The Dark Arts
Original Female Witch Severus Snape
Drama Angst
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Published: 12/23/2005
Updated: 08/25/2009
Words: 144,750
Chapters: 38
Hits: 9,574

Rumored Nervous Breakdown

Eleanor Belle

Story Summary:
Dolores Umbridge has many targets, during “Order of the Phoenix.” There is one target that is missed in the book. Eleanor Howard leaves her job babysitting the Department of Magical Law Enforcement over the “spin doctoring” from Tri Wizard fiasco, and the treatment of Harry and Dumbledore. Eleanor is seeking employment elsewhere, but Dolores is stopping any opportunity for her to get on with her life. Dumbledore has written asking her to take the Muggle Studies post, until a replacement can be found. The return to school is marred by a grudge with Severus Snape. Eleanor must deal with epilepsy stealing her quality of life, and the checkered past of mental illness catching up with her.

Eleanor Howard and Dolores never saw eye-to-eye on anything at the Ministry, and Harry’s trial is the “straw that broke the camel’s back.” The Daily Prophet made it front page news when Eleanor resigns suddenly, blaming it on a tragic breakdown. After a plea from Dumbledore to take the Muggle Studies post, she agrees to give him only one year. Dolores will use anything to destroy the one person who can expose her shady dealings at the Ministry and Hogwarts. How will the staff handle the return of the woman with a reputation of instability?

Words: 3,676
Hits: 638

The day of the feast has finally arrived, and Dolores is breaking every rule of how to speak in public. Eleanor decides to give Dolores a report card. The ghosts of past mental instability are beginning to haunt Eleanor, and she is forced to confront a brush with suicide. Her life is being impacted by her own disability, and a Death Eater attack when she was an Auror.

Words: 3,065
Hits: 428

The term has begun, and there is already conflict between Eleanor and Dolores. Filch is up to something, but she cannot prove he is spying. The stress is starting to breakdown her defenses.

Words: 2,140
Hits: 392

Dolores has begun her attack on the staff with her evaluations. She is zeroing in on Eleanor, and it is only a matter of time before she goes in for the kill.

Words: 3,899
Hits: 386

Dolores tightens her hold on the staff, and the strain on everyone is starting to show. Snape pushes Eleanor too far when he declairs she needs to reside at St, Mungo's. What is the terrible secret between Eleanor and Snape?

Words: 4,180
Hits: 399

Dolores has begun her reign of terror at Hogwarts, and Eleanor is the primary target. As the pressure mounts, she may be seeking another way out; however, the road could prove fatal.

Words: 3,355
Hits: 381

Eleanor attempts to warn the staff about Dolores's potential for danger, and the High Inquisitor is not pleased. Eleanor's credibility is questioned when a bout with illness is taken out of context.

Words: 5,710
Hits: 327

Eleanor’s world is spiraling out of control as Christmas approaches. She has lost credibility with her friends and fellow teachers. Several members of the staff see her as the professional victim, but others see a ticking bomb about to self destruct. How far off is the unscheduled holiday at St. Mungo’s? How much further is Dolores willing to go in micro managing the school?

Words: 2,777
Hits: 305

Eleanor is missing and unable to be found. She finds herself in the worst place physically and mentally. Dolores is a woman of her word, and she has found a way to keep Eleanor quiet. How long can St. Mungo’s keep her presence a secret, or will someone figure out Dolores is full of lies?

Words: 3,140
Hits: 285

Eleanor discovers there is more to her fake death than she realizes. The Healers of St. Mungo’s believe Dolores’s lies about what has brought Eleanor to the Psychiatric Isolation Ward. With nothing but time on her hands, she looks deep into her past to discover the reason for her present day treatment by the Healers. How deep is the staff involved in this subterfuge? What really lies beneath Eleanor’s troubled thoughts?

Words: 3,649
Hits: 278

There are cracks developing in Dolores's plan to keep Eleanor quiet. What will she do when faced with a law suit to gain answers to Eleanor's fate? Bulstrode and Copperbottom are coming to a new understanding of the mind of their unusual patient.

Words: 3,029
Hits: 292

The Healer's of St. Mungo's are concerned over Eleanor's sudden decline in health, and they wonder why Dolores seems reluctant to do anything about it. Will Eleanor return to the arms of her family, and who could help make this happen?

Words: 3,176
Hits: 266

Eleanor is able to tell her loved ones the truth about her time at St. Mungo's and Dolores's conspiracy. She must fight rumors about her character and the purpose behind her disappearance. Eleanor must make a life or death decision about her future.

Words: 3,647
Hits: 288

Eleanor has come home to Hogwarts to finish out the last five months of the school year. Dolores’s campaign of personal attacks on her are reaching an all time low, and the Daily Prophet is playing a large role in spreading the rumors. The High Inquisitor is calls into question Eleanor’s past actions, courage, and morals to intimidate her. The sudden stress is breaking down her ability to keep her health in check and giving more ammunition to use against Eleanor.

Words: 4,136
Hits: 271

Eleanor is firing the opening shots of her battle against the Ministry and Wizarding Press. Dolores is being stripped of her weapons that she is using to destroy Eleanor's credibility. What is the cause of tensions between the Muggle Studies professor and the potions master? Severus Snape seems to be paying too much attention to her legal matters, and the choice of her attorney.

Words: 4,403
Hits: 267

Dolores's hold on the school is tightening into a death grip, and the staff is close to open rebellion. Why is Rupert Osgood angry at Eleanor, and who is the one sending her morbid poetry?

