Draco Malfoy Harry Potter Severus Snape
Angst Drama
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 12/27/2004
Updated: 09/18/2006
Words: 143,498
Chapters: 34
Hits: 17,918



Story Summary:
Occlumency lessons again with Harry's grief unleashed and Snape realizing his heart is still functional; also, Snape helping an abused Draco(not slash); (mostly Snape, Harry & Draco).

Chapter 20 - Twas the Night before Christmas and a Happy Christmas

Chapter Summary:
The night before Christmas, Draco is feeling insecure and Snape becomes angry with him, Snape consoles Harry over Sirius' death, and gives him a gift. Both Harry and Draco receive unexpected gifts on Christmas Day. Snape takes some of Draco's insecurities away.
Author's Note:
Thanks for all the reviews! So sorry for the delay, I've been trying to post since October 9th but it's been returned three times due to grammar errors. BIG THANKS to my beta Catmint who sprang in to help me out.

Chapter 20: 'Twas the Night before Christmas and a Happy Christmas

Apologies to Major Henry Livingston Jr. or Clement Clarke Moore or whoever it was that wrote it. 'Twas the Night Before Christmas" (my version Harry Potter style)

'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the holiday escape

not a creature was stirring, not even a Snape;

The angst was hung by the chimney with care,

in hopes that it soon would no longer be there;

The witches and wizards were nestled all snug in their beds,

while visions of new spells danced in their heads.

And Draco in his silver robe, and I, Harry,
in my black robe,

had just settled down to sleep, (not together though)

when out in the snow there arose such a clatter,

we sprang from our beds to see what was the matter.

Away to the window we flew like a Firebolt,

fought each other to open the shutters and give them a jolt.

The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow

gave the lustre of mid-day to objects below,

when, what to our wondering eyes, should appear,

but a man dressed in black carrying eight Butterbeers.

"Now, Hermione! Now, Ron! Now, Draco and Harry!

On, Remus! On Minerva! On, Dumbledore and Hagrid!

To the living room now! Quickly,
don't tarry!"

His eyes -- how they glared! His complexion -
how pale!

His temper at times was like the worst gale!

Instead of friend he was usually a foe.

His long hair was a colour the opposite of snow.

He was thin and sallow, the Master of Potions,

and though he had a heart he had trouble showing emotions -

a sympathetic look in his eye and a pat on the back

was the most one could expect from the usually foul-tempered brat;

"He's mine," snarled Draco;
I growled back, "Let's be fair,"

He pulled out his wand in protest;
I shouted, "Let's share!"

Snape snarled, laying a hand on the top of our hair,

"Stop fighting, it's for both of you that I care!"

He hugged us both, bringing tears to our eyes.

"We're a team, h said. There will be no good-byes."

He sent us to our rooms so we would no longer fight,



As the evening wore on, the beautiful tree slowly lit up with thousands of lights illuminating the ornaments they had all hung on the branches.

Hagrid came out of the kitchens with a dinner feast that rivaled the best of the house elves." Loki danced around the half-giant's heels begging for scraps. Draco's stomach growled at the wonderful smells but despite the potion his stomach still felt unsettled from the oatmeal he had eaten.

Snape insisted he go lie down for a while and get some sleep. He didn't want to go but since he had caused such a scene earlier he decided not to protest. He was still angry with Snape for having played with the golden trio and for having written Potter a letter. Reluctantly he went and lay down. All the anxiety of the last few weeks flooded back to him: his father almost killing him, waking up with Potter there, coming out here with the golden trio, the uncertainty of what would become of him ... he tried to calm himself. His breath came in short, shallow gasps. A rising panic filled his chest, as he struggled for air.

Snape came into the room with a cup of tea. Seeing how distressed Draco was, he sat down on the chair beside him and placed the tea on his nightstand. Draco turned away from him feeling angry, yet also embarrassed. Snape still hadn't said anything to him after his outburst.

"I know you are very upset and you have every right to be. Your life has been turned upside down. Now you are feeling sick, hurt, and confused. You need to talk to me or any teacher you feel comfortable with. Draco, you aren't alone, you know that."

His only response was a short, shaky, intake of breath.

