Astronomy Tower
Romance Angst
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Quidditch Through the Ages
Published: 02/24/2003
Updated: 10/16/2004
Words: 107,258
Chapters: 37
Hits: 26,668



Story Summary:
I hope you'll like my introduction to Marcus Flint's second Seventh Year. In the chapters to come, the Slytherin House team is trying to win their Eighth cup by any means necessary but they run into problems mainly teenage boy problems that involve a bet, a non-existent girlfriend and a Gryffindor chaser that is distracting their fearless leader.

Chapter 36

Chapter Summary:
Katie gives her friends the Wrong Impression. Marcus confesses his deepest and darkest secret to Katie.
Author's Note:
Thank You to everyone who has reviewed Sparks in the past and for all their patience.

Gryffindor Tower:

'Katie, love," asked Angelina Johnson as she entered the chaos that was her dorm room. "What are you doing?'

"I'm looking for something," said Katie absently as she sorted through the robes piled onto her bed. A couple of seventh year Gryffindors came through the open door laden with a handful of filmy dress robes.

"These are all the dress robes I could find," said the girl.

"I have some muggle dresses that are lovely," offered the other witch.

"I think I need to have a more traditional look for my...errr...my date with Marcus tomorrow," said Katie with an inward wince at her lie. She needed to keep Chris and Sarah's upcoming wedding a secret. At this moment, Sarah was conducting the same frantic search for a suitable wedding robe in Hufflepuff Tower.

"A dress robe, Katie?" said Alicia from her bed with a smirk. "Why don't you just wear a short skirt? You know Flint would love that."

"Something a bit dressier," said Katie cagily. She gasped as she spied a dress at the bottom of the heap of dress robes.

"My mother made me bring that," said Emma, the older seventh year witch with a grimace. "She's so old fashioned. She actually asked me if I caught a suitable wizard yet in her last owl. She wants to introduce me to a few wizards when I come home this summer. Honestly."

"It's so beautiful," said Katie as she stroked the filmy material of the robe. It was a shimmering shade of silver with embroidered green leaves all the way around the edges of the robe and along the cuffs and collar.

"Looks very Slytherin-like," said Angie with a slight frown.

"Perfect," breathed Katie as she fingered the leaves. She looked up at Emma. "How much would you like for the robe?"

Emma's eyes glittered as she thought about the lovely crimson robe with the thigh high slit she saw at Glad Rags the last time she was in Hogsmeade. It was very expensive, nearly forty galleons. Then she frowned as she saw the look of reverence in Katie Bell's eyes as she stroked the material.

"You can pay me back later," said Emma. "I know that you want this date with Flint to be perfect."

Katie looked at her housemate with a smile in her eyes. "I'll give you fifty galleons for the robe," said Katie firmly.

"Katie," gasped Alicia. "Where will you get that kind of money?"

"Marcus," said Katie with a blush. "I'll show him the robe."

"He's buying your clothes now?" asked Angie with a slight note of censure in her voice.

"He has the deep pockets for it," said Emma gaily as she thought about her new crimson robe. She hugged Katie.

"I'll just take this robe with me to show Marcus," said Katie as her mind whirled. "Then I'll come back with the galleons for you, Emma." Katie rushed out the door failing to see the suspicious look in Angelina's eyes.

"Honestly," said Alicia with a laugh. "I've seen brides who've worn a robe less formal than that at their wedding."

Angelina froze and her mind began to race. She barely heard the other girls leave the room.

"Earth calling Angie," said Alicia. "I have been trying to talk to you for ages, now."

"I think I know why Katie was so concerned about having the right robe," said Angie with a note of disbelief in her voice. She still couldn't quite believe it.

"She likes silver?" asked Alicia.

"No," said Angie as she looked Alicia in straight in the eyes. "Katie is getting married."

"To Flint?" asked Alicia with shock.

"Of course," said Angie with impatience, "She's eloping with Flint."

