Anna Fugazzi
Leave Out All the Rest by Anna Fugazzi
02/08/2012Nobody expected the year after Fred's death would be easy. But nobody expected George would have to lose so much, just to live through it. Or: George is doing his best to make his way after the war and Fred's death. Everyone is trying to help, and he wishes they would just stop. Especially Fred.
Ember to Ember by Anna Fugazzi
10/14/2011Sequel to Volunteers, written for the Beltane livejournal community. From one Beltane to the next.
The House That Cedric Built by Anna Fugazzi
10/10/2011Draco didn't think there was much reason to hope for a better future. Astoria proved him wrong.
A Bit Unhealthy by Anna Fugazzi
08/29/2011Post-DH George Weasley/Angelina Johnson, prompted by Rowling's saying of the pairing that "maybe it's a bit unhealthy, but I think that they would've been happy." A writing challenge if I ever saw one ;)
Riptide by Anna Fugazzi
08/10/2011With apologies to George Lucas: "Who's the more foolish: the fool, or the fool who follows him?" Written for hd_worldcup 2008, Team Epilogue, Prompt "The Fool."
Walk On by Anna Fugazzi
08/07/2011Written for hd_remix 2007, for mizbean's story "Walk On." Mostly because I loved it, but also in part because I have a huge soft spot for Harry/Ron, even when Harry/Draco is the OTP ;)
And I'll Tell You No Lies by Anna Fugazzi
06/28/2011It all started with a stupid interrogation. Or: Don't ask a question if you're not prepared to hear the answer.
Coyote Morning by Anna Fugazzi
06/22/2011"Sometimes the very thing you're looking for is the one thing you can't see." Or: sometimes boys aren't too bright. (George Weasley/Lee Jordan)
Guide those that through their councils by Anna Fugazzi
06/19/2011Harry's first time out of the British Isles left something to be desired. In fact, as the locals would say, so far it sucked. Written for HP 10K Awareness.
Hermafrosts by Anna Fugazzi
06/07/2011Love and Wheezes in a time of war. Fred/Angelina, possible side of George/Angelina if you squint and tilt your head. No relation to Hermione, despite the name.
Adventures in Babysitting by Anna Fugazzi
06/07/2011The Auror Corps provides Harry with a profession that's highly dangerous, demanding, and glamorous. Except when it's not.
Volunteers by Anna Fugazzi
06/05/2011Written the Beltane Fic Exchange: Harry, Draco, and a volunteer position that was supposed to be quick and easy.
Cool Has Left the Building by Anna Fugazzi
10/27/2010One-shot sequel to Confession Is Good For the Soul. First-date jitters.
Harry Potter's Betrayal by Anna Fugazzi
07/16/2007Remix of Lucilla Darkate's How and Why, for the hd_remix of 2006.
Anniversary by Anna Fugazzi
07/16/2007The Timestamp Meme was pretty simple: give me any one of my fics and a timestamp, and I'll write you at least 100 words. Problem: I babble. This time, Caliope Amphora said
Not Seamus' Fault by Anna Fugazzi
07/16/2007Oneshot sequel for Bond. Timestamp meme for Fourth Rose, who asked for a story set post-Bond, the day after the epilogue.
Estranged by Anna Fugazzi
07/16/2007Oneshot sequel to Confession Is Good For the Soul. Timestamp meme for Cutecoati, who asked what the boys would be doing two years later and got an earful from Ron for her trouble ;)
Confession Is Good For the Soul by Anna Fugazzi
06/19/2007Confession may be good for the soul, but Draco learns that it's also hell on the nerves and libido.
Bond DVD Extras by Anna Fugazzi
11/05/2006This is stuff related to my H/D fic, Bond. There are deleted scenes, full text of some of the articles in the story, and some rather weird detaily stuff that's probably of no interest to anybody who's not a detail-oriented kind of person, like I am. (Hence my use of the term "detail-oriented" instead of "sadly obsessive.")
Honestly by Anna Fugazzi
08/02/2006Written for the challenge "A prophet did once say that honesty's a lonely word." Draco knows that discretion is the better part of valour.
Bond by Anna Fugazzi
07/14/2006It seems 95% of H/D writers feel compelled to write a "Harry And Draco Are Forced To Be Together By Something Beyond Their Control And Then Unlikely Stuff Happens That Leads To Twoo Wuv" story. Count me among the 95% ;)