Astronomy Tower
Romance Angst
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Quidditch Through the Ages
Published: 02/24/2003
Updated: 10/16/2004
Words: 107,258
Chapters: 37
Hits: 26,668



Story Summary:
I hope you'll like my introduction to Marcus Flint's second Seventh Year. In the chapters to come, the Slytherin House team is trying to win their Eighth cup by any means necessary but they run into problems mainly teenage boy problems that involve a bet, a non-existent girlfriend and a Gryffindor chaser that is distracting their fearless leader.

Chapter 12

Chapter Summary:
This chapter is mostly from Katie's point of view. Her feelings for Marcus and how she deals with them are what this chapter is about. Marcus starts this chapter feeling guilty about switching the Quidditch schedule. He's frustrated and our Marcus doesn't play nice when angry. Oliver Wood comes into play in this chapter as well.
Author's Note:
Thank-you for the lovely reviews. Please tell me what you think of this chapter.About the state of their relationship? About Oliver Wood?

Sparks 12

Chapter Twelve:

Katie felt bone deep tired when she opened her eyes the next morning. She could hear Angelina and Alicia getting ready for breakfast. They were unusually silent. She was not surprised. That Halloween had been the most memorable one since she had come to Hogwarts, and not in a good way. She dragged herself out of bed and got ready for class. She was surprised when she got down to the common room to find that Angie and Alicia had already left. She jumped when she heard a voice behind her.

"About time, Katie," said Oliver Wood. "What took you so long? We are going to miss breakfast."

Katie was surprised to see Oliver waiting for her. She didn't protest when he steered her towards the entrance to Gryffindor Tower and towards the Great Hall. They talked about Quidditch and the game coming up against Slytherin on Saturday as they walked to breakfast. She winced inwardly when Wood referred to Marcus at that 'cheating, slippery git'.

"He isn't slippery," protested Katie in her mind. "Granted he can be a git and he doesn't really like rules but he's not slimy or anything! So Marcus can be a little sneaky, so what? I like him that way."

She smiled at George and Fred as they came up behind them just before they got to the Great Hall. The twins looked grim. They gave Katie a quiet hello.

"Oliver, what are you going to do about the situation?" asked George.

"What situation?" thought Katie.

"I deal with it at breakfast," said Oliver as he gave the twins a look Katie couldn't interpret.

As they joined Angie and Alicia in the quiet Hall, Katie tried to discreetly look for Marcus at the Slytherin table. She didn't notice that her housemates were unusually quiet.

"Where was Marcus?" thought Katie. Just then Oliver distracted her by clearing his throat. As usual, the entire Quidditch team was sitting together.

"In light of recent situation that has come to my attention," said Oliver. "I think we need to have a team meeting right after breakfast. There is an empty classroom near the Great Hall we can use."

"Merlin," thought Katie. "What freaking situation?"

As the rest of the team ate quickly, Katie tried to talk to Angelina but she only shrugged at her and whispered 'Later'. Oliver got up and led the rest of the team out of the Great Hall. Katie trailed along reluctantly because Marcus had still not shown up for breakfast. She hoped that nothing had happened to him. She knew that he would never voluntarily miss a meal.

As the Gryffindor Quidditch team drifted into the classroom, Katie couldn't get the strange vibe she was getting from everyone. She tensed when she heard Oliver start talking.

"It has come to my attention someone on this team is seeing a member of the Slytherin Quidditch team," said Oliver in a serious voice. "The other team members have asked me to call a meeting because we need to deal with this situation quickly."

Katie could feel her face drain of blood. "Oh Merlin," Katie thought in panic. "They've found out about Marcus and me! And they are really angry!"

Katie opened her mouth to say something, anything when Alicia's voice rang out in the quiet classroom.

