Draco Malfoy Harry Potter Severus Snape
Angst Drama
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 12/27/2004
Updated: 09/18/2006
Words: 143,498
Chapters: 34
Hits: 17,918



Story Summary:
Occlumency lessons again with Harry's grief unleashed and Snape realizing his heart is still functional; also, Snape helping an abused Draco(not slash); (mostly Snape, Harry & Draco).

Chapter 01

Occlumency lessons again with Harry's grief unleashed and Snape realizing his heart is still functional also Snape helping an abused Draco(not slash))(mostly Snape, Harry & Draco)

Words: 6,534
Hits: 2,376
Chapter 02

Occlumency lessons again, with Harry's grief unleashed and Snape realizing his heart is still functional; also, Snape helping an abused Draco. (ootp spoilers, not slash))(mostly Snape, Harry & Draco)

Words: 4,940
Hits: 716
Chapter 03

The first half of year six, Occlumency lessons again with Harry's grief unleashed and Snape realizing his heart is still functional. Also Snape (and the golden trio eventually) along with Dumbledore and McGonagall help an abused and near death Draco. (not slash)

Words: 5,855
Hits: 685
Chapter 04

Takes place after book 5, Harry is not dealing with his grief over losing Sirius well, he has to continue occlumency with Snape, Snape also helps Draco, who has been abused. (not slash). A friendship story

Words: 7,232
Hits: 496
Chapter 05

Sixth year at Hogwarts. Snape is ordered to teach Harry occlumency again. Harry's grief is unleashed. Harry faces an accidental addiction that causes a Quidditch accident and injures Draco. Snape helps Harry and works to overcome his bitterness. Snape also helps Draco who is abused and tries to steer him away from the dark. No slash, a friendship fic, all are in it but mostly Harry, Snape, Draco.

Words: 6,676
Hits: 689
Solstice 06

Harry recovers from a nightmare and is finally released from the hospital wing. Hermione, at Harry's prompting, attempts to reach out to Draco who has wandered out into the fog. He's upset after having received a letter from his father who escaped from Azkaban. Hermione catches a glimpse of his tears and they have some tense moments. Snape informs Harry that he needs to talk about Sirius's death and he is the most likely candidate.

Words: 3,167
Hits: 708
Chapter 07

In this chapter "the iceblock" Hermione tries to befriend Draco, because of his ankle injury he ends up in the hospital ward, Snape attempts to find out more about Harry's past, why he overdosed, and tricks him into talking during detention.

Words: 2,875
Hits: 589
Chapter 08

Wild Halloween party with Snape as a vampire. Afterwards Snape takes Harry to the veil for a special samhain visit.

Words: 3,464
Hits: 633
Chapter 09

Draco and Hermione have a bittersweet talk on Samhain down by the lake. Harry tells Ron and Hermione about his trip to the veil with Snape.

Words: 3,659
Hits: 606
Chapter 10

Harry and Snape have a talk down by the lake and reach somewhat of an understanding. Draco overhears and is consumed with jeolousy because Snape is giving Harry occlumency lessons. Snape and Draco had a chat, Draco cries in his room alone.

Words: 3,812
Hits: 606
Solstice 11

Harry continues occlumency lessons with Snape and Snape starts to understand Harry a bit better. Hermione attempts to reach out to Draco who reverts back to his nasty old self.

Words: 2,679
Hits: 574
Chapter 12

The trip to Hogsmead. A death eaters attack. Draco meets with Lucius. Draco hovers between life and death, as Harry attempts to save him while Hermione and Ron try to find help.

Words: 3,522
Hits: 609
Chapter 13

Draco thinks he's dying, his injuries are very severe. Harry has gone for help to try and find Snape while Hermione attempts to help Draco.

Words: 2,989
Hits: 589
Chapter 14

A guilt ridden Harryt is devastated by Snape's accusations, Hermione and Ron attempt to comfort him, Dumbledore arrives and talks to Harry in private. A furious dumbledore goes to confront Snape but finds him devasted as Draco is near death. Dumbledore performs ancient magic and they hope for the best.

