Leave Out All the Rest

Anna Fugazzi

Story Summary:
Nobody expected the year after Fred's death would be easy. But nobody expected George would have to lose so much, just to live through it. Or: George is doing his best to make his way after the war and Fred's death. Everyone is trying to help, and he wishes they would just stop. Especially Fred.

Lee couldn't take it in. It didn't make any sense; Fred was one of the most alive people he had ever met, Fred and George were a force of nature, unstoppable, unbeatable, and yet now somehow one of them was lying motionless on the floor and the other sitting mute and blank beside him.

Words: 10,777
Hits: 570

There was bugger-all to do at The Burrow except listen to Mum cry, and try to stay as unobtrusively drunk as possible.

Words: 7,031
Hits: 285

George bit back the urge to snap, 'It's a death, not a loss. It's not like Mum'll find Fred behind the couch next time she tidies my flat.'

Words: 9,363
Hits: 181

"He's still strong," said Healer Radstone. "This has nothing to do with strength. There are many things he could have coped with; losing his twin just wasn't one of them."

Words: 6,868
Hits: 167

There was something mildly amusing about a girl with a string of Butterbeer corks around her neck and leeks hanging from her ears impugning the reliability of The Prophet.

Words: 11,509
Hits: 180

Dearest Father Christmas, for my gift this year I would like to have my dead brother back. Failing that, I would like my dead brother to stop being a pain in the arse.

Words: 8,487
Hits: 156

He was beyond shame at this point; all he wanted was out. Escape, by any means necessary.

Words: 12,078
Hits: 99
Chapter 08 - Lethe

Merlin, being institutionalized and sort of possessed by your dead twin and trying to have a conversation with Luna Lovegood meant you had no chance of making any sense whatsoever.

Words: 9,484
Hits: 33