"Oh honestly," said Alicia. "It isn't like I'm having Montague's child or anything! I just kissed him. I'm not passing out copies of your Quidditch plays to the entire Slytherin Quidditch team, Oliver. Frankly, I'm pissed off about the way everyone's treating me. You all are acting like I should be shipped off to Azkaban like I was Sirius Black! I didn't know kissing a member of an opposing Quidditch team was a Wizarding offense guys."

"Merlin, " thought Katie. "Relieved cannot even describe how I feel right now. Wait a second, Alicia kissed Montague? What the hell? Merlin wait a second here, am I ever thick. Here I was getting pissed off that Alicia snogged Montague when I've been kissing Flint for months now. I think I need to back up Alicia now because we Slytherin loving Gryffindors better stick together."

"Is that why everyone was so depressed at breakfast?" said Katie as she shook her head. "Merlin, George didn't you have it off with one the Ravenclaw chasers last year? And Oliver, I saw you snog Bletchley once. But then, she did snog everyone, didn't she?"

"Thank-you Katie," said Alicia with a dangerous glint in her eye. "I had forgotten about those incidents. Did you tell the Ravenclaw anything George? Do you think I will is that it? Or is it because I'm a weak little girl who will betray my team for the sake of a snog, boys?"

Katie could see the faces of the guys on the team get red.

"What if Flint is trying to sow dissent in our ranks by sending Montague after you, Alicia?" asked Fred.

"I think you're giving Flint to much credit, Fred," said Angelina with her chin up. "I can't believe I let you two work me up like that. And Alicia I'm sorry for yelling at you like that but seeing Montague and you kissing kind of freaked me out. Remember that we have a game against Slytherin this week. I started thinking crazy things and letting crazy people influence me." Angelina glared at the twins as she apologized to Alicia.

"Apology accepted Angie," Alicia said. "For the record, I keep my private life and Quidditch separate from each other. It shouldn't matter who anyone of us are snogging as long as we don't let it intrude on Quidditch."

"That's all well and good Alicia," said Oliver. "But this is the Slytherin team we are talking about. Fred is right, Flint will do anything to win. I wouldn't put it past him to try something like this. I bet that bastard-"

"He would never do anything like that!" yelled Katie as she interrupted Oliver. She couldn't help it. Katie was mortified when the entire team stopped and stared at her. "What did her big mouth get her into now?" she thought. "Think fast, girl!"

"I have to admit Flint has pulled some pretty underhanded tricks in the past," said Katie. "But they have been limited to the Quidditch pitch. You know, the Nimbus brooms, the Slytherin Sandwich move Pucey and Flint used to pull, and the overall rough style of play they have. But it's a pretty big thing for Slytherins to date outside their House. Besides Bole's Ravenclaws and now Warrington's Hufflepuff, most Slytherins do not cross House lines."

"That's true," said Angelina. A smile crossed her face. "Hey, doesn't anyone else miss Adrian Pucey?"

"What?!?" sputtered the male members of the team.

"Angelina Johnson," said an outraged Fred. "Are you out of your mind?"

Katie and Alicia exchanged a secret sidelong grin.

"Honestly Fred," said Angelina. "Pucey is a lot of things like sneaky, underhanded and an overall git. But he is a beautiful man. The gossip mill at Hogwarts just isn't the same without him." Angie shook her head with a mock sad look.

Katie thought to herself that Fred looked like he was going to burst. Angelina had successfully sidetracked the conversation. Unfortunately, the Quidditch obsessed Scot was not deflected at all.

"Well, I still think we have a problem, " said Oliver stubbornly.

"By the way Oliver," said Alicia conversationally. "Was Bletchley as wild in bed as rumour had her?"

Oliver turned several shades of red as he sputtered his denials.

"That's not what I heard Oliver," said Katie. This rumour had caused Katie all sorts of pain last year. She was surprised to find that this year, she was treating it like a joke. Time does heal all wounds.

Oliver turned to Katie with a shocked look on his face. "Merlin Katie," said Oliver. "It's not true!"

"Is that why we lost the cup last year Oliver?" said Alicia purposefully.

