The Marauders Can Read?! (An MST)


Story Summary:
A mysterious girl (ME!) who calls herself the Fifth Marauder and is obsessed with Sirius forces the Marauders, Lily, Snape (!), Bellatrix (!!), Narcissa, and Lucius to read a series of books. Not just any series of books. The Harry Potter series of books

Chapter 09 - Chapter Seven- The Sorting Hat

Chapter Summary:
Lily's overexcited, Sirius and James nearly have heart attacks, and somebody needs to feed the rat as Narcissa leads us in this reading of the seventh chapter of Sorcerer's Stone

Last time....

Nightwing: Anyway, it's time for a Slytherin, and, since Narcissa's the only one who hasn't read yet, I nominate her. So, Miss Black the younger, if you wouldn't mind?

Narcissa: *takes the book while touching as little of it as possible, like it's going to burn her* Chapter Seven, The Sorting Hat....

Lily: Ooh, I'm so excited! He's at Hogwarts! He's at Hogwarts!

Bellatrix: We've established that, Mudblood, now will you let my sister read so we can get out of here sometime this decade?

Lily: Fine. But only because I want to hear what happens to my son!

Narcissa: The door swung open at once.

James: Of course it did, they wouldn't want to keep the first years waiting. I know I wouldn't have wanted to just stand there my first year!

Narcissa: A tall, black-haired witch in emerald-green robes stood there.

Sirius and James: *shudder* McGonagall....

Remus: You know, you wouldn't need to be so afraid of her if you didn't do so many stupid things.

Sirius: But doing stupid things is what gets us through the year!

Remus: Then she's going to keep right on hating you.

Sirius: Bugger. Looks like we're out of luck, mate.

James: Speak for yourself, didn't you read about her crying because of my death?

Sirius: *immaturely sticks his tongue out at James*

Narcissa: She had a very stern face

Sirius: Bit of an understatement, really. *shudders*

Narcissa: and Harry's first thought was that this was not someone to cross.

Remus: No, she isn't, is she? Sirius? James?

Sirius and James: *anime sweatdrop faces*

Narcissa: "The firs' years, Professor McGonagall," said Hagrid.

Severus: *sarcastically* No, really? I thought they were the seventh years....

James: It's all right, Snivelly, you take your time.

Severus: I was being sarcastic, Potter. I wouldn't be calling anyone else slow until you learn to figure that out!

Narcissa: "Thank you, Hagrid. I will take them from here."

Remus: Did the way she says that scare anybody else out of their wits at our first year?

Lucius: It only frightened you because you're inferior and your family didn't tell you what was coming.

James: She pulled the door wide.

Sirius: As opposed to pulling it narrowly?

Narcissa: The entrance hall was so big you could have fit the whole of the Dursleys' house in it.

Bellatrix: Ugh, who would want a Muggle house in the entrance hall?

Sirius: Who would want that Muggle house in the entrance hall?

Nightwing: No one, but that's beside the point.

Narcissa: The stone walls were lit with flaming torches

Lucius: What do torches do besides flame?

Bellatrix: Nothing, really.

Sirius: Pity. They seem to lead such unfulfilling lives.

Lily: Actually, in the Muggle world, torches can be used to give light by electricity.

Nightwing: That is, if you're in the United Kingdom. In America, we call them flashlights.

Bellatrix: No one cares about the Muggle world.

Narcissa: like the ones at Gringotts,

Severus: Why does this boy feel the need to connect everything to things he's seen before?

Lily: I'm not sure it's him, actually, I think the author's using some sort of literary device. I think there's a name for it, but I can't quite recall it at the moment....

Narcissa: the ceiling was too high to make out,

Sirius: With.

James: Padfoot, that doesn't even make sense!

Sirius: Sure it does! You can make out with the ceiling! Or any inanimate object.

Bellatrix: Care to demonstrate, Sirius?

Sirius: No, Bella, as a matter of fact I don't.

Bellatrix: *smirks* Didn't think so.

Narcissa: and a magnificent marble staircase

Lucius: It's not that magnificent. My family has one just like it in our mansion.

Remus: Are you joking? That's the most amazing staircase I've ever seen!

Lucius: Only because your family's pathetic, Lupin. Unlike some people, we Malfoys can afford to have proper décor in our home.

Narcissa: facing them led to the upper floors.

Bellatrix: As most staircases on the ground floor of a building would. Stairways to subterranean levels are hardly ever so grand.

Narcissa: They followed Professor McGonagall across the flagged stone floor.

Severus: *sarcastically* No way. They used the floor? You mean they didn't float? Shocking!

Nightwing: Snape, stop being a sarcastic git or I'll turn you into a donkey for annoying me.

Severus: *irritably* Yes, Miss Authoress.

Narcissa: Harry could hear the drone of hundreds of voices from a doorway to the right--the rest of the school must already be here--

Remus: You shouldn't assume that. I mean, I know he's right, but there's a chance those voices could belong to the ghosts or portraits.

Nightwing: And that, Snivellus, is how to point out flaws in Harry's logic. I'm only too happy to let you do it to prove that the House of logic and intelligence is superior to the House of blind chivalry, but at least try to not be a prick, okay?

Severus: *irritably* Yes, Miss Authoress.

Narcissa: but Professor McGonagall showed the first years into a small, empty chamber off the hall.

Lily: I'm sure the first years would appreciate a welcoming portrait or something in there. The emptiness only serves to make you even more nervous!

Narcissa: They crowded in, standing rather closer together than they would usually have done,

Peter: There's safety in numbers!

Bellatrix: Safety from what?

Peter: *shrugs*

Narcissa: peering about nervously.

Lily: And a few encouraging decorations would do wonders to ease that nervousness.

Narcissa: "Welcome to Hogwarts," said Professor McGonagall.

Sirius: Now prepare to be scared out of your mind!

Narcissa: "The start-of-term banquet will begin shortly,

Peter: Food....

Nightwing: I'm not giving you anything, so stop pining.

Narcissa: but before you take your seats in the Great Hall, you will be sorted into your houses. Why is that in lower case?

Nightwing: No idea. It's only like that in this one chapter, I'm pretty sure, so you won't have to put up with it for long.

Narcissa: The Sorting is a very important ceremony because,

Bellatrix: It splits you up into the superior, the pathetic, the idiots, and the loners.

Remus: But which is which? I can figure out that you think Slytherins are superior-- which they're not, but...

Bellatrix: Hufflepuffs are pathetic, Gryffindors are brainless idiots, and have you ever seen a Ravenclaw hang around anyone but a book?

All except Bellatrix and Nightwing: *turn and look at Nightwing*

Bellatrix: I stand corrected.

Nightwing: Yep. I hang around you lot, right?

Narcissa: while you are here, your house will be something like your family within Hogwarts.

Sirius: Those are some seriously dysfunctional families, then.

Narcissa: You will have classes with the rest of your house, sleep in your house dormitory,

Remus: And not in any of the others, Sirius.

Sirius: What? I like girls, is that such a crime?

Nightwing: Moving swiftly on before we have to hear about Sirius's sexcapades....

Narcissa: and spend free time in your house common room.
Lily: Not all of it, surely? Even I'll admit that would be torture. I prefer to be on the grounds or in the library. She shouldn't make generic statements like that.
Narcissa: "The four houses are called Gryffindor,

Sirius and James: *cheer* GO GRYFFINDOR! *roar like lions*

Remus, Peter, and Lily: *grin*

Narcissa: Hufflepuff,

Bellatrix: Losers.

Narcissa: Ravenclaw,

Nightwing: W00t w00t! We are eagles, hear us squawk!

Narcissa: and Slytherin.

Severus, Lucius, Narcissa, and Bellatrix: *look at each other and grin evilly*

Sirius and James: Boooooo....

Narcissa: Each house has its own noble history

Sirius: Except Slytherin.

Lucius: *at the same time* Except Gryffindor.

Sirius: *glares at Lucius*

Lucius: *glares at Sirius*

Narcissa: and each has produced outstanding witches and wizards.

Sirius: Except Slytherin.

Lucius: *at the same time* Except Gryffindor.

Sirius: *glares at Lucius*

Lucius: *glares at Sirius*

Remus: Actually, that's not true. Malfoy, Dumbledore himself was in Gryffindor, and even if you don't like him, you really must to admit that he's an amazing wizard. Sirius, Slytherin's been known to produce some wizards who aren't Dark. Like I said last chapter, Mad-Eye Moody was in Slytherin, and he's the best Auror the Minstry's ever had.

Sirius: Stop showing me up, Remus. *immaturely sticks his tongue out at Remus*

Narcissa: While you are at Hogwarts, your triumphs will earn your house points,

Nightwing: And so will being in Gryffindor.

Narcissa: while any rulebreaking will lose house points.

Nightwing: And so will being in any other House.

Sirius: I thought you liked Gryffindors.

Nightwing: I don't have a problem with most of the people, I just think the way all the teachers fawn over you is kind of disgusting.

Remus: What do you mean?

Nightwing: Wait till the end of the book. You'll understand. I think the Slytherins might go homicidal, actually.

Severus, Lucius, Narcissa, and Bellatrix: *shoot death glares at the Gryffindors*

Narcissa: At the end of the year, the house with the most points

Nightwing: That is, Gryffindor.

Narcissa: is awarded the house cup, a great honor.

Remus: Even though at the end of the day, all it is is a piece of metal to sit and gather dust in the trophy room for all eternity.

Sirius: Must you be so pessimistic and cheapen everything?

Narcissa: I hope each of you will be a credit to whichever house becomes yours.
Severus: Then again, if any of these children are anything like Potter and Black, I wouldn't get my hopes up if I were her.
Narcissa: "The Sorting Ceremony will take place in a few minutes in front of the rest of the school.

James: Meanwhile, you all get to stand here in this empty room and be terrified out of your wits.

Narcissa: I suggest you all smarten yourselves up as much as you can while you are waiting."

Nightwing: That way you can be in the best House and not the default House of blatant favoritism!

Remus: That's not what it means by smarten, Nightwing.

Nightwing: I know, but it made me feel better.

Narcissa: Her eyes lingered for a moment on Neville's cloak, which was fastened under his left ear,

Peter: Poor Neville. Even McGonagall doesn't like him.

Narcissa: and on Ron's smudged nose. Why do people keep bringing that up? Harry nervously tried to flatten his hair.

James: It's a losing battle, Harry, you can't make your hair go into place! The Potter hair curse can't be cured!

Lily: *slaps James*

James: *holding his face in pain* That was for giving Harry my hair again?

Lily: *nods*

James: *wails* It's genetic! Genetic, I tell you! I can't help it!

Narcissa: "I shall return when we are ready for you," said Professor McGonagall.

Lily: Insert dramatic music here.

Narcissa: "Please wait quietly."

Remus: No real reason to ask that. They're always too scared to talk much.

Narcissa: She left the chamber. Harry swallowed.

Severus: Fascinating.

"How exactly do they sort us into houses?" he asked Ron.

Lily: Oh, no need to be scared, dear, all you have to do is put on a hat!

James: Yeah, nothing to be afraid of but head lice.


James: What? It could happen!

Remus: Actually, it couldn't. There are spells on the Sorting Hat to keep students from getting head lice.

James: Good to know, Moony. Good to know.

Narcissa: "Some sort of test, I think.

Severus: Not really a test, per se.

Narcissa: Fred said it hurts a lot, but I think he was joking."

Lily: Of course he was! Why would you do something like that to your poor innocent brother?

Sirius: Hey, I told my brother you had to survive a week in the Forbidden Forest, complete with manticores, chimareas, and acromantulas. "Hurts a lot" is an improvement.

Lily: You know, maybe it's a good thing you never came to take my son from my sister.

Narcissa: Harry's heart gave a horrible jolt.

Lily: Couldn't Ron have left that bit out? I hate seeing Harry so scared and not being able to do anything about it!

Narcissa: A test?

James: Nope, relax. Just a hat.

Narcissa: In front of the whole school?

James: Okay, yeah, it is in front of the whole school, but it's still not a test!

Narcissa: But he didn't know any magic yet--

Peter: That doesn't matter, no one does! Just try on the hat!

Narcissa: what on earth would he have to do?

Lily: It's nothing difficult, darling! No need to be so terrified!

Bellatrix: It's a book! Just a book! It can't hear you!

Narcissa: He hadn't expected something like this the moment they arrived.
James: You don't even know what "this" is! Calm down!

Narcissa: He looked around anxiously and saw that everyone else looked terrified, too.

Lily: It really would be nice if they explained exactly how they were going to be Sorted before McGonagall left.

Remus: Apparently the entire Hogwarts staff has a bit of a sadistic streak.

Narcissa: No one was talking much except Hermione Granger,

Lucius: Ugh, somebody shut that filthy little Mudblood up.

Narcissa: who was whispering very fast about all the spells she'd learned and wondering which one she'd need.

Severus: None, you maddening little swot! Now stop bragging. Such an insufferable know-it-all....

Narcissa: Harry tried hard not to listen to her.

Bellatrix: As well anyone should.

Narcissa: He'd never been more nervous, never,

Lily: Deep breaths, sweetie, deep breaths.

Narcissa: not even when he'd had to take a school report home to the Dursleys saying that he'd somehow turned his teacher's wig blue.

