James Potter/Lily Evans
Fred Weasley George Weasley James Potter Sirius Black
Humor Fanfiction Challenge
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 07/15/2004
Updated: 02/09/2006
Words: 4,941
Chapters: 5
Hits: 6,147

How to Prank the Weasley Twins in Ten Days


Story Summary:
A mysterious person takes James Potter and Sirius Black from the past and whisks them into the future. They agree to help this person prank Fred and George Weasley. The catch is that none of the students (including the Trio) know that James and Sirius are in the school! Hilarity ensues when people start seeing the "criminal" Sirius Black and Harry Potter in more than one place!

How to Prank the Weasley Twins in Ten Days Prologue

Chapter Summary:
I mysterious person takes James Potter and Sirius Black from the past and whisks them into the future. They agree to help this person prank Fred and George Weasley. The catch is that none of the students (including the Trio) know that James and Sirius are in the school! Hilarity ensues when people start seeing the "criminal" Sirius Black and Harry Potter in more than one place!
Author's Note:
There was a plot bunny I decided to tame that involved taking one of several titles given and attempt to write a story about it. I found this title and absolutely HAD to try it. Well... Here ya go!

How to Prank the Weasley Twins in Ten Days


James Potter and Sirius Black found themselves in the Room of Requirement and had no idea how they got there. "Prongs," Sirius said blankly. "How the heck did we get here?"

James shook his head and replied, "I have no idea."

Sirius nodded and told his friend, "The last thing I remember was hearing someone call our names, turning around, and then everything going dark and waking up here." James was about to agree when he saw someone walk out of the shadows.

"Hello," the mysterious person said cheerfully. The mysterious person incidentally, was a girl with blonde hair, blue eyes, and an overly innocent grin.

"I don't trust you," Sirius said immediately. "That smile looks just like the one I wear when trying to convince the teachers that I didn't do it when I did."

James nodded and asked, "Who are you?"

The girl grinned and replied, "My identity's not important, and even if it was, you'd forget who I was because I have too many identities and I don't keep count." The two boys looked at her confusedly, as the girl continued, "However, I have brought you twenty-some years into the future because I require your assistance. I-"

"Hold the phone, whatever that is, did you say we're twenty years into the future?" James interrupted.

The girl nodded and said, "Twenty-three to be exact. It might be twenty-two, I dunno... Well anyways, I'm doing a documentary for my creative writing class, entitled How to Prank the Weasley Twins in Ten Days and-"

This time Sirius interrupted saying, "Weasley? Did you say Weasley? As in Arthur Weasley?"

The girl was now getting frustrated. "Will you two stop interrupting me?!" she hissed. "And yes, the Weasley twins I am referring to are the sons of Arthur Weasley. Happy now?" The two boys nodded. "No more interruptions?" They nodded again. The girl, now satisfied, continued, "I need you to prank the twins in ten days, going over it step-by-step. The-" James opened his mouth, as if to say something, but when he saw the evil look the girl was shooting him, he thought better of it. "The reason I have chosen you two to prank the twins, is because the Weasley twins are excellent prankers. I don't believe anyone has been able to prank them. And I do mean anyone. They even were able to swipe the Marauder's Map from Filch after it was confiscated."

"IT GOT CONFISCATED?!" James and Sirius exclaimed.

The girl sighed and replied, "Calm down, you're in fifth year right?" The boys nodded and the girl continued, "It doesn't get confiscated 'til your seventh year, I think, and the important thing is that Filch never finds out how to work it, although the twins do. They're in their seventh year now, but in their fifth, they gave the Map to someone who I can't say, 'cause I'll be braking time travel laws."

James and Sirius exchanged a look that said, "Oooooook, this girl's a few candles short a full candelabra..."

The girl scowled and said, "I saw that. Well, now that the map situation is cleared up, do y'all know what to do?"

The boys shook their heads and Sirius replied, "You lost me when you mentioned the Map."

"Same here," James agreed.

The girl sighed exasperatedly and said, "Recap: I took you twenty-some years into the future-"

"We're twenty years into the future?!" James exclaimed.

The girl glared at him and continued, "-and I need you to prank Fred and George Weasley, twin sons of Arthur Weasley, within ten days, and show me step-by-step, 'cause I need it for a documentary I'm doing for my creative writing class. Got that?" The two boys nodded and started to leave the room, but the girl stopped them.

"What?" they asked in unison.

"One more thing, boys," she replied. "Try to keep out of sight. Especially you, Sirius. And James, if someone sees you and calls you Harry, just play along." The boys shrugged, nodded, and left the room. The girl grinned evilly and muttered under her breath, "Now let fun begin..."

Author notes: So, did ya like it? PLEASE SAY YES!!! And if the
submitter of the afore mentioned challenge is reading this (sorry, I forgot their name), IS THIS GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU?!?!?!?!?
MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! Oops, sorry, lost myself there for a second... Well anyways, please click the review button. I said, "please"! I WAS POLITE FOR A CHANGE!!!!!! YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW HARD THAT IS!!!!!!!