"No!" said an angry Oliver.

"Well then what makes you think that a kiss or two with Montague is going to make a difference this year," said Alicia quietly.

"It won't," said a subdued Oliver. He finally caught the gist of Alicia's argument.

The meeting broke up shortly afterward much to Katie's relief. She put a hand on Harry's shoulder before she left the classroom. He had barely said a word during the entire meeting. "Well Harry," she said ruefully. "You learn something new every day here at Hogwarts!"

"You said it, Katie," said Harry dryly.

Katie saw Harry and Alicia exchange a look she couldn't interpret.

Gryffindor Tower later that night:

When she got back to the Tower after classes, an owl from Marcus was waiting for her. Katie managed to owl Marcus back that night but with all the increased security, she couldn't meet up with him like he wanted. Katie felt trapped and restless. She took down her homework to complete in the Gryffindor common room for almost the first time that term. She usually did her homework with Marcus.

After she was done her homework and after a listless game of exploding snap with Oliver, Katie decided to go to bed. After all, the common room was nearly empty. She jumped when Oliver pulled at her hand to stop her from leaving.

"Katie, can we talk. We haven't talked for ages," said Oliver with a smile.

"Sure Oliver," said Katie. "What do you want to talk about?"

"Well," said Oliver seriously. "All that talk last year about Bletchley was not true. And I didn't kiss her Katie, she kissed me. It was probably to get back at Flint because he bounced her off the Slytherin team."

"Why would he care?" said Katie sharply.

"I don't know," said Oliver with a frown. "I just wanted you to know the real situation with Bletchley."

"Okay," said Katie uncertainly. She didn't understand what Oliver was going on about. Why was he telling her this?

"Katie," said Oliver nervously. "I don't know how to ask this so I'm just going to come out and say it. I care about you a lot."

"Oh," said Katie. "I like you too Oliver. You are one of the best friends I have." Inside Katie was quailing. Marcus would completely go barmy if he could hear Oliver right now. She was desperate for a way out. Maybe if she pretended she didn't really understand him, he would stop. She got up with feigned yawn. Oliver got up too.

"Katie, I-" said Oliver. Katie decided the better part of valor would be a swift retreat. She hurriedly made her apologies to Oliver and quickly ran up the girl's dormitory stairs.

"Merlin," Katie thought. "Six months ago, I would have given anything to hear him say words like that. Now, the only person I could think about was Marcus the entire time. I remember Alicia once saying that relationships are all about timing. I guess she was right. I don't want to make Oliver feel bad though. He's still my friend. Our timing was just off that's all."

When Katie entered her room, she found Alicia waiting for her on her bed.

"Katie," said Alicia. "Thank-you for your help today. I don't know what I would have done without it. For one moment, I thought Oliver was going to toss me off the team."

"Oh Alicia," said Katie. "Oliver wouldn't have done anything that rash."

"Yes, he would have. The team was giving me the cold shoulder over a kiss, Katie." Alicia started to cry.

Katie slung a comforting arm around her and thought to herself that it could have easily been her. "I think we need some chocolate," said Katie a little watery eyed herself. "Where's Angelina?" asked Katie as she rummaged around her desk.

"She's off with Fred somewhere," said Alicia pulling herself together.

"There now, do you feel better? Sometimes a good cry is all you need," said Katie as she fed chocolate to Alicia. "If Oliver had kicked you off the team, I would have quit too."

"Katie, you are such a good friend. You know if you ever need to talk, I right here. And I won't tell a soul," said Alicia carefully as she gave Katie a long and meaningful stare.

Katie felt her heart pound in her eardrums. She gave a high and nervous laugh. "I don't know what you are going on about Alicia. It must be the chocolate talking," said Katie.

"You know Katie," said Alicia carefully. "For the last several weeks, Angelina and I have been speculating between the two of us who your mystery man could be. We thought for sure that we would meet him in Hogsmeade. Besides, a girl only buys pretty lingerie for one reason - a man. I never told Angie but I think I know who your man is."

