Astronomy Tower
Romance Angst
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Quidditch Through the Ages
Published: 02/24/2003
Updated: 10/16/2004
Words: 107,258
Chapters: 37
Hits: 26,668



Story Summary:
I hope you'll like my introduction to Marcus Flint's second Seventh Year. In the chapters to come, the Slytherin House team is trying to win their Eighth cup by any means necessary but they run into problems mainly teenage boy problems that involve a bet, a non-existent girlfriend and a Gryffindor chaser that is distracting their fearless leader.

Chapter 01

I hope you'll like my introduction to Marcus Flint's second Seventh Year. In the chapters to come, the Slytherin House team is trying to win their Eighth cup by any means necessary but they run into problems mainly teenage boy problems that involve a bet, a non-existent girlfriend and a Gryffindor chaser that is distracting their fearless leader.

Words: 1,223
Hits: 3,107
Chapter 02

Meet the Slytherin Quidditch team. Appearances can be deceiving. Marcus and Katie spark for the first time.

Words: 2,337
Hits: 898
Chapter 03

Marcus realizes that the coming Quidditch season is going to be a challenge. A pick up game of Quidditch leads to a heated encounter for the Slytherin captain.

Words: 1,645
Hits: 687
Chapter 04

This chapter will show Marcus', Katie's and Marcus' friends' point of view of the developing relationship.

Words: 1,139
Hits: 597
Chapter 05

Marcus begins his pursuit of Katie with a Slytherin twist. Bole gets a disturbing owl. Will Katie's impulsive nature and weakness for hard bodies get her in trouble?

Words: 1,546
Hits: 621
Chapter 06

Let the games begin! Katie and Marcus start their romance but Marcus remains at heart a Slytherin and a Slytherin he shall remain.

Words: 2,170
Hits: 611
Chapter 07

Marcus and Katie embark on their secret affair. How long can they keep their

Words: 2,559
Hits: 685
Chapter 08

Teenage hormones and angst fly in this the latest installment of Sparks. Marcus and Katie are getting to know each other and their relationship is growing faster than they realize. Snape makes an appearance. Tarquin Bole and Chris Warrington plot like the Slytherins they are. Finally, we hear from Gryffindor House.

Words: 3,700
Hits: 638
Chapter 09

Marcus resolves to tell Katie some painful truths about his life and you know how much Marcus loves to tell the truth. He tells Katie about the list.

Words: 1,511
Hits: 604
Chapter 10

In this latest chapter of Sparks, Marcus and Katie have it out. Will they break up?

Words: 2,846
Hits: 704
Chapter 11

In this chapter, Marcus initiates Operation First Real Date. Marcus is not the only Slytherin that likes to cross Inter-House dating lines. And Marcus finds out a secret about one of his teammates that could affect his relationship with Katie.

Words: 4,264
Hits: 613
Chapter 12

This chapter is mostly from Katie's point of view. Her feelings for Marcus and how she deals with them are what this chapter is about. Marcus starts this chapter feeling guilty about switching the Quidditch schedule. He's frustrated and our Marcus doesn't play nice when angry. Oliver Wood comes into play in this chapter as well.

Words: 4,520
Hits: 597
Chapter 13

The morning after the night before from Marcus's point of view. We have some more hints about the homelives of the Slytherins.The chapters to come will see Marcus and Katie's relationship evolve. Marcus also has two other very close friends that no longer attend Hogwarts. Adrian Pucey and Terrence Higgs may just show up for the Yule Ball in London.How will they take Katie. How will she take them?

Words: 3,846
Hits: 557
Chapter 14

Marcus and Katie take their relationship to a new level.

Words: 4,241
Hits: 697
Chapter 15

It's the month of December of Hogwarts and Marcus and Katie are in

Words: 4,752
Hits: 600
Chapter 16

Welcome to the Yule Ball in London. Katie meets up with her past. Some faces look

Words: 3,490
Hits: 615
Chapter 17

This chapter of Sparks deals with the Yule holidays. Katie has a revelation about

Words: 3,835
Hits: 615
Chapter 18

This chapter outlines the events leading up to the Ravenclaw-Gryffindor game and

Words: 4,608
Hits: 671
Chapter 19

The time for the confronation has arrived. Marcus is a mixed up hungover jealous mess

Words: 1,258
Hits: 661
Chapter 20

The confrontation is not over yet. It's time for Katie to weigh in.

