Astronomy Tower
Romance Angst
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Quidditch Through the Ages
Published: 02/24/2003
Updated: 10/16/2004
Words: 107,258
Chapters: 37
Hits: 26,668



Story Summary:
I hope you'll like my introduction to Marcus Flint's second Seventh Year. In the chapters to come, the Slytherin House team is trying to win their Eighth cup by any means necessary but they run into problems mainly teenage boy problems that involve a bet, a non-existent girlfriend and a Gryffindor chaser that is distracting their fearless leader.

Chapter 15

Chapter Summary:
It's the month of December of Hogwarts and Marcus and Katie are in
Author's Note:
Thanks to everyone who reviews, they mean alot to me. I used a few posts from

Sparks 15

Chapter Fifteen:

The Slytherin Dungeons, December 17th

Marcus, Ty and Myles laughed as Chris gave his hilarious reenactment of Tarquin's comeuppance this evening at dinner. Chris pretended to be a frantic Tarquin trying to get the two girls to calm down. Ty joined in to take the part of Moira with a passable rendition of her voice. Myles jumped in as the confused then furious Emma. Between the four of the Slytherins, they made a go at reenacting the catfight between the Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff girl this evening in the Great Hall, with voices and hand gestures. Marcus pretended to be Snape, as he forcibly had to separate the two girls. Tarquin scowled at his mates as they laughed until they cried.

"Honestly," grumbled Tarquin. "It was not funny at all. I can't believe my so-called friends would make fun of my utter humiliation in this manner. I'm lucky you guys didn't do this pantomime in the common room."

"Oh please Tarquin," said Chris. "That fight had to be the funniest thing I've ever witnessed at Hogwarts. Who knew the Ravenclaw girl could punch like that? Have another shot of Ogden's and lighten up mate. How many guys have girls fighting publicly over him?"

"Besides," said Ty. "I thought you and Moira were through."

"It depends," said Myles sardonically. "If you mean through as in no longer dating or through as in occasionally having a shag."

"I still can't believe you were sleeping with both of them," said Marcus as he shook his head. "And I never noticed."

"Please Marcus," said Chris. "Like you could tear yourself away from Bell long enough. Honestly, you two have been attached at the lips for the last month."

"Merlin," said Tarquin with his lips twitching unwillingly. "Lips, hands and other parts mind you."

"The best part though," said Ty. "Was the little Jones girl after the fight ended. She looked like a queen as she looked the two girls up and down then swept out of the Hall like she owned it." The rest of the boys started to laugh again.

"Yes," said Marcus with a snicker. "The icy look she shot Tarquin as she left could have frozen the lake solid. And she's only twelve."

"Are you sure you want to marry her Tarquin old pal," said Chris. "I think she'll be a right handful when she grows up."

"Stop please," pleaded Tarquin. "I already have a horrible feeling a few Ice Mice are not going to get me out of this one. And no kidding, I think I may have made an error in judgment and picked myself one of those scary, fiery Slytherin witches to marry. Do you think she likes jewelry yet?"

"She's twelve and a girl and a Slytherin," said Marcus. "Of course she likes jewelry. My grandmother always said when a man does something wrong or wants to do something right, he should buy something sparkly."

"Here, " said Chris. "Have another drink Tarquin. Besides, your allowance can take the hit. Has your family already started the negotiations?"

"Yes, " said Tarquin. "On a lighter note, it should take a few years though. Quibbling back and forth. I can see the Slytherin rumour mill has done its job though. The number of propositions I've had to fend off has dropped. Like an 'unexpected' pregnancy would ever trap me. I wasn't born yesterday."

"Exactly how big is your allowance, Tarquin," asked Ty as he shot down a shot of Firewhiskey.

"Oh," said Tarquin casually. "A thousand galleons a month. Should I open another bottle? Hey Marcus, can we open that champagne in your closet?"

Tarquin looked at the stunned faces around him. "So," said Tarquin. "I shouldn't open that bottle then?"

"Merlin," said Chris. "I think you should open two."