Katie looked at Alicia in dawning horror.

Alicia continued to talk. " For you, a normally open person to be so secretive, he had to be from Slytherin House. But, you were incredibly secretive. For awhile there I thought it was Tarquin Bole or Myles Derrick. I know your taste in men love, and it runs to hard-bodied Quidditch boys. So I kept an eye on you. You both were not careless Katie. But sometimes you would forget and so would he. I saw the looks you exchanged in the Hall. I was going to point out the look to you as a joke the first time I saw it but when I looked at you, you were looking at him in the same way."

"How was I looking at him?" said Katie. She felt like her voice was coming from far away.

"With passion," said Alicia quietly. "You were both looking at each other like you both were the only two people on Earth."

"So you know who he is?"

"Yes," said Alicia. "Marcus Flint."

Katie wordlessly nodded. She was so scared of Alicia's reaction. She looked serious.

"So Katie," whispered Alicia. "Tell me, is that gorgeous body of Flint's as hard as it looks?"

Katie just stared at Alicia open mouthed. Alicia started to laugh. "Merlin Katie," said Alicia. "You should see your face. You were horrified I would scream and yell at you, weren't you?"

"Merlin, yes," said Katie. "I don't think my heart can take this much excitement. First, the meeting about how someone was dating a Slytherin Quidditch team member. Alicia, I thought for sure they were talking about Marcus and me. And now, you know about Marcus. How long have you known?"

"Not very long," said Alicia. "You still haven't answered my question. I want to know all about that hard body, Katie. By the way, I admire Flint's body love but I solemnly promise never to lay one fingernail on it. I know how possessive you are."

Katie flushed and smiled. "Yes," said Katie mischievously. "That body is as hard as it looks. And it looks better without the uniform." Alicia looked at Katie in shock then they both started laughing.

They sat talking for an hour. Katie was relieved to finally have someone she could talk to about Marcus and their relationship. They discussed what to tell Angelina. Angelina and Fred had no secrets. And Fred and George told one another everything. There's no way Angie would be able to keep this secret from Fred and by osmosis, George. Alicia argued that if they swore Angie to absolute secrecy, she wouldn't tell Fred. Katie was not so sure. Alicia promised her that she wouldn't tell Angie for now. Then Katie showed Alicia the necklace Marcus had given her.

"Merlin Katie," gasped Alicia. "Is it real?"

"Yes, I think so."

"I shouldn't be surprised, Flint is pretty rich."

Katie stretched out on the bed and sighed. "I wouldn't care if he didn't have two Knuts to rub together. I know he isn't perfect Alicia but I like him as he is."

"Katie," said Alicia quietly. "Do you love him?"

Katie shifted straight up in her bed. She was silent for awhile. "When we first got together, it was for a bit of a thrill really," said Katie thoughtfully. "You know the Slytherin bad boy thing combined with that amazing body. But now, it is different. We talk about life. We fight then we make up. We do homework together. We've shared secrets about ourselves." She turned and looked at a watching Alicia. "Yes, I love him."

"Katie," said Alicia. "Have you slept with him?"

"No," said Katie. Alicia gave her a shocked look. "Yes, I know. He doesn't look like the type to wait does he? But he knows I've never been with anyone before. He's letting me set the pace."

"Katie," said Alicia with a twinkle in her eye. "Do you want to sleep with him?"

"Alicia," said a blushing Katie. "What kind of question is that?"


"Merlin, you should be a Ministry interrogator," said Katie. "Well, yes I do. Sometimes when he tells me he should stop, I don't want him too. But I don't know how to tell him."

"Is that why you bought the lingerie?" asked Alicia.


"Next time, just tell him you don't want him to stop."

"Won't it hurt, though?"

