Astronomy Tower
Romance Angst
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Quidditch Through the Ages
Published: 02/24/2003
Updated: 10/16/2004
Words: 107,258
Chapters: 37
Hits: 26,668



Story Summary:
I hope you'll like my introduction to Marcus Flint's second Seventh Year. In the chapters to come, the Slytherin House team is trying to win their Eighth cup by any means necessary but they run into problems mainly teenage boy problems that involve a bet, a non-existent girlfriend and a Gryffindor chaser that is distracting their fearless leader.

Chapter 17

Chapter Summary:
This chapter of Sparks deals with the Yule holidays. Katie has a revelation about
Author's Note:
I would like to take this chance to thank the reviewers of this fic. It is my first try at a fan fiction

Sparks 17

Chapter Seventeen:

Bole Manor, Berkshire

"Merlin Marcus," Katie gasped. "I had no idea people still lived like this. It's as big as Hogwarts and it looks just as old."

"I know," said Marcus as he picked her up off the ground. "Tarquin says that if it wasn't for the house elves, he would have gotten lost and starved to death when he was younger. He's never even seen some of the rooms. His parents have their own separate towers."

"Hey," said Tarquin as he came into the hall. "There you guys are. Chris and Sarah are in the green room down the corridor. It's the one at the very end. I've got the music set up and Minny and Jobby have already started to bring drinks and food into the room. Katie, if you don't see anything you like, just ask Minny and she'll get you what ever you want. I'm not good at girl drinks. I'll just be a minute. I have to round up some house elves to be greeters."

Marcus smiled at Katie as Tarquin sped off towards parts unknown. He seemed to know where he was going though.

An hour later, Marcus was looking for Katie in the crowd. "Merlin," thought Marcus. "Are there ever a lot of people here. Did Adrian just go to a wizarding nightclub and announced the party over the music or what? Tarquin said he was only borrowing Katie, didn't he? I wonder where they could be?"

Marcus bumped into a young blond witch while he was looking over the crowd. "I'm sorry," said Marcus. "I didn't see you there."

"No need for apologies," said the young lady as she smiled and ran her hand up his arm. "My, you are a strong wizard, aren't you? You should ask me to dance to make it up to me."

Marcus looked into her flirtatious face and grinned. "Good thing, Katie isn't here to hear her," thought Marcus. Suddenly an icy voice interrupted.

"I'm so sorry," said Katie with a sharp tone. "He's busy."

"Bugger," thought Marcus.

"That's too bad," said the young witch with a raised brow. She smiled a good bye to Marcus and drifted off.

"Have fun flirting while I was away?" asked Katie with a steely tone.

"Yes..No..I mean...that entire thing was so not my fault," protested Marcus. "I just bumped into her. Besides, where were you?"


"Yes, without me," said Marcus. "And I've been so lonely." He ran his hand down her back and pulled her closer. "Tarquin monopolized you."

"Oh, I also danced with Adrian and Terrence," said Katie with a grin.

Marcus stiffened. "You danced with who?" asked Marcus sharply.

"Please Marcus," chided Katie. "They are your friends. Not like I danced with that other guy who asked me. He said he played Quidditch for the Chuddley Cannons though. See what I sacrificed for you?"

Marcus's mind raced. "What the hell was Ter up too? Katie doesn't look upset though so he must have behaved himself," thought Marcus.

Katie misinterpreted Marcus's frown and laughed. "Please Marcus," said Katie. "I was looking for you too. It's not my fault that your friends are flirts."

"Katie," said Marcus. "Adrian is not just a flirt. He'd be hurt to hear himself described like that. He prefers the term womanizing hedonist."

They both laughed. Marcus went to get Katie another drink when a thought occurred to him. She called his friends flirts. Well, Adrian and Tarquin were famous for their banter. But was she also talking about Ter?

He returned with her drink to find her talking animatedly with Sarah. He didn't have a chance to talk to her but he resolved to do so at the earliest opportunity. Just before Marcus could ask Katie anything, Minny brought Marcus a plate of blinis. He smiled his thanks at the little house elf.