Bellatrix: That's no reason to be nervous! You should be proud to harm Muggles, even if it is only the slightest inconvenience!

Narcissa: He kept his eyes fixed on the door.

Lily: Don't look at the door, Harry! That'll only scare you more!

Narcissa: Any second now, Professor McGonagall would come back and lead him to his doom.

Sirius: Bit melodramatic, our Harry, isn't he?

Narcissa: Then something happened that made him jump about a foot in the air--several people behind him screamed.

Remus: Why do the ghosts insist on doing that every year? Honestly, everyone at this school is unbelievably sadistic....

Narcissa: "What the--?" He gasped. So did the people around him.

Severus: So that's four times they've felt the need to establish that the ghosts startled them. I do believe you're right about how annoying the redundancy in this book is.

Narcissa: About twenty ghosts

James: There's more than twenty around the school, aren't there?

Remus: Yeah, but not all of them like to go out into the main castle. Just look at Moaning Myrtle.

Sirius: Who's Moaning Myrtle?

Lily: *shudders* She haunts the girl's toilet on the second floor.

James: She haunts a toilet?

Lily: *nods, still looking rather ill* How do you know her, Remus?

Remus: She'll move on to the prefects' bathroom once in a while if there's a boy in the bath.

Lily: Um, ew. Moving on.

Narcissa: had just streamed through the back wall.

Lucius: Of course they did. They really can't help showing off the fact that they can do that, can they? Can't possibly just go through a doorway like a living person....

Narcissa: Pearly-white and slightly transparent,

Severus: The word is translucent.

Sirius: Thanks for that, Snivellus.

Severus: Don't. Call. Me. That.

Narcissa: they glided across the room talking to one another and hardly glancing at the first years.

Remus: It's all an act, you know. They love scaring the first years out of their wits.

Narcissa: They seemed to be arguing.

Severus: Again with something that "seemed to be" instead of just being....

Narcissa: What looked like a fat little monk

Severus: That's because he is a fat little monk. That would be why we call him the Fat Friar.

Remus: The Fat Friar, the Fat Lady... don't any of these people resent their inherently derogatory nicknames?

was saying: "Forgive and forget, I say, we ought to give him a second chance--"

Lucius: Ugh, do shut up, Hufflepuff. Even the ghost is a miserable pansy!

Narcissa: "My dear Friar, haven't we given Peeves all the chances he deserves?

Severus: Yes. No one can properly control him!

James: Sirius and I can!

Severus: Only because you're as bad as he is.

Sirius: So?

Narcissa: He gives us all a bad name

Lily: How does he give the ghosts a bad name? Poltergeists aren't quite the same thing, are they?

Narcissa: and you know, he's not really even a ghost--

James: Apparently not.

Nightwing: According to the Thesaurus on MS word, they are.

Remus: According to the Thesaurus on MS word, sphinxes, hippogriffs, and basilisks are the same thing. It's not reliable.

Narcissa: I say, what are you all doing here?"

Bellatrix: What do you think they're doing there, idiot?

Narcissa: A ghost wearing a ruff and tights had suddenly noticed the first years.

Bellatrix: Ah, no wonder. Nearly Headless Nick is a Gryffindor-- can't expect much intelligence from him.

Sirius: He prefers Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington.

Bellatrix: And I don't really care.

Narcissa: Nobody answered.

Lily: Oh, no reason to be afraid of the ghosts! I admit, the initial shock of seeing them just appear like that's a bit unnerving, but most of them are friendly enough!

Narcissa: "New students!" said the Fat Friar, smiling around at them.

Lucius: Odd, to have a Hufflepuff be the one to see reason. Where's the Grey Lady?

Nightwing: She doesn't show up properly until book seven for some reason. Apparently our ghost likes to be mysterious or something.

Narcissa: "About to be Sorted, I suppose?"

Remus: Naturally. That's what that room is for, isn't it?

Narcissa: A few people nodded mutely.

Lily: They don't mind if you talk to them! They're all friendly enough.
Narcissa: "Hope to see you in Hufflepuff!" said the Friar.

Bellatrix: Believe me, no one else does. Bloody useless milksops....

Lily: Hufflepuffs are actually quite nice, and I'm sure they've churned out some brave ones.

Bellatrix: Of course they haven't, the brave ones go to Gryffindor. Hufflepuff is the trash heap of Hogwarts where the ones who really aren't good for anything go.

Narcissa: "My old house, you know."

Severus: That doesn't mean anyone wants to be stuck there.

Narcissa: "Move along now," said a sharp voice.

Lily: *squeals* She's back! It's almost time!

Narcissa: "The Sorting Ceremony's about to start."

Lily: *squeals again*

Narcissa: Professor McGonagall had returned.

Severus: Once again, we've established that. It's not much of a stretch to realize that she returned even from a mere description of her voice.

Narcissa: One by one, the ghosts floated away through the opposite wall.

Peter: Bye, ghosts! *waves like a maniac*

All except Peter: *give Peter weird looks*
Narcissa: "Now, form a line," Professor McGonagall told the first years, "and follow me."

Sirius: Is there really a point to getting in line like that? I mean, she calls us up in alphabetical order anyway.

All except Sirius: *shrug*

Narcissa: Feeling oddly as though his legs had turned to lead,

Peter: Wouldn't that poison him?

Remus: Relax, Wormtail, it's just an expression. He feels like his legs are made of lead, they're not really made of lead.

Peter: Oh.

Sirius: It's okay, Peter, just take your time. *pats Peter on the back*

Peter: *scowls at him*

Narcissa: Harry got into line behind a boy with sandy hair, with Ron behind him,

Bellatrix: Of course. You wouldn't want to be separated from your little friends, would you?

Sirius: Of course you wouldn't understand friendship, Bella.

Bellatrix: Slytherins don't need friends, we have lackeys.

Narcissa: and they walked out of the chamber, back across the hall, and through a pair of double doors into the Great Hall.

Lily: *squeals*

Narcissa: Harry had never even imagined such a strange and splendid place.

James: I don't doubt it, as the Dursleys probably went ballistic if he imagined anything.

Lily: *growls* Petunia....

All except Lily: *edge away from Lily*

Narcissa: It was lit by thousands and thousands of candles

Remus: Three thousand and forty three, to be specific. It's in Hogwarts, A History.

Narcissa: that were floating in midair over four long tables, where the rest of the students were sitting.

Sirius: Five, surely. What about the staff table?
Narcissa: These tables were laid with glittering golden plates and goblets.

Peter: For the important part of the ceremony! *rubs his stomach*

Narcissa: At the top of the hall was another long table where the teachers were sitting.

Sirius: Ah, there's the staff table!

Narcissa: Professor McGonagall led the first years up here, so that they came to a halt in a line facing the other students,

Remus: I think that's the point of the line. To frighten them even more. Someone really ought to have a word with Dumbledore about that.

Narcissa: with the teachers behind them.

Severus: Once again, we figured that out when it said they were facing the rest of the students. This author needs to stop assuming that our intelligence levels are the same as those of Potter's son.
Narcissa: The hundreds of faces staring at them looked like pale lanterns in the flickering candlelight.

Peter: They were glowing?

All except Peter: *shrug*

Nightwing: Yeah, I have no idea what that description was supposed to mean.

Narcissa: Dotted here and there among the students, the ghosts shone misty silver.

Severus: That is the color they take on after death.

Narcissa: Mainly to avoid all the staring eyes,

Sirius: You'd think he'd be used to that by now.

Lily: You never get used to something like that! People are so rude! Doesn't anybody care about his feelings?

Narcissa: Harry looked upward and saw a velvety black ceiling dotted with stars.

Peter: I love the ceiling, it's so pretty!

All except Peter: *give Peter weird looks*

Narcissa: He heard Hermione whisper,

Remus: I'm starting to feel like all this girl is good for is backstory.

Narcissa: "It's bewitched to look like the sky outside.

Lucius: Thank you for pointing out the obvious.

Narcissa: I read about it in Hogwarts, A History."

Sirius: Is there anyone alive besides me, Wormtail, and Prongs who hasn't read that book?

Narcissa: It was hard to believe there was a ceiling there at all, and that the Great Hall didn't simply open on to the heavens.

Remus: It's a good bit of magic, it really is. Completely superfluous, but still quite impressive.

Narcissa: Harry quickly looked down again as Professor McGonagall silently placed a four-legged

Nightwing: Damn it, I always draw it with three legs! Urgh....

All except Nightwing: *give Nightwing weird looks*

Narcissa: stool in front of the first years.

Sirius: So we now have a lovely little arrangement of munchkins and the stool. Beautiful décor, really.

Narcissa: On top of the stool she put a pointed wizard's hat.

Lily: *squeals loudly* The Sorting! The Sorting!

Narcissa: This hat was patched and frayed and extremely dirty.

Remus: Actually, it's not. The spells on it to make it a sentient being capable of reading the thoughts of the students it's sorting did something to the leather that made it look a lot older than it actually is.

Sirius: Which is really saying something considering that it's about a thousand years old.

Narcissa: Aunt Petunia wouldn't have let it in the house.

Bellatrix: No self-respecting hat would want to go in that house anyway, so it's no great loss.

Narcissa: Maybe they had to try and get a rabbit out of it, Harry thought wildly,

Lucius: What? That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.

Lily: It's a form of Muggle magic-- you know, illusions and things. They show the audience an empty hat and pull a rabbit out of a hidden pocket.

Nightwing: I've always thought it was cruelty to animals, really-- how's the poor little bunny supposed to breathe?

Narcissa: that seemed the sort of thing--

Severus: Clearly not, as no one who hasn't been raised by Muggles has any idea what you're talking about.

Narcissa: noticing that everyone in the hall was now staring at the hat, he stared at it, too.

James: No! Don't give into peer pressure, son, what's wrong with you?

All except James: *give James weird looks*

Narcissa: For a few seconds, there was complete silence.

Nightwing: *hums the Jeopardy theme song*

Narcissa: Then the hat twitched. A rip near the brim opened wide like a mouth--

Remus: That would be because that is its mouth.

Narcissa: and the hat began to sing:

Sirius: Excellent, let's see what it has to say this year.

James: As long as it's not that House Unity garbage it usually spews. Gryffindor and Slytherin will never, ever get along!

Narcissa: "Oh, you may not think I'm pretty

Peter: I think you're pretty!

All except Peter: *give Peter weird looks*

Peter: Er... pretty special?

All except Peter: *keep right on giving Peter weird looks*

Narcissa: But don't judge on what you see

Remus: Excellent lesson.

Narcissa: I'll eat myself

James: Err... is that physically possible?

All except James: *shrug*

Narcissa: if you can find

A smarter hat than me.

James: I know that's not physically possible.
Narcissa: You can keep your bowlers black

Your top hats sleek and tall

Lily: I'd love to see an eleven-year-old in a bowler or a top hat. That would be hilarious.

Narcissa: For I'm the Hogwarts Sorting Hat

Peter: Really? I thought you were the hat of the Wicked Witch of the West!

Nightwing: Peter, sarcasm really isn't your thing.

Narcissa: And I can cap them all.

All: *groan at the bad pun*
Narcissa: There's nothing hidden in your head

The Sorting Hat can't see

Remus: So true. So frighteningly, disconcertingly true. *shudders-- we all know he has a dark secret he doesn't want anyone to know, especially at a glance*

Narcissa: So try me on and I will tell you

Where you ought to be.

Lily: *squeals*
Narcissa: You might belong in Gryffindor

Sirius and James: *cheer* GO GRYFFINDOR! *roar like lions*

Remus, Peter, and Lily: *grin*

Narcissa: Where dwell the brave at heart

Sirius: Damn straight! *puffs out his chest in pride*

Narcissa: Their daring, nerve, and chivalry

Lucius: Not to mention blind stupidity and inability to see the big picture or to know when to save their own skins.

Sirius, Remus, James, Peter, and Lily: *glare*

Narcissa: Set Gryffindors apart;

James: And Harry's going to be set apart by the same traits!

Narcissa: You might belong in Hufflepuff

Bellatrix: You'd best hope not!

Narcissa: Where they are just and loyal

Remus: Isn't loyalty a form of bravery?

Severus: It's the politically correct way of saying they're not really good for anything.

Narcissa: Those patient Hufflepuffs are true

Bellatrix: Because that's all they have to their credit.

Narcissa: And unafraid of toil

Severus: Then again, if you are afraid of toil, you really shouldn't be going to school, should you?

Narcissa: Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw

Nightwing: Yay! The best House!

All except Nightwing: *scoff*

Nightwing: Hey, don't hate us because we're smarter than you.

Narcissa: If you've a ready mind

Lucius: *smirks* Are you sure they put you in the right House, Nightwing?

Nightwing: Bite me. I do have a mind, it just works a little differently.

Narcissa: Where those of wit and learning

Will always find their kind

Nightwing: Which just makes you wonder how the hell we got Cho Chang.

Remus: Who?

Nightwing: You'll meet her later.

Narcissa: Or perhaps in Slytherin

Severus, Lucius, Narcissa, and Bellatrix: *look at each other and grin evilly*

Lucius: Obviously the superior House.

Severus, Narcissa, and Bellatrix: *nod in agreement*

Narcissa: You'll make your real friends

Bellatrix: *scoffs* Please. Who needs friends when you can have minions?

Narcissa: Those cunning folk use any means

To achieve their ends.

