a corner and he followed as fast as he could. He turned the same corner -

And Potter wasn't there.

Draco looked around. Harry must have hid in one of the rooms lining the hallway, he realized, and smirked wickedly to himself. That meant Potter was trapped. He lifted out his wand and cast a locking spell that rippled down the hall, locking every door. That should hold Harry in until he could check each and ever room for his errant boyfriend.

Draco methodically opened every door but one in the corridor.

So far, no Potter.

He frowned. There was only one room he hadn't checked yet, and he was reluctant to do so, because it was a girl's bathroom. Still, although he wouldn't have guessed that Harry would hide in a girl's bathroom, maybe he had. Taking a deep breath, he cautiously opened the door.

"Hello? Any girls in here?" he called out tentatively, not waiting to meet a series of high pitched shrieks and wails and cries of "PERVERT!" if there were, indeed, girls in the bathroom.

Nobody answered. Feeling emboldened, Draco pushed the door open the rest of the way and walked in.

The bathroom looked as if it hadn't been used in ages. One of the stalls had an "Out of Order" sign on it. "Potter must have known about this," he thought to himself. "He must have known this was an unused bathroom and that he was safe to come in here." He made a small noise of triumph - Harry was in here, he just knew it. He began checking each and every stall, mind spinning plans of what he was going to do with the famous Boy-Who-Lived as soon as he caught him.

Suddenly, Draco heard a faint noise that almost sounded like a sniff, coming from the stall labeled "Out of Order." A smirk found its way onto his lips. He walked in front of the stall and got ready to fling it open.

"I know you're in here, Potter!" he called out, hand on the door. "I've got you now, you little minx, and I hope you're ready, because I'm going to shag you to the wall when I - who the hellare you??"

Draco had flung open the stall door dramatically to reveal not Harry Potter, but the ghost of a girl with pigtails, glasses, and a very sullen expression.

The ghost sniffed in an insulted manner. "Not that you would actually care, but I'm Moaning Myrtle. Who're you?"

Draco sneered at her. "I'm Draco Malfoy." He looked disparagingly at the ghost. "Was that you making all that racket?"

Moaning Myrtle fixed him with a look. "You'd be crying too if your life had been so miserable, and now you were stuck haunting a girls' toilet. You're very rude, you know. Not understanding at all. Nothing like Harry Potter."

At Harry's name, Draco's ears perked up. "You know Harry Potter?"

Myrtle suddenly seemed to cheer up. "Oh, yes," she said eagerly. "I've known him for years. So handsome, that one, and so brave. Why, I remember when -

"Yes, yes, he's wonderful," Draco said irritably. Even the ghosts in the castle were infatuated with his boyfriend.

Myrtle glared at him. "It's not very polite to interrupt people, you know," she said haughtily.

"Yes, well, you're not exactly a person, are you?" Draco returned. He ignored Myrtle's gasp of outrage. "Look, have you seen him recently? Like, within the last twenty minutes or so?"

"Well, even if I had I'd hardly tell you. Harry deserves to be kept far away from the likes of you."

"Spare me the lecture. Have you seen him or not?" Draco said crossly. Myrtle gave him a dirty look.

"As it happens, I haven't. Now go away and leave me in peace, you horrible boy."

Draco rolled his eyes. He quickly checked the last few stalls to confirm that Harry wasn't lurking in any of them, and then, forced to accept that Harry, indeed, was not in the bathroom, he turned and left, cursing his bad luck and wondering where on earth Harry had got to.


Moaning Myrtle waited for a few moments after Draco had left, and then floated over to one of the sinks, one that hadn't ever actually worked.

"It's alright, Harry," she called out to the sink, "You can come out now. He's gone."

The sink suddenly began to move aside, revealing a pipe large enough for a person to fit in, with Harry Potter lodged in it. He crawled out, wiping grime off of his jeans, and quickly hissed at the passage to the Chamber of Secrets to close itself.

"Thanks a million, Myrtle," he said with a winning smile. "I owe you one."

If Myrtle had had any blood flowing through her body and wasn't a translucent pearly white, she would have blushed.

