Astronomy Tower
Romance Angst
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Quidditch Through the Ages
Published: 02/24/2003
Updated: 10/16/2004
Words: 107,258
Chapters: 37
Hits: 26,668



Story Summary:
I hope you'll like my introduction to Marcus Flint's second Seventh Year. In the chapters to come, the Slytherin House team is trying to win their Eighth cup by any means necessary but they run into problems mainly teenage boy problems that involve a bet, a non-existent girlfriend and a Gryffindor chaser that is distracting their fearless leader.

Chapter 31

Chapter Summary:
In this chapter of Sparks, Marcus and his father have a long delayed confrontation. Marcus and Katie defend their love as both sides question them. Chris's plans for Sarah do not go as smoothly as he envisioned.
Author's Note:
Thank you for all the reviews. I know we are headed to the end of this story but I am going to continue it in a sequel that tells Tarquin's and Circe's story. It will be set during the summer vacation. Marcus, Katie, Adrian, Terrence, Alicia and Angelina will be central to the plot. After all, it's World Cup Quidditch season.

Sparks 31

Chapter Thirty-one:

The Hogsmeade Brasserie:

"Answer me boy," said Aurelius as he stood beside the Bells' table. He was trembling with suppressed rage.

Katie's father got to his feet in an elegant gesture. "I thought it would be self-explanatory," said Stuart Bell just as icily. "And your son is not a boy."

"Now Bell," said Aurelius with a condescending tone, "this matter is none of your concern. Marcus, you've been unpardonably rude to your fiancée."

"Fiancée," said Katie with a gasp. Unwillingly, she turned and looked towards the table. Katie paled when she saw the confused blond girl standing with her parents. "She's beautiful," thought Katie with a sinking heart. She jumped when she felt Marcus's hand grasp her own. Marcus squeezed her hand meaningfully.

"She's not my fiancée," said Marcus firmly as he looked at Katie. "And you are the most beautiful witch I have ever seen," whispered Marcus.

Katie's face lit up as she smiled into Marcus's eyes.

"How sweet," said Aurelius icily, "but it does not change anything Marcus."

“You can keep your galleons,” said Marcus just as icily.

"Marcus," chided Aurelius. "You say that now, but what happens when reality kicks in, my boy. I've been paying your bills for years and I know how expensive your taste is in clothing, Quidditch gear, broomsticks, and everything else under the sun. You do not know how to live without those galleons you are so adamant about throwing away."

Katie gave Marcus an uncertain look. In the past, she had chided Marcus for his expensive tastes. Aurelius Flint may be a total git but he was telling the truth.

"Do you know how much money the Falmouth Falcons are paying me?" asked Marcus with a raised brow. "And when I make the main team, they will be paying me even more. By the time I am captain of that team, and make no mistake I will be; I will be quite well off, thank-you. I haven't even gone into endorsement deals but my lawyer can give you the details."

"Such plans you have," said Aurelius intently. "What happens when things do not go your way Marcus? Have you thought about that?"

"I'm not as stupid as you evidently think I am," said Marcus heatedly. "I know that life isn't a Quidditch game, you know. I know that everything isn't going to be perfect and that things may get difficult. But life is going to be like that way anyway. I love her. Together, we may run into storms but we going to be all right because we will be together. I would rather have a year with Katie than a lifetime with any other woman."

Katie had grasped Marcus's hand tightly when she realized how upset his father was making him. She could feel him trembling. She noticed that Marcus's mother and grandparents had come up behind the oblivious Aurelius. Marcus and his father were intent on one another. Katie had a feeling that this confrontation had been a long time coming.

"What happens, Marcus, when your passion for this girl fades," asked Aurelius insistently. "Marriage involves more than bedsport. It is about continuing your family line and upholding the family dignity. Can you walk away from your family and all it represents? When passion fades and it does, are you going to blame her for your lost fortune?"

"You insist on treating me like a child with a penchant for a new toy," said Marcus angrily. "I know exactly what I am giving up! I have spent my life listening to both you and grandfather going on about how it is my responsibility to uphold the family trusts and companies. Don't you know that?"

"You are walking away from those responsibilities like a spoilt child," said Aurelius coldly.

"You have made it impossible for me to stay," said Marcus. "I know, in my heart that if I stayed, I would turn into you."