"You see," said Tarquin conversationally. "My allowance is a holdover from about five hundred years ago when the family trusts were established. In those days, I would have been expected to support an entire household on it. The same family trusts also control my marriage contract. That's why it will take so long because the ancient Wizarding laws have to be followed."

"Hmmm...I thought my allowance was big. I vote that it's Tarquin's turn to buy the fire whiskey next time," said Marcus. "And no, I'm saving the champagne for Katie."

"Why," pouted Tarquin. "What does she have that I, your best friend does not?"

"Do I have to actually tell you mate?" asked Marcus.

"Please don't," said Tarquin. "Oh by the way, one of you should learn how to make your silencing charms last longer."

"What," sputtered Marcus as he choked on his drink.

"No kidding," said Chris. "I reinforced the last one. Bell's a screamer."

Marcus could feel his face turn red. "Don't you dare ever tell her that you guys can hear us sometimes," threatened Marcus. "I'll never-"

"Never lure the not so innocent Bell into your lair again," finished Tarquin.

"Yes," said Marcus. "I'm changing the subject now. Can you pick me up some things in Hogsmeade tomorrow?"

"You aren't going?" asked Ty.

"No," said Marcus. "I have a previous engagement."

"I'm sure your previous engagement plays Quidditch for Gryffindor too," said Myles.

"Are we thrown out of the room tomorrow," asked Tarquin plaintively. "I'm not positive but I'm sure I won't be able to find a spare bed in any tower after that fight in the Hall."

"The Hufflepuffs nearly snapped when I showed up last time in their tower," said Chris. "They tried to make Sarah promise to never tell me the password again."

"Did it work?" asked Tarquin.

"No," said Chris with a laugh. "But my witch made me promise to warn her next time. I scared her when I crawled into bed with her that night. I told her it could have been worse, I could have got the wrong bed."

"Okay," sighed Marcus. "You can come back after Hogsmeade to drop off your stuff in the room and I solemnly promise you guys that you can come back to the room at ten. I will not hex and ward the door this time. Satisfied?"

"Great," said Tarquin with an arched brow.

"Hey," said Chris. "It's Yule, let's drink up."

The teammates spent the rest of the night drinking and playing the Slytherin drinking game called Three Man. It involved enchanted dice and many shots of Firewhiskey. The game broke up late at night when Montague suddenly got up and without a word went back to his dormitory. Derrick followed his best friend.

"I'd better make sure the git gets home in one piece," slurred Myles. "I think his 'I'm horrendously pissed and should go home' alarm went off." Myles walked into the door as he was leaving.

"I think that door works better when you open it first," said Tarquin.

The remaining boys laughed as Derrick simply nodded and went on his way.

"Well," said Chris with a drunken gleam in his eye as he found his broom. "I'm going to break into Hufflepuff tower and go molest a certain witch."

"Should you be drinking and flying mate?" asked Tarquin with his tilted at Chris.

"Why is your head tilted?" asked Marcus.

"It's the only way I can see straight," said Tarquin.

"You are right," said Chris as he swayed on his feet. "I'll go the easy way." He threw his broom on his bed and promptly passed out. Tarquin and Marcus then got the giggles.

"Hey," asked Marcus. "Do you want to see my List? I got the dossiers on the candidates two days ago." Marcus crawled over to his desk and found the files. Tarquin and Marcus then ruffled through the parchments making comments now and then. When Tarquin got to the bottom file, he stopped and gave Marcus a look.

"Merlin Marcus," said Tarquin. "How did you slip Bell in?"

"She's a pureblood," said Marcus defensively.

"Yeah," said Tarquin as he read the file further. "Barely. Her mother's grandfather was muggleborn."

"Yes," said Marcus. "But that still makes Katie a pureblood."

"Mate," said Tarquin. "You've got it bad for this girl, don't you?"

"Like that's a revelation," snorted Marcus. "Let's have another drink. That girl from Durmstrang my father's been hinting about sure has an interesting hobby, eh? Shagging professors makes her totally ineligible. 'Specially seeing as they were female professors."

"Too bad there wasn't any pictures," mused Tarquin.

"Oh," said Marcus with a gleam in his eye. "There were. Look in the back of the file."