"Marcus," said Katie. "How did she know that you liked those things?"

"Really Katie," said Marcus. "I've been coming here since I was eight. Besides, blinis are wonderful, you just need to give them a chance."

"Didn't we just eat?" asked Katie with an amused tone.

"That was hours ago," protested Marcus. "Minny would be hurt if I didn't eat them. She knows they are my favorite snack. And she never forgets the extra sour cream."

"Don't bother Katie," said Sarah. "I swear Chris eats every hour on the hour. And he never gains weight."

"Boys," snorted Katie.

An hour later, Katie and Marcus were dancing together slowly to a romantic song by the Weird Sisters. Katie had her face buried against Marcus's chest. She never got tired of being in his arms. She had always been taller and more athletic than the other girls in her year. Marcus made her feel small and delicate. She loved that feeling. It seemed to her that only he could make her feel this way. She closed her eyes and smiled when she felt Marcus's lips brush against her forehead. She wondered if he was even aware he did it. Marcus was not prone to such public displays of affection.

Marcus tightened his arms around Katie as his lips brushed her brow. He knew it was mushy and that most likely his friends will never let him hear the end of it if they saw but he didn't care. Granted the evening wasn't as perfect and as trouble free as he would have liked but when Katie was in his arms, her presence made everything all right.

"Katie," whispered Marcus.

"Marcus," whispered Katie back. "I had a wonderful time but I think I should go home soon. My mother said a decent hour. I want her to let me go out again on New Year's Eve. If I go home a little earlier than she anticipated tonight, she'll let me stay out later next week."

"That's a great plan, in fact it is probably rather Slytherin of you if I do say so myself," said Marcus. "But does this mean tonight isn't going to end like I was hoping?"

"No," said Katie airily. "It's not. But I do have a surprise for you."

"Surprise," said Marcus. "What is it?"

"Patience is a virtue, Marcus"

"In Gryffindor House maybe," snorted Marcus. "I happen to like impatience. It has its virtues as well. First, you never have to wait for surprises."

"Well," said Katie. "You have to wait 'til tomorrow. Are you still going to meet me in Diagon Alley for lunch? I have to be back home by six though or else my mother will not be happy."

"I'll meet you at 3 o'clock at Quality Quidditch," said Marcus. "They are having a display of prototype broomsticks. I saw it last week but I'm sure you'd like to see it too, Katie."

"Really," said Katie with a gleam in her eye. "Prototypes? You sure know the way to a girl's heart Marcus."

Marcus twirled her around and whispered in her ear. "No, I just know the way to yours, love."

Marcus walked Katie to the fireplace after the song ended. He leaned down to give her a quick good-bye kiss. Katie had other ideas. Marcus was stunned into stillness when he felt her take control of this kiss. Her mouth was hot and aggressive and the kiss was intense. Marcus was out of breath when Katie finally lifted her mouth off of his.

"Merlin," gasped Marcus. "What was that for?"

"A little reminder," said Katie. "Don't be late tomorrow." Then Katie left in a flash of green fire. Marcus turned and smiled when he saw Tarquin and Adrian standing in the Hall.

"Merlin," said Adrian. "That was disconcerting. Tarquin, you didn't warn me you git."

"I know," said Tarquin as he patted Adrian on the back. "The first time you see them together attached at the lips can be seriously disturbing. You can't help but think that you have gone crazy. Trust me mate, it's not near as disturbing as that time I found them in bed together."

"Tarquin," said Marcus firmly. "Enough with the secrets."

"Argh..," said Adrian. "I can barely process the kissing never mind."

"Please," said Marcus. "You guys are reacting like you've never seen two people kiss before."

"It's not that mate," said Adrian. "It's like I knew you were dating Bell but seeing you kiss her made it all real."

"You guys are daft sometimes," said Marcus. "Are you coming back to the party? My witch is gone and I have some scotch to drink."

