Ariana Malfoy-Lestrange

Draco Malfoy and Cho Chang are both a little lost. And it takes them to find each other to find themselves again. A love story, of sorts, that spans from the beginning of HBP to...well, forever.

Words: 1,085
Chapters: 1
Hits: 255

It isn't exactly an arranged marriage- more of a marriage of convenience. They've known each other for ages, their parents are friends; they inhabit the same small world. Yes, it works out well, Pansy Parkinson marrying Draco Malfoy. On her part, it's mostly convenience. She knows every single little thing about Draco- how he likes his tea (he doesn't), how he crosses his sevens (he doesn't), and how he likes her (he doesn't). It's not quite that he doesn't like her- he does, in his own way. She is safe. Spotless bloodlines, good breeding, tactful taste, somewhat intelligent and averagely attractive, everything he needs in a wife. Maybe not what he wants, but after all, what he wants is arbitrary.

Words: 2,448
Chapters: 1
Hits: 638

And then, there’s Chang. The biggest cliché of all. Intelligent, pretty, untouchable widow, who’s gone out with every noble, chivalric guy you can possibly think of. So trust fate to throw her my way.

Words: 536
Chapters: 1
Hits: 466

Sometimes, when I’m bored, or at another pointless Death Eater meeting, I think about that tapestry, the one in my aunt Black’s home. I remember the feel of it - it was soft, and the gold threads were so intricately woven, so perfect, it seemed. Of course, there were its flaws- the small burned names, and little holes, but other than that it really was very lovely. I remember, when I was a small child, tracing my index finger along the gold line that seemed to run forever…forever, and forever, for all eternity.

Words: 1,435
Chapters: 1
Hits: 272

Two very different people, both looking for the same thing, meet in Hyde Park one day. A Dean Thomas/Orla Quirke fic, the first of it's kind, challenged by seren on the HMMS WATT? Mentioned Dean/Ginny

Words: 2,957
Chapters: 1
Hits: 298

Demons. The inner kind, not the kind that you can exorcise quickly, but the kind that haunt you, paralyze you, pull you into a different world. Ginny talks about her inner demons.

Words: 513
Chapters: 1
Hits: 166

Different Harry Potter characters each muse on the funny thing we call love. Hermione/Ron, Harry, Cho, Draco, Ginny, and more to come!

Words: 654
Chapters: 1
Hits: 681

It’s the irony of it all that just really gets me. The irony of the book of life, written by someone long dead; the irony of writing about something beautiful, when there is ugliness all around; the irony of writing about sight, when you are blind. The irony of writing about love, when you can love no more, oh, that’s the greatest of them all, that it is. R/Hr

Words: 1,206
Chapters: 1
Hits: 369

Cedric Diggory was the closest thing to perfection I could ever hope to attain; perfect for me, perfect for each other, perfect everything. He alone knew when to make me smile, let me rant, or kiss me. And I didn’t want to let go of that.

Words: 533
Chapters: 1
Hits: 646

I remember now that I’ve always loved the wind-maybe it’s a part being a Seeker, but now I cherish it even more than ever, because the wind is my last reminder of what you were really like- your hugs, your being. Cho reminsces at someone's funeral.

Words: 984
Chapters: 1
Hits: 297

Your hair was wet, and your cheeks and lips colored pink-red, from the potion, but your eyes were shining. “So”, you whispered, “I was the thing that you would miss most, Diggory?” Cedric Diggory's POV during the Goblet of Fire, one-shot, bit fluffy, ignorant foreshadowing.

Words: 1,180
Chapters: 1
Hits: 574

I was not an unhappy child, I suppose, for the early years of my childhood. I was vaguely aware with a child’s sense that somehow Narcissa, an enchanting little girl with the prettiest blonde curls ever, seemed to get most of the hugs and kisses from my mother, and Andromeda, a serious one, with wavy chestnut hair, seemed to get the most praises for her intelligence, from my father.``I was but little Bellatrix, slender, and dark, which was not attractive for all too much of my family. Bellatrix Lestrange tells the story of her life, from her view.

Words: 1,564
Chapters: 1
Hits: 609

She watches him from afar and wishes desperately that she hadn't made the mistakes she made. Mentioned Cho/Harry, Harry/Ginny. From Cho's POV.

Words: 1,637
Chapters: 1
Hits: 976

The night before the last battle, Harry compares his life with that of the night sky.

Words: 510
Chapters: 1
Hits: 294

Ron's POV, one day, studying in the Library, describing Hermione. A little piece of fluff, Ron/Hermione!

Words: 518
Chapters: 1
Hits: 727

This is the diary of Pansy Parkinson, and her sixth year. What will she do when her beloved Draco goes out with girl!Blaise Zabini? She needs to get Draco back... but when she finally does get him back, after chocolates, a makeover, excessive shopping, and an image consultant, does she really want him? Pansy has to decide, the changed Pansy must decide between an unlikely new love interest, and the one who she's been pining for years after. Not what you may think!

Words: 1,674
Chapters: 1
Hits: 497