Several minutes later, amid several more shots of Firewhiskey, Tarquin turned to blearily look at Marcus.

"Say," slurred Tarquin. "You don't know the terms of your family trusts?"

"No," said Marcus slowly. "The old man says I wouldn't understand them and leave them to others who do."

"Well, that's just wrong. See if your grandmother can slip you a copy and I'll get my lawyer to look at them," offered Tarquin. "See if there isn't some wiggle room, mate. Now, I have to go to bed because for some reason the room is spinning. Did you hex it Marcus?"

"No," replied Marcus as he slowly clutched his way across the room to his own bed. When did it get so high and far away? Just before he passed out, Marcus blearily thought to himself, "Why does Tarquin have a lawyer?"

The Slytherin Dungeons: the next morning

"What time is it?" asked Chris as he shrugged on a jumper.

"Its twelve noon. What, the girlfriend is going to spank you if you are late again?" asked Tarquin as he finished up the last the hangover potion. "By the way, I'm never drinking firewhiskey again. This time I mean it."

"Something like that," said Chris with a rueful grin. "There are times when I wonder if the witch should have been in Slytherin. She's positively evil when she thinks up punishments. She calls them lessons. One time, she made me play nice with Diggory for nearly an hour in the library."

"Look at the time," said Marcus. "Don't you think its time to get moving boys? Hogsmeade won't wait forever."

Tarquin and Chris were grumbling as Marcus herded them towards the door. Katie was due in an hour and Marcus had to get ready.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Tarquin looked at the other guys in surprise and opened the door to find an extremely unhappy Circe Jones.

"Just the wizard I needed to see," said Circe through tight lips as she poked Tarquin in the chest with her wand.

"What do you want Circe?" asked Tarquin in surprise. "In the boy's dorms I might add."

"Oh sod off Bole," said Circe. "What I want is for you to withdraw your offer for my sister. I won't have her or our family humiliated by a man who can't keep it his pants! You may think that the whole sordid little mess in the Great Hall can be swept under the rug in a typically male chauvinistic Slytherin fashion but I won't have it!"

"What concern is it of yours?" asked Bole with a frown. Marcus and Chris backed away from the confrontation. "We aren't engaged yet. I'm entitled to have my fun."

"My concern is for my sister," said Circe. Her face was flushed and she looked furious. "She's only twelve. I was hoping she would have a few years of illusion left to her but oh no. Tarquin Bole had to swan in and make her face life too soon."

"What are you on about, woman?"

"She's too young to realize that all life has to offer her is an unfaithful husband that just married her for her bloodline and her fortune. She should have had the time and space to be young and fall in love. Now, she knows what it's like to be humiliated publicly. And no boy in Slytherin House will even look at her twice. You think you own her Bole and the sad thing is that for all intents and purposes you do," said Circe. She took a deep breath and keep going. "You probably wanted a young girl you could mold and one you would have to wait for so you could go on shagging all those Ravenclaws. Well, did you ever consider that that girl was a person with feelings and dreams? No, neither did you care. And frankly I understand what it is like to wonder if someone loves you or your money. And I understand what it is like to try to struggle against centuries of tradition and stupid rules. But my sister deserves better. And frankly Tarquin, so do you."

With that final sentence, Circe turned and left. Tarquin just stood there stunned. The guys looked at each other in amazement.

"To think," said Tarquin. "I thought she was one of those quiet, lady like witches."

"Fiery seems to run in that family," said Marcus. "And she has a point Tarquin."

"Yes," mused a pale and thoughtful Tarquin. "She does."

"Come on mate," said Chris as he slung an arm around his shoulder. "Let's go to Hogsmeade and spend some money on utter crap. It will make you feel better. My sister Isolde told me that once and it actually works."

Marcus watched as his friends left for Hogsmeade. He had given them his list of things he needed before they left. He was worried about Tarquin. He looked pale and not his usual merry self as he left. Being confronted with the truth sometimes had that effect. Tarquin did deserve more out of life. Hell, they all did.

The Slytherin Dungeons: later that afternoon

"Marcus," asked Katie casually as she picked up her hand of exploding snap cards off the table. "How many girls have you been to bed with?"