"Thanks, Harry," she said. "You know I'd help you any time. And if you ever get tired of that horrible blonde boy, or you happen to die any time soon, you know you're always more than welcome to -

"You're so sweet," Harry said, fighting away several horrible mental pictures. "Well, I better run. I'll see you around then?"

"Any time you want, Harry," Myrtle returned with a rather saucy wink for a ghost. Harry fought back a shudder and snuck out of the bathroom, dashing down the corridors to keep hiding from Draco.


It was now just after curfew, and Harry was congratulating himself on a job well done. Draco was probably dying of frustration at not being able to find Harry. Harry walked past the doors to the library and turned a corner, feeling very smug -

And froze.

There was Draco, talking to Blaise.

Luckily, Draco didn't seem to have spotted Harry, who quietly backed up and then dashed down the corridor. He ran for the nearest open door to hide.

Ah, the library. Perfect. Draco would never think to look for him here. He ducked inside.


"Hey Draco - was that Harry I just saw?"

At Blaise's words Draco spun around. "You saw Potter? Where?" The sexual frustration in his voice rang out loud and clear.

"Just there," Blaise said, pointed down the corridor. "It looked like he saw us and then bolted. I think he might have gone into the library." He looked at Draco with concern. "Why didn't he say hi? Is everything alright with you two?"

"As of right now, it couldn't be better," Draco smiled, already walking away from Blaise towards the heavy oak doors of the Hogwarts library.


Harry slipped inside and hurriedly walked past rows of shelves and tables, looking for a dark row of books to hide in when a voice called out his name.

"Harry! Where have you been? I thought you were here working on your essay all this time!"

It was Hermione. Cautiously Harry walked over to her table.

"Actually, Hermione, I've been - busy," he tried to explain, without giving away the fact that he was playing a slightly kinky game of cat and mouse with his boyfriend.

"Oh," she said, "well, want to work with me now?"

"I can't, I have to -

And suddenly, by the doors of the library, Harry saw Draco walk in, an alarmingly predatory look on his face.

Harry dropped to his knees next to Hermione.

"Harry, what on earth are you -

"Shhhh!" he hissed, watching over Hermione's table as Draco began to peruse the front of the library, looking down rows of books for Harry.

Hermione had a very puzzled look on her face. Harry motioned for her to lean down.

"Hermione, I need your help, okay?" he said urgently. "I'm going to hide under your table, and when Draco comes over here and asks if you've seen me, you say no, got it?"

"Harry, I don't understand. Why are you hiding from Draco?"

"I'll tell you later," he whispered hurriedly, crawling under the table. "Just do this for me, alright Herm? Please?"

Draco had spotted Hermione. He waved to her. She tentatively waved back.

"Alright, Harry, I'll play along," she whispered under the table. Harry sighed in relief. He peeked through the chair legs from his spot under the table and had a wonderful view of Draco's shoes as he walked up to Hermione's table and stopped right in front of her.

"Hello, Granger," he said pleasantly.

"Malfoy," she returned, not looking up from her book.

"Listen, I'm looking for Harry. You haven't seen him anywhere, have you?" Draco asked, placing a hand on the table and leaning down to smile winningly at Hermione.

"Nope, sorry, haven't seen him," she said, just a tiny bit too quickly. Draco studied her for a moment.

"You sure about that, Granger? You wouldn't lie to me, would you?" he said in a voice filled with implicit trust. Gryffindors really weren't any good at lying, Draco knew, and he watched Hermione closely.

Sure enough, her cheeks took on the faintest tinge of pink. "Of course I wouldn't lie to you, Draco," she said, looking slightly uncomfortable. "I said I haven't seen Harry, and I haven't seen him. You should look somewhere else."

Harry winced under the table. Hermione was far from convincing. Still, maybe Draco had bought it?

Not a chance.

Draco sat down on the table, next to Hermione's book, swinging his legs. Harry had to move back slightly to avoid being kicked.

"Now, Granger," Draco said in a very friendly voice, "I'm going to let you in on a little secret. If Harry told you not to tell me that you'd seen him, that isn't really true. Harry wants me to find him."

"He - he does?" Hermione said, bewildered. Harry bit back a groan. This didn't look good. He began to look for an escape route from under the table.

"Yes, he does," Draco continued smoothly. "Because we're playing a game."