"That's completely mad," said Alicia logically. "Where would they go?"

"The Orkneys," said Angie as she began to put together the pieces. "Where else could they go? I bet it was Flint's idea. I don't really blame him. They have had a rough ride of it. He probably wants to make sure that no one could take Katie away from him again. And Katie, being fathoms deep in love with him, agreed."

"Without us?" said Alicia with a note of hurt in her voice.

"Secrecy," said Angie with a sigh. "The hallmark of Slytherin House."

"We have to stop them," said Alicia as her voice rose.

"Should we?" asked Angie seriously.

"I..," sputtered Alicia. She thought about Angie's question.

"Marriage would make Katie happy," said Angie.

"I know," said Alicia as she frowned.

"But there's nothing that says we can't follow them," said Angie determinedly.

"Yes," said Alicia hotly. "We need a plan."

"I think I have one," said Angie craftily.

The Slytherin Dungeons:

Katie walked into the Slytherin dungeons with Chris and Sarah. She had met them outside the Slytherin common room. Sarah and Katie had their heads together. Sarah had found two other beautiful robes she could wear. Sarah was going to try them on in Marcus's bathroom.

Marcus was busily writing an owl as she walked in the room. Katie blew a kiss at him and went into the bathroom with Sarah.

"Thank you for your help, Katie," said Sarah tearfully as she hugged Katie tightly.

"It was nothing," said Katie as she smiled at the Hufflepuff girl.

"I just don't know what I would have done if it weren't for Marcus's plan," said Sarah as she cried. "I just can't stop crying today. Either, I'm crying because I am happy or I am crying because I'm scared."

"You have Chris," said Katie as she patted Sarah's back.

"I know," wailed Sarah as she buried her face in Katie's shoulder.

"And your baby," said Katie gently.

"Yes," said Sarah as she wiped away her tears. "Would it be too awful of me to admit that I am utterly thrilled that I am having Chris's baby? I know that everyone is going to gossip but I don't care. I love him and I love the baby already."

"Good," said Katie with a bright smile. "Let's try on these robes."

Katie got a bit tearful herself as she watched Sarah try on the three robes. Even though she personally loved the silver robe, Sarah looked absolutely gorgeous in the high necked ivory robe.

"See," said Katie as she held up Sarah's long brunette hair up to simulate a French twist. "Put flowers in your hair and you'll look even more beautiful."

"Yes," said Sarah as she smoothed the ivory silk against her hips as she looked in the mirror. "It will do, won't it?"

"Brilliant," enthused Katie.

"Katie," said Sarah hesitantly. "Will you be my witness? It's because of you and Marcus that we can even get married."

"Oh Sarah," breathed Katie. "I would be honored."

Marcus was waiting outside the door when the girls came out.

"I have the port key organized," said Marcus gruffly. He reached out to smooth the hair from Katie's face. Katie smiled up at him. She was holding the silver dress in her arms. "What's that?"

"A dress robe," said Katie tartly.

"I can see that," said Marcus with an eye roll. "Is it yours?"

"No," said Katie wistfully. "I was going to get you to buy it for Sarah but she has another wedding robe in mind. I'll have to return it to its proper owner."

"You liked it?" asked Marcus lowly. The other people in the room were talking amongst themselves.

"It's so beautiful," said Katie dreamily as she stroked the filmy fabric.

"Then I'll buy it for you," said Marcus firmly.

"You can't buy my clothing," said Katie with a note of shock.

"Why not, you were going to let me buy Sarah a robe," said Marcus logically.

"That's different," argued Katie.

"No it's not," said Marcus.

"It's not proper," said Katie with her eyes flashing.

"We do a lot of improper things, my love," said Marcus with a low purr and a hot look in his eyes.

"Stop it," hissed Katie. Her cheeks were crimson but she did move to stand closer to Marcus.

"If I could, I would buy you anything your heart desired," coaxed Marcus. "Let me buy you a little robe."