Words: 3,818
Hits: 231

Dolores's psychosis is not spiraling out of control and impacting the students. She is playing politics with one young girl's live with potential deadly consequences. What can Nell do to save her? Could another poem reveal our mystery admirer?

Words: 6,240
Hits: 254

Eleanor is feeling vulnerable after the attack; however, she is attempting to hide her anxieties. Every time she turns around, someone unseen is prying into every corner of her life. What were the bumbling thieves really after?

Words: 4,115
Hits: 267
Chapter 19 - Houses

Dolores is picking the staff off one-by-one, and Eleanor is sure she is next. She faces her first challenge with Ursula, herself. Why does Dumbledore stop trusting her ability to keep a secret?

Words: 4,144
Hits: 241

Eleanor feels like a pet project in Dumbledore's crusade to save the "lost sheep" of the Wizarding World. She is tired of being told what is best for her. What is Dolores' fascination with Eleanor's love life? How does an accident change the fate of our Muggle Studies teacher?

Words: 4,337
Hits: 241

Eleanor is a victim of “it’s for your own good” taken to extremes. The good intentions of those around her could have fatal results. She is tired of being told she is making up her physical problems with her care takers. What really caused the collapse in her bathroom in November and the episode with being found unconscious next to a broken bottle of her medication?

Words: 3,935
Hits: 228

The Kneazle is out of the bag, and Eleanor is in more danger than ever before. If Dolores cannot destroy Eleanor’s health, she will go after her character. The seeds of ruin were sown during the period she was missing, and Dolores is taking every advantage it. How will Eleanor prevent the High Inquisitor from taking away her future?

Words: 5,262
Hits: 224

No one seems to be able to give Eleanor a straight answer to any of her questions. Rupert is worming his way into every corner of her life, and it is not sitting well with her. Who is the true ally in this situation?

Words: 4,187
Hits: 249

The school is falling into complete chaos as Dolores’s hold on the administration tightens. Eleanor has found a way to return to Hogwarts to finish out the year and complete her mission. Who is the person sending her poems and secretly helping her? How is she going to repair a rift with her family and Rupert over a simple misunderstanding?

Words: 4,411
Hits: 214

Eleanor returns to Hogwarts to the irritation of Dolores Umbridge. Our much abused Muggle Studies professor is learning to reach out to those around her and make new friends. Who sends her something unexpected on her birthday, and how does Rupert find a way into Eleanor's heart?

Words: 4,032
Hits: 218

Eleanor has been backed into a corner as Dolores's campain of ruining her reputation is now spilling over to discredit Rupert's professional reputation. Will she take the easy way out or make a dash for freedom.

Words: 3,737
Hits: 220
Chapter 27 - Easter

Eleanor's foggy memories over the Winter Holidays begin to surface in disturbing ways. Can Rupert help heal the wounds inflicted by her horrible treatment at the hands of Dolores Umbridge and Bulstrode? What is behind Eleanor's reluctance to open her heart to the man who has loved her since childhood?

Words: 3,693
Hits: 221

Eleanor is putting together the pieces of the puzzle together; however, it could be too late. How far does Pure Blood Mania run in the Ministry and Hogwarts?

Words: 3,953
Hits: 196

Eleanor is learning there is more to Dolores’s involvement in the financing scam at the Ministry than meets the eye. Who in Voldemort’s inner circle stand to be uncovered by the investigation? What is the real price of truth?

Words: 3,338
Hits: 188

Eleanor faces the horrible realization of Rupert's death. For the second time in her life, she has lost someone who really understood her the best. Can Eleanor move on from this point, or will she choose the easy way out to join Rupert once more?

Words: 3,830
Hits: 154

Eleanor has given up on her future because of Rupert's untimely death. Her only desire to find a method to rejoin him once more. Will someone get through to her in time?

Words: 4,539
Hits: 177

Eleanor is faced with a choice: stay with Rupert or return to fight for the ones she loves. Can she mend the relationships around her?

Words: 3,356
Hits: 149

Eleanor finally sees a light at the end of the tunnel for getting on with her life. Can she force Dolores to give her the ability to rejoin her family, or will they remain apart forever?

Words: 2,677
Hits: 148

Eleanor learns the ugly truth behind Dolores's scam at the Ministry. Where did Rupert go after Eleanor's parents were attacked? What did he give them? Will Eleanor be able to pick up the pieces of her life again?

Words: 4,183
Hits: 124

Eleanor is letting go of her past to get a new start; however, there are some who refuse to allow her to move on. Why was Dolores so fixated on her love life? What role did Dawlish play in the drama? Can Eleanor hold on for the final ten days at Hogwarts?

Words: 4,243
Hits: 137

Dumbledore's return brings mixed feelings for Eleanor as she hears the truth behind his treatment of her. Why does he treat her like a child? What burden has Minerva carried on Eleanor's behalf all these years?

Words: 3,506
Hits: 127

Eleanor is taking the final steps towards her post-Hogwarts life. Will her feelings for Rupert rise again to cloud her judgement? What are the consequences of a dinner with an old friend? Will Dolores face the consequences for her greed?

Words: 3,608
Hits: 80

Eleanor must face the truth that has been hidden from her over the years. Only when she can face the past can she move on into the future. What role has Severus played over the course of the year? Will Eleanor finally find the courage to move on to her new life?

Words: 1,624
Hits: 43