James Potter/Lily Evans
Fred Weasley George Weasley James Potter Sirius Black
Humor Fanfiction Challenge
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 07/15/2004
Updated: 02/09/2006
Words: 4,941
Chapters: 5
Hits: 6,147

How to Prank the Weasley Twins in Ten Days


Story Summary:
A mysterious person takes James Potter and Sirius Black from the past and whisks them into the future. They agree to help this person prank Fred and George Weasley. The catch is that none of the students (including the Trio) know that James and Sirius are in the school! Hilarity ensues when people start seeing the "criminal" Sirius Black and Harry Potter in more than one place!

I mysterious person takes James Potter and Sirius Black from the past and whisks them into the future. They agree to help this person prank Fred and George Weasley. The catch is that none of the students (including the Trio) know that James and Sirius are in the school! Hilarity ensues when people start seeing the "criminal" Sirius Black and Harry Potter in more than one place!

Words: 693
Hits: 1,793
Chapter 01

In this chapter people start to notice things. Is that the escaped convict Sirius Black? Hey Harry! (Who the heck is Harrry?) Will James and Sirius ever prank the unprankable Weasley Twins? And who IS that girl?

Words: 1,240
Hits: 1,253
Chapter 02

In this chapter James and Sirius start scheming on how to prank Fred and George, and the girl's intentions are slowly starting to be revealed.

Words: 653
Hits: 1,113
Chapter 03

The long awaited third chapter to HTPTWTITD. Harry and James have a little run in (ok, more like a smash in) and who IS that girl?

Words: 1,268
Hits: 1,036

After ages of not updating, I have finally returned with a vengeance!!! To put this chapter in a nutshell, Harry and Ron have a little chat with James and Sirius. And who IS that girl? Poor Neville... He's really gonna end up in serious need of therapy by the end of this fic.

Words: 1,087
Hits: 952