"Here, drink some tea. It will make you feel calmer and sleepy," came Snape's voice softly.

He held the tea out in front of him. Draco sat up and took it, sipping at the warm liquid slowly. The grey eyes looked at Snape resentfully. "Wouldn't you rather be out there feasting with Potter?"

Snape's eyes narrowed with worry. "Are you ever going to get over this incessant jealousy of Potter? Is that what your outburst earlier was about? You were jealous because I got into a snowball fight with him?"

Draco didn't respond, staring fixedly at his tea instead.

Snape growled angrily, "Wasn't my almost dying trying to keep you safe, enough for you?!"

Draco's eyes snapped open. Guilt washed over him. He didn't know what to say. How could he explain the myriad of emotions he was feeling? A wall of despair crept up his throat.

Snape's patience with the boy snapped, and he got up without a backward glance and left the room.

He almost bowled over Minerva on his way back to the living room. She looked at him, startled, as he glared at her. "Severus, what's wrong? Is Malfoy all right?"

"Sometimes I could strangle him; he's impossible!" he growled and stalked past her with his robes billowing out behind him.

Minerva sighed. She knew how much Severus cared for the boy but he had always been short on patience and understanding. He was getting better but he still had a long way to go.

She quietly opened the door and found Draco sitting with his knees up to his chest, his arms wrapped around them tightly and his head down. His breath came in short shallow pants as he coughed in between.

She went over to him and without a word wrapped her arm around his shoulder.

"Calm down, Mr. Malfoy, you'll make yourself sick. You know Professor Snape can be a bit grumpy sometimes. You mustn't take it to heart when he's impatient. You are never going to get better if you get yourself so upset." She patted his shoulder. "I promise tomorrow everything will be better."

With a shaky breath the blond's head came up. There was pain in his eyes and she realized it wasn't just from whatever had happened with Severus.

"Is your chest hurting?" She looked at him with utmost concern in her eyes.

He nodded, not trusting his voice.

She patted his shoulder. "I'll be right back."

"Not Snape," he pleaded and coughed again.

She looked at him reproachfully. "He cares deeply about you; you aren't being fair."

His head fell back to his knees.

"I'll get the headmaster."

The horrible shooting pains tore through his chest again and it hurt to breathe. He was glad that Dumbledore was coming.

They came back within a few minutes.

"Draco, dear boy, could you lie down please?" said Dumbledore.

Once again he used the ancient spell to radiate warmth and pain relief deep into the teen's chest. Draco was pale and upset; he closed his eyes. The tea Snape had given him finally put him to sleep.

"Severus needs to have a serious discussion with him; he won't be able to get better if he keeps all this anxiety wrapped up inside of him. He has no idea how to deal with it," Dumbledore commented with concern in his voice.

"Do you think Severus is the right person to help him do it?" Minerva asked with a raised eyebrow.

"If he can't, we will need to find a way. I've not been able to really reach him. Have you had better luck?"

"He hasn't volunteered anything but I think he's starting to realize I will help him," Minerva responded quietly, looking at the boy's white face. "I'm hoping our gift tomorrow will ease his worries a bit but it won't erase everything that has happened to him."

"Only time, lots of love and support will help him deal with that."

"Albus, Potter is hurting too; after last Christmas and Sirius' death he needs us also."

"I know, but I believe tomorrow might help release some of those pent-up emotions. It is the best thing we can give him. We can't bring Sirius back but perhaps it will bring him a little peace."

"I hope so. The poor boy needs to be as strong as possible to combat everything that Voldemort can throw at him."

"We will make sure that he is," Dumbledore assured her.


Back in the living room, Christmas songs blared from the magical music box Dumbledore had brought. The meal had ended and slowly everyone started to say good night and turn in. Harry's spirits had been high - Hermione, Ron, Lupin and Hagrid had kept him laughing and distracted but as silence from their chatter quieted, and when 'Silent Night' came on the music box, Harry's heart ached.

He went over to a darkened part of the room and looked out of the window. It was a beautiful evening as snow softly fell; his heart dropped as the words: "Sleep in heavenly peace" washed over him. He relived that horrible moment when Sirius went through the veil. He put his forehead to the window, tightness welling up in his throat threatening to choke him. He squeezed his eyes shut trying to grasp at happy memories. He silently wished Sirius a Happy Christmas and told him how much he missed him and how he wished he were here joining in all the fun.

