Eleanor Belle

Every first year Hogwarts student learns about potions and spells, but there are a few things that are not on the curriculum. Muggle born Eleanor Howard comes to Hogwarts with more than her trunk, diary, and a wand. She suffers from a seemingly innocent ailment in her eyes, but her parents and new teachers refuse to discuss it with her. How can the magical world cope with a disability that cannot be mended with a spell or potion? Set in the era of Voldemorts first rise to power when tolerance and acceptance were not appreciated.

Words: 9,531
Chapters: 4
Hits: 466

Dolores Umbridge has many targets, during “Order of the Phoenix.” There is one target that is missed in the book. Eleanor Howard leaves her job babysitting the Department of Magical Law Enforcement over the “spin doctoring” from Tri Wizard fiasco, and the treatment of Harry and Dumbledore. Eleanor is seeking employment elsewhere, but Dolores is stopping any opportunity for her to get on with her life. Dumbledore has written asking her to take the Muggle Studies post, until a replacement can be found. The return to school is marred by a grudge with Severus Snape. Eleanor must deal with epilepsy stealing her quality of life, and the checkered past of mental illness catching up with her.

Words: 144,750
Chapters: 38
Hits: 9,574