"Oh?" said Hermione, sounding curious. "What kind of game?"

"A sex game."

"Oooh," Hermione said in an excited voice. "Tell me about it."

"Well," Draco began to explain, "I'm a seeker and he's the golden snitch. I've been chasing him all over the castle since this afternoon."

"I say, that's pretty hot," Hermione said, sounding impressed. "I need to write that one down." Harry had to duck out of the way as Hermione reached down into her book bag and pulled out a little black book the size of a diary.

"Hermione Granger's Book of Wild, Kinky-Monkey Sex Ideas?" Draco voice rang out, sounding incredulous. "Granger, that book isn't seriously -

"Yes, it is. I take notes on everything."

There was a moment of silence. All that could be heard was the scratching of Hermione's pen in her little black book as both Harry and Draco contemplated methods of stealing said little book.

"So what happens when you finally catch Harry?" Hermione asked. Draco gave her a wicked smile.

"What do you think? I get to shag him into the floor." Draco leaned in intently to look into Hermione's face. "Granger, I know you've seen him. I'm willing to bet you know where he is right now. Let me explain something to you. I've been walking around maddeningly horny since I played Quidditch with him over five hours ago. I'm going crazy. When I find his stupid arse I'm going to give him the shagging of his life. You're one of Harry's best friends. Don't you want him to get the shagging of his life?"

There was a moment of silence as Hermione seemed to be thinking this over. Underneath the table, Harry was thinking this over as well. Surrender was starting to seem like a good option. Yes, surrender and get shagged and - no! This was a matter of pride! He wasn't going to give in so easily.

Draco sensed Hermione's weakening and pressed his point home. "Granger, you have to help me here. Don't you remember? Friends are supposed to help friends get laid. It's a rule."

Hermione hesitated. "Is that really a rule?" she asked, fixing Draco with an intent stare.

"Yes, it is," Draco said firmly.

"Well..." Hermione was wavering. Draco and Harry both held their breath. "Alright then, Malfoy. Harry's under this table."

"Damn you, Hermione!" Harry shouted, as Draco gave a cry of triumph and ducked to look under the table.

"But Harry, Malfoy said that friends are supposed to help friends -

"Oh, I see," Harry snarled, scooting back out from underneath the table in the opposite direction from Draco and quickly standing up. "When I want to get laid, it's all 'oh no, Harry, I couldn't possibly lie to Malfoy so you can shag him.' But when Draco wants to get laid, it's all 'oh, Draco, Harry's right here under the table. Go on, have a go at him, he needs a good seeing to.'"

Harry and Draco faced off, each standing up, staring at each other, eyes narrowed to slits of molten mercury and vivid green, on opposite ends of the table. Both boys watched each other, waiting for the other to make the first move.

Draco leered at Harry. "You do need a good seeing to Potter, and I intend to give it to you. I'm going to shag you into next week for leading me on a wild goose chase that lasted five bloody hours!" Draco lunged to the right, and Harry dashed around the table to the left.

They ran in a circle around the table and then faced off again, once again on opposite sides of Hermione's table, hands resting on its' surface for balance, eyes still narrowed.

"Not my fault you're a lousy seeker," Harry taunted, and Draco's eyes got even narrower.

"You reallyshouldn't have said that, Potter."

"I'm not afraid of you," Harry smirked, provoking Draco further, "because you're never going to catch me." And he faked right, then dashed left. Draco was on to him, and gave chase. The pair bolted around the table, narrowly missing Hermione, only to stop again on opposite sides to resume glaring at each other.

"Okay, that's it, pretty boy," Draco snarled. "I was prepared to play nice with you tonight, I really was. But no, you had to open your big mouth, and now, you're really gonna get it."

Draco dove to the right, and Harry ran left, heading around the table in another circle when -


Harry tripped over something and went sprawling on the floor of the library. He quickly turned over and saw a wickedly grinning Hermione with her foot stuck out.

"Hermione, you tripped me!" Harry said in a stunned voice.

Hermione shrugged. "Just trying to help you get laid, Harry. That's what friends do," she said sweetly.

Draco didn't miss a beat. He dashed around the table and advanced on his prey, who was scooting up backwards on the floor as fast as he could.