"I know what I want and it isn't a robe," murmured Katie as she looked at Marcus's mouth hungrily.

Marcus moaned then crushed Katie to his chest and kissed her passionately. They were both oblivious to the coughs from the other occupants in the room. Katie gasped when Marcus's hands moved to lift her up. She wrapped her legs around his waist and kissed him deeper. Her hands were tangled in his soft hair. His arms were wrapped around her tightly.

"Honestly," complained Tarquin. "Is that all you two do?"

Marcus lifted his head and looked at Katie with a disappointed look in his deep blue eyes.

"Maybe they'll just go away," whispered Katie. She smiled as she heard Sarah giggle in the background.

"Everything's organized and there is two hours until curfew," said Marcus as he carried Katie over to his bed. He threw her down on the bed and followed her with a lascivious look.

"Marcus," shrieked an embarrassed Katie as he pulled the curtains closed around them with a wave of his wand.

"Alone at last," said Marcus huskily as he captured her mouth in a deep kiss. Katie struggled for a minute then melted in his arms.

"You are utterly shameless," said Katie as Marcus undid her blouse. She struggled out of her trousers as Marcus pulled off his jumper. She moaned when she saw his chest.

Marcus smirked at her as he ran a hand down his chest. Katie bit her lip as she watched avidly. She smirked as she shimmied her trousers down her legs. She watched as Marcus's eyes darkened with desire. Finally, neither of them could stand the teasing any longer and clothes came off recklessly as they melted into one another. The minutes passed in heavy silence broken only by soft moans and low groans of pleasure.

Much later, Katie lifted her head from its hard pillow. She kissed Marcus's lean belly then stroked her cheek against his hot skin. He was stroking her hair that was spread against his stomach.

"Let me buy you the robe," urged Marcus softly as he sighed contently. "Wear it tomorrow for me. It is in Slytherin colors. Were you thinking of me?"

"I am always thinking of you,' said Katie as she closed her eyes and held him close.

Marcus's hands tightened on her hair then he asked hesitantly, "Katie, I'm worried about something."

"Are you worried we'll get caught,' asked Katie with concern.

"No," said Marcus as he bit his lip and pulled her up so she was lying against his chest and he could look into trusting eyes. "I need to tell you something about myself. I spent all this time hoping I would never have to tell you."

"Nothing you could say could shock me," said Katie seriously.

"Have you noticed that I haven't taken divination?" said Marcus pensively. "I mean everyone who wants an easy credit takes divination. Merlin knows I like easy credits."

"No," said Katie with a slight frown.

"I can't," said Marcus simply as his heart began to pound. "None of my mates know why. No one knows except for my mother and my grandmother and now, you. I have the Sight. I don't want it either. So I stay away from scrying bowls, crystal balls and anything else that could trigger an episode."

"Are you a true Seer?" asked Katie as she pulled herself up to look into his eyes.

"I don't know," said Marcus as he swallowed thickly. "I haven't tried in so long."

"Merlin," said Katie seriously.

"I am a touch apprehensive about going to the Orkneys," confessed Marcus. "When I was younger, druids were able to see that I could See."

"Why don't you want to see?' asked Katie as her heart rate accelerated. She had never seen Marcus look so off kilter.

"I used to see terrible things," said Marcus as his eyes grew opaque. Katie shivered. "All it took was an ordinary bowl of water."

"We don't have to go if you don't want to," said Katie urgently as a finger of ghostly fear touched her heart.

"No," said Marcus as his eyes cleared. "We must go. Just help me keep my secret. I must keep away from the druids that are sightless. They are the ones that can tell that I can see things. Promise me, Katie."

"I promise," whispered Katie as she threw herself in his arms and held him tightly. She could feel his rapid heartbeat. She held him until it slowed and he relaxed.

Author notes: Thank You for sticking with this fic. I had a wrong turn and had to revise several chapters. I hope you like it.