"What?!" sputtered Marcus as he choked on a chocolate frog. Katie had brought them as a Yule treat for him. He loved chocolate frogs.

"Remember, we are playing truth or dare exploding snap," said Katie. "And you picked truth."

"But," said Marcus weakly. "I can't remember."

"There were that many?

"No!" said Marcus. "This is one of those trick questions like, 'Do I look fat in this robe'. There is no right answer. And if I pick dare, you are a crazy Gryffindor, you're likely do make me do anything."

"Please enough whining and answer the question."

"Okay, fourteen."

"Fourteen! Merlin Marcus. Well I shouldn't complain, you certainly paid attention to those lessons didn't you?" said Katie. "And I'm reaping the benefits of lessons well learned. Next hand."

Marcus concentrated hard on his cards. He was very afraid of what Katie might ask him next. To his relief, he won.

"Dare," said Katie with a gleam in her eye and her hand on his thigh.

Marcus grinned and knew what she was hoping he would ask of her. They had been in his room for two entire hours now and they still had their clothes on. He had thought long and hard on how to word this request. It was his suggestion to play truth or dare cards.

"You have to let me take you to the annual Yule Ball in London," said Marcus in a rush.

"What? I don't have anything to wear to something like that."

"I'll take care of the robes," said Marcus. "And I already owled your mother asking her permission. She said yes. Granted, I did include a huge bunch of flowers and Honeydukes chocolates too. The end of term is in two days and the ball is on the 23rd. I promised her I would pick you up and return you that evening. She wouldn't go for an overnight stay even with a chaperone."

"How long have you been planning this, you evil Slytherin boy," said Katie with her hand sliding further up his hip.

"Not long," said Marcus as his voice hitched suddenly. Miss Bell had her hand in a very sensitive place.

"Okay then," conceded Katie. "But you have do something for me."


"Race me to the bed."

Much later, Marcus leaned up on his elbow and started to idly play with Katie's hair spread out on the pillows. Her eyes were closed but a small smile was curving her lips as he stroked her hair. He started to twist the tendrils in his fingers.



"Why did you give in on the Yule ball so easily?"

"Marcus, when you have an idea, you know that you just won't take no for an answer. You are relentless. Besides, I've never been to a ball. Tell me the rest of your plan. I'm very sure that there are more parts to it. You are a Slytherin, after all," said Katie with a smile as she opened her eyes.

"Hey, you say Slytherin like it's a bad thing."

"Not, bad just...typical."

"You Gryffindork."

"Slytherin snake," rejoined Katie as she grabbed at Marcus suddenly.

"Hey," protested Marcus as he captured her hand. "No fair grabbing like that. I thought Gryffindors always played by the rules."

"Not when a Slytherin teaches the rules," said Katie as she leaned up then straddled Marcus's hips. He reached up and caressed her legs. "Now," said Katie as she captured his hands and pulled them above his head. "Tell me what you have up your sleeve."

"Or else you'll do what?" asked Marcus.

"Or else I'll do nothing," purred Katie.

"No need to go that far Bell," complained Marcus. "We'll have dinner with Tarquin, Chris, Adrian and Terrence and the rest of the guys. Then we'll go to the Ball. I hate having dinner there. It's too formal and the food is terrible. Then we'll go to a Wizarding nightclub after putting in a hour or two at the Ball."

"Hmmm...All your friends eh?" asked Katie as she shifted her hips. Marcus groaned in response. "Are the rest of your friends bringing dates?"

"No," said Marcus. "Usually, they don't. I want you to be there with me though. Don't worry, we won't run into too many people from Hogwarts. Move like that again Katie please."

"What kind of robes did you get me?" asked Katie as she shifted her hips again. "And don't tell me you haven't got them already. You are too organized for that."

"They are in a box under my bed. I ordered them by owl. I got your measurements from that robe I nicked two weeks ago."

"I was wondering why you'd nick my clothes. I was thinking you were a lot more pervy than I thought."

"Oh," growled Marcus as he flipped Katie onto her back against the silk sheets of his bed. "I am very pervy. Let me show you."