He felt a hand on his back and turned slowly to look into Snape's sympathetic dark eyes. Without a word, Snape pulled him close. His head rested on top of his. "Black would want you to enjoy this Christmas and I'm sure his spirit is here with you, as are the spirits of your parents."

Harry stayed still for a moment listening to his words. He realized in some strange way that Snape helped fill the space that Sirius left. As with Sirius, there was a connection with his parents - or at least his mother.

After patting him on the back, Snape pulled back taking the star and letter that Lily had given him out of his pocket. "I want you to have these and take the words she wrote to heart. Those we have loved and lost are always close."

The prickling behind his eyes started up again as he took the fragile, lovely, little star and his mother's letter. With a quick pat on his shoulder, Snape whirled and walked away again, leaving Harry looking after him in wonder.


"Severus, may I have a word with you?" the headmaster asked after all the others had gone to bed.

Snape nodded.

"I am very worried about Draco. I have been thinking about everything that has happened to him recently. He has had one shock after another. Have you explained what happened when you went after Lucius?"

"I told him that Lucius wasn't the one who almost killed me, that he was the one who likely gave me the stopper-in-death potion," Snape explained.

"If you consider that Lucius, the man he has been in awe of all his life and in whose footsteps he was brought up to follow, almost beat him to death and left him, for all intents and purposes dying in the snow, he must feel some hatred, betrayal and a huge sense of loss. Yet that same man whom he now hates, he once loved and perhaps to some degree still does, suddenly unexpectedly turns around and saves your life," Dumbledore explained quietly. "Try to be patient and imagine a little of what he is feeling. I think part of the reason he can't keep any food down is that he is so upset, traumatized by everything that has happened. Then the one person he relies on to be a support in his life almost dies. Just when he needs you the most emotionally, he sees you interact favourably with Harry, whom he - wrongfully of course - considers his worst enemy. I'm sorry, Severus; that last part was my fault. I thought it would do you good but I hadn't considered Draco's feelings. When he woke up after finding out that you were alive, he was feeling quite good but when he looked outside he became withdrawn and unresponsive."

Snape frowned. "I had thought of some of those things but what do I do to help him?"

"Just be there for him; he needs your help and he needs to talk. Reassure him that you love him. There is no greater gift, Severus, than love." With that last sentence Dumbledore stood up. He patted Snape on the head and went to his room.

Snape sat by the glow of the tree for a long time. Then he got up and entered Draco's room. The blond teen was sleeping on his side. Snape reached down and hugged him gently. Draco's eyes opened sleepily (he was still drugged from the tea).

"Draco, I'm sorry I was so impatient with you before. Just know that I will help you through this and that I love you."

The teen sighed contentedly, some of his anxiety ebbing away as his eyes closed again. He slept peacefully for the rest of the night.

They all awoke Christmas morning to a raging blizzard. The winds howled and a mass of white swirled around the 2-storey log chalet. Harry stood at the window in awe. He had never seen a snowstorm before. He got dressed and went downstairs. The fire in the great floor-to-ceiling stone fireplace was roaring. Hermione was sitting in front of it, stoking it and throwing in pinecones. When she saw him a huge smile lit her face and she jumped up. "Happy Christmas, Harry!"

He hugged her tightly. "Happy Christmas, Hermione."

Soon Ron joined them and more hugs were shared. Ron looked under the massive tree. "Bloody hell! Look at all the stuff!"

"Professor Dumbledore said we couldn't open them till after breakfast. So we'll have to wait a while," Hermione explained with a grin at Ron's excited reaction.

"Harry, dear boy, might I have a word with you?" Dumbledore asked as he came out of the kitchen.

Harry nodded and followed Dumbledore as he headed up the stairs and led him to Professor Snape's room. Harry frowned, wondering what was about to happen.

As they entered the room, Harry was startled to see Lupin and McGonagall in addition to Snape.

He turned in confusion to Dumbledore.