"Now, Draco, you know I didn't really mean what I said about you being a lousy seeker, right?" Harry said desperately, his stomach fluttering in a delicious sort of anticipation at the dominating, predatory look on Draco's voice.

"It's too late for that, Potter," he purred as he advanced on his victim and got ready to pounce. "You're mine now."

Harry kept moving backwards away from the advancing blonde until he felt his back hit something solid. Bookshelves. This was it, he was trapped, there was no escape -

"MR. POTTER! MR. MALFOY!! What on earth do you boys think you're doing?"

Madame Pince. The librarian. Harry's ticket to freedom.

Draco closed his eyes. He was obviously counting to ten to avoid saying something scathingly rude to this new roadblock between him and his boyfriend.

"It's past curfew! You should be in bed! Run along, now, both of you, before I give you both detention for rough-housing in the library! Go on now, shoo!"

"Right away, Madame Pince," Harry said, quickly standing up off the floor. "Come on, Draco, we don't want detention, do we?" he said, flashing Draco a smarmy smile.

"Potter," Draco began warningly, but Harry was already speedily walking out the library, heading for those heavy oak doors of freedom.

"Oh no you don't," Draco thought to himself, and began to walk after Harry rapidly.

And of course, Harry sped up.

So Draco sped up.

Then Harry broke into a run and so did Draco, and they ran out of the library with Madame Pince yelling after them.

Harry may have had a slight head start but Draco had five hours of sexual tension in his veins that carried his feet to new bursts of speed. Harry managed to get to an empty hallway in the Charms corridor before Draco caught up to him.

The blonde launched himself at the Gryffindor, knocking into Harry, wrapping his arms tightly around the brunette's middle and bringing him crashing to the ground. Draco fell on top of him, securing his grip around Harry's waist and shouting "Gotcha!" with triumph as he pinned Harry underneath him.

They lay together, panting for a few moments, Harry on his stomach, Draco's body covering Harry's, on the floor of the corridor. Finally, Draco moved up Harry's body slightly, to whisper in the brunette's ear.

"And Draco Malfoy catches the snitch," he whispered, feeling Harry shudder beneath him as his warm breath tickled the Gryffindor's neck. "150 points to Slytherin."


Draco wasted no time hauling Harry to his feet and dragging him into one of the empty classrooms. Harry barely had time to cast a locking and silencing spell on the door before Draco had him against the wall.

"I'm going to fuck you into next week," Draco hissed into Harry's ear, pressing his back into the stone before punctuating his statement with a nip to Harry's ear lobe. By Harry's shaky breaths underneath him Draco could tell that Harry had no problems with this. He pressed his lips firmly to the Gryffindor's, snaking his tongue into Harry's mouth in a rough, insistent kiss that made Harry's head spin. The brunette willfully submitted to the dominating actions of his boyfriend, unable to hold back a moan as Draco trailed his kisses down his neck, sucking and biting and leaving several red marks that would be visible the next morning.

Draco's hands, which had been on Harry's back, holding the Gryffindor against his body, now snaked down to the hem of Harry's sweater. Harry eagerly lifted his arms and Draco yanked it off, tossing it to the side, letting his eyes ravage Harry's body and licking his lips appreciatively.

"You are so hot," he murmured admiringly, trailing his hands over newly uncovered skin and enjoying how Harry tensed beneath his fingers. "And you're all mine." He drove this statement home by pulling Harry away from the wall and pushing him towards the large desk in the middle of the classroom.

"Draco," Harry murmured, too far turned on by this dominant Draco to really say anything coherent. He was being pushed backwards none too gently by the ferocious blonde, and suddenly he felt himself hit something large and solid.

Draco pushed him backwards a bit, and for a moment Harry was awkwardly arched over the desk, with Draco now fervently kissing him again.

"Up," the Slytherin ordered, and Harry obligingly jumped up on the desk behind him, sitting on the edge and wrapping his arms and legs around Draco, who wrapped one hand tightly around Harry's back and buried the other in Harry's soft black hair, tugging slightly at the cool, silky strands while he continued to ravage Harry's mouth.

Harry, meanwhile, had moved his hands to the hem of Draco's sweater and was beginning to lift it up, anxious to strip his boyfriend down and get a good look at his naked body. Draco immediately reached down and slapped his hands away - hard.