"Yes, but it only hurts that one time Katie. Don't be afraid of a little pain. I'm telling you that you won't be sorry. Seize the day Bell, life is too short for could of, would of or should of. Besides, I've heard Flint's been around the block. He knows what he's doing. You should see your face again Katie. It so red," said Alicia with a grin. "Are you telling me Flint bought you diamonds and he's never been to bed with you? I hope Montague is taking notes from Flint on how to seduce Gryffindors."

Both girls were laughing as they finally got ready for bed. Later as Katie drifted off to sleep, she thought about what she had said to Alicia. She never vocalized the fact that she loved Marcus before, not even to herself. Saying it aloud made it more real.

The Slytherin Dungeons that night:

Tarquin Bole stretched after he finished his History of Magic essay and watched Marcus pace around their room like a caged lion. His pacing was starting to annoy Tarquin. Actually to be truthful, it was the sighing that was driving him mad. Ten minutes later, Tarquin snapped.

"Marcus," threatened Bole. "If you don't go take a cold shower or sneak into the Gryffindor Tower right now, I'm going to put you in a full body bind."

"I'd like to see you try," snapped Marcus. "Besides, I would need the Gryffindor password. Believe me, I'm thinking about it. I have to tell her I switched the game day before she hears it from Wood."

"How did you manage to switch game days Marcus," asked Tarquin. "And why?"

"I had too," said Marcus flatly. "Malfoy is not broom worthy. As to the switch, I just happened to mention to Hooch that Adrian was in London during the month of December and let her imagination do the rest. There goes that trump card I had on her. I talked to Davies earlier and I just have to let that Scottish git know."

"How did Davies take it?"

"He got all Ravenclaw on me and commiserated with me over 'the distressing injury to Malfoy and our unfortunate lack of a reliable Keeper'. I know he just thinks I'm doing it to get one over on Wood. Which is in itself not a bad plan but it lacks the sophistication of a true Slytherin plot," said Marcus. "Sometimes, people just want to believe the worst and to hell with the truth."

"You are a little bitter tonight, mate," said Tarquin wryly. "You need to relax or perhaps get laid." Tarquin winced at the glare Marcus gave him. "Better yet, why don't you go to the prefects bathroom and have a good long soak."

"What are you Tarquin, a girl?" said Marcus. "Are you going to offer me chocolate next?"

"Just go, you git," said Tarquin. He watched Marcus leave for the prefect's bathroom and after he left, quickly sent his owl flying towards Gryffindor Tower. "Just let Uncle Tarquin take care of things, Marcus."

Katie woke up with a start. She could hear an insistent scratching and hooting. She got up in the quiet room and opened the window for the owl. She read the message by the light of the moon. The note said: 'Meet me in the prefects bathroom right now. ~ Marcus'. Katie bit her lip in indecision. She looked towards Alicia's bed and made a decision. Quickly searching in her trunk, she changed into the new pajamas she bought in Hogsmeade and threw a cloak over herself. She hurried through the darkened corridors towards the prefect's bathroom. Luckily it was very near Gryffindor Tower. She stood outside the door to the room and took a deep breath before she whispered the password.

The Prefects' Bathroom:

The look on Marcus's face when she came through the door was priceless. He was floating in the pool on his back. Marcus was not a bubblebath kind of guy. Her face felt like it was on fire because Marcus was quite clearly completely naked. She dropped her cloak and watched his jaw hit his chest. Katie walked closer to the edge of the bathtub as Marcus swam towards her. They still hadn't exchanged a word but the air between them was full of electricity. She sighed and closed her eyes as he pulled her into his wet embrace. His skin felt like hot hard wet silk as his mouth captured hers. Katie thought to herself that he felt right in her arms.

"Katie," moaned Marcus into her mouth. "I was desperate to see you tonight. I have to tell you something. I had to-"

Katie interrupted Marcus by pulling his mouth back to her own. She pulled her body as close to his as she could. Several heated minutes later Marcus wrenched his mouth from hers and pushed her away from him.