He put his hand on Harry's shoulder. "Harry, we have a present for you. It is something we have been working on for two years now. However, all the problems I was having with the Ministry of Magic prevented it from happening earlier. After the end of the last school year Fudge came around and we were finally able to make this happen. It's long overdue and I'm sorry it comes too late."

Lupin's soft voice added, "Even though it comes after his death, we think it is something that Sirius would have wanted and since you are his godson, we wanted you to have it."

Snape added, "We hope it brings you a little peace."

Dumbledore gave Harry an envelope. The young wizard's heart had clenched at the mention of Sirius' name. With shaking hands he pulled the paper out of the envelope. With his throat closing, he realized it was the official announcement of Sirius' innocence and a full pardon from the Ministry of Magic.

He managed to choke out, "Thank you, all of you." He wished Sirius had lived to see this.

His eyes lifted as he looked at Lupin.

Lupin's eyes were watering. He went over to Harry and hugged him, sighing deeply. They looked at each other, too choked up to speak. Then Lupin smiled softly. "At least now he can rest in peace." A soft sob escaped Harry's lips upon those words. Lupin held him close, fighting back his own tears. Then, with a quick kiss on Harry's head, Lupin pulled back and left the room along with Dumbledore and McGonagall. Harry wiped his face as Snape watched him.

"Potter, are you alright?"

Not trusting himself to speak, Harry nodded.

Snape went over to him and put his hands on his shoulders.

Harry's head dropped. "All those years he spent in Azkaban and then later hiding," he managed to choke out.

"I'm sorry, Harry; I wish this could have at least been arranged while he was still alive."

Harry nodded again, wiping at his face.

"Ready to eat a little breakfast?" Snape asked softly.

"Yes," came the shaky response.

As he headed into the kitchen, McGonagall stopped him and hugged him warmly. "Happy Christmas," she said.

He hugged her back, seeing the sympathy in her eyes. "Happy Christmas, Professor McGonagall."


Draco stood by the window, watching the swirling snow. Last year at Christmas he had been at Malfoy Manor and his father had hit him with the staff for the first time. He squeezed his eyes shut, trying to obliterate the memory. His stomach felt queasy again.

"Draco?" came Professor Snape's voice from the door.


"We have a special Christmas surprise for you."

Snape entered, joined by McGonagall, Lupin and Dumbledore.

Draco looked at them suspiciously.

Snape started to explain. "Draco, before I went after Lucius, I told the headmaster that I wanted to appeal to the Ministry of Magic Young Wizard Abuse Committee to have you removed from your parents' custody. Professor Dumbledore had Cornelius Fudge examine you while you were unconscious. With Lucius as an escaped prisoner, there was no problem revoking his rights; the only problem was if your mother challenged it. She didn't. I'm assuming she's overwhelmed by Lucius getting caught. Which means you never have to worry about Lucius again. You are under my custody and that of Hogwarts and every professor in this room will look out for your welfare. You are safe now, Draco."

He handed him an envelope with the appropriate papers.

Draco took the papers out of the envelope. He looked down at it, seeing Professor Snape's name on it as well as the professors who stood in the room with him. His mother had signed it along with Cornelius Fudge. His body tensed. He fought back the tightness in his throat and the moisture in his eyes by releasing a shaky breath. He was overwhelmingly grateful that the people in this room had done this for him, yet at the same time an incredible sense of despair descended on him.

The professors in the room regarded Draco with shock as suddenly a tear fell onto the paper.

Before anyone could say anything Minerva went over to him and hugged him close. Much to everyone's surprise Draco didn't pull away as expected - instead he wrapped an arm tightly around her neck as his head fell to her shoulder.

Minerva felt the hot silent tears against her neck as she whispered in his ear, "It will be all right."

His mother had signed the papers without so much as a second thought; she was obviously overjoyed to not have to pretend anymore. He knew his father wouldn't have signed but not because he loved him. He thought back to the Shrieking Shack again and how he had practically left him there to die. His whole life had meant nothing. As if reading his mind. Professor McGonagall whispered, "It's a new beginning, Draco."

Professor Snape, out of all the professors, was the most stunned. His usually controlled voice sounded a bit shaky. "Should we not have done this?"