Sirius: As a result, the entire house ends up going over to the Dark side.

Severus, Lucius, Narcissa, and Bellatrix: *glare at Sirius*

Remus: How many times do I have to say that some good wizards have come out of Slytherin, too?

Narcissa: So put me on!

Sirius: Because that's really all you can do with a hat.

Narcissa: Don't be afraid!

Lily: Yes, don't be afraid, Harry!

Narcissa: And don't get in a flap!

Peter: What's that supposed to mean?

Nightwing: *shrugs* It rhymed?

Narcissa: You're in safe hands

Peter: *opens his mouth to say something* But I thought--

Narcissa: (though I have none)

Peter: Oh. *closes his mouth*

Narcissa: For I'm a Thinking Cap!"

Sirius: So next time Professor Myrth tells us to put on our thinking caps, I'll just have to ask to see the Sorting Hat! Brilliant!
Nightwing: Who?

Remus: Our Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher this year. She's incredibly perky-- a bit annoyingly so, really.

Bellatrix: A bit?

Remus: Still, I really hope the Defense Against the Dark Arts curse doesn't take her because of it. That would be horrible.

Lucius: She'd deserve it.

Narcissa: The whole hall burst into applause as the hat finished its song.

Severus: For no real reason, if you think about it.

Lily: *shrugs* It's just manners, I suppose.

Narcissa: It bowed to each of the four tables and then became quite still again.
Lily: *squeals* It's about to begin!


Narcissa: "So we've just got to try on the hat!"

Lily: That's all there is to it!

Narcissa: Ron whispered to Harry. "I'll kill Fred, he was going on about wrestling a troll."

Lucius: That would be a better way to weed out the weak and talentless, but then I suppose there would be no one left in Hufflepuff.

Narcissa: Harry smiled weakly.

James: Why weakly? He can't still be nervous, can he?

Narcissa: Yes, trying on the hat was a lot better than having to do a spell,

James: Good Harry. Look on the bright side!

Nightwing: *singing* Always look on the bright side of life! *tries to whistle, but fails because she forgot she can't*

Bellatrix: Ha! Foiled in the act!

Narcissa: but he did wish they could have tried it on without everyone watching.

James: Why is my son so pessimistic? Honestly, he's worse than Moony!

Remus: Hey, now, leave me out of this.

Narcissa: The hat seemed to be asking rather a lot;

Severus: Yes, yes, putting a hat on is so difficult.

Narcissa: Harry didn't feel brave or quick-witted or any of it at the moment.

Lily: Everyone's nervous before their Sorting, Harry! The hat doesn't care about how you feel at the moment!

Narcissa: If only the hat had mentioned a house for people who felt a bit queasy, that would have been the one for him.

Severus: There is one. It's called Hufflepuff.

Narcissa: Professor McGonagall now stepped forward holding a long roll of parchment.

Lily: *squeal* My little Harry's name is somewhere on that list!

Narcissa: "When I call your name, you will

Sirius: Jump on the nearest table and do the funky chicken while singing Disco Inferno.

Remus: Sirius, for ten seconds, can you pretend you're sane?

Sirius: Sure I can! And I'll start... now!

Narcissa: put on the hat and sit on the stool to be sorted," she said.

Sirius: There! That was ten seconds! I must say, I'm glad it's over.

Remus: *long suffering sigh*

Narcissa: "Abbott, Hannah!"

James: Any relation to Lou, d'you reckon?

Remus: Could be.

Narcissa: A pink-faced girl with blonde pigtails stumbled out of line,

Sirius: Well, she's got his pink face, at any rate. Maybe his wife's blonde or something.

Narcissa: put on the hat, which fell right down over her eyes,

Peter: It does that to everybody. They should think about shrinking it a bit.

Narcissa: and sat down.

Severus: Just like McGonagall said she would.

Narcissa: A moment's pause--"HUFFLEPUFF!" shouted the hat.
Bellatrix: Ugh. At least her Ravenclaw father had a purpose in being at Hogwarts.
Narcissa: The table on the right cheered and clapped

Lucius: *as the Hufflepuffs* Yay! More useless people to delude us into thinking we're not wastes of space!

Narcissa: as Hannah went to sit down at the Hufflepuff table. Harry saw the ghost of the Fat Friar waving merrily at her.

Severus: Yes, yes, we all know he's saying "Welcome to Hell."

Narcissa: "Bones, Susan!"

Lucius: Surely some relation to Amelia.

Nightwing: Susan is Amelia Bones's niece, yeah.

Narcissa: "HUFFLEPUFF!" shouted the hat again,

Severus, Lucius, Narcissa, and Bellatrix: *groan in disgust*

Lucius: Where are they all coming from?

Nightwing: I know, the beginning of this book is seriously like the Badger Song.

All except Nightwing: *give Nightwing weird looks*

Nightwing: You know, "Badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger mushroom mushroom?"

All except Nightwing: *give Nightwing even weirder looks*

Nightwing: Never mind.

Narcissa: and Susan scuttled off to sit next to Hannah.

Bellatrix: Yes, make your little friends. They're not going to get you anywhere.
Narcissa: "Boot, Terry!"

Peter: Is that a boy or a girl?

Nightwing: Boy. You'll see in a little bit when it calls him "he."

Narcissa: "RAVENCLAW!"

Nightwing: W00t!

Narcissa: The table second from the left clapped this time;

Severus: Do we really need to know exactly where all the tables are?

Narcissa: several Ravenclaws stood up to shake hands with Terry as he joined them.

Sirius: Pompous arses.

Nightwing: *flicks a fireball at him*
Narcissa: " Brocklehurst, Mandy" went to Ravenclaw too,

Remus: Why is everyone going to their Houses in pairs?

Narcissa: but "Brown, Lavender" became the first new Gryffindor,

Sirius and James: YES! *roar like lions* In your face, Slytherins, we got ours first!

Remus: Do we know any Browns?

Sirius: Sure we do! Chestnut, mahogany, tan, chocolate, bronze, russet, tawny, fawn, sienna, khaki, cinnamon, ocher, copper, ....

Remus: *facepalm* Not what I meant, Padfoot.

Lily: She must be Muggle-born.

Narcissa: and the table on the far left exploded with cheers;

Sirius: As well the should! Go Gryffindor!

Narcissa: Harry could see Ron's twin brothers catcalling.

James: *laughs* I like those two.

Narcissa: "Bulstrode, Millicent" then became a Slytherin.

Lucius: Excellent. Pandarus's daughter carries on the noble family tradition. I always knew his filthy Mudblood lover couldn't hurt his daughter's future too badly.

Sirius: What kind of a name is Millicent?

Narcissa: Perhaps it was Harry's imagination,

Peter: But the entire room suddenly seemed to be made of lasagna?

Narcissa: after all he'd heard about Slytherin,

Severus: Nothing good, those filthy biased... *grumbles under his breath about Hagrid and the Weasleys*

Narcissa: but he thought they looked like an unpleasant lot.

Lucius: I'd appreciate not being treated like dirt before the students even get there, thanks. It makes them think like that.

James: You are an unpleasant lot. Get over it.

Narcissa: He was starting to feel definitely sick now.

Lily: Oh, try to calm down, Harry! There's no reason to make yourself ill with worrying!

Narcissa: He remembered being picked for teams during gym at his old school.

Bellatrix: Who the ruddy hell is Jim?

Lily: No, Bellatrix, gym. G-Y-M . It's a class Muggle students take to learn how to exercize right and take care of their bodies.

Nightwing: *bitterly* No, it's how high schools figure out who's popular and who's not so the popular kids can pick on everyone else for their lack of athletic ability.

Narcissa: He had always been last to be chosen,

Nightwing: Join the club.

All except Nightwing: You've got jackets.

Nightwing: Do I really say that that often?

All except Nightwing: *nod* Yes. Yes, you do.

Narcissa: not because he was no good, but because no one wanted Dudley to think they liked him.

Sirius: Who's he to control what other people think? Harry has every right to be popular!

Narcissa: "Finch-Fletchley, Justin!"

Lucius: A Mudblood to be sure. No proper wizard would go around with a name like Finch-Fletchley if he had any self-respect!

Narcissa: "HUFFLEPUFF!"

Bellatrix: Clearly he doesn't have any self-respect.

Lucius: Clearly.

Narcissa: Sometimes, Harry noticed, the hat shouted out the house at once,

Bellatrix: As it did with me.

Lucius: And me.

Severus: Yes, me as well.

Narcissa: but at others it took a little while to decide.

Peter: It did that to me, it was awful!

Remus: *nods in agreement*

Narcissa: "Finnigan, Seamus,"

Sirius: Now that's an Irish name if I've ever heard one.

Narcissa: the sandy-haired boy next to Harry in the line,

Peter: Aren't the Irish supposed to be redheads?

James: Not all of them, dungbrain! They're not Weasleys, you know.

Peter: Right, right.

Narcissa: sat on the stool for almost a whole minute before the hat declared him a Gryffindor.

Sirius: Ah, so he's a brave Irish, then. Good for you, Seamus O' Houlihan!

Remus: Finnegan.

Sirius: Yeah, but O' Houlihan sounds even more Irish.

Remus: You're an idiot.

Sirius: Thank you, Moony. Thank you.

Narcissa: "Granger, Hermione!"

Remus: A Ravenclaw if I've ever seen one.

James: I'm all right as long as she's anywhere but Gryffindor!

Narcissa: Hermione almost ran to the stool and jammed the hat eagerly on her head.

Lily: Definitely a Ravenclaw.

Nightwing: Would you lot please stop lumping her in with me?!
Narcissa: "GRYFFINDOR!" shouted the hat.

Sirius and James: *groan*

Nightwing: See? That's what you get. The girl no one likes gets put into your House.

Remus: Yes, yes, karma just came back to bite us in the arse, now stop rubbing it in.

Narcissa: Ron groaned.

Sirius: I feel for you, Ron, I really do. Why is she in our House, why?

Severus: Why is she in Gryffindor? She certainly seems like the sort of obnoxious show-off who dominates Ravenclaw.

Nightwing: I AM NOT A SHOW-OFF!
Narcissa: A horrible thought struck Harry,

Lily: *gasps* Oh no!

Narcissa: as horrible thoughts always do when you're very nervous.

James: Why is he still so nervous? Hasn't he realized that this isn't that big a deal?

Narcissa: What if he wasn't chosen at all?

Sirius: What? He's there, isn't he? What makes him think they won't Sort him?

Bellatrix: Has no one else noticed how thick this boy is?

Lucius: Potter's son through and through.

James: Oi! I never thought I was going to be skipped over by the Sorting Hat!

Narcissa: What if he just sat there with the hat over his eyes for ages,

Peter: Some people do, but you'll get put into a House eventually!

Narcissa: until Professor McGonagall jerked it off his head

James: Hey, now, she may be tough, but she wouldn't jerk anything. She's not so crude.

Narcissa: and said there had obviously been a mistake

Bellatrix: The only mistakes Hogwarts makes in finding students is admitting Mudbloods. Potter may be a half-blood, but he's still salvagable.

and he'd better get back on the train?

Lucius: Impossible. The Hogwarts Express only appears twice a year, it wouldn't go back for him.
Narcissa: When Neville Longbottom,

Bellatrix: Longbottom? Meaning Frank and Alice had a son?

Lucius: Apparently.

Bellatrix: Ugh. I despise those two. Some people deserve to be tortured into madness, and Frank and Alice are just that sort of people.

Nightwing: *under her breath* Why does that not surprise me?

Narcissa: the boy who kept losing his toad,

Bellatrix: Pitiful, just like his father. Why is he so upset about that?

Narcissa: was called, he fell over on his way to the stool.

Bellatrix: A clumsy failure, just like his mummy. This boy has a marvelous future to look forward to.

Narcissa: The hat took a long time to decide with Neville.

Bellatrix: Put him in Hufflepuff and have done with it! No other House could possibly want him, even Gryffindor!

Narcissa: When it finally shouted, "GRYFFINDOR,"

All: What?

Sirius: If that boy has an ounce of bravery in him, I'm a flobberworm.

Remus: I wouldn't jump to conclusions so quickly, guys. We hardly know anything about the kid, and there are six books and a bit of this one left. He could be brilliant later on, given the chance to grow up a bit.

Bellatrix: Keep telling yourself that, Lupin.

Lucius: Yes, give people like Pettigrew hope that they can one day be adequate in society.

Peter: Hey!

Narcissa: Neville ran off still wearing it,

James: How much to you want to bet the hat's screaming in his head, "TAKE ME OFF, IDIOT!"?

Narcissa: and had to jog back amid gales of laughter

Lily: Aww, that's not very nice!

Bellatrix: Who cares?

Narcissa: to give it to "MacDougal, Morag."

Sirius: Odd name.

Narcissa: Malfoy *squeals*

Lucius: *looks up* Finally, someone we care about. Not that I don't know which House he'll be in, of course.

Narcissa: Oh, stop talking, Lucius, and let's see our little boy's Sorting! swaggered

Sirius: So he walks like his pompous arse of a father, as well.

Lucius: Watch it, Black.

Narcissa: forward when his name was called and got his wish at once:

Lucius: Being in Slytherin is more than a wish, it's a noble legacy.

Narcissa: I'm so glad little Draco's carrying it on! the hat had barely touched his head when it screamed, "SLYTHERIN!"