"Ow, Draco! That hurt," Harry scowled. Draco just pushed him flat on his back on the desk and leaned over him.

"I'm in charge, Potter," he snarled, "Do you understand?" Harry gasped as Draco forcefully ran a hand over his crotch.

"Okay, you're in charge, whatever you want," Harry said breathlessly, "I just wanted to get you a little more naked here, that's all." And Harry reached again for the hem of Draco's sweater, this time deliberately provoking the blonde.

As predicted, Draco slapped Harry's hands away even harder this time. "What part of "I'm in charge" do you not understand?" he growled, grabbing Harry's wrists and locking them against the desk above his head.

Harry was strangely titillated in this position, held captive by a seething Draco Malfoy. Delicious butterflies of anticipation began to flutter in his stomach, and he squirmed anxiously under Draco as the blonde leaned down over him.

"Now, Potter," Draco said, in a quiet, dangerous voice that turned Harry on in places he didn't even know he had, "Are you ready to play by my rules or do I have to punish you?" He punctuated his threat by closing his teeth over one of Harry's nipples and biting down forcefully, causing Harry to squeal.

"I think you better punish me, Draco," he said impishly, and Draco's gorgeous silver eyes narrowed.

"I thought so." And with a quick flick of his wand ropes slithered up the sides of the desk and bound Harry's wrists to its surface.

At Harry's open mouth, Draco smirked. "You're not the only one who knows bondage spells, Potter." He rested a hand casually on the zipper of Harry's jeans. "You know, Harry," he said conversationally, dragging his hand over the noticeable bulge in Harry's pants, making Harry close his eyes at the teasing pleasure, "You made me chase you for five hours this afternoon." His hand drifted back up to the zipper, and he ever so slowly unzipped Harry's pants. "I think that was awfully rude of you. Don't you agree, Harry?"

Harry was now biting his lower lip to keep from moaning out loud as Draco's talented hand made its way into Harry's pants. Draco raised an eyebrow.

"I asked you a question, Harry," he scolded, slipping his hand into Harry's boxers. Harry let out a moan that made him utterly thankful he had cast a silencing charm as Draco's cool fingers found his bare skin.

"Yes...ohgod...um...very rude...ohgodyes," Harry managed to say as five hours of adrenaline from running from Draco was now being put to the very good use of making his skin almost unbearably sensitive.

"Hmmm, yes," Draco continued, eyes gleaming as he watched Harry writhe against the restraints on the desk. "It would only be fair then, if I made you wait five hours now, don't you think?" He drove his point home by removing his hand.

Harry's eyes flew open and he stared at Draco in horror. "You wouldn't," he whispered, disbelief and dismay clearly evident in his brilliant green eyes.

Draco waited a moment, and then smiled. "Of course I wouldn't. You think I'm really going to wait one more second to shag you into this desk?" And with that he yanked off Harry's pants and boxers in one swipe, released Harry from the ropes that held him, and jumped up on the desk.

"Oh thank God," Harry moaned in relief and pleasure as Draco landed on top of him, and that was the last coherent thing either of them said for quite some time.


Quite Some Time Later...



"You awake?"


"Liar," Draco said, affectionately kissing the head of the wizard cuddled up on his chest. "Are you excited to come to the Manor for Christmas?"

Harry buried his head into Draco's neck. "No," he said in a muffled voice, "Your dad's going to hand me over to Voldemort and then I'm going to die a slow, painful death."

"Oh, no he won't," Draco said reassuringly. "I promise. And besides, you get to sleep in my room."

There was a pause.

"Oh?" said Harry, poking his head up from Draco's neck to look at the blonde. "You didn't tell me that part."

"Well, you do. So we can have all the sex we want. Sound good?"

"All the sex we want..." Harry said slowly to himself, tasting the words. "Sounds very good."

Draco kissed him on the forehead. "There, see. Now you're looking forward to it. And speaking of sex..." he rolled Harry off his chest and on to his back, "I'm still in charge, and I say we have another go."

"Animal," Harry muttered, trying to sound put out, but ruining the effect by grinning happily up at Draco as they began to kiss again.


Author notes: Thank you all so much for reading and reviewing!