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Stories with missing chapters.

The Headmaster rediscovers an old love, and the boys have found a new love.

Words: 1,240
Chapters: 1
Hits: 0

If he loved Harry bloody Potter then the Boy Wonder could at least return the honor. Fair was fair and all that rot. Crack!Fic.

Words: 502
Chapters: 1
Hits: 0

When the years go by, there isn't a day in them where the twins are forgetful of their precious youth and the time they spent together. Twincest, Slash, Fluff, and Slight AU for this fangirl's denial of certain things.~ Rating will go up in later chapters.

Words: 1,101
Chapters: 1
Hits: 0

Defying death is not only intoxicating, it changes your entire view of what is important in life--and offers a new perspective to Harry when Neville has something to get off his chest.

Words: 4,404
Chapters: 1
Hits: 0

Enjoy Severus Snape as a father figure, when he discovers that his daughter is on good terms with Potter's son and that his wife had been involved some way or another in this story.

Words: 1,205
Chapters: 1
Hits: 0

Fred thinks that maybe, just maybe, in some other life, he and George could have what it takes to adopt a couple of children...then again...maybe not so much. Plenty of twincest and fluff to run amok.~

Words: 894
Chapters: 1
Hits: 0

Draco jumped up, yanked out his wand and thrust it, point upwards, in Lucius' face. 'I can still feel them, Father,' he whispered, 'all those writhing, stinking spells!' Lucius curled his lips. 'Then why do you fight them?'

Words: 2,732
Chapters: 1
Hits: 0

Harry finds Sirius's disposable will. Neither him nor the unicorn-human beast know what it is. The paper is not disposable -- however the will was. It was a gag joke -- but it had the person's last thoughts written on it.

Words: 959
Chapters: 1
Hits: 0
Millennium Magic by Daricio

A new year is about to start at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Harry Potter can't wait to get back to the one place he feels he truly belongs. Which is why, when he finds that Hogwarts has dissapeared, Harry is not content to simply go back to the Dursleys for another year. He finds out that the magic source required to vanish Hogwarts has been traced to a place called Domino City, New York, USA, and begins his own search. When he meets the interesting (and definitely suspicious) 'muggle' students there, he calls Hermione and Ron for backup. Now, the only people they can trust are each other, for everyone else... is a suspect.

Words: 2,904
Chapters: 1
Hits: 0

While Harry is going through the Tri-Wizard Tournament, Sirius gets it together. When Harry returns from school, Lord Black is ready to claim his rights and obligations, but he and Harry will both have some adjusting to do. Pranks! Parties! Motorcycles! Starts darkish, but gets fun fast.

Words: 4,085
Chapters: 1
Hits: 0