Marcus's father stepped back like Marcus had hit him. His face flushed then he stepped closer to Marcus. "Do you think I wasn't like you when I was young," hissed Aurelius. "Do you think I wanted to marry someone I never saw before? You were determined to cast me as the villain. I may have married a woman more interested in next year's fashions than bothering about me but at least I did my duty."

"Aurelius," gasped Natalya Flint, "that's not true."

"Really," drawled Aurelius with a sideways glance. "What is my favorite color, my dear?"

"I - I don't know," stuttered Natalya. Her face was pale. Aurelius gave a small bitter smile.

"Are you forcing me into an arranged marriage because you were forced into one," asked Marcus.

"We didn't force you to marry, Aurelius," said Lydia Flint with a frown.

"Hmmm," said Aurelius as he gave his father a sardonic look. "Never told mother, did you?"

"Claudius?" asked Lydia with a note of surprise.

"Lydia," rumbled Marcus's grandfather. "He was already in his late thirties. He needed a push."

"I would have married earlier but you refused me permission," said Aurelius heatedly.

"The girl was unsuitable," protested Lydia. "She could not have children."

"Rather ironic, isn't it," said Aurelius coldly. "The wife you chose for me was able to produce only one child."

Marcus's head reeled with all these revelations. Suddenly, his father's bitterness and unhappiness made sense. Marcus had a feeling that his father's story went deeper than what he could piece together here. He squeezed Katie's hand reassuringly.

"But that is all in the past," said Aurelius briskly. "I have made sacrifices for this family, Marcus. You are not going to throw everything I have worked for down the drain."

"Flint," said Stuart Bell. "There comes a time when you have to let your children make their own decisions."

"Bell," said Aurelius with a raised eyebrow. "How ironic. Isn't this the first time you have even attempted to see your daughter in years?"

"How did you know that," gasped Ivy.

"He had me investigated," said Katie. "Marcus showed me the file."

"I know that I have not been the best of fathers," said a flushed and angry Stuart Bell. "But I am willing to let her grow up and make her own mistakes. I have the same doubts you do, Flint."

"Really," drawled Aurelius.

"Yes," said Stuart with an intense look into Katie's eyes. "I got married and had Katie when I was seventeen. I was far too young for such responsibility and I went into it like it was a grand adventure not reality. Reality hit when I was in my twenties and realized that my mates were off being young while I was at home with a child and a job I hated but needed. My parents had cut me off for running off and marrying Katie's mother without their knowledge. Eventually things just fell apart."

"You ran off with another woman," said Katie dully.

"Yes, I did," admitted Stuart. "I was young, heedless and I felt trapped so I made mistakes. When I could not fix those mistakes, I took the easy way out and left. I'm not proud of what I did. And I don't want you to repeat my mistakes, Katie."

"We may be young," said Marcus, "but our relationship is different. I have a job I am going to love and I am willing to wait for Katie. As for children, we are not going to have them straight away. As for resenting her, how could I? She is saving me from a life of unhappiness."

"How do you know your life will be unhappy?" asked Natalya Flint plaintively.

"Because I saw with my own two eyes what marrying without love can turn into," said Marcus seriously. "I want better for my children."

"Love isn't everything," said Stuart intently.

"But is a start," said Katie quietly. "Let us make our own mistakes."

"We know it will not be easy," said Marcus, "but I have made my choice."

Silence fell over the group as Katie and Marcus faced the adults with a united front.

"What is the meaning of this, Flint," asked Sergei Romanov as he joined the standing group and was followed by his wife and daughter. "Did you lure my family here just to humiliate me?"

"I assure you Sergei," said Aurelius smoothly. "I did not. My son is a rather headstrong and stubborn young man."

"I thought we were here to sign a marriage contract not indulge in histrionics," said Sergei testily. "Just sign the contract for the boy and we will have done with it."

"I am afraid that I will not be signing anything," said Marcus coolly. "My father cannot sign the contract for me. Our family trusts are quite clear on that point. I have to sign of my own free will."

"Are you saying that this young man is refusing to marry my daughter," asked Sergei as his voice rose and his face grew an alarming shade of puce.

"Papa, " asked Ekaterina as she gave Katie an icy glare down her nose. "He is jilting me for her?"

Katie flushed as the other girl gave a contemptuous snort.

"I am from an old pureblood family," said Ekaterina with a glare at Marcus. "I can run a large household perfectly. I have a large dowry. I am one of the most sought after heiresses in northern magical Europe. All my brother's friends at Durmstrang want to marry me. And you are rejecting me for that girl?"

