Astronomy Tower
Romance Angst
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Quidditch Through the Ages
Published: 02/24/2003
Updated: 10/16/2004
Words: 107,258
Chapters: 37
Hits: 26,668



Story Summary:
I hope you'll like my introduction to Marcus Flint's second Seventh Year. In the chapters to come, the Slytherin House team is trying to win their Eighth cup by any means necessary but they run into problems mainly teenage boy problems that involve a bet, a non-existent girlfriend and a Gryffindor chaser that is distracting their fearless leader.

Chapter 04

Chapter Summary:
This chapter will show Marcus', Katie's and Marcus' friends' point of view of the developing relationship.
Author's Note:
Thank-you so much for the reviews.

Sparks 04

Chapter Four:

In Gryffindor Tower:

"Katie, where's the fire?" yelled George Weasley after Katie Bell slammed into the Gryffindor common room and ran up the stairs to the girl's dormitory like there was a Hungarian Horntail chasing her. Katie ignored George as she raced into her dorm room.

"Thank Merlin, everybody is gone," thought an agitated Katie. Her heart was pounding a mile a minute and it wasn't because she ran all the way back to the Tower from the Slytherin Quidditch locker room. She dived into her bed and buried her burning face into a pillow.

"Please Merlin, make tonight not real," moaned Katie to herself. "Please make it not real. I didn't just snog Marcus Flint, Slytherin House's baddest boy!"

Katie rolled over and pulled the pillow away from her face.

Katie licked her lips and stilled. They were swollen and she could still taste him. He tasted tart like juniper berries. She gasped as she remembered his passionate kisses and the feel of his tongue in her mouth. She closed her eyes and she could still feel him against her body. In her mind's eye, she saw him standing just outside the locker room. Katie shivered as she thought of Flint's incredible body. She was frozen as she remembered his stomach, that rippling hard stomach. She blushed as she recalled the hot passion in his eyes as he looked at her. Who would have thought that Marcus Flint was such a great kisser?

"No," she said to herself. "Not that I've been thinking about Flint since he smiled and winked at me. And I haven't been catching myself staring at him during Potions," she sighed. "Why did Alicia have to point out Flint's body to me tonight underneath the stands? Why did he have to be such a brilliant flyer? Why do I let my impulsive nature lead me to answer unsigned owls?"

She sat up and reached into her robe's pocket and pulled out the parchment and reread it. The entire note said, "Meet me after the game in the Slytherin locker room." She wasn't positive but she thought it was in Flint's handwriting. At least that's what her disloyal body and impulsive nature led her to believe.

Katie threw her body back onto the bed. "I want Marcus Flint," she admitted to herself. "Alicia always said I was a pushover for a hard body. Merlin, what would they say, my mates, if they knew I was lying here lusting after Flint," worried a guilt ridden Katie.

Deep in her heart, Katie knew she could never kiss Flint again. No matter what her treacherous body wanted. Her mates would go barmy if she went up to them and suddenly announced that she was seeing the Slytherin Quidditch captain. They would call her a traitor and rightly so.

"Good, I've made my decision," she said aloud. "And it is the right decision." Katie got off the bed and into her pajamas. She decided to make it an early night. She felt rung out and tired. As Katie drifted off to sleep, her last thought was, "If I'm doing the right thing then why does my heart feel bruised?"

In the Slytherin Dungeons:

A determined Marcus Flint strode into the Slytherin Common room with his hair wet from the cold shower he needed to take after his heated encounter with Katie Bell. He felt like his stomach was twisted into knots. During his shower, he realized that the situation with Katie was difficult. "I know that my mates are not a problem. The rest of Slytherin House is going to assume that I have ulterior motives and leave us alone. No, the problem is going to be her mates and her fellow Gryffindorks," theorized Marcus to himself.

Marcus flung himself onto a couch and pondered his problem. Several hours later, he woke up with a start. As Marcus went down to his dorm room to go to bed, he realized that he needed to keep his relationship with Katie a secret. Just before he got to his room, he decided not to tell Tarquin and Chris about Katie Bell. He wanted to have a plan in place before he shocked his best mates.

Earlier that Evening:

"Tarquin, I'm not sure if this is a good idea," said a worried Chris Warrington immediately after the pick-up Quidditch game. "Maybe we should think this plan through before sending an impulsive owl. Marcus will kill us if he finds out!"

"Quit worrying! Besides, there is no time like the present," said Tarquin Bole as he attached the note to the untraceable House owl. Tarquin liked to be prepared at all times. "You're the one who noticed last year that Marcus seemed to have a thing for Bell."

"Merlin Tarquin, I just said I suspected he had a thing for Bell!"

"Too late for regrets Warrington," said Tarquin as he let the owl go. " It's done. Besides, we have proof. Remember the conversation on the train? Anyway, I saw Bell eyeing up Marcus's ass this afternoon in the hall after Potions. I've been keeping my eye on her. She fancies Marcus all right."

"Do you think this Marcus-Katie thing is a good idea? Marcus seems to fancy Circe Jones," argued Chris.

"Please Chris, Circe Jones is not tall enough or strong willed enough or athletic enough to really attract our Marcus. He's always preferred taller, less fragile girls with a lot of backbone. Besides, our Marcus is a leg man and Bell has remarkable legs," chided Tarquin.

"Okay, so what's the plan to get him to the locker room alone again?"

"Well, I've taken care of it. All you have to do is follow me after the game."


"Oh, I have another project Warrington. I'm going to get you laid before the end of this year if it kills me!"

"What!" sputtered an outraged Chris. "I don't need..."

"Yes you do! I mean Bitchley cannot have been that memorable a lay and you need to get back into the saddle mate," argued Bole. "I have just the girl in mind. I've heard through my unnamed sources that she has fancied you from afar for months. She's meeting us after the game with my new Ravenclaw, Moira."

"Sometimes Tarquin, I could kill you. I'll say it one last time. I'm over Bletchley," said Chris Warrington. "Incidentally, new Ravenclaw Tarquin? We've only been here a few days!"

Moments later, Chris heaved a sigh and said, "Okay, what does the girl look like?"

"She's a sweet little brunette Seventh year Hufflepuff. Her name is Sarah and she probably doesn't even know what manipulative means. Besides Chris, I know that you are a breast man and let's just say you will not be disappointed." promised Bole as they walked towards Marcus.