Words: 4,085
Hits: 697
Chapter 21

Marcus and Katie take their relationship out of the shadows into the glare of everday life at Hogwarts.

Words: 4,224
Hits: 556
Chapter 22

Marcus tell Katie some interesting news and he gets a reaction he was not expecting. Katie continues to get fallout from Gryffindor House. Katie finally meets Circe Jones. The dreaded lunch with Marcus's father leads to a shock for Katie.

Words: 2,932
Hits: 591
Chapter 23

In this chapter of Sparks, Marcus's father shows his true colours. Katie and Marcus try to protect each other from him. Does it work or will it backfire?

Words: 2,939
Hits: 619
Chapter 24

Marcus has a conversation with his friends. Katie and Marcus have an intimate Valentine's Day. Tensions explode between the Slytherins and the Gryffindors as the final approaches. A week before the final, catastophe strikes and his name is Aurelius Flint.

Words: 3,025
Hits: 536
Chapter 25

In this chapter of Sparks, fallout from Marcus's surprise betrothal. Katie and Marcus talk. And Katie makes a decision from her heart.

Words: 2,164
Hits: 547
Chapter 26

Marcus reacts to the break up in this chapter. This chapter also marks the return of the moody side of Marcus that will culminate in the final Quidditch game of the year. Tarquin and Circe have a confontation in the in the coomon room. And Chris offers some advice. He was not sorted in the Slytherin for nothing.

Words: 2,094
Hits: 551
Chapter 27

This chapter of Sparks deals with the aftermath of the breakup and the lead in to the coming game. Katie sends some owls and deals with situations in her life that need taking care of. Marcus still will not answer owls from his family and he sees something that makes him upset. His mates are in protective mode and the big game is around the corner.

Words: 2,351
Hits: 543
Chapter 28

The day of the big game has arrived. Katie takes care of some old business and Marcus takes care of some new business.

Words: 3,030
Hits: 707
Chapter 29

This chapter is about the aftermath of the game. Marcus meets his father for dinner and gets a shock. But he has a shock of his own for his father.

Words: 1,604
Hits: 555
Chapter 30

This chapter is the continuation of the scene at the Hogsmeade Brasserie. Marcus is put in a tight spot and comes out fighting. Chris Warrington faces adulthood and makes a life altering decision.

Words: 2,911
Hits: 747
Chapter 31

In this chapter of Sparks, Marcus and his father have a long delayed confrontation. Marcus and Katie defend their love as both sides question them. Chris's plans for Sarah do not go as smoothly as he envisioned.

Words: 3,130
Hits: 949
Chapter 32

Marcus and his father say the things that they've needed to say to each other for quite some time. Claudius Flint loses his temper. Marcus takes Katie to a very magical place. His mates reminisce in the common room.

Words: 3,419
Hits: 617
Chapter 33

In this chapter of Sparks, Marcus and Katie go back to the real world. In the Slytherin dungeons, the Slytherin Quidditch team drown their sorrows. Tarquin and Circe come to a head in their relationship. Can it survive Tarquin's insecurities and Circe's sharp tongue? Marcus and his mates have a chat.

Words: 3,800
Hits: 925
Chapter 34

Katie sorts out her feelings in this chapter and her friends weigh in with their opinions. Katie gets an unexpected reaction.

Words: 2,482
Hits: 614
Chapter 35

Marcus and Katie get reacquainted. Then Marcus has a daft idea. Or is it? Can I hear wedding bells?

Words: 2,759
Hits: 753
Chapter 36

Katie gives her friends the Wrong Impression. Marcus confesses his deepest and darkest secret to Katie.

Words: 2,122
Hits: 553
Chapter 37

Marcus tells Katie more about his gift. Tarquin and Circe's relationship takes a new turn.

Words: 2,697
Hits: 830