Lucius: We've established that already, but as it's my son I'll let it go. Good job, Draco.

Narcissa: *squeals in agreement* Malfoy went to join his friends Crabbe and Goyle,

Bellatrix: Apparently, Crabbe's and Goyle's sons are a bit older than Draco... no, wait, Crabbe and Goyle would come before Malfoy in the alphabet.

Sirius: Not too quick, are you, Bella?

Bellatrix: *snarls* Shut it.

Narcissa: looking pleased with himself.

Lucius: As well he should, after following in the glorious footsteps of the rest of the Malfoy family!

Narcissa: There weren't many people left now.

James: Sure there are, you're only about halfway through the alphabet.

Narcissa: "Moon"

Lily: Ooh, I've always liked that last name, it sounds so mysterious.

Narcissa: "Nott"

Severus: So Theodore's managed to spawn as well. Hopefully his son has more of a brain than he does.

Narcissa: "Parkinson"

Peter: Like the disease?

Lucius: No, Pettigrew, the son--

Nightwing: Daughter, Pansy Parkinson's a girl.

Lucius: -- the daughter, then, of Xanthus Parkinson. Bloody Gryffindor.

Sirius, Remus, James, and Peter: Oi!

Nightwing: You'll be happy to hear, then, that Pansy's in Slytherin.

Lucius: Excellent. It's always good to hear of a family turning around.

Narcissa: then a pair of twin girls, "Patil" and "Patil"

Sirius: I don't recognize the name Patil.

Lily: My friend Julianna Adesai is dating a Muggle whose surname is Patil.

Lucius: Ugh, they're half-bloods, then. Disgusting.

Severus: *glares*

Lucius: Except for you, of course, Severus.

Narcissa: then "Perks, Sally-Anne"

Bellatrix: *looks suddenly ill* Sally... Anne... Perks. There are no words. It sounds so sickeningly....

Lucius: *disgusted* Perky?
Bellatrix: Exactly!

Severus: *nods in nauseated agreement* It's a very Hufflepuff name.

Narcissa: and then, at last--"Potter, Harry!"

James: *moves to the edge of his seat with a look of anticipation on his face that looks not unlike a deer caught in the headlights*

Lily: *squeals* Good luck, Harry!

Narcissa: As Harry stepped forward, whispers suddenly broke out like little hissing

Lucius: Snakes. Do I detect a hint of foreshadowing?

James: Shut up, Malfoy, my son will not be in Slytherin! The Potter family has morals!

Narcissa: fires all over the hall.

Nightwing: Hehehehehehehe.... fire.... *gets that creepy look in her eye*

All except Nightwing: *edge away*

Narcissa: "Potter, did she say?"

James: Damn straight! Son of the late, great James Potter!

Lily: *scoffs* Great?

James: Lily! You're supposed to be on my side!

Lily: Just because I have to marry you doesn't mean I have to like you.

Nightwing: Actually, it kind of does, but that's not really the point. Moving on....

Narcissa: "The Harry Potter?"

James: *puffs out his chest with pride* You bet your broomstick, he is!

Narcissa: The last thing Harry saw before

Lucius: He was eaten by a chimarea.

Lily: *glares at Lucius*

Narcissa: the hat dropped over his eyes was

James: A chicken.

Peter: A monkey!

Sirius: A muffin. *shudders* Poor boy.

Remus: *looks at James in disbelief* Aren't you supposed to be worrying about your son instead of making stupid jokes that really aren't funny anymore?

James: Who says I can't do both? *grins*

Narcissa: the hall full of people craning to get a good look at him.

Lily: *grumbles irritably* Take a bloody picture, it'll last longer.

Narcissa: Next second he was looking at the black inside of the hat.

Peter: Really? I thought the inside of the hat was pink!

Remus: Sarcasm really isn't your thing, Wormtail. Quit while you're ahead.

Peter: *sulks*

Narcissa: He waited.

Sirius: And he waited.

James: And he waited some more.

Sirius: And he--

Remus: All right, then!

Narcissa: "Hmm," said a small voice in his ear.

Peter: *as Harry* Are you there, God? It's me, Harry!

Narcissa: "Difficult. Very difficult.

James: What? No, it isn't! Gryffindor, like his parents and all three of his godfathers! Come on, Gryffindor!

Narcissa: Plenty of courage, I see.

James: Damn straight! Stop there, Hat, I know exactly where he belongs!

Narcissa: Not a bad mind either.

Severus: *scoffs* From what I've seen, I beg profusely to differ.

Narcissa: There's talent, oh my goodness, yes--

Remus: What House does that have to do with? You can be talented in all four Houses!

Severus, Lucius, Narcissa, and Bellatrix: *scoff*

Remus: *annoyed* Yes, Slytherins, that does include Hufflepuff and Gryffindor.

Narcissa: and a nice thirst to prove yourself,

James: He doesn't need to prove himself, he's my son! There's nothing to prove, being brilliant is in his genes!

Lily: Your ego disgusts me.

James: Please. You know you love me. *ruffles his hair*

Narcissa: now that's interesting....

Remus: Not really. Everyone wants to prove themselves when they get to Hogwarts. Everyone wants to be a good wizard.

Severus: It's whether or not you can achieve it that's the question.

Sirius: You're one to talk, eh, Snivellus?

Narcissa: So where shall I put you?"

Sirius and James: GRYFFINDOR!

Narcissa: Harry gripped the edges of the stool and thought, Not Slytherin, not Slytherin.

Lucius: *sarcastically* Excellent. They've turned him against us before he's even gotten to Hogwarts, and now look what's happened!

Bellatrix: Cheer up, Lucius, it's hardly all bad. Soon the entire House of Salazar Slytherin will be emptied of those unworthy enough to believe the horrendous lies told to them. Only the pure and the deserving will remain!

Lucius: *cheering up slightly* True.
Narcissa: "Not Slytherin, eh?"

James: That's what he said! Smart lad, Harry, smart lad!

Lily: You know, they're not all bad.

James: Not all bad? Lily, have you lost your mind?

Lily and Severus: *look at each other meaningfully, but James doesn't notice*

Narcissa: said the small voice.

Remus: Also known as the hat.

Peter: Really? I thought it was God.

Remus: Wormtail, what did I tell you about sarcasm?

Narcissa: "Are you sure?

James: Of course he's sure! Now put him in Gryffindor already!

Narcissa: You could be great, you know,

Bellatrix: Yes! He could be great, despite his horrible parentage and heathen upbringing, if only he's put in Slytherin!

Narcissa: it's all here in your head,

Lucius: Just like those little voices.

Narcissa: and Slytherin will help you on the way to greatness,

Bellatrix: Just look what it's done for me! The Dark Lord's most loyal servant, well on my way to becoming the greatest Dark witch who ever lived, and all because I was trained in the wondrous House of Salazar Slytherin!

Narcissa: no doubt about that--

James: I doubt that!

Narcissa: no?

James: No! Keep him away from those slimy gits!

Narcissa: Well, if you're sure--


Narcissa: better be SLYTHERIN!

Sirius and James: What?

Remus, Lily, and Peter: *look shocked*

Severus, Lucius, and Bellatrix: *smirk*

Nightwing: ... the hell?

James: No! You have to be lying! My son can't be in Slytherin!

Narcissa: Relax, Potter, he's not. I wanted to see your reaction. *snickers*

Bellatrix: Good job, Narcissa. *cackles softly*

Narcissa: I try. *smirks* GRYFFINDOR!"

James: *sighs in relief* Good job, Harry!

Lily: *beams proudly*

Sirius: Brilliant! I always knew Harry would be in the best House! That's my godson!

Lily: No way. Absolutely no way.


Harry heard the hat shout the last word to the whole hall.

Severus: As it's been doing for the rest of the students. Hasn't he been paying attention?

Lucius: Potter's a bit thick, if you haven't noticed. What the Sorting Hat was talking about when it said he didn't have a bad mind....

Narcissa: He took off the hat and walked shakily toward the Gryffindor table.

Sirius: The best part of the Great Hall! Sit in a place of honor, Harry, you've earned it!

Narcissa: He was so relieved to have been chosen

Peter: Of course you were chosen, Harry!

Bellatrix: If Pettigrew was chosen, anyone magical can be.

Peter: Hey!

Narcissa: and not put in Slytherin,

Lucius: There is nothing good about that.

Narcissa: he hardly noticed that he was getting the loudest cheer yet.

James: That's my boy! Famous Harry Potter in the House of greatness!

Narcissa: Percy the Prefect

Sirius: Lovely name. Suits him, really, although from what I've seen I think Puffed-up Fat-head works better for him.

Narcissa: got up and shook his hand vigorously,

Sirius: Does anybody pat each other on the back anymore? Do they really need to shake hands and look like a complete prat?

Narcissa: while the Weasley twins

Sirius: Much better! These are the Weasley brothers I like!

Narcissa: yelled, "We got Potter! We got Potter!"

James: You got two different Potters! You'd better cheer!

Narcissa: Harry sat down opposite the ghost in the ruff he'd seen earlier.

Peter: *waves maniacally* Hi, Nearly-Headless Nick!

Narcissa: The ghost patted his arm,

All: *shudder*

Remus: Poor thing.

Narcissa: giving Harry the sudden, horrible feeling he'd just plunged it into a bucket of ice-cold water.

Severus: I despise that feeling.

Lily: Everyone does.

Narcissa: He could see the High Table properly now.

Lucius: Who cares?

Nightwing: I wouldn't talk yet, Lucius, there's something interesting waiting at the staff table for you later.

Severus: *sourly* I can hardly wait.

Narcissa: At the end nearest him sat Hagrid,

Lucius: He's letting the gamekeeper sit with the staff now? Merlin's beard, Hogwarts really is going to the dogs....

Narcissa: who caught his eye and gave him the thumbs up.

Bellatrix: You know, I think I'm starting to see what Nightwing meant by blatant favoritism....

Nightwing: Isn't it terrible?

Narcissa: Harry grinned back. And there, in the center of the High Table, in a large gold chair,

Nightwing: Just like mine! Except not really. But still, it is gold. *snuggles down into her egg chair*

Narcissa: sat Albus Dumbledore.

Severus, Lucius, Narcissa, and Bellatrix: Boooo...

Bellatrix: Filthy Muggle lover.

Narcissa: Harry recognized him at once from the card he'd gotten out of the Chocolate Frog on the train.

Remus: I have an odd feeling that card is going to be important later. They keep mentioning it.

Narcissa: Dumbledore's silver hair

Sirius: I honestly think the man was born old. Has his hair ever not been silver?

Narcissa: was the only thing in the whole hall that shone as brightly as the ghosts.

Lily: His hair glows? What?

Narcissa: Harry spotted Professor Quirrell, too,

Lily: *eye twitches* Horrible teacher....

Narcissa: the nervous young man from the Leaky Cauldron. He was looking very peculiar in a large purple turban.

Sirius: What kind of white Englishman wears a turban? Isn't that a bit odd?

Lily: I've learned to just deal with it. You get all sorts of weird things in the Wizarding world.

Narcissa: And now there were only three people left to be sorted.

Remus: Only after P? Really?

Narcissa: "Thomas, Dean,"

Remus: Seriously, what happened to all the kids whose last names began with Q, R and S?

Sirius: Moony. Build a bridge and get over it. It's not that big a deal. Relax.

Narcissa: a black boy even taller than Ron,

Bellatrix: That would be much more impressive if we knew exactly how tall Ron was.

Narcissa: joined Harry at the Gryffindor table.

Sirius: Ha! Brilliant! Bring on the Gryffindors, because you can never have too many!

Narcissa: "Turpin, Lisa,"

Nightwing: I've always wondered if she's somehow related to Judge Turpin. Nobody gander at her!

Severus: What?

Remus: It's a Sweeney Todd thing. Ignore her.

Narcissa: became a Ravenclaw

Nightwing: Yay! She can read something besides her weird creepy Alan Rickman relative's collection of dirty pictures!

Severus: *stares* Again?

Remus: Yep. You don't want to know.

Narcissa: and then it was Ron's turn.

Lucius: We all know what House he's going to be in, and yet they're going to drag this out.

Narcissa: Don't worry, Lucius. It's only two more sentences.

Lucius: Good.

Remus: What about the U's and the V's?

Sirius: Moony. Get over it.

Narcissa: He was pale green by now.

Bellatrix: A color of which he and any Weasley is unworthy!

Narcissa: Harry crossed his fingers under the table

Sirius: I doubt he has much to worry about. All the Weasleys have been Gryffindors for ages.

Narcissa: and a second later the hat had shouted, "GRYFFINDOR!"

Sirius: See?

Bellatrix: Disgusting blood traitors, the lot of them. No respectable pureblood should ever be in Gryffindor.

Narcissa: Harry clapped loudly with the rest as Ron collapsed into the chair next to him.

Bellatrix: Ooh, is he dead?

Narcissa: No, Bella, unfortunately, he isn't. Only weak with relief.

Bellatrix: Why would you be relieved to be in Gryffindor?!

Narcissa: "Well done, Ron, excellent," said Percy Weasley pompously

Sirius: Just like he says anything. Honestly, I don't like this guy.

Remus: Really, Padfoot? We had no idea.