Katie closed her eyes in pleasure as she let Marcus show her. When Tarquin and Chris opened the door a few hours later, the couple was innocently playing cards again in front of the fire. Marcus had laughed at Katie when she insisted they remake the bed. Then Katie had laughed at him when he proved to not have a clue on how a bed was actually made.

"You know, most normal people know how to make a bed, Marcus," chided Katie. "I bet you couldn't make a meal if your life depended on it."

"Katie," said Marcus with that upper class drawl. "That is what servants are for. It wouldn't be fair to rob them of their livelihood. Besides, what do you mean about making a meal? Don't they come like that?"

Katie was giggling helplessly as Tarquin and Chris came into their room.

"I'm not looking," said Tarquin as he walked in the room with his eyes closed burdened down with an armload of reduced packages.

"Merlin Tarquin," said Chris. "You're a yob sometimes." He smiled his greeting at Katie. Katie smiled and nodded back. Sometimes, it was kind of strange when Katie realized how easy it was to really get to know Marcus's friends. It was like the guys she met on the Quidditch pitch were their evil twins.

Tarquin dropped off Marcus's packages at the table and he dropped the rest of them on his bed. "Wait," said Tarquin. "Chris, I just have to get that thing I bought Cassandra."

"What did you buy her," asked Marcus. Katie gave him an inquiring look. Marcus mouthed 'I'll tell you later.'

"It's this hot new accessory called a charm bracelet. All the witches will want one this winter so the sales girl assured me. I got one of the platinum ones with rock crystal charms on it that are enchanted to sparkle," said Tarquin. "Tell me Katie, do you think a girl would like it." Tarquin looked at her apprehensively.

"It's very pretty," said Katie with a smile. "Any girl would love it."

"See you later," said Marcus as they left. "We are having dinner here."

"We are?" asked Katie.

"Yes, the house elves will deliver it at six. All it took was a couple of large bottles of butterbeer."

"You bribed a house elf. Typical Slytherin."

"Please I didn't even know where the kitchen was until I followed the Weasley twins there one night," said Marcus. "What? A good defense is knowing everything about your opponent. Especially their secrets."

Hmmm...What was the charm bracelet about? After that tussle in the Hall, I thought Tarquin was dating a Moira or an Emma, not a Cassandra," asked Katie.

"Oh," said Marcus. "Cassandra is this second year Slytherin girl, she's ummm...okay...ahhh...hell...she's Circe's younger sister. I think but am not too sure right now that Tarquin may be getting engaged to her sometimes in the future."

"An arranged marriage?" asked Katie. She decided that she was just going to pretend Marcus hadn't said that girl's name.

"Yes," said Marcus grateful that Katie had decided to pretend he hadn't said the name Circe. "But I think Tarquin deserves better. Nothing against the girl but marrying someone so dispassionately is plain wrong. I, for one, have no intention of caving in to my father Katie."

Katie reached up and ran her hand down his face. She looked into his eyes and smiled. "I wish you would show this caring side to others, Marcus," whispered Katie.

"Hell no," said Marcus. "I have spent years cultivating this image thank you."

Marcus and Katie looked into each other's eyes and jumped when moments later, a house elf popped into the room and delivered dinner. After their meal that was accompanied by Katie's favorite beverage, champagne, they played a game of Slytherin wizard's chess.

"Of course," thought Katie as she took off her shirt. "It had to be strip chess. Leave it to Slytherins to make this game naughty."

Marcus's eyes glittered as she undid her shirt. "Good thing," thought Marcus. "She doesn't know that there's no such thing as strip Slytherin Wizarding chess. Honestly, Gryffindors will believe anything."

"Here," said Marcus. "Have another glass of champagne Katie."

"You know you don't need to get me drunk to take advantage of me Marcus."

"No?" said Marcus. "Then it's your turn to race me to the bed."

Later as Katie listened to the crackling fire, she could feel the comforting weight of Marcus's arm around her waist, his thigh slung over her legs and his face buried in her hair. She sighed in contentment. The last month had been wonderful. Alicia had asked her with a glint in her eye one morning why she looked so radiant lately. She had blushed and told Alicia she didn't kiss and tell.

