
Growing up, Harry Potter became a smartass. Now he's starting Hogwarts, with trusty sidekick Millicent Bulstrode, a question for everything, and a cheerfully sarcastic demeanor that makes everyone want to smack him. And apparently there's death lurking in the third floor corridor. That's gonna end well.

Words: 5,230
Chapters: 1
Hits: 387

DISCONTINUED, UP FOR ADOPTION. When Voldemort hires a famous chaos mage to keep the defenders of the Hellmouth at bay, no one really expected them to end up as eleven year olds with no memory of Sunnydale. So when the chaos mage decides that maybe letting the Dark Lord take over all existence could be bad for business, he winds up leading a legion of schoolchildren in a crusade against the Powers of Darkness (tm). A task that's hard enough without the legion consisting of unorthodox Slytherins and the Gryffindors who love to hate them. A Buffy/Angel crossover taking place in an AU sixth year and an AU Buffyverse season five.

Words: 7,603
Chapters: 2
Hits: 1,381