Narcissa: across Harry as "Zabini, Blaise,"

Severus: What gender is that?

All except Nightwing: *shrug*

Narcissa: was made a Slytherin.

Bellatrix: Whatever it is, it's apparently all right.

Nightwing: Blaise is a boy, JKR revealed it in the sixth book. Trust me, though, no one had any idea what he was for the majority of the series. There are even Wizard rock songs about it. *hums Who Is Blaise Zabini? by the Parselmouths*

Narcissa: Professor McGonagall rolled up her scroll and took the Sorting Hat away.

Lily: Congratulations, Harry! Welcome to Gryffindor!

Peter: And now it's time for the feast!
Narcissa: Harry looked down at his empty gold plate.

Peter: It won't be empty for long, Harry! The best food ever is coming!

Narcissa: He had only just realized how hungry he was. The pumpkin pasties seemed ages ago.

Lucius: I thought it said he still had some in his pockets.

James: Apparently he forgot or something.

Lucius: Typical. Clearly he did inherit your--

James: Will you stop saying that every time my son shows that he isn't perfect?!

Narcissa: Albus Dumbledore had gotten to his feet.

Bellatrix: Ugh, we have to listen to his filthy Mudblood-loving drivel?

Narcissa: He was beaming at the students,

Bellatrix: No one who matters is beaming at you, you revolting disgrace to the Wizarding world!

Narcissa: his arms opened wide,

Sirius: Because love is the greatest magic of all and all anybody really needs is a nice big hug!

All except Sirius: *give Sirius weird looks*

Remus: That was... special, Sirius.

Narcissa: as if nothing could have pleased him more than to see them all there.
Lily: He has a good reason to be, you know. It means no one was killed, maimed, driven mad, or arrested over the summer.

All except Lily: *blink*

James: Wow... Lily.... That was surprisingly morbid.

Lily: I'm really not as innocent as I seem. *grins sweetly*

All except Lily: *edge away from Lily*

Narcissa: "Welcome," he said. "Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts!

Peter: And what a year it will be!

James: How do you know?

Peter: Well, if nothing interesting happened, no one would have bothered writing a book.

Nightwing: Oh, my God, Peter!

Peter: What?

Nightwing: You just made sense!

Narcissa: Before we begin our banquet,

Peter: No, nothing before the food!

Nightwing: Aaaand you just ruined it.

Narcissa: I would like to say a few words.

Peter: *whines* No, I want the feast to happen!

Narcissa: And here they are: Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak! Thank you!"

Severus, Lucius, Narcissa, and Bellatrix: *stare at the book, "wtf" expressions on each of their faces*

Sirius, Remus, James, Peter, and Lily: *burst out laughing*

Sirius: He is mental! He is a lunatic!

Remus: And yet we love him anyway.

Sirius: Of course we do, because he is brilliant!

Bellatrix: *disgusted* Speak for yourself. He doesn't belong in a school, he belongs in the psycho ward at St. Mungo's.

Sirius: Right alongside you, eh, Bella?

Sirius and Bellatrix: *glare at each other*

Narcissa: He sat back down. Everybody clapped and cheered.

Lucius: It's official. Everyone at Hogwarts has gone mad.

Nightwing: *sings* The world has gone insane, and parasites are eating at my brain, and nothing is the way it was before-- a pack of wolves is howling at my door! I'm living in a nonstop nightmare, dead man's dreams, filled with screaming pain burning me to mad extremes in a world that's gone insaaaaane!

Bellatrix: And that's enough out of you!

Narcissa: Harry didn't know whether to laugh or not.

James: Laugh away, my son, everyone else does!

Narcissa: "Is he--a bit mad?" he asked Percy uncertainly.

Lucius: He's more than a bit mad.

Remus: Yeah, much more than a bit. But he's still an incredible wizard.

Narcissa: "Mad?" said Percy airily. "He's a genius!

Sirius: So?

Nightwing: Yeah! Some old, famous, and probably dead guy once said that behind every stroke of genius is a touch of madness!

Severus: I wouldn't get your hopes up just because of that quote, Nightwing.

Nightwing: Shut it, greaseball, or I'll wash your hair for you.

Sirius, Remus, James, and Peter: *snicker*

Severus: *lip curls*

Nightwing: In fact... *smirks and turns Severus into a donkey*

Severus the Donkey: There are no words to describe how much I hate you.

Nightwing: Oh, look, you're all clean now!

Narcissa: Best wizard in the world!

Sirius, Remus, James, Peter, and Lily: Hear, hear!

Severus the Donkey, Lucius, Narcissa, and Bellatrix: Absolutely not!

Bellatrix: The Dark Lord is the best wizard in the world!

Narcissa: But he is a bit mad, yes.

James: Everyone's a bit mad in some way or another. Life's more interesting that way.

Narcissa: Potatoes, Harry?"

Peter: *eyes go wide, and a goofy grin spreads across his face* FOOD!

Narcissa: Harry's mouth fell open.

Peter: All the better to eat the delicious feast with, my dear!

Narcissa: The dishes in front of him were now piled with food.

Peter: Not just food-- the best food in the world!

Narcissa: He had never seen so many things he liked to eat on one table:

Sirius: Neither had I, at my first feast here.

Bellatrix: Aww, does Auntie Walberga not see fit to feed the biggest disgrace the Most Noble And Ancient House of Black has ever been forced to accommodate?

Narcissa: roast beef,

Nightwing: It's what's for dinner!

Narcissa: roast chicken,

Sirius: Mmm, easily my favorite part of the feast. I love chicken.

Narcissa: pork chops and lamb chops, sausages,

James: Hopefully better than the ones Hagrid made in that hut.

Narcissa: bacon and steak,

Nightwing: That's my dream meal right there. Yummy.

Narcissa: boiled potatoes, roast potatoes, fries,

Lucius: What the hell are fries?

Nightwing: Remember, this is the American edition of this book, because I'm American. I believe the proper British term is chips. Sorry about that. The publishing companies in my country screwed all sorts of things up in this book....

Narcissa: Yorkshire pudding,

Nightwing: Okay, again with my being American, anybody want to fill me in on exactly what that is?

Lily: It's a puffy sort of bread we Brits like to serve with roast beef.

Nightwing: Ah. Sounds tasty. Thanks!

Narcissa: peas, carrots,

Peter: Eww, healthy food!

Severus the Donkey: You know, it's no wonder you're so fat.

Peter: I'm not fat, Snape! My mum says I'm pleasantly plump!

Nightwing: Hey, Severus, you just insulted somebody I don't like. Good for you! *turns him back*

Severus: That was quick.

Narcissa: gravy, ketchup,

James: Or the two foolproof ways to make anything taste better.

Narcissa: and, for some strange reason, peppermint humbugs.

Severus: Does this boy know nothing? The humbugs are to cleanse your palate after eating one dish so you can fully enjoy the next!

Nightwing: Wouldn't that just make the next dish taste like peppermint?

Severus: Of course not.

Narcissa: The Dursleys had never exactly starved Harry,

James: That's certainly news to me.

Narcissa: but he'd never been allowed to eat as much as he liked.

James: That's certainly not news to me.

Lily: *growls* I hate my sister, I hate my sister, I hate my sister....

Narcissa: Dudley had always taken anything that Harry really wanted,

Remus: Really now, that's not very nice.

James: Spoiled little brat.

Narcissa: even if It made him sick.

Lily: So he's just doing it to spite Harry! How can my sister stand for this, even if she does hate my poor little son! Surely she doesn't want her son to be throwing up!

Sirius: I have a feeling it would take quite a lot to make Dudley sick, what with how much he'd have to eat to get him to the size he is.

Lily: Hmm. Good point.

Narcissa: Harry piled his plate with a bit of everything except the peppermints

Severus: His loss, if he doesn't want everything to taste as good as it possibly can.

Narcissa: and began to eat.

Peter: *whines* I want to eat....

Nightwing: Too bad.

Narcissa: It was all delicious.

All: Hear, hear!

Narcissa: "That does look good," said the ghost in the ruff sadly,

Remus: It is good. It's a shame Nick can't have any for himself, it really is.

Narcissa: watching Harry cut up his steak.

Nightwing: Mmm, steak....

Narcissa: "Can't you--?"

Lucius: Of course he can't, he's a ghost! Have you ever known a dead person with functional internal organs?

Narcissa: "I haven't eaten for nearly four hundred years," said the ghost.

Lucius: Of course he hasn't.

Sirius: Merlin's beard, he's been dead that long?

Narcissa: "I don't need to, of course,

Remus: That's only logical. I mean, he's already dead, so there's no way he can starve to death.

Lily: Don't let Moaning Myrtle hear you say that.

Remus: *shudders*

Narcissa: but one does miss it.

Lily: *nods* Understandable.

Narcissa: I don't think I've introduced myself?

Peter: No, you haven't, but that's okay! We know who you are, Nick!

Narcissa: Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington at your service.

Sirius: Why does he insist on introducing himself like that every year? No one calls him that-- everybody knows him as Nearly-Headless Nick!

Narcissa: Resident ghost of Gryffindor Tower."

James: And the nicest ghost in the entire school!

Sirius: The only nice one, really, besides the Fat Friar.

Narcissa: "I know who you are!"

James: Way to be famous, Nick!

Narcissa: said Ron suddenly. "My brothers told me about you--

James: Ah. That explains it.

Sirius: I bet it was Fred and George! I love Fred and George. *sighs happily*

Narcissa: you're Nearly Headless Nick!"

Lily: Ron! He doesn't like to be called that!

Sirius: So? Everyone does it anyway. He's gotten used to it.

Narcissa: "I would prefer you to call me Sir Nicholas de Mimsy--"

Lily: Is he really, Black?

Sirius: He is. He's still trying to get people to call him Sir Nicholas de Whatever, but he knows it's not going to work. Trust me, Evans, I've asked.

Narcissa: the ghost began stiffly,

Sirius: All that stiff, haughty stuff is just an act.

Narcissa: but sandy-haired Seamus Finnigan interrupted.

James: It's the return of that Irish kid!

Sirius: Cissa, will you read his lines in an Irish accent?

Narcissa: *annoyed* No, I will not! "Nearly Headless? How can you be nearly headless?"

Lily: Oh, God, here we go.... Must someone ask this every year?

Sirius: I know, some of us actually want to eat our dinner.

Remus: Who asked our first year, again?

Peter: *shrinks down* Um... I did.

Nightwing: Why doesn't that surprise me?

Narcissa: Sir Nicholas looked extremely miffed,

James: He always does, when you ask him where his nickname came from.

Narcissa: as if their little chat wasn't going at all the way he wanted.

Remus: Well, really, it's not. He's pretty sensitive about how he wasn't beheaded right and he doesn't like showing it off.

Narcissa: "Like this," he said irritably.

Sirius, Remus, James, Peter, and Lily: *brace themselves*

Severus, Lucius, Narcissa, and Bellatrix: *have no idea what's going on*

Narcissa: He seized his left ear and pulled.

Lily: *whimpers* Ew.... My poor Harry shouldn't have to watch this... ew, ew, ew, ew....

James: *pats her arm sympathetically*

Lily: *wrenches away in disgust*

James: *sulks*

Narcissa: His whole head swung off his neck and fell onto his shoulder as if it was on a hinge.

Bellatrix: *eyes go wide, clearly thinking that's really really cool* Impressive. Much better than our ghost. Really, suicide? You'd think our ghost would have had a more dramatic, gruesome death.

Sirius: Only you, Bella, only you. Honestly....

Narcissa: Someone had obviously tried to behead him, but not done it properly.

Severus: We'd figured that out for ourselves, thanks.

Lucius: How'd they manage to make such a mistake, though?

Severus: How should I know? Perhaps they used too blunt of an axe.

Lily: You know, that actually is what happened. I guess whoever killed him decided that once he was dead, there was no point in getting in any more strikes.

Severus: Yes, no use in beating a dead thestral.

Narcissa: Looking pleased at the stunned looks on their faces,

Remus: Sadistic bastard....

Sirius: *gasps melodramatically, pretending to be highly affronted* Remus Lupin! Watch your language.

Remus: Oh, shut up.

Narcissa: Nearly Headless Nick flipped his head back onto his neck,

James: Thank you. From everyone who wants to eat their dinner and keep it in their stomachs, thank you.

Narcissa: coughed,

Remus: Always a good way to change the subject and avert a bit of an awkward situation.

Narcissa: and said, "So--new Gryffindors! I hope you're going to help us win the house championship this year?

James: Of course they will! Gryffindor's the only deserving house and we all know it!

Severus, Lucius, Narcissa, and Bellatrix: *scoff and roll their eyes*

Narcissa: Gryffindors have never gone so long without winning.

James: Excuse me? Without winning?

Narcissa: Slytherins have got the cup six years in a row!

Sirius: WHAT?!

James: *splutters incoherently, looking like he's about to faint*

Bellatrix: *throws her head back and cackles*

Lucius: And that, Potter, is what you get for your arrogance.

Bellatrix: Go Slytherin!

Narcissa: The Bloody Baron's becoming almost unbearable--

Sirius: He's pretty much unbearable as it is.

Lily: Even looking at him freaks me out. *shudders*

Lucius: *smirks* Do you have a weak stomach, Evans?

Lily: Shut it, Malfoy.

Narcissa: he's the Slytherin ghost."