She felt Marcus's even breath against her neck and closed her eyes. "This is what being alive is all about," thought Katie. "Making love with someone you did love. Feeling their heartbeat against yours lying in the darkness. Never being alone again." Katie fell asleep with a smile on her face.

London: Diagon Alley: The Velvet Glove: December 23rd:

As Marcus helped her out of the carriage outside the restaurant, Katie took a deep breath. This place looked even more formal than the Hogsmeade Inn. But the night had started out on a good note. Her mother had helped her with her hair and the beautiful blue-green robe Marcus had bought for her. Mom had even lent her a pair of lovely dancing shoes that matched her robe. They were crystal blue.

When she had come down the stairs at her home, Marcus had looked up at her with that special look in his eyes. That look always made her feel like she was the most beautiful witch on Earth. His eyes dropped down to look at the pendant around her neck. It was the one he had given her in Hogsmeade. He had looked up and smiled.

She was surprised to find that her mother liked him. Marcus could be charming when he wanted to be. Katie touched her hair self-consciously. Marcus had given her a gift when he arrived at her house. The enchanted hair combs were glittering in her hair. Her mom had put them in while Marcus waited. All in all, Katie felt confident. She smiled at Marcus and put her hand on his sleeve as they walked into the restaurant.

Marcus turned to look at Katie with pride. She looked so beautiful and was so regal, she reminded him again of his grandmother. He guided her into the bar area where they were supposed to meet the rest of the guys. Marcus was surprised to see Sarah there with Chris. By the gasp beside him, he could deduce that Katie was just as surprised. To his shock, Katie greeted Sarah with, "Oh Sarah, I didn't know you were coming to the Yule Ball?"

Marcus and Chris gave each other identical looks of shock as they realized both girls were not startled to see each other.

"Please Christian," said Sarah. "Close your mouth. Silly boy, you didn't think I would figure out who Flint was seeing?"

"Yes, Marcus," said Katie with a grin. "We met up one night outside the bathroom in the dungeons. I was quite embarrassed seeing as I was wearing your shirt at the time until Sarah gave a snort of triumph and said how she was almost sure it was me you were seeing but now she had proof. That broke the ice and we laughed and decided not to let our Slytherin schemers know."

"Besides," said Sarah. "It was fun watching you squirm Chris as you tried your hardest not to tell me an out and out lie. You skirted around the truth. There were days when you turned yourself inside out."

"Merlin Chris," said Tarquin. "You weren't kidding. Sarah, you should have been a Slytherin. You too Katie."

"What?" said Katie in mock outrage. "Tarquin Bole, you take that back."

The group laughed and sipped on Yule drinks while waiting for Adrian and Terrence. Adrian was the first to arrive in a flurry of expensive robes, spicy cologne and the attention of every witch in the room.

"Merlin," thought Katie. "Angelina was right. Pucey is a gorgeous man and even better looking when he's actually smiling. No, stop the mental picture I'm having of him leaving our room that spring. Stop."

Adrian Pucey smiled into Katie's eyes then kissed her hand. "Merlin Bell," said Adrian. "If I had known that you were this gorgeous, I would have beaten Marcus to the post so to speak. By the way, Marcus, I'm just kidding. You see Katie, since primary school, I have always known that Marcus doesn't share. Which is a pity." He gave her a flirtatious look from under his eyelashes, which then prompted Marcus to push him away.

"Go slobber all over some other man's girlfriend Pucey, you git," said Marcus with a smile.

The Maitre'd came over with a message for Tarquin on a silver platter. Tarquin informed the rest of the group that Higgs would be delayed and that he said to start without him. The party were shown to their table by the maitre'd. The night was progressing nicely as they ordered their starters and started to talk.

Katie was between Marcus and Tarquin. The banter was kept light and amusing as the dinner started. Several minutes later, Katie could feel Marcus stiffen up beside her. She looked into his frowning face in concern then looked up to the place where he was staring. She could feel the blood drain from her face as she looked into the surprised face of her father.