"Ahh," said Marcus with a straight face. "But can you play a good game of Quidditch?"

"That ridiculous game on broomsticks," said Ekaterina with a disgusted look.

"Well," said Marcus. "That settles it, then. I could never marry a girl who was so disrespectful of my chosen profession. Beside, Katie plays a mean game of Quidditch."

"She plays that mannish, rough game," asked Ekaterina. "I thought only men played that game. By the looks of her, she does suit that game, doesn't she?"

Katie's eyes narrowed at Marcus's ex-fiancée. "Marcus has made his choice," said Katie icily. "I am sure there is a port key with your name on it somewhere. Please use it."

Marcus winced at Katie's blunt declaration.

"Have I mentioned that Katie can get a tad jealous now and again?" said Marcus rhetorically.

"Papa," said Ekaterina plaintively.

"Ekaterina," said Marcus. "Katie may not be able to run a large household. She doesn't have a large dowry. And I hope the other blokes at Hogwarts are not beating down her door. I would have to do some beating of my own if that were true. But I love her. She's a strong, talented witch with strong opinions, firm morals, and a kind heart. And she loves me.'''

"What does love have to do with marriage," asked Ekaterina with a frown.

"Everything," said Marcus firmly. "Maybe one day Katya, you will find out. I want more than galleons, a fine manor, and a picture perfect wife. I want to be happy. And Katie makes me happy."

"I see," said Sergei Romanov coolly. "There is no reason for my family to stay. This betrothal is obviously a waste of my valuable time. Good day."

With that curt pronouncement, the Romanov family swept out of the Hogsmeade Brasserie.

"What have you done Marcus," said Aurelius with a frown as he watched the Romanovs leave. "They would have been a valuable acquisition for our import business."

"You can talk of business at a time like this," said Natalya shakily.

"Their export business was too specialized for the needs of our import company anyway," said Marcus dismissively. "The restructuring alone would have cost more than the revenue they would have brought in."

"Marcus," said Lydia with a note of surprise. His father and grandfather looked at him in shock.

"What?" asked Marcus testily. "Contrary to popular belief, I only failed my NEWTS because I didn't bother to show up, not because I'm thick. I did pay attention to you two occasionally. Of course, only if it didn't interfere with Quidditch."

"You insist on wasting your life playing Quidditch," asked Aurelius.

"I'm not going to play Quidditch for the rest of my life," said Marcus. "And I don't expect Katie to support me later in life or to end up with the sports ministry prattling on for the rest of my life about games long in the past. Nor do I intend on going about with an old uniform strapped to my back permanently like Ludo Bagman. I do have more sense than that."

"What will you do?" asked Natalya.

"I'll work for Tarquin," said Marcus with a grin.

"Work for the Bole family!" said Claudius with a note of outrage in his deep voice.

"The point is," said Marcus with a sigh, "that since my family will not accept me, I have other options."

"Wait one second," said Claudius. "Who says we do not accept you?"

"I chose Katie," said Marcus seriously. "By that I mean that I refuse my inheritance."

"Aurelius," said Claudius testily. "What is the boy on about?"

"If he marries the Bell girl," said Aurelius clearly. "I will disinherit him."

"Aurelius," growled Claudius. "He is our only viable heir, male or female."

"I know," said Aurelius.

"I will not have the family fortune going to the Longbottoms," said Claudius. "They are the nearest distaff cousins."

"I know," said Aurelius heatedly.

Katie gave Marcus a surprised look that he returned.

The Entrance Hall: Hogwarts:

"Merlin Tarquin," said Warrington nervously. "Can you smell whiskey on my breath? Do you think she's in there? I think I'm going to throw up."

"Calm down mate," said Tarquin. "She's not in Hufflepuff tower and that portrait said she left with her mates for the Great Hall. You do not smell like liquor. Besides, you do not want to throw up on these dress robes, do you?"

"No," said Chris faintly.

"Have you figured out how you are going to ask, yet?" asked Tarquin as he straightened out Chris's collar. Chris had changed into his family's formal black dress robes with the coat of arms emblazoned on the dark heavy silk. He was clutching a bunch of pink star lilies in his hand.

"Yes," said Chris nervously. "I'm going to ask down by the lake. The sun will be going down shortly. She likes watching the sun come up and go down. She says it's the most beautiful sight in the world. Lilies are her favorite flowers. She likes pink too. It goes lovely with her dark hair. I hope she likes the ring."