Bellatrix: And a better ghost you won't find in all of Hogwarts, even if his death was a bit anticlimactic!

Narcissa: Harry looked over at the Slytherin table and saw a horrible ghost sitting there,

James: So basically, it's no different than anyone else from that House.

Severus, Lucius, Narcissa, and Bellatrix: *glare*

Narcissa: with blank staring eyes,

Remus: Okay, I'm going to admit, that's just not right. What happened to his pupils?

Lucius: You don't want to know.

Narcissa: a gaunt face, and robes stained with silver blood.

Sirius: Why is his blood silver? Shouldn't it be red?

Bellatrix: He's a ghost, you idiot!

Sirius: ... oh. Right.

Narcissa: He was right next to Malfoy

Sirius and James: Ha ha!

Lucius: *winces* My poor son.

Sirius: That's what you get for being an obnoxious, arrogant git.

Narcissa: who, Harry was pleased to see, didn't look too pleased with the seating arrangements.

Lucius: No one ever is when a ghost sits next to him, no matter the House. It's awful when they accidentally touch you.

Narcissa: "How did he get covered in blood?"

Severus: The Grey Lady rejected him when they were alive and he killed her. Once he realized what he'd done, he stabbed himself, too. I think it's a bit pathetic, really.

Narcissa: asked Seamus with great interest.

Remus: Why is our House so incredibly sadistic in the future?

Narcissa: "I've never asked," said Nearly Headless Nick delicately.

Sirius: Does anybody else get the feeling he's lying?

Narcissa: When everyone had eaten as much as they could,

James: And for some of us, that's quite a lot.

Peter: Yum... food....

Narcissa: the remains of the food faded from the plates, leaving them sparkling clean as before.

Remus: I'm sure that saves the house-elves a lot of work cleaning the dishes.

Narcissa: A moment later the desserts appeared.

Nightwing: Now this is the part of the feast I could live for.

Sirius: I thought you liked the steak?

Nightwing: I do. But dessert is the part that satisfies my unappeasable sweet tooth.

Remus: It's really surprising that you hate Peter so much. You've got a lot in common.

Narcissa: Blocks of ice cream in every flavor you could think of,

Nightwing: Do they have Ben and Jerry's Phish Food?

All except Nightwing: *blank stares*

Nightwing: Yeah, didn't think so. Ha! I have proven the book wrong!

Narcissa: apple pies,

Bellatrix: My house-elf Zippy makes better apple pies.

Narcissa: *nods in agreement* treacle tarts,

James: That is the best dessert in the history of desserts. I could honestly live off Hogwarts' treacle tart. *notices Nightwing's blank look* It's like a sort of molasses pie. It's good. Really, really good.

Narcissa: chocolate eclairs

Lily: You know, I've never particularly liked chocolate eclairs.

Remus: You should try the ones at the school feasts.

Sirius: Moony would say that about something with chocolate in it....

Narcissa: and jam doughnuts,

Peter: Why can't they have those at breakfast, too?

Severus: Because then everyone would look like you, Pettigrew.

Narcissa: trifle,

Nightwing: What's--

Sirius: It's got custard, sponge cake, jelly, fruit, and whipped cream in it.

Nightwing: *looks thoughtful* You know, I think I have an aunt that makes something like that for parties sometimes. I'll have to try it next time I see her!

Narcissa: strawberries,

Peter: Ewww, healthy food.

Lily: Dip them in sugar, it really brings out the flavor.

Narcissa: Jell-O,

Severus: That is not a Wizard food.

Lucius: I also think it may be alive.

Narcissa: rice pudding...

Sirius: Not just rice pudding-- the smoothest, creamiest, most delicious rice pudding the world can imagine!

Narcisssa: As Harry helped himself

Peter: Hey, wait! They didn't finish!

Narcissa: If they finished, we'd have been here for years trying to get through a list of food. Now stop interrupting me. to a treacle tart, the talk turned to their families.

Bellatrix: Ah, so now they're discovering who deserves to be there and who doesn't. Allways a good first conversation. *smirks*

Narcissa; "I'm half-and-half," said Seamus.

Severus: You'd be called a half-blood. Get your terminology right, especially for your own kind!

Narcissa: "Me dad's a Muggle.

Remus: No, Seamus. "My dad's a Muggle."

Sirius: But he's Irish. Very Irish. Haven't you noticed that's how they talk?

Narcissa: Mom didn't tell him she was a witch 'til after they were married.

Lily: That's not very nice of her!

James: Depends on his reasoning. She could have done it to protect him, couldn't she?

Lily: *thoughtfully* This is true....

Narcissa: Bit of a nasty shock for him."

Sirius: If it was nasty, she shouldn't have stayed with him.

Remus: There's not really any proof that she did.

Sirius: Hmm. Good point.

Narcissa: The others laughed.

Peter: That's not very nice, laughing at someone whose dad was upset about their mum being magic!

Narcissa: "What about you, Neville?" said Ron.

Bellatrix: Hardly a pureblood in my book. I loathe his parents.

James: Why do you hate Frank and Alice so much?

Bellatrix: They're Hufflepuffs, what more reason do I need?

Narcissa: "Well, my gran brought me up and she's a witch,"

Bellatrix: His gran? Who calls their grandmother their gran?

Nightwing: Maybe it's something like what happened in my family. We call my grandma Mam because my oldest cousin couldn't say Grandma right when she was little.

Narcissa: said Neville, "but the family thought I was all-Muggle for ages.

Lucius: You wouldn't be all-Muggle, idiot, you'd be a Squib. And with those genes, I can hardly say I'm surprised!

Narcissa: My Great Uncle Algie kept trying to catch me off my guard and force some magic out of me--

Peter: *shudders* I had an uncle like that, too. It was awful.

Severus: I wish you had been a Squib, then I would have one less of your lot to put up with.

Narcissa: he pushed me off the end of Blackpool pier once, I nearly drowned--

Lily: Now that's a bit extreme! I can understand wanting a kid to be magical if you're a pureblood family, but don't try to kill him!

Lucius: I beg to differ. I'm all for eradicating Squibs-- they make their families and the entire Wizarding world look positively shameful.

Narcissa: but nothing happened until I was eight.

Sirius: A lot of kids don't come into their magic until around that age, there's nothing to be ashamed of there.

Bellatrix: Nothing to be ashamed of? Ha! I made a vase explode the moment I was born! Cissa's birth was accompanied by a bunch of flowers filling the room from nowhere! Even Andromeda turned her blanket into gold only days after she came out of our mother's womb! How can anyone appear to be a Squib until they're eight?

Narcissa: Great Uncle Algie came round for dinner, and he was hanging me out of an upstairs window by the ankles

Lily: Again, that's dangerous! He could have killed his great nephew! How do these people justify this?!

James: Even some of the nicer purebloods aren't too chuffed to have a Squib in the family. It's not really that unusual. And before any of you Slytherins say anything, no, I'm not speaking from experience. One of my cousins was a late bloomer, and I helped prod her with sticks and stuff to try and get some magic out of her.

Narcissa: when my Great Auntie Enid

Severus: Who names these people?

Narcissa: offered him a meringue and he accidentally let go.

Lily: *screams*

Peter: I can't blame him. Meringue is goooood....

Lily: *stares at him in horror* Peter! How could you! Neville could have been seriously hurt!

Narcissa: But I bounced--

Lily: *sighs in relief*

James: Odd way to show your first sign of magic. With me, I usually just blew things up.

Narcissa: all the way down the garden and into the road.

Severus: I hope he got run over by a cement truck.

Lucius: As much as I agree, there's no real way he would have lived to see Hogwarts had that happened.

Narcissa: They were all really pleased,

James: So was my family when Evanna finally managed to turn a bluebird into a butterfly. Like I said, even if you're not in a family that'll kill off Squibs so they don't mess up the family tree--

Sirius: *bitterly* Like mine.

Narcissa and Bellatrix: *glare*

James: -- it's still not really a good thing to have one.

Narcissa: Gran was crying, she was so happy.

James: So was Aunt Jessalyn, and I think Uncle Morty almost fainted with relief.

Narcissa: And you should have seen their faces when I got in here--

James: Just like everybody with Evanna!

Bellatrix: Will you please shut up, Potter? No one cares!

Narcissa: they thought I might not be magic enough to come, you see.

Remus: Impossible. All the pureblood and half-blood kids except for Squibs get accepted.

Lucius: Except for half-breeds. Can you imagine if they ever let a werewolf or something in?

Sirius, Remus, James, and Peter: *exchange dark looks*

Narcissa: Great Uncle Algie was so pleased he bought me my toad."

Severus: I'm sure Neville was so ecstatic. "The pet that automatically labels me as a miserable failure and gets me laughed at, I'm so thrilled."

Narcissa: On Harry's other side, Percy Weasley and Hermione

Sirius: Ugh, they're bad enough alone. Why do we have to put up with them together?

Nightwing: Don't worry, it's not for long.

Narcissa: were talking about lessons

James: Who cares about lessons when there's a castle to explore?

Narcissa: ("I do hope they start right away,

Sirius: You're the only one, believe me.

Narcissa: there's so much to learn,

Sirius: So?

Narcissa: I'm particularly interested in Transfiguration,

James: Great, me and the annoying girl have something in common.

Narcissa: you know, turning something into something else,

Severus: Why did they bother adding that in? We all know what Transfiguration is!

Lily: That was probably added in for the benefit of Muggle readers who don't know what it is.

Severus: Ah, of course. I forgot that this was a Muggle book.

Narcissa: of course, it's supposed to be very difficult--";

James: Not really.

Remus: You're only saying that because you're the best in our year at Transfiguration.

James: So what? I still don't think it's all that difficult....

Narcissa: "You'll be starting small, just matches into needles and that sort of thing--").

James: Which I managed to do in the first lesson, but I had to keep doing it again and again because most of the rest of the class took three periods to do it right.

Peter: It's not my fault! If you're not good at it, Transfiguration is hard!

Narcissa: Harry, who was starting to feel warm and sleepy,

Sirius: Doesn't that mean he's drunk?

Lily: Black, he's only eleven years old!

Narcissa: looked up at the High Table again.

Severus: Who cares where he's looking? Unless there's something absolutely fascinating at the High Table, no one cares!

Nightwing: You'd be surprised, Snivellus.

Narcissa: Hagrid was drinking deeply from his goblet.

Peter: Anybody surprised? Anybody?

Narcissa: Professor McGonagall was talking to Professor Dumbledore.

Sirius: Probably about that illicit affair from chapter one.

Sirius, James, and Peter: *snicker*

Remus: And here I thought we were over that....

Narcissa: Professor Quirrell, in his absurd turban,

James: Which no skinny white Englishman should be wearing because it looks ridiculous.

Narcissa: was talking to a teacher with greasy black hair,

Severus: *has been extremely interested in a speck of dirt on the floor for the past few sentences, but now looks sharply up*

Sirius and James: *look up in horror*

Narcissa: a hooked nose,

Severus: *eyes go wide*

Narcissa: and sallow skin.

Sirius: That can't--

James: Absolutely not.

Sirius: Who in their right mind--

James: Shouldn't be allowed.

Severus: You know, plenty of people have black hair, pale skin, and long noses.

Lucius: What, you wouldn't want to be a teacher?

Severus: Certainly I would, but not if my students are dunderheads like Potter's son seems to be.

Lucius: Ah. Still, it seems you are. What do you think you teach?

Severus: I'd say Defense Against the Dark Arts, of course, but it seems that this Quirrell already has that position filled. I suppose my next choice would be Potions, in that case.

Sirius: It can't possibly be you, Snivellus, Dumbledore would have to have completely lost his mind!

Narcissa: It happened very suddenly.

Peter: A platypus jumped out from under the staff table and started doing the hokey-pokey right in front of the teacher who just so happens to look like Snape.

Sirius: The teacher who can't possibly be Snape was attacked and brutally murdered by a hoarde of evil muffins.

James: The teacher who most certainly is not Snivellus suddenly had a fatal heart attack and died, doing the world a favor.

Remus: You know, if this isn't Snape, you're wishing a random person's death for no good reason.

Sirius: He looks like the greasy git, isn't that enough?

Narcissa: The hook-nosed teacher

Sirius and James: *twitch*

Narcissa: looked past Quirrell's turban straight into Harry's eyes--

James: You're not even worthy to look at my son's feet, you slimy son-of-a--

Severus: I'm sorry, Potter? Who isn't worthy to look at your son's feet?

James: *glares at Severus* Shut up, Snivellus.

Narcissa: and a sharp, hot pain shot across the scar on Harry's forehead.

Lily: Oh no! Is he all right?!

James: You're hurting my son, you git!

Severus: Really, Potter, make up your mind. I thought this "hook-nosed teacher" couldn't possibly be me?

Narcissa: "Ouch!" Harry clapped a hand to his head.

Lucius: How eloquent of him.

Sirius: What do you say when you get hurt? "Dear God! Whatever is happening to me? No one man should ever have to bear the indescribably agony of this terrible paper cut!"

Nightwing: Or how about... *singing* Something is happening, I can't explain, something inside me, a breathtaking pain devours and consumes me and drives me insaaaaane!"

Bellatrix: Stop it! Stop singing!

Narcissa: "What is it?" asked Percy.

James: The grease on that disgusting git's head is setting my son's face on fire, that's what....

