Humor General
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 01/12/2003
Updated: 03/08/2003
Words: 16,872
Chapters: 7
Hits: 3,835

My Lovely Family


Story Summary:
Ron and Hermione observe their six daughters' physical and mental features before they take them to Hogwarts Express. The beginning of series of families observing their children's character traits.

Chapter 01

Ron and Hermione observe their six daughters' physical and mental features before they take them to Hogwarts Express. The beginning of series of families observing their children's character traits.

Words: 3,495
Hits: 1,007
Chapter 02

The second in a series of everyone's peaceful lives after the fall of one of the darkest wizards. In this story, Harry and Ginny observe their two sons. And Harry shares his thoughts about being a stepfather.

Words: 2,392
Hits: 507
Chapter 03

In the third segment of this series, Draco and Pansy observe their three kids mentally and physically. Draco admits to his feelings while Pansy suppresses hers. The Lovely Malfoy Family and... house elves!

Words: 2,998
Hits: 483
Chapter 04

Angelina thinks about Fred while he's away in China and observes their one child and in a sense realizes how much Fred Jr. has grown up so much. Warning: Contains the death of a toad named Squirt.

Words: 2,087
Hits: 538
Chapter 05

The mysterious Broch is revealed.