"Chris," said Tarquin gently as he grasped Chris's shoulders. "You are babbling."

"I know," said Chris. "I'm freaking scared, Tarquin."

"I know," said Tarquin quietly. They reached the doors of the Great Hall.

"Ready," asked Tarquin.

"Yes," said Chris as he raised his chin and walked into the Hall.

"Thank Merlin," said Tarquin quietly from Chris's side. "The Gryffindorks are not here. Too busy guzzling butterbeer from the Cup, I expect. Honestly, that lot wouldn't know champagne if it apparated right under their noses."

Chris smiled as Tarquin prattled on beside him as they made their way to the Hufflepuff table.

"Good Luck," whispered Tarquin as he left for the Slytherin table.

Chris nodded gratefully then searched for Sarah amongst her Hufflepuff dorm mates. He noticed that a few of the older girls were glaring at him. In fact, more than a few were glaring at him. He frowned then he saw Sarah. He smiled in her direction but then his smile faded as he noticed her forlorn demeanor at the table. She had her head down and it was obvious that she had been crying.

"Prat," hissed a Hufflepuff girl as he passed.

"Slytherin git," hissed another girl.

Chris's face flushed as he made his way towards Sarah. He wondered if they knew about the baby.

"What did you do to make Sarah spend all day crying, you big meany," said another of Sarah's dorm mates.

"She didn't tell anyone about the baby," thought Chris.

Chris stood beside an oblivious Sarah and a hostile Hufflepuff House silently for a moment. He lifted his chin.

"Sarah," said Chris softly.

Sarah lifted her head and looked behind her with a look of surprise. Her face lit up when she saw Chris then the light in her eyes faded. Chris felt his heart lurch uncomfortably. He wordlessly held out the flowers. Sarah looked at them uncomprehendingly.

"I'm sorry," blurted out Warrington. "I was daft and acted like an insensitive prick." The normally cool and urbane Warrington had lost his equilibrium. She looked just so sad and lost that Chris simply could not stand it.

"I love you," said Chris. "Please forgive me."

Sarah's eyes filled with more tears.

"Please don't cry," said Chris unsteadily. "I'm not worth it."

The entire Great Hall had come to a stand still. Chris Warrington was not the type of Slytherin that wore his heart on his sleeve. He was a clever, intuitive and, above all, calm wizard. But his calm had broken. His plans went flying out the window.

Sarah continued to silently cry. She shook her head wordlessly at Chris. Chris felt his heartbeat accelerate madly. Panicked, he looked at her with a stricken look on his face.

"What if she won't forgive me?" thought Chris with shock. His head spun as he quickly thought of another plan. He glanced around at the fascinated faces and made a quick decision.

"Sarah Delilah Douglas-Scott," said Chris firmly as he got to his knees in front of her. "I love you more than I can ever express to you in words. Will you please marry me?" Chris held out the ring in his left hand. The glittering sapphire and diamond ring caught the candlelight and sparkled brightly. The girls surrounding Sarah gasped in unison.

Sarah looked at Chris and the ring with stunned amazement then a bright smile lit up her face. Chris stared at her in awe. He always thought of Sarah as beautiful but right now, she looked radiant. He waited anxiously for her to speak.

"Yes," shouted Sarah as she threw her arms around Chris's kneeling figure. As the entire Hall erupted in whispers and applause, Sarah clutched Chris tightly and whispered in his ear, "You are so worth it, Christian Alexander Warrington. You are worth all the gold in Gringott's."

From the Slytherin table, Tarquin shook his head and clapped along with the rest of Slytherin House.

"So much for private and romantic, Warrington," thought Tarquin. He had a wide smile on his face as he watched Chris kiss Sarah passionately. The joy on both their faces was obvious, even from the Slytherin table.

Author notes: This chapter gave me all sorts of problems and i had to ruthlessly edit it. Aurelius's story is quite tragic and I do not blame him for the bitter man he became. But that part had to go because it did not fit the story. Although, it is still a part of the backstory.
To sum up: Aurelius had a long term mistress that his parents would not give him permission to marry because she was barren. She could not have children no matter what potions or charms were used. So he stayed with her until his father forced him to marry.
On his wedding day, she killed herself. She was a little unstable and depressed because of the lack of fertility and the fact that Aurelius was going to marry. Out of guilt and anger, Aurelius has been blaming his indifferent wife for the entire mess for years.

You know, Marcus hasn't actually asked Katie to marry him.