"I think it is fine, Severus. I think he's just a little sad that it had to come to this. And a bit overwhelmed by everything that has happened to him. Am I right, Draco?" Dumbledore asked.

Draco pulled back from McGonagall and, before turning, wiped his face. He looked at Snape with red-rimmed eyes. "Yes, it's what I wanted," he stated, trying to clear his throat.

Snape frowned. "Are you sure? You know that you can visit either of your parents but the visits will be supervised."

Draco responded with, "I don't want to see them."

Dumbledore stood up. "I think we should head back into the living room. Draco, feel free to join us when you are ready." He glanced at Snape over his half-moon glasses.

He nodded, his dark eyes worried.

Minerva stood up, gently stroking Draco's blond hair. He looked up as she smiled at him warmly. "Don't take too long - it's Christmas, a day meant for having fun, and you have presents to open."

He couldn't speak or tell her how grateful he was that she was there and that she kept reaching out to him. He watched her go, wondering why he had never realized in all his years at Hogwarts how caring she really was. Strict and a stickler for rules but McGonagall made him feel special. His gaze went over to Snape.

In a low voice he spoke. "I'm so sorry Draco - I should have talked to you first. When I went after Lucius I wasn't sure if I was coming back so I spoke to Dumbledore, who in turn spoke to the others to ensure that you would never have to go back to Lucius. I don't regret that I have done this because it ensures that you will never again be a victim of Lucius' wrath, but I am sorry it was not discussed with you first."

Draco shook his head. "I don't want to go back. Not anymore."

"The Headmaster and I had a chat last night. He thought you might want to know the details of what happened when I went after your father and that you might be feeling confused over his saving my life."

Draco nodded. "Why did he almost kill me and then save you?"

"When I went after him I wanted to kill him but settled instead for casting a Gaugario Spell over him. Are you familiar with that one?"

Draco shook his head.

"It is used by the Dark Lord sometimes instead of the Cruciatus Curse. He uses it on Death Eaters when he is displeased. It's like using a horsewhip - it cuts deep into the flesh and is very painful. I wanted to remind Lucius how it felt to be beaten and what he did to you. He was in a lot of pain and he lashed out against me with the Cruciatus Curse. Although he was losing blood and feeling rather weak, he lifted it quickly. I pointed my wand at him and Bellatrix Lestrange must have thought I was about to kill him. She is the one that fired the Lightnarius Spell at me. Lucius had just wanted to punish you; he did not realize how seriously you were hurt. He heard voices, which I assume belonged to Potter and his entourage, and knew someone would find you and fix you up - that's why he left. The only reason I believe he gave me the stopper-in-death potion was because I told him that you were on the brink of death and that I was trying to save you. He didn't want his only heir to die."

Draco silently stared at the wall across the room. "That's all I've ever been to him. The heir, the one who had to be just like him but always ended up being just not quite good enough," he responded bitterly.

"Not today, because it is meant to be a fun day, but on another day, you and I will sit down and have a discussion about the past. There are things you don't know about me and also things you should know about your father. Although there is no excuse for what he has done."

"When will you teach me Occlumency?" Draco asked unexpectedly.

Snape's brow furrowed. He was going to resume lessons tomorrow with Potter. He wondered if perhaps as a first lesson for Draco he should combine it with Harry. He would need Potter's permission. This was one way that Draco perhaps could finally deal with his jealousy of Potter if he understood his world. Perhaps the boys could form a sort of truce. But then again, Draco was far from healed and Occlumency was physically and emotionally draining. He wasn't well enough yet.

"I think you need to heal more first."

Draco shook his head. "It would help distract me. I want you to teach me."

Snape sighed. He'd been through so much; he didn't want to deny him. "I'll think about it. But Draco, you have to realize Occlumency is very difficult and you will relive some of the worst and painful moments in your life."

Draco nodded. "I lived through them in person; I can handle a replay."

"You don't understand how draining it can be."

"If Potter can do it, so can I," he stated defiantly.

Snape shook his head. "I fear you are in for a rough ride. Get it out of your head for the moment. Let's go out now and join in the festivities."

Read? Review! Author notes: Please review, Next chapter: the opening of presents, Harry is touched, Draco falls ill, Hermione gives him a present. Everyone has Christmas dinner.