"Merlin Katie," said Marcus panting. "I have to tell you something but I have to get some space between us. I can't think straight when you are touching me. Katie, do have any idea how wickedly sexy you look right now?"

"Oh," said Katie innocently. "You like the color red on me?"

"Is that a serious question?" He leaned in closer. "Katie, I can see through the material," he whispered.

"I know," whispered Katie.

Marcus's eyes flew wide open and then he smiled as he hauled her up against his body. He was about to kiss her again when he suddenly drew back. "Merlin Katie," said Marcus ruefully. "I nearly forgot about what I have to tell you. You are a distractingly sexy girl, you know that?"

"Okay," said an annoyed Katie. "Tell me so we can go back to kissing."

"I know this may ruin the mood you are in and I will kick myself later for doing it but here goes," said Marcus nervously. "Malfoy can't play so I switched game days with Ravenclaw. I wanted to tell you before the Scottish prat did."

"Okay," said Katie.

"Okay," said Marcus. "That's all you have to say?"

"Yes," said a very annoyed Katie. "Malfoy can't play yet so you had to switch days. Sure the rest of the team is going be pissed but I believe you. Now, will you kiss me?"

Marcus answered her by pulling her into his embrace and fastening his mouth over hers. Water sloshed over the side of the bathtub she was leaning into. Once again Katie made sure she was as close as possible to Marcus.

"Marcus," said Katie languidly a few minutes later. "You are getting my new nightgown wet. It's silk, you'll ruin it." Katie pulled away from Marcus with a sigh. "Maybe I should take it off?"

"What?" said a shocked Marcus. "Take it off? Katie, are you trying to kill me? What are-" Marcus stopped talking when Katie stepped away from him and shrugged the red slip off. It pooled around her feet in a silken heap. Marcus stared at her in utter silence for what seemed to Katie to be eternity. Her face was red and her heart was pounding a mile a minute. She was so scared but in a strange way very excited as well. He had been silent for so long that Katie was beginning to get embarrassed. She was about to cover herself with her hands when Marcus reached out to intercept her.

"Katie, you are so beautiful."

His voice was raspy and the look in his eyes made Katie blush. He reached out and pulled her into the bath with him. For the first time she could feel his entire body against hers. The warm fragrant water lapped against their skin as Marcus kissed her softly on the lips. The next hour passed in a fevered flash of hot caresses and passionate kisses. Marcus just seemed to know where and how to caress and stroke her skin with his mouth and those sensual callused hands of his.

Later as she held him in her arms in their hasty makeshift bed of transfigured towels, she sleepily smiled up at the ceiling and stroked his back. She wondered how she could have been so naive just a few hours before. It was like all the mysteries of the world had opened up to her. Now, she really understood what Alicia was trying to tell her. Making love with Marcus had been the bravest thing she's ever done. It had been more intimate than she could have ever imagined and more beautiful than she could have dreamed.

"Katie," whispered Marcus as he idly stroked her hip. "If this is a dream, I never want to wake up." His hand tightened on her hip as he asked tentatively, "I didn't hurt you, did I?"

Katie smiled again, as she whispered, "No." In reality, he had hurt her more than she had expected but she'd never tell him that. The pain was worth the closeness and intimacy with each other that they now shared.

"You know Katie," Marcus confessed. "I always imagined our first time together would involve champagne, candlelight and roses. I wanted it to be perfect for you."

"Marcus," whispered Katie. "It was perfect. All I ever needed or wanted was you."

After a long silence, Marcus cleared his throat and shifted up so he could see her face. He looked both serious and contemplative at the same time.

"Katie," said Marcus intensely as he looked into her eyes. "I love you."

Tears filled Katie's eyes as she replied, "Marcus, I love you too."

"Why are you crying then?"

"Because I'm happy."

"My mad, beautiful woman," murmured Marcus as he buried his face in her neck. They lay there with each other in a tangle of limbs and intertwined hands until nearly dawn.