Astronomy Tower
Romance Angst
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Quidditch Through the Ages
Published: 02/24/2003
Updated: 10/16/2004
Words: 107,258
Chapters: 37
Hits: 26,668



Story Summary:
I hope you'll like my introduction to Marcus Flint's second Seventh Year. In the chapters to come, the Slytherin House team is trying to win their Eighth cup by any means necessary but they run into problems mainly teenage boy problems that involve a bet, a non-existent girlfriend and a Gryffindor chaser that is distracting their fearless leader.

Chapter 07

Chapter Summary:
Marcus and Katie embark on their secret affair. How long can they keep their

Sparks 07

Chapter Seven:

Early the next morning in the Great Hall at breakfast, Marcus Flint surveyed his fellow Slytherins as he ate. Marcus, Chris and Tarquin were discussing possible candidates over their meal. He needed a Keeper. " Now Crabbe and Goyle would make good beaters Tarquin. They just need a little practice," said Marcus. "And there are a few fifth and sixth year girls that look like they have the physique to be a good Keeper. I'm going to post the Quidditch try-out times today after I talk to Hooch. Try to get the word out that we will consider everybody this year would you Tarquin?"

Marcus felt the shocked vibes coming off his fellow housemates in hearing range at his words. True to form though, they controlled themselves well. His Slytherin housemates made no visible indication that they even overheard his conversation with Tarquin and Chris. Just by making this announcement to Bole, he guaranteed that all of Slytherin House would know by the end of the day. It was easier than posting a notice.

The post arrived a few moments after Marcus dropped his bombshell. Underneath his eyelids, he watched Pansy open the owl he sent her earlier that morning. He smiled at her when she looked at him. Pansy looked pale and a little sick but nodded her agreement silently. He then turned his head and watched the Gryffindor table intently. He was not disappointed. He caught Katie's eye when she looked up from his owl. Katie looked down at his parchment when she saw she had his attention and then gave him a secret little smile.

Marcus's heartbeat sped up when he saw Katie's face. He smiled back at her. "She's so pretty," Marcus thought to himself. "Her eyes sparkle when she smiles and... wait a second, that thought was way too sappy. You'd think I was a Hufflepuff. Ahhh, what the hell, she is beautiful."

A minute later, an observant Tarquin kicked him under the bench and snapped Flint out of his Katie trance. With a scarily sweet smile, Bole asked him to pass the sausages. Flint shrugged his shoulders at Bole and mouthed, "Thanks."

"Earth to Marcus, You have owls and I had to feed your scary eagle owl for you," complained Warrington. " I mean really, does that stupid owl always have to try to take chunks out of my fingers when I'm trying to feed it?"

"Yes, Damien likes his owltreats active," said Marcus casually. "Next time, try not to move your fingers."

Marcus sorted through his mail. "Hey guys, I have an owl from Adrian," said Marcus. "He's traveling through America right now. Merlin, I wish I could have went with him on his World tour. He sounds like he's having a blast. I have an owl from Higgs too. Hey, he says he has a line on tickets for the World Cup next summer!"

Amid enthusiastic inquiries about the tickets from his mates, Marcus slipped the owls from his family into his bookbag unnoticed. Flint decided to read them when he was alone. He never knew whether they would be decent owls or owls that made him cringe. His father could get him upset quicker than Oliver Wood and that was saying something.

"Time for transfiguration boys," said Chris with a large smile. "We have it with the Hufflepuffs. Where or where shall I sit?"

Marcus and Chris exchanged a grin. They both watched as Warrington swaggered over to the Hufflepuff table. Marcus saw the tension visibly go through the roof at that table as Chris swanned out of the Hall with Sarah attached to his side. "They are just lucky Chris didn't decide to snog her then leave the Hall with her. I think the gits would have started a fight," said Marcus to Tarquin.

Bole laughed then turned to Marcus and asked, "By the way, doesn't it just drive McGonagall crazy that she has you again? I think she just hates the fact that you're great at transfiguration."

"Actually the old tabby is pretty fair although she does get pissed when I hurt her one of her precious little Quidditch players. Oh no, you just reminded me that she wants to give me extra work this year. She thinks it will keep me out of trouble," moaned Marcus.