Several hours later, the party had wound down considerably. Marcus and Chris were enjoying a couple of drinks by the fire. Sarah had gone home just after Katie. He was laughing at something Chris had said when he caught Ter's eye from across the room. Both friends looked away quickly.

"You know," said Chris intently. "You and Ter should talk."

"What do you mean?" said Marcus evasively.

"Honestly," said Chris. "You and Ter have been friends for years. All of a sudden, you guys aren't talking. I'm sure it's just a misunderstanding. Nothing to throw away a long friendship over, mate."

Marcus thought about what Chris had said and nodded. He decided to go over and talk to Ter. "After all," thought Marcus. "I'm not known for my calm demeanor in a fight. I'll have to make the first move."

Adrian, who was talking to Terrence, saw him coming and excused himself. A puzzled Ter looked around to see why Adrian had taken off. When he saw Marcus approaching, his face went blank and his eyes were non-committal. A heavy silence descended between the two men.

"I just wanted to know...I had to come over...ahhh hell Ter, why are you so pissed off about Katie?" asked Marcus.

"You mean you don't remember Marcus?" asked Higgs.

"Remember what?" asked Marcus.

"Merlin Marcus, don't you recall a certain conversation we had about Bell last year."


"I'll refresh your memory. It was March. We were drinking and I told you that night that I had a thing for one of the Gryffindor chasers - Katie Bell," said Ter as his voice started to rise. "You called me daft and asked me why I would think such a stupid thing. I then listed off her virtues. Stupid me, I even pointed out that she was your type of witch with her long legs and strong willed nature."

"You're jealous," said a stunned Marcus.

"No...I mean... Yes," said Terrence forcefully. "You never would have looked at her twice if it weren't for me. And you had the nerve to look surprised when I was so stunned. Are you telling me that you forgot I fancy her?"

"Fancy," said Marcus with a frown. He just remembered about Katie and her dance with Ter. "Don't you mean fancied?"

"No, she's still beautiful."

"She's mine Ter," said Marcus with a steely edge to his voice.

"Yes," said Ter with a frustrated tone. "But she should have been mine."

"I love Katie," said Marcus seriously. "I'm sorry I forgot about your crush on her but she belongs to me. Besides you've never gone out with a non-Slytherin girl in your life."

"She was my muse," said Ter. "Every artist needs someone to place on a pedestal. She was my one true perfect love. She inspired me."

"Get over it Ter," said Marcus. "You know Katie is not perfect. She's very possessive and when she gets jealous, she could give an angry Veela a run for her money when she's mad. She's stubborn as hell too. And I'm not even going to start on how annoyingly Gryffindor she can be when she thinks she's right."

"Then you don't really love her," said Ter stubbornly.

"Please," said Marcus. "It's her imperfections that make me love her. I like her impulsive nature, her temper and her annoying sense of honor. I may not have her on a pedestal Ter but she's not a statue. She is a real person. I suggest you find another muse to worship from afar."

"You really do love her, don't you?" said Ter. "Tarquin tried to tell me that you were crazy for her but I wouldn't listen. He actually claimed that you dated her for months before she'd let you sleep with her."

"Tarquin is so annoyingly chatty sometimes," said Marcus.

"What?" said Ter. "You actually waited."

"Not patiently but yes I did," said Marcus.

"And is it also true that you've given up the groupies and other women?" asked Ter with a grin.

"I would actually fear for my life if Katie even thought I looked at another witch," said Marcus. "I told you she was possessive. Look at the bright side Ter. One of your best friends in the world took your muse away from you. Think of all the inspiration you can get from that. Don't artists need angst and drama to create?"

"You have a good point there, Marcus," said Ter. He looked thoughtful for a moment then he reached out a hand. "Friends?"

"Always," said Marcus as he grasped Ter's hand. "But no flirting with Katie anymore."

"Why not," said Ter. "Tarquin and Adrian flirt with her."

"Merlin Ter," said Marcus. "Tarquin and Adrian flirt with everybody."

