Lady Lance

What Salazar Slytherin was really like. A sequel to "The Truth about Gryffindor"

Words: 909
Chapters: 1
Hits: 2,005

The real story behind how Gyrffindor joined the other Founders to create Hogwarts.

Words: 633
Chapters: 1
Hits: 2,582

Harry's Immortal. Methos is Salazar Slytherin. Snape becomes a Watcher and Duncan is just plain confused. A Highlander crossover in which (amongst other things) Harry learns that Slytherin isn't as bad as he would seem.

Words: 50,708
Chapters: 8
Hits: 10,381
Pinhead Percy by Lady Lance

Percy's been turned into his Prefect badge. Oliver takes care of it, and begins to fall for Percy, or does he? Sometimes love doesn't survive all things.

Words: 2,337
Chapters: 1
Hits: 974
Moving Company by Lady Lance

When Harry becomes Slytherin, everything changes. Old relationships end, new bonds are formed, and Harry becomes one of many new Defense Professors.

Words: 34,842
Chapters: 10
Hits: 51,262