Tarquin and an annoyed Marcus left the Hall and walked to class behind a gang of ruffled Hufflepuffs. Every now and then, the Hufflepuffs turned and glared at them. After a while, Marcus had enough and gave them his patented I'm-Marcus-Flint-don't-fuck-with-me glare. After that, the Hufflepuffs practically ran the rest of the way to class.

The rest of the day passed quickly. In History of Magic, Marcus read his owls from his mother and grandmother. The owls were pretty decent, especially the one from his grandmother. She had owled Honeydukes and arranged a gift basket for pick-up for him during the first Hogsmeade weekend. She said it was welcome-back-to-school treat. He eyed the owl from his father with trepidation. He decided to read it later after his date with Katie.

Later that day, when he got back to his dorm, he found an owl waiting from Katie. She said she had a surprise Quidditch practice at six o'clock and would be late for their date. Marcus mentally cursed Oliver Wood's name and got ready for dinner.

Several hours later, Marcus was leaning against the Slytherin Quidditch shed and he was not happy. It was nearly nine o'clock and Katie was still not there. Plus, Marcus had read the owl his father sent him before coming to the meeting place.

"Merlin, that man is unbelievable. I cannot believe that he thinks that he can arrange the rest of my life with a swish of his wand. I mean really, owling me a list of suitable brides. He had the nerve to tell me that my future needed to be decided immediately. He didn't marry mum until he was forty! That hypocrite! Telling me that he's arranged an entry-level job in his company for me. Entry-level? I'm going to own the whole bloody lot when that bastard finally dies. Not to mention grandpop's fortune as well! I have half a mind to owl him back and tell him where he can stick his plans if I wasn't positive that he'd simply show up here one weekend with some stupid girl and make me marry her," fumed Marcus to himself.

Marcus sighed and took a deep breath. "See what he's done," said Marcus to himself. "Bastard's not even here and he getting me angry. I have to let it go. The man is never going to change. I have to tell Tarquin about the list. Merlin, Bole's going to be thrilled when he realizes that I'm in the same boat he is in."

A half-hour later, a calmer Marcus was lying on the ground on his back staring up into the darkening sky. Ever now and again, he heaved a long sigh. He strained to hear the sounds coming from the Quidditch pitch. Merlin, not even he kept his players on their broomsticks and in the air that long. Wood was a sadist. If Marcus didn't know better, he would have thought Wood was trying to keep Katie and him apart.

Frustrated, he got to his feet and made for the Gryffindor locker room. He had to be careful because, if he knew Wood and he did, the Gryffindork would have hexed and warded the locker room. He wouldn't put it past Wood to have specifically warded the room against him personally. Hell, Marcus had hexed and warded the Slytherin locker room just in case Wood ever sent the twin Weasels to spy or sabotage. Silly Wood, he had the perfect spies on his team and he never used them. He crept along the wall of the locker room corridor. If he got caught, he was going to say he was on his way to see Hooch. He still heard the sound of the Gryffindor team practicing and it was getting darker by the minute. Marcus found a dark corner by the locker room entrance to hide in. He was behind an enormous, old broom case. He hoped the practice would end soon. Minutes later, to Marcus's relief, he heard Johnson's voice.

"Merlin, Oliver has finally flipped," complained Angelina. "I'm barely going to have time to finish my homework. And I need a shower!"

"George, I think we are going to have to take steps to commit Wood to St. Mungo's," said Fred to his twin seriously.

"Yes, I think we have to nip this thing in the bud Fred," nodded a very tired and sweaty George. "Are you in Angelina?"

Marcus listened to Fred, George and Angelina plot to commit Wood with a smile on his lips. "Too bad, they don't have the guts to actually do it," thought Marcus. "Although, I really wouldn't put it past the twins to try."

He heard Potter and Alicia coming up the corridor as the other three turned into the locker room.

"Thanks Alicia, I do need help finishing my charms homework," said a tired Harry. "Do you want to meet in the common room in a few minutes?"

"Sure, don't you worry about taking a shower Harry, we...I mean you can take one before bed," purred Spinnet.

Marcus was trying desperately not to make any noise as they passed near his hiding spot. He would give anything to see her face right now or more better yet, Potter's face in about two hours.

A few seconds after Potter and Spinnet entered the locker room, Marcus heard Katie and Wood coming down the hall. Johnson and the twins met them as they were exiting the locker room.

"Katie, do you want us to wait for you or is Oliver going to walk you back to the Tower?" asked Angelina.