Words: 2,982
Hits: 612
Chapter 15

Snape appologizes and confides something very personal to Harry, Draco awakens after his near death coma.

Words: 3,266
Hits: 616
Chapter 16

Snape gives Lucius a taste of his own medicine. Hermione and McGonagall both spend time nurturing Draco. Harry finds Snape. Dumbledore attempts to save Snape's life.

Words: 3,283
Hits: 608
Chapter 17

Harry reads the

Words: 3,837
Hits: 557
Chapter 18

Draco thinks Snape is dead, he's devastated, though severly injured drags himself outside on a stormy night to mourn. Hermione finds him. McGonagall comforts, a potion that may save snape is brewed.

Words: 4,038
Hits: 529
Chapter 19

Harry sits with Snape as his condition changes, Dumbledore whisks all away to a mountainside chalet for Christmas Eve, someone unexpected helps build a snowman, Draco seethes with jealousy and lashes out, Dumbledore deals with him. Temporary peace on earth.

Words: 3,774
Hits: 585

The night before Christmas, Draco is feeling insecure and Snape becomes angry with him, Snape consoles Harry over Sirius' death, and gives him a gift. Both Harry and Draco receive unexpected gifts on Christmas Day. Snape takes some of Draco's insecurities away.

Words: 4,226
Hits: 313

Christmas Day, Harry opens presents with his friends. Draco receives a present that makes him ill - Hermione surprises him with gift. Draco's Occlumency lesson happens.

Words: 4,031
Hits: 303

WARNING: Memories of violence and abuse. Draco is devastated after his first Occlumency lesson. He is assisted by someone unexpected. The headmaster provides some solace. Draco confides his past.

Words: 3,609
Hits: 314

Minerva comforts Draco. Draco is very uncomfortable around Snape and Harry and avoids them. Hermione goads him into going to Harry's Occlumency lesson. Snape and Harry talk after the lesson while Draco flees.

Words: 4,513
Hits: 306

Harry and Draco talk and come to an understanding. Draco finally tells Snape how he feels. Dumbledore talks to Harry.

Words: 4,983
Hits: 313

Harry tells Hermione and Ron about the Prophecy. Draco joins them for New Year's Eve, Snape lets Harry and Draco see his memories. Draco is shaken once again - Harry talks to him and Snape reasons with him.

Words: 6,012
Hits: 299

Hermione soothes an exhausted Draco, Snape and Dumbledore have a meaningful chat, Snape and Harry have another Occlumency lesson and establish trust.

Words: 6,712
Hits: 288

Takes place in February of year six, Draco has trouble conjuring a patronus, he lashes out at Harry - who collapses and ends up in the hospital wing.

Words: 2,685
Hits: 284

Draco attempts to appologize to Harry, Hermione visits Harry. Molly punishes Ron. Snape and Tonks have a spat. Draco loses his temper and Snape goes after him.

Words: 3,011
Hits: 275

The apparating lesson, one student does it, one splinches himself. Snape is furious. Draco comforts Hermione.

Words: 3,098
Hits: 271

Harry lies recovering in the Hospital Wing, Hermione comes for a visit - they kiss! Ron and Draco work out their punishment, Ron is injured -Draco acts fast. Tonks helps Snape.

Words: 4,277
Hits: 271

Ron lies recovering in hospital ward. Draco suffers from too much sun. Harry can't get over his resentment of Snape. Hermione takes care of an ill Draco.

Words: 4,669
Hits: 290

Patronus lessons again with Lupin. Snape gets called - leaving Harry feeling very guilty and very worried and Draco has a panic attack. Who should be there for Harry to talk to? Who should be there for Draco to talk to?

Words: 3,468
Hits: 269

Snape returns, Tonks is relieved, Lupin and Harry talk, Draco and McGonagall talk.

Words: 4,389
Hits: 288

Harry and Snape talk. Quidditch accident...Draco ends up in the hospital wing.

Words: 5,231
Hits: 451