Narcissa: "N-nothing."

James: Yeah, Snivellus, you'd better hope it's nothing....

Sirius: Prongs, hush! It's not him!

Narcissa: The pain had gone as quickly as it had come.

Lily: *sighs in relief* Good.

Narcissa: Harder to shake off was the

Lucius: Chimarea that had just sunk its teeth into Harry's leg.

Narcissa: feeling Harry had gotten from the teacher's look--a feeling that he didn't

like Harry at all.

Severus: Oddly enough, I really don't like Potter's son at all.

Sirius: Snape, no one in their right mind would have you teach students.

Narcissa: "Who's that teacher talking to Professor Quirrell?" he asked Percy.

James: *gets on his knees* Not Snape, not Snape, not Snape, not Snape, not Snape....

Narcissa: "Oh, you know Quirrell already, do you?

Lily: Unfortunately. How could anyone hire that man to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts? How?

Narcissa: No wonder he's looking so nervous,

Lily: He knows he's going to do a terrible job and get my son and all those other students killed!

Narcissa: that's Professor Snape.

James: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *sinks to the floor in a shapeless heap of despair*

Sirius, Remus, and Peter: What?

Severus: *smirks smugly* So, it seems I'm alive, and in the story.

Lily: Congratulations, Severus.

Lucius: You'd best treat my son well, or I'll have to hex you.

Nightwing: Feeling the love in Slytherin House here....

Severus: Don't worry, Lucius. I'd never dream of treating one of our own badly.

Bellatrix: *glares at Severus* So, instead of being faithful to the Dark Lord, you've scarpered and are now playing Dumbledore's little lapdog, is that what I'm to believe?

Severus: *coolly* Perhaps not. I'm probably a spy.

Bellatrix: ... hmph. *turns away*

James: *without getting up or moving his face off the floor* My son is doomed.

Narcissa: He teaches Potions,

Lucius: Right again, Severus.

Severus: You know perfectly well that I'm the best in our year at Potions.

Sirius: You, good at something?

Severus: Yes, Black, has it ever occurred to you that maybe I'm intelligent? Or good at something, for that matter?

Sirius: The only thing you're good at is dripping grease all over everything and being a foul-tempered pain in the arse, Snivellus.

James: *sobs* My son is doomed.... doomed....

Narcissa: but he doesn't want to--

Severus: Of course I don't. I'd much rather teach Defense Against the Dark Arts.

Bellatrix: Minus the Defense part, of course?

Severus: Of course, Bellatrix. Of course.

Narcissa: everyone knows he's after Quirrell's job.

Sirius: Git. I bet you can't wait to corrupt those innocent children. Good thing Dumbledore sees right through you!

Remus: If Dumbledore could see something like that, Snape wouldn't have his job.

James: *still muffled by the floor* He shouldn't anyway.... Doomed....

Narcissa: Knows an awful lot about the Dark Arts, Snape."

Sirius: Of course he does. He knew more about the Dark Arts in his first year than half the seventh years!

Lily: You know, Sev, it's probably not good that the students picked up on that.

Narcissa: Harry watched Snape for a while,

James: *finally picks his head up* Don't look too hard, he'll telekinetically shoot grease at you again.

Severus: *glares* Stop being ridiculous, Potter, that's impossible. It was probably a coincidence.

Narcissa: but Snape didn't look at him again.

Severus: I should think not. I've better things to do than stare at a Potter.

Nightwing: Take that, Snarry shippers!

Narcissa: At last, the desserts too disappeared,

Peter: *sighs wistfully*

Narcissa: and Professor Dumbledore got to his feet again.

Bellatrix: Now I expect we really do have to listen to his Mudblood-loving nonsense?

Narcissa: *nods grimly* The hall fell silent.

Bellatrix: Brainwashed, all of them.

Severus: You can't honestly say that you don't at least pretend to listen to him. You're still a student, and he's still Headmaster. I'm sure it's the same with all of them.

Narcissa: "Ahem--just a few more words

Sirius: Blockhead! Suet! Quirk! Twinge!

Narcissa: now that we are all fed and watered.

Remus: Fed and watered? What are they, horses?

Narcissa: I have a few start-of-term notices to give you.

James: Everyone skive off every Potions lesson of the year and avoid Snape in the halls.

Severus: *glares*

Narcissa: "First years should note that the forest on the grounds is forbidden to all pupils.

Sirius, Remus, James, and Peter: *look at each other and grin guiltily*

Narcissa: And a few of our older students would do well to remember that as well."

James: Oh, please. Where's the fun in that?

Remus: James! Hush!

Narcissa: Dumbledore's twinkling eyes flashed in the direction of the Weasley twins.

Sirius: And I'm sure the four of us are in his thoughts as well.

Peter: Yeah! We had to have left some kind of legacy!

James: The most noble kind, of course.

Narcissa: "I have also been asked by Mr. Filch, the caretaker,

Sirius: Holy Christ on a cracker, is he still around? Isn't he already, like, sixty now?

Remus: I pity the kids who break rules while he's there and that old....

Narcissa: to remind you all that no magic should be used between classes in the corridors.

Severus: Yes, Potter, Black. No jinxing other students just for walking past you.

Sirius: Come off it, Snivelly, no one obeys that rule.

Narcissa: "Quidditch trials

Sirius and James: *drool*

Lucius: *tosses his long, lovely hair and grins*

Narcissa: will be held in the second week of the term.

James: That's too long for anyone to wait!

Sirius: Those poor, poor first years.... *shakes his head*

James: How did we ever survive?

Narcissa: Anyone interested in playing for their house teams

Sirius: And if you're not, I think you need to have your head examined.

Narcissa: should contact Madam Hooch.

Remus: So Madam Aeolus retired, then?

Peter: Looks like it. She was a terrible teacher!

Severus: Only because you fell off your broom as soon as it got into the air.

Peter: *turns bright red*

Narcissa: "And finally, I must tell you that this year, the third-floor corridor on the right-hand side is out of bounds to everyone

Remus: *blinks* Well. That's new.

James: Harry has a mystery to solve!

Narcissa: who does not wish to die a very painful death."

Sirius: Ooh, ominous. I hope Harry goes to see why it's off limits!
Lily: I certainly don't! Harry has to survive the rest of the series!

Sirius: Yeah, but he also has to advance the plot, which means he'll go into all the forbidden places and come out alive. He's a hero, after all!

Narcissa: Harry laughed,

James: A true Gryffindor through and through! Only one of us could ever laugh in the face of certain death!

Narcissa: but he was one of the few who did.

Sirius: And I'm sure those few are all Gryffindors.

Lucius: Only because the rest of us have some sense of self-preservation.

Narcissa: "He's not serious?" he muttered to Percy.

Sirius: Of course he's not! I'm Sirius!

Remus: Padfoot. That's not funny!

Narcissa: "Must be," said Percy,

Sirius: No! I. Am. Sirius! Dumbledore can't be!

Remus: Shut up!

Narcissa: frowning at Dumbledore.

Bellatrix: It's about time someone who's not in Slytherin did that.

Narcissa: "It's odd, because he usually gives us a reason why we're not allowed to go somewhere--

Lily: It's probably something really dangerous that would put everyone's lives at risk if anyone knew! Something that Dumbledore wants hidden for a good reason!

Sirius: You're so paranoid, Lily.

Narcissa: the forest's full of dangerous beasts,

Remus: *shifts guiltily in his seat*

Severus: *glares at Remus*

Narcissa: everyone knows that.

James: Whether or not we pay attention to it is a different matter.

Narcissa: I do think he might have told us prefects, at least."

Lucius: Just because you're a prefect doesn't mean you're automatically Dumbledore's confidante.

Narcissa: "And now, before we go to bed, let us sing the school song!" cried Dumbledore.

Bellatrix: Oh, dear God. He's not still doing that?

Lucius: *looks rather ill* Apparently.

Nightwing: And we're going to do it too! *beams*

Severus, Lucius, Narcissa, and Bellatrix: *glare*

Narcissa: Harry noticed that the other teachers' smiles had become rather fixed.

Severus: And for very good reason. That song is completely moronic.

Bellatrix: We all know you're one of the ones with the fixed smiles.

Severus: Of course.

Narcissa: Dumbledore gave his wand a little flick, as if he was trying to get a fly off the end,

Lucius: No, that's a wand movement used to make a spell work. Idiot.

Narcissa: and a long golden ribbon flew out of it, which rose high above the tables and twisted itself, snakelike,

Bellatrix: A word hardly appropriate for this idiotic nightmare of a song!

Narcissa: into words.

Nightwing: *types on her laptop, and gold ribbon words appear in thin air, just like they're described in the book*

Narcissa: "Everyone pick their favorite tune," said Dumbledore, "and off we go!"

Nightwing: Let's go, guys, everybody join in!

Narcissa: And the school bellowed:

Sirius and James: *sing to a really slow waltz-- the same slow waltz, I might add*

Remus: *sings to a swing tune*

Peter: *sings to a tango*

Lily: *sings to a bouncy, Latin-esque tune*

Nightwing: *sings to Hedwig's Theme*

Severus: *glowers as he sings in a flat monotone*

Lucius: *glowers as he just speaks the words*

Bellatrix: *just glowers*

Narcissa: *sings really reluctantly to a mournful lament*

All: "Hogwarts, Hogwarts

Hoggy Warty Hogwarts

Teach us something please,

Whether we be old and bald

Or young with scabby knees

Our heads could do with filling

With some interesting stuff

For now they're bare and full of air

Dead flies and bits of fluff

So teach us things worth knowing

Bring back what we've forgot

just do your best, we'll do the rest

And learn until our brains all rot."
Nightwing: Yay! Good job, everybody. Make your Authoress happy! *beams*

Sirius: I swear, Moony, what is it with you and swing music?

Remus: I like swing music, thank you very much.
Narcissa: Everybody finished the song at different times.

Lily: That's to be expected when everybody's singing in different tempos.

Narcissa: At last, only the Weasley twins were left singing along to a very slow funeral march.

James: *looks over at Sirius* Wicked! That's loads better than our waltz!

Sirius: *nods in agreement* We have got to try that.

Lily: Idiots....

Narcissa: Dumbledore conducted their last few lines with his wand

Remus: How does he conduct

Narcissa: and when they had finished,

Severus: Which, by the look of it, was sometime in November.

Narcissa: he was one of those who clapped loudest.

Bellatrix: Because no one else likes that stupid song!

Narcissa: "Ah, music," he said, wiping his eyes.

Lucius: He's crying over that?

All: *stunned silence*

Lucius: It's official. I have just lost what little respect I had for Albus Dumbledore.

Narcissa: "A magic beyond all we do here!

Nightwing: I agree!

Bellatrix: You would.

Narcissa: And now, bedtime. Off you trot!"

Remus: I think they really might be horses.

Narcissa: The Gryffindor first years followed Percy through the chattering crowds,

Bellatrix: Which makes you feel bad for people like that Longbottom brat who probably still don't know the way. Or, you could be like me, and laugh at them.

Narcissa: out of the Great Hall, and up the marble staircase.

Lucius: Excellent, we're about to learn how to break into the Gryffindor common room. *smirks*

Sirius: You're still not going to learn the current password, and you've graduated already.

Narcissa: Harry's legs were like lead again,

Lily: No! You're supposed to be happy now that you're at Hogwarts!

Narcissa: but only because he was so tired and full of food.

Lily: Oh. Well, that's okay, then.

Narcissa: He was too sleepy even to be surprised that the people in the portraits along the corridors whispered and pointed as they passed,

Severus: There's that, the fact that the Weasley was surprised at the stationary nature of Muggle portraits, and the fact that the portraits on the Chocolate Frog cards moved. So what reason should he be surprised?

Lucius: He's Potter's son. He's too stupid to put two and two together like that.

James: *glares*

Narcissa: or that twice Percy led them through doorways hidden behind sliding panels and hanging tapestries.

Sirius: It's really not necessary to go through all those passageways, you know. I think he's just trying to impress the first years.

James: It worked for me when Gloria and Brigham showed us. God, I love secret passageways....

Narcissa: They climbed more staircases,

Remus: Yeah, it's always after the feast where I wish Gryffindor wasn't up in a tower on the seventh floor.

Narcissa: yawning and dragging their feet,

Peter: *yawns* Sorry.

Remus: It's okay, the word yawn has been scientifically proven to make people yawn if they read it.

All: *yawn*

Remus: ... or hear it.

Narcissa: and Harry was just wondering how much farther they had to go

Sirius: Depending on where you are, quite a lot.

Narcissa: when they came to a sudden halt.

Lily: Oh, did they get there?

Narcissa: A bundle of walking sticks was floating in midair ahead of them,

Lily: Apparently not.

Sirius: Brilliant! Peeves!

Peter: That's not a good thing! Peeves is so mean!

James: He listens to me and Sirius, and sometimes he even helps us!

Severus: Is that why he seems to hate me so much?

Sirius: Yep. *grins and flicks his hair*

Severus: *glares*

Narcissa: and as Percy took a step toward them they started throwing themselves at him.

Sirius: Nope, that's Peeves throwing them at Percy!

James: And that stuck-up stick-in-the-mud totally deserves this.

Narcissa: "Peeves," Percy whispered to the first years. "A poltergeist."

James: The best poltergeist in the world!