"That's so true," said Ter. "Let's go join Chris by the fire."

"Sure," said Marcus. "And I'll tell you all about Tarquin's tangled love life."

Tarquin and Adrian exchanged relieved glances as they moved to join the group by the fire. Tarquin protested the topic of conversation as the group of friends bantered and teased each other until the dawn lit up the sky.

Quality Quidditch Supplies: Diagon Alley: The next afternoon:

Katie dreamily closed her eyes when she entered Quality Quidditch Supplies. She smelt the familiar scents of leather and straw in the air. This store had to be her favorite place in Diagon Alley. She looked around to see if Marcus was in the store. She smiled as she watched him try on a pair of Quidditch gloves. His attention was focused on the leather and stitching. Her Marcus did everything with intensity, even picking up a new pair of gloves.

"There you are," said Katie breathlessly. She thought to herself that he looked extraordinary good this afternoon. Marcus usually favored black but today he was wearing dark blue. The shade was the same one as his eyes. Katie smiled into those dark blue eyes. She felt her heart start to pound as Marcus reached out to hold her hand. "I should be used to this," thought Katie. "The way he makes me feel whenever I am near him. But no, my knees get weak and my stomach gets all fluttery. Damn but he is an attractive man."

"Katie," said Marcus. "You are two minutes late." Marcus was trying not to stare. Last night she had been so regally beautiful but today she was breathtaking. She was wearing red. "Merlin," thought Marcus. "Doesn't she remember what red does to me? And she's wearing a skirt."

"Do you want to look at the broomsticks?" asked Marcus. "Her hair smells like strawberries," thought Marcus.

"What broomsticks ?" asked Katie absentmindedly. "Marcus smells good as usual, " thought Katie. " He has his own distinctive smell like a mixture of expensive leather and musk."

"The broomsticks we came to see," said Marcus.

"Oh," said Katie as she blushed.

They moved towards the display and exchanged comments on the brooms and their capabilities. Leisurely, they made their way out of the shop and Katie let Marcus led her down towards a little restaurant tucked in a small corner of Diagon Alley. At least it looked small from the outside.

A surprised Katie took in her surroundings when they entered the building. The restaurant was really a private club. She waited as Marcus signed them in at the front. The atmosphere was one of quiet elegance. The rugs were antique and plush and the woodwork was highly polished. Marcus and Katie were led to a corner nook by an ancient looking retainer. She settled into the velvety banquette seat and accepted a menu from the old man. He quietly melted away.

"This place is so quiet Marcus," said Katie in a whisper.

"I know," said Marcus. "It is a very old wizards club. A few years ago, witches weren't allowed in the door. Now, they are allowed on the main floor but not on the upper ones."

"That's so old fashioned," gasped Katie.

"Well," said Marcus. "It is the nature of these sort of places. Did you know you have to be able to trace your wizarding lineage back at least five hundred years to belong? It is beyond old fashioned."

"Why did you bring me here," asked Katie.

"They have great food Katie," said Marcus. "And amazingly quiet waiters. You write down your orders and requests. I'm not sure if they even can talk. Plus you like to try new things. This is a new thing. My grandfather likes to take me here."

An hour later, Katie was forced to admit Marcus was right. The food here was beyond good; it was spectacular. The waiters seemed to anticipate their every request.

"Marcus," said Katie. "I feel like I'm going deaf. I can see that there are a lot of people here but I can't hear them."

"Silencing spells," said Marcus. "No one can eavesdrop. That's also why you write down your requests. The waiters can't hear you talk."

During the meal, they had been sitting beside each other. In fact, they had held hands during the entire meal. Katie didn't mind. It was romantic.

"So Katie," asked Marcus as he rubbed her wrist with his thumb. "Where's my surprise?"

"Marcus," said Katie with a grin. "You have been so remarkably patient. Not one question passed your lips the entire time we've been here. My surprise is your Yule gift. Open it." Katie pulled the gift from her purse and looked expectantly at him. "Merlin," thought Katie. "I hope he likes it. I mean every time he opened Quidditch Weekly, he would stare at that advertisement for it. Luckily the book only went on sale this morning, there is no way he could have gotten it for himself already."