"Like hell!" thought Marcus.

"No, that's okay Angelina. I have to get a book for my Potions project before the Library closes. I'll be an hour or two," said Katie innocently.

"Do you need me to wait Katie?" asked Wood with a frown.

"No, that's okay Oliver. I'll be fine," said Katie.

"All right then," said Wood. "I'll see you later. Davies said that he'd lend me his special edition of Quidditch through the Ages. I'm going to pick it up after I drop off the Quidditch set and lock up the brooms. Remember people, we have an early morning practice next Wednesday."

Harry and Alicia joined the group as they all watched Oliver walk away whistling.

"There goes the most Quidditch obsessed guy I have ever met," said Fred shaking his head. "Well, besides Marcus Flint. Do you think he's even tired?"

The group laughed and Fred shrugged and said, "I know, silly question."

Flint watched as everybody except Katie left the locker room corridor. He saw her casually wait until everybody was gone and then she quickly turned to leave the corridor as well. Her back was turned away from Marcus as he edged out of his dark corner and pounced on her.

He put his hand over her mouth and caught her scream of surprise then pulled her against his body. "Where have you been, my naughty girl? You are late," Marcus growled softly in her ear. "Maybe I'll have to punish you."

Marcus still had his hand over her mouth as he proceeded to give Katie little kisses along the back and side of her sweaty neck. He bit her ear lightly as he covered her waist with his other hand and caressed her stomach under her Quidditch sweater. Katie moaned against his hand.

Suddenly, Marcus heard voices coming towards them. He quickly pulled Katie into his previous hiding spot. They were both taut with surprise.

"Hush," Marcus whispered in her ear.

Marcus strained to hear whom it was coming down the hall. As the voices came nearer, he realized it was Hooch and Wood. They were arguing about practice times. Wood wanted more practice time and Hooch was trying to explain that all the Houses had equal access to the pitch. As they argued, Marcus got bored.

He pulled Katie closer to him and started to kiss the back of her neck again. He alternately kissed and softly nipped her ears as she squirmed in his embrace. As the intruders droned on, he slipped his hand farther up her sweater. They both stilled as his hand closed over the top of her sports bra. She gasped softly against his hand as he slowly started to insinuate his fingers under the fabric. Marcus kissed her neck as his temperature soared through the roof.

A few moments later, Wood and Hooch left the corridor to discuss this matter with McGonagall in her office. Katie slowly pulled herself out of Marcus's embrace and turned to face him. Her face was flushed. Marcus looked at her uncertainly.

Katie looked into his eyes and gave a small smile as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "Sorry, I was late," she whispered in his ear. Katie gave him a soft kiss on his mouth. "What can I do to make it up to you?" teased Katie with another soft chaste kiss on his mouth.

After several minutes of hot passionate kisses in the darkened corridor, Marcus suggested that they move to a less obvious place like behind the Slytherin Quidditch shed.

Marcus and Katie laid on the fragrant grass in the warm autumn air behind the shed in the soft darkness. Between fiery kisses, they managed to have a conversation. They told each other about their respective families and their likes and dislikes. Katie insisted that besides kissing each other senseless, they should get to know each other. Marcus was very surprised to find it easy to talk to her. It was like talking to Tarquin but he didn't stop to kiss Tarquin every few minutes. Even though she was distracting him by running her hands down his back and over his arms as he talked. He was so close to her he could feel her heartbeat.

"Marcus, it's nearly eleven o'clock. I had better go," said Katie regretfully.

"Let me walk you back," said Marcus.

"Do you think that's wise. We nearly got caught."

"I know," Marcus grinned wickedly. "Wasn't it...."

"... exciting," answered Katie with a blush.

Katie laughed as she bent down and gave Marcus a lingering goodbye kiss. He watched her as she left and then followed her at a discreet distance. He didn't think she saw him do this until she got to Gryffindor Tower when she turned and smiled at him before going into the picture.

He turned towards the Slytherin dungeons with a spring in his step. Marcus felt that her mere presence had made him forget how upset his father's letter had made him earlier in the evening. Katie calmed him better than his grandmother's serenity lessons. He had a bit of a temper and Grandma had worried that someday his temper would get him into real trouble. Subconsciously, Marcus equated Katie to his grandmother, the only person in his family that he was sure cared about him. He smiled to himself as he turned into the Slytherin common room. He had homework to do.