Sirius: And the only one who actually obeys us.

Remus: And the only one we know, period.

James: Thus, he's the best!

Narcissa: He raised his voice, "Peeves--show yourself!"

Sirius: Shame the only people he listens to besides the Bloody Baron have long since graduated by this point.

Narcissa: A loud, rude sound, like the air being let out of a balloon, answered.

Bellatrix: Charming.

Sirius: Exactly what I thought he'd do!

Narcissa: "Do you want me to go to the Bloody Baron?"

James: Aww, don't do that, you're ruining our fun!

Peter: That's what Percy does, if you haven't noticed.

Narcissa: There was a pop, and a little man with wicked,

Severus: That's a rather large understatement.

Sirius: This from a slimy Slytherin who's going to make my poor godson's life a living hell for seven years?

Lily: You are not going to be his godfather! I would never endanger my son's life like that!

Narcissa: dark eyes and a wide mouth appeared, floating cross-legged in the air,

Peter: I've always wondered how he could do that.

Remus: It's just because he's a poltergeist. They can all do weird stuff like that.

Narcissa: clutching the walking sticks.

Sirius: Do you think it means walking sticks as in canes or insects?

James: Why?

Sirius: *casts a meaningful look at Severus*

James: Ohhh....

Sirius and James: *identical evil grins*

Lily: I'm not sure which is the worse extreme... *shudders* Poor first years.

Narcissa: "Oooooooh!" he said, with an evil cackle.

Bellatrix: His is not an evil cackle. Mine is an evil cackle. Like this! *cackles evilly*

Narcissa: "Ickle Firsties!

Lucius: Merlin's beard, does he still insist on calling them Ickle Firsties? He did that in my first year, for heaven's sake!

Bellatrix: He needs to come up with new insults like you wouldn't believe.

Sirius: Hark who's talking.

Narcissa: What fun!"

James: New victims! Yay!

Lily: You evil, sadistic, arrogant, disgusting toerag. Leave the little ones alone!

James: I do... unless they're in Slytherin, in which case they're all lost causes and they deserve it.

Lily: *looks up at the heavens* Why, God, why? Why do I have to marry him of all people?

Narcissa: He swooped suddenly at them. They all ducked.

Sirius: And a fair few of them scream, I expect. First years are always so skittish.

Remus: Weren't you, the first time Peeves started on you?

Sirius: Me? Nah. We've got our own poltergeist in the attic, so I'm used to it. Shame he only listens to my mother, that could have been useful....

Narcissa: "Go away, Peeves, or the Baron'll hear about this, I mean it!"

James: Tattle-tale. Let the poor man have his fun!

Lily: That's not fun, it's malicious, spiteful, and downright despicable!

Narcissa: barked

Sirius: *barks*

Narcissa: Percy.

Sirius: Appropriate. I always thought that sounded more like a dog's name than a person's.

Remus: Says the one whose name means Dog Star.

Sirius: *immaturely sticks his tongue out at Remus*

Narcissa: Can I please read a full sentence without being interrupted every word? Peeves stuck out his tongue

Severus: Very mature.

Narcissa: and vanished, dropping the walking sticks on Neville's head.

Remus: *winces* Insects or wooden canes, that still can't be good. Poor Neville.

Bellatrix: He deserved it for coming from a family of useless blood traitors.

Narcissa: They heard him zooming away, rattling coats of armor as he passed.

Lucius: Why does he always do that? That rattling is enough to give anyone a migraine.

James: We've asked, he likes the noise.

Lucius: Barking mad.... *shakes his head*

Narcissa: "You want to watch out for Peeves," said Percy,

Sirius: Unless, of course, you're a good enough prankster to have befriended him, and then he leaves you alone except to ask you for ideas.

Narcissa: as they set off again.

Peter: Here's hoping they make it this time!

Narcissa: "The Bloody Baron's the only one who can control him,

James: Since Sirius and I left, at any rate!

Narcissa: he won't even listen to us prefects.

Remus: Oh, my God, even I don't have this much of an ego about having my badge. Just because you're in a position of authority doesn't make you supreme ruler of the entire school! Prefects aren't God, for crying out loud!

Narcissa: Here we are."

Peter: Yay! Home at last!

Narcissa: At the very end of the corridor

Bellatrix: *starts paying very close attention in the hope that she might find a way into the Gryffindor common room to torture some Gryffindors*

Narcissa: hung a portrait of a very fat woman

Sirius: Why is her weight her only defining feature?

James: Would you rather they find a reason to identify her by her horrible singing voice?

Sirius: Point taken. *shudders*

Narcissa: in a pink silk dress.

Nightwing: Ugh, pink... worst color ever.

Narcissa: "Password?" she said.

Peter: Chizpurfles!

Sirius, Remus, James, and Lily: PETER!

Severus and Bellatrix: *glance at each other and grin evilly*

Peter: ... oops.

Remus: It's okay, Wormtail, I overheard her telling that old witch Violet that she's going to change the password later today.

Peter: *sighs in relief* Good.

Narcissa: "Caput Draconis," said Percy,

James: Does that mean something in Latin?

Sirius: Probably. By the look of it, it's something to do with dead dragons.

Narcissa: and the portrait swung forward to reveal a round hole in the wall.

Lucius: Gryffindors have a hole in the wall? And you still claim you're not inferior!

Lily: Why, what do you have?

Lucius: The wall slides away to give us a proper doorway to walk through like civilized humans, rather than climb through like monkeys!

Bellatrix: It compliments their intelligence.

Sirius, Remus, James, and Peter: *glare*

Narcissa: They all scrambled through it--

Peter: There are those scrambled eggs again....

Narcissa: Neville needed a leg up--

Bellatrix: Idiot Longbottom.

Sirius: Peter still needs a leg up to get into the common room, don't you, shorty?

Peter: *turns bright red* Shut up.

Narcissa: and found themselves in the Gryffindor common room,

Sirius: Home sweet home! Much more welcoming than Grimmauld Place....

Narcissa: a cozy, round room full of squashy armchairs.

Nightwing: And in the movies they have based off this series, the Gryffindor common room looks exactly like the living room in my house. Just a bit of useless information for you guys.

Narcissa: Percy directed the girls through one door to their dormitory

Sirius: I always hated that staircase. It turns into a slide when you try to go up to have a little fun with a girl.

Remus: Oh, please. You've always gotten around it by having them come up to our dormitory. Please, dear God, have mercy on the three of us and Davey Gudgeon and close your curtains once in a while. A bit of soundproofing wouldn't go amiss, either.... *shudders*

Narcissa: and the boys through another.

Sirius: *sighs sadly*

Narcissa: At the top of a spiral staircase--

Peter: I always get dizzy trying to go up that staircase.

Narcissa: they were obviously in one of the towers--

Severus: Nearly Headless Nick already told them it was called Gryffindor Tower, didn't he? Good Lord, these children are idiots!

Narcissa: they found their beds at last:

Lily: Aww, he's so tired! Poor thing!

Narcissa: five four-posters hung with deep red, velvet curtains.

Lily: I've always wondered if the other three Houses have curtains to match their House colors. You know, blue for Ravenclaw, yellow for Hufflepuff, green for Slytherin...

Severus: Yes, yes, we know exactly what you're talking about. And I can't speak for Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff, but yes, Slytherin's curtains are green.

Bellatrix: And they're also made of silk instead of velvet because we're just better than you.

Narcissa: Their trunks had already been brought up.

Remus: Who gets the trunks, out of curiosity? Aren't they a bit heavy for the house-elves to handle?

James: Dumbledore lets the elves use their magic to get them up all the stairs, I asked last time I went to nick food.

Narcissa: Too tired to talk much,

Lily: Oh, go to bed, dear! You should never make yourself that tired!

Narcissa: they pulled on their pajamas and fell into bed.

Sirius: Fell? Isn't that a bit of a strong word? It makes it sound like going to bed when you're really exhausted hurts.

Narcissa: "Great food, isn't it?"

Peter: That's the understatement of the century! It's amazing, wonderful, marvelous, fabulous, spectacular, incredible, unbelievable--

Sirius: Okay, okay, we get it, Peter.

Peter: --phenomenal food.

Narcissa: Ron muttered to Harry through the hangings.

Remus: That makes it sound like they're sleeping in a gallows among a bunch of dead, rotting corpses.

James: You're scary, sometimes, Moony.

Narcissa: "Get off, Scabbers! He's chewing my sheets."

Peter: Oh, good, he's awake for once!

James: And annoying the hell out of Ron, who's actually trying to fall asleep.

Peter: Wow, they've switched roles!

Narcissa: Harry was going to ask Ron if he'd had any of the treacle tart,

James: And if he hasn't, he hasn't lived!

Narcissa: but he fell asleep almost at once.

Sirius: Did someone hit him in the face with a brick or something?

James: Or they spiked his pumpkin juice with the Draught of Living Death.

Sirius: Or maybe... just maybe... *drops his voice to a dramatic whisper* The muffins are behind it!

Remus: No. No, they are not.

Narcissa: Perhaps Harry had eaten a bit too much,

Lily: Oh, no! Is he ill?

Narcissa: because he had a very strange dream.

Lily: That's not an improvement!
Peter: I've never had nightmares from eating too much.

Bellatrix: Is it even physically possible for you to eat too much?

Narcissa: He was wearing Professor Quirrell's turban,

Sirius: But you're skinny, white, and English, too! I've never seen anyone whose not from the Middle East wear a turban.

Remus: Padfoot, you're reading way too far into this turban business. Besides, it's just a dream.

Narcissa: which kept talking to him,

James: ... okay, now we know this is a dream.

Narcissa: telling him he must transfer to Slytherin at once,

Lucius: All half-bloods and above should transfer to Slytherin! It's the only way to attain your full power!

Narcissa: because it was his destiny.

Bellatrix: Slytherin is the destiny of any proper wizard with enough power, certainly for the one strong enough to conquer the Dark Lord. When he returns, a Harry Potter trained by the exalted House of Salazar Slytherin could be a wonderful asset to our most noble of causes!

James: No Potter will ever be in Slytherin, let alone a Death Eater.

Lucius: And that foolish attitude is the reason you end up dead.

Narcissa: Harry told the turban he didn't want to be in Slytherin;

James: Good job, Harry! You tell that creepy possessed turban!

Narcissa: it got heavier and heavier;

Remus: Okay, that's... odd.... Your son has weirder dreams than I do, James.

Narcissa: he tried to pull it off but it tightened painfully--

Lily: My poor little Harry shouldn't be in pain, even if it is only a dream! He shouldn't even be having nightmares! *squeaks*

Narcissa: and there was Malfoy,

Lucius: *highly disturbed* Potter, why exactly is your son dreaming of mine?

James: I have no idea. Trust me, Malfoy, I'm as freaked out as you are.

Narcissa: laughing at him

Lucius: *sighs in relief* Good. His presence isn't positive in any way, and Draco is treating him just as he should, even in the dream.

Narcissa: as he struggled with it--

Remus: But if it's tightening the harder he tries to pull it off, wouldn't he stop struggling to avoid the pain?

Narcissa: then Malfoy turned into the hook-nosed teacher,

Sirius and James: *eyes twitch*

Severus: I have a name, for the love of Merin!

Narcissa: Snape,

Severus: Thank you.

Narcissa: whose laugh became high and cold--

Lily: *screams* Now he's dreaming of Voldemort! No!

Severus, Lucius, Narcissa, Bellatrix, and Peter: *flinch*

Narcissa: there was a burst of green light

Sirius, Remus, James, Peter, and Lily: *bow their heads*

Lily: *gives a dry sob*

Narcissa: and Harry woke, sweating and shaking.

Lily: Poor Harry!

Remus: He should have some chocolate. It'll help with the shaking.

Sirius: What is it with you and chocolate? You're like a girl with PMS.

Narcissa: He rolled over and fell asleep again,

Lily: Good, so it didn't frighten him too much. *beams*

Narcissa: and when he woke next day, he didn't remember the dream at all.

Lily: Excellent. Good job with dealing with your nightmares!

James: That was weird, though.

Narcissa: It certainly was. Still, that was the end of the chapter.

Remus: Wow, already? I'm proud of you, Nightwing, that only took you about a week!

Sirius: Yeah, how long did the chapter before this one take? Six months?

Nightwing: Yes, yes, shut up, I have horrible work ethic during the school year. It's only during summer when I can really buckle down and get this thing done!

Sirius: But the next movie parody is coming before Chapter Eight, right?

Nightwing: Yes it is, but they usually take me about a week. Prisoner of Azkaban should take even less time than that, because it was so bad I can make plenty of jokes about it right off the bat without even thinking. Anyway, back on topic, guess what, guys?

All except Nightwing: What?

Nightwing: Even without extra stuff at the end, we already have seventy five per cent! So, would you do me a favor and read the next chapter, Lily?

Lily: Sure, I will! *takes the book perfectly cheerfully*

Nightwing: Slytherins, please take note. This is how you take your duty as the Bearer of the Book.

Severus, Lucius, Narcissa, and Bellatrix: *glower at Nightwing*

Nightwing: ... right. Anyway, continue, Lily.

Lily: Chapter Eight, The Potions Master....

Sirius and James: Great. Just great.

Does the fact that this chapter only took me a week make up for the fact that the last one took me six months? ^.^;;;