Marcus looked into Katie's worried eyes in amusement. She seemed to be worried that he wouldn't like it, as if that would be possible. He opened the green and silver package and gasped in surprise. He looked at her in complete amazement.

"Katie," said Marcus softly. "How did you know I really wanted this book?"

"Observation Marcus," said Katie. "You would always look at the ad when we were reading Quidditch Weekly. It came out today."

"I know," said Marcus with a sudden smile that lit his face up. He leaned over and gave Katie a warm and affectionate kiss. After he finished the kiss, he looked down again at the book and failed to see the stunned look on Katie's face.

Katie could still feel the warmth of his lips lingering on her mouth. Her throat closed up and her face was flushed. The kiss he had given her was unlike any he had given her before. This kiss was devoid of passion but full of warmth and genuine affection. It was a kiss you gave a friend. Katie realized at that moment that Marcus was more than her lover; he was also her friend.

Marcus looked up at Katie and caught her looking at him with her heart in her eyes. He felt his heart contract. His hand tightened on hers.

"I have your presents here," said Marcus gruffly. He pulled a small box and what looked like a card from his pocket.

"Presents," said Katie as she opened the box and card. "But I only gave you one."

"One I really wanted Katie," said Marcus. "Besides I couldn't decide on the one so I got them all. Blame Tarquin for the one in the box. I went shopping with him. I was desperate."

Katie opened the box to find a dainty double string of tiny pink pearls. "They are beautiful Marcus," said Katie. "I've never seen anything so delicate."

"They reminded me of you."

Katie smiled at Marcus and gasped as she opened the card. It wasn't a card but a notice informing her that she had life long subscription to Quidditch Weekly and Quidditch for Witches. She threw her arms around Marcus neck.

"I guess you got tired of me nicking your magazines," said Katie with heartfelt grin.

"Something like that," said Marcus as he pulled her closer.

They sat there wrapped up in one another until six when Katie had to leave. Marcus reminded her to owl him when she got home. They had to firm up their New Year's Eve plans and the tea with his family.

New Year's Eve: Bole Manor: Berkshire

"Maybe Marcus," said Katie lazily. "We should get back to the party."

"What party?" asked Marcus as he shifted up in the four poster bed so he could look at her. He propped himself up on his elbow and started to trace patterns on Katie's soft skin with his finger.

"No tickling," said Katie as she trapped his finger and rubbed her leg against his under the covers.

"Please," said Marcus as he ducked his head to trace the outline of her collarbone with his tongue. He lifted his head. "We spent three hours at the party. I want to spend New Years with you and a bottle of champagne in this lovely bed. It's nearly midnight anyway."

"Marcus, they'll know what we are doing."

"Katie, they would have to be daft not to know what we are doing right now," said Marcus. "Do you know we haven't had the opportunity to be alone like this since Hogwarts? I have missed you."

"You've seen me Marcus," said Katie. "You mean you've missed me in bed."

"Like you haven't," said Marcus with a snicker. "Must I remind Miss Bell that she was the one to drag me away an hour ago?"

"All I had in mind was a quick snog," protested Katie.

"Liar," said Marcus as he ran his hands up Katie's squirming body. "You ripped my shirt off me and threw me on the bed."

"Ha," said Katie as she pulled his mouth away from her neck. "I beg to differ. I did not throw you on the bed."

"Okay, so you pushed me, love. The outcome was the same. Besides, I like it when you get all aggressive," said Marcus as he waggled his eyebrows at her. "Let's not argue. I don't want to fight with you Katie. I'd rather do something else."

"You know you are impossible sometimes right?" asked Katie as she arched her neck so he could kiss her throat. Katie's last coherent thought was that Marcus was right. He was a lot of things to her - a considerate friend, an amusing companion, and a wonderful lover.