Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter Lucius Malfoy/Severus Snape
Draco Malfoy Albus Dumbledore Harry Potter
Humor Slash
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 10/19/2007
Updated: 10/15/2008
Words: 26,418
Chapters: 22
Hits: 11,944

The Hogwarts Poets' Society

Sara Myles

Story Summary:
Dumbledore forms a Poets' society and invites a strange array of people, but nobody knows why! And then he gets a twinkle in his eye that can only mean one thing: A Plan of Imminent Doom! Oh no! *slash*

Chapter 13 - Clean Cup, Part 2

Chapter Summary:
At that moment, Harry walked up to Draco Malfoy and kissed him on the mouth. Draco, of course, was rather pleased. Harry was rather confused. And as Harry leaned in and sat on Draco’s lap to further continue the kiss, Draco knew that he had, in fact, succeeded in seducing one Harry James Potter.
Author's Note:
I told you it'd be slash eventually! Next up comes intermission, then Clean Cup, Part 3...then clases...and so it goes on...

"Right, anyway, we still have to figure out what we're going to do," said Harry. "We have to make a decision consciously, or Bad Things might happen."

"Yeah, like Snape might actually wash his hair," Draco replied, sniggering.

"That would be tragic," said Harry sarcastically. There was a moment of pregnant silence before Harry shouted again, "CLEAN CUP!"

"Clean cup, clean cup, move down, move down, move down!" announced Draco. The boys switched places and resumed their thoughtful silence.

"We could secretly be friends," Harry suggested.

"Just friends?" Draco asked. He sounded a bit disappointed. Harry reminded himself that Draco liked to look at boys. This caused Harry to have a somewhat strained look, as though he were trying to learn trigonometry functions in thirty seconds. "Are you okay?" Draco asked uncertainly.

"Fine," stammered Harry. He took a deep breath to compose himself. "Well, I don't know. What should we do?"

"Well, like you said, we could secretly be friends," said Draco. "That would work. We could mysteriously sneak off to meet with each other. Eventually we would get caught."

"Yeah, that's true," Harry said. He took a bite of food.

"It was stupid of me to ask if we were going to be just friends," said Draco casually. "I mean, we all know that I could seduce you if I wanted to."

Harry sputtered, choking on his bit of food.

"You what!?" he shouted.

"I could seduce you if I wanted to," said Draco calmly before taking a sip of tea. "It wouldn't be that difficult. Not saying that I want to, of course. I'm just saying, I could have you wrapped around my finger in no time."

Harry continued to splutter incoherently.

"You really should stop doing that," Draco said. "It's not very flattering."

"You could not seduce me, even if you wanted to!" Harry finally managed to spit out. He was now an interesting shade of purplish maroon.

"Yes, I could," said Draco stubbornly.

"But-but-but-" Harry stuttered. "You don't even know if I'm gay!"

"You never said that you weren't gay, either," Draco pointed out. "Besides, Blaise didn't think he was gay, either. Actually, he wasn't, but that's not the point..."

"You did Blaise Zabini!?" Harry shouted, standing up.

"Oh, is it time for another clean cup?" Draco asked, avoiding the stupid question.

"No, it's not time for another clean cup!" Harry shouted. "We're arguing."

"I thought we had agreed to stop arguing," Draco said calmly. It's really quite comical, he thought. Harry Potter is all flustered because of me, and I'm not even trying to make him curse me so that he'll get expelled. Amazing!

"That was before you got the notion in your head that you could seduce me!" Harry shouted angrily.

"You're taking this rather personally," Draco commented.

"Personally? Personally? You tell me that you can seduce me and you think I'm taking this a little too personally? Who the hell are you to tell me how I'm taking this?" Harry shouted.

"Now you sound like a girl."

"I do not sound like a girl!"

"Do too!"

"Do not!"

"Do too!"

"Yeah? Well you sound like you're five!"

"Ooh, you're insults really hurt me, Harry. They hurt way down deep," Draco said, gesturing to his chest and putting on a mock-hurt face.

"Oh, shut up," Harry snapped.

"Make me," Draco suggested. Harry, feeling frustrated, whiny, and immature, stuck out his tongue. "Don't stick out your tongue if you don't know how to use it!"

"I know how to use my tongue!" Harry said, defending himself. Of course, he failed to mention that the only time he had ever really kissed someone they had been crying, and that relationship had been disastrous, to say the least. However, this was not the time for technicalities. Technically, he did not know how to use his tongue, because it wasn't exactly on the course list. It wasn't something that was taught to you, was it? No, you had to learn from trial and error, from experience, from practice. And practice was something that Harry only did on the Quidditch Pitch.

"Oh, yeah?" Draco taunted, because, thanks to Pansy's idiotic, meddling, gossipy habits, he knew every rumor that had ever been through the rumor mill of the school since his first year. Therefore, he knew that Potter didn't exactly have practice kissing (or anything else for that matter), and aside from natural ability, would not know how to use his tongue.

"Yeah!" Harry said back.

"Then prove it," Draco said dangerously. A flash a fear went through the startling green eyes of Harry Potter as he realized that Draco Darling Malfoy was going to call him on his bluff.

"Well, I-uh, you see, it's sort of like-I never said-can't here..." Harry stuttered. He did not want to prove to Draco Malfoy that he knew how to use his tongue. For one thing, assuming he didn't have an extraordinary talent for it, he did not know how to use his tongue in any exceptional way. In fact, his tongue up to this point in his life had only really been needed for talking and tasting.

"You can't," Draco said simply. "There, I was right, you were wrong, just admit it!"

"I won't!" said Harry stubbornly. It was reminiscent of 1-year-old Dudley, unfortunately.

"Oh, come on, Potter!" Draco said. "You know you were wrong, so just admit it and get this over with. I want to go back to my common room before anybody gets suspicious.

"I won't admit I was wrong!" Harry snapped.

"Then, I guess you'll have to kiss me," Draco said lightly, enjoying the internal anguish that Harry was facing. On one hand, if he kissed Draco he might not have to admit he was wrong. But, kissing Draco was wrong in its own way. It was Draco Darling Malfoy! He couldn't just waltz right up to him and kiss him!

At that moment, Harry walked up to Draco Malfoy and kissed him on the mouth. Draco, of course, was rather pleased. Harry was rather confused. And as Harry leaned in and sat on Draco's lap to further continue the kiss, Draco knew that he had, in fact, succeeded in seducing one Harry James Potter.