81 - 97 of 97 Stories

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Stories with missing chapters.

Everyone thinks Charlie has always loved dragons. Hear the truth, in his own words.

Words: 1,074
Chapters: 1
Hits: 313
Sorrowful Wolf by Cyndi Black

Faolan Brone wants the same thing as any other five-year-old boy: a real home with a real family. There's only one small problem.

Words: 777
Chapters: 1
Hits: 301

Firenze is faced with a difficult decision. In SS/PS he first swore to fight against evils, even if it meant siding with humans and against the stars. Can he hold true to that? What role do the stars play, and where can you turn to for help when you believe in the very thing you've sworn to defy?````(Involves soul searching, the Forbidden Forest, a lot of angst, a bit of violence and maybe a dash of hope!)````(semi sequel to my fic Fighting Mars, but that isn't needed for this to make sense)

Words: 1,634
Chapters: 1
Hits: 297

Hagrid has missed Christmas dinner, and Minerva is concerned. But Hagrid has some concerns of his own.

Words: 1,360
Chapters: 1
Hits: 293
Damage Control by athenaprime

In a conversation taking place shortly after the events described in Tom Riddle's diary, Albus Dumbledore, Transfigurations professor, learns that a headmaster must put the school first, but at what cost? Dumbledore must convince Headmaster Dippet to save a student from an undeserved fate while preserving the reputation of the school.

Words: 2,218
Chapters: 1
Hits: 278
Ruins by Kt.M.M.

Sirius Black jumped off the bike before it properly stopped. It rolled and fell against one of the standing walls of the ruined house. He ran, almost tripping over the wreckage, towards Hagrid's looming figure, sitting in the remains. He heard it then... crying...

Words: 969
Chapters: 1
Hits: 277

Smoke, fire, flames. Not that uncommon an occurrance at Hogwarts these days--Hagrid gets drunk about twice a month and sets his bed on fire. But one night, during a particularly dry spell just before Christmas break, the fire spreads to the castle...````Songfic to Kenny Chesney's The Simple Things.

Words: 2,405
Chapters: 1
Hits: 266

A story inspired by the title (provided by April in a plot bunny thread). It's about how there's a spark of good in the worst of people and a nasty streak in the best of people.

Words: 3,192
Chapters: 1
Hits: 255
The UST Cometh! by isla142

Everyones favourite fanfiction authors Siofra the Elf and Gwendolyn James, along with their friends, have been dragged into the past to relive one of their favourite scenes from the Harry Potter movies. Hilarity and craziness ensues as the time draws ever closer...

Words: 1,063
Chapters: 1
Hits: 252

Hagrid gives his loyalty not to causes, but to people. Specifically, to Albus Dumbledore. Written for dolorous_ett for the hp_summergen ficathon. Pre-DH.

Words: 1,213
Chapters: 1
Hits: 244

This story was inspired by the statement of Tom Riddle, that Hagrid would sneak out of Hogwarts to wrestle ``mountain trolls. It is a harsh winter. The trolls are starving and they might show up at Hogwarts. Hagrid is tasked to protect the school grounds.

Words: 3,842
Chapters: 1
Hits: 236
Grawp by SnowyIris

Hermione's summer turns into a very long lesson when she agrees to teach Grawp for Hagrid. Grawp doesn't really understand much and Hermione is neglecting her work. Harry and Ron decide to come to the rescue, and that's when the real problems begin.

Words: 1,413
Chapters: 1
Hits: 204

The origin of Harry Potter, told as it could have been.

Words: 710
Chapters: 1
Hits: 183
Halloween by Meghan~Jinx

A take on the meeting of Sirius and Hagrid in Godric's Hollow on Halloween, 1981.

Words: 2,320
Chapters: 1
Hits: 155
Preternatural by Cjohn

Harry Potter enters his first two years at Hogwarts and weird things begin hapening to him. With everything going on in his first year, Voldemort is the last thing on his mind. Harry trys contacting his parents, and later on trys to discover why weird things are happening to him.

Words: 1,510
Chapters: 1
Hits: 102

Severus and Sirius are assigned a joint detention in the Forbidden Forest with Hagrid. Only it turns out they're not in Kansas any more. One-shot, gen.

Words: 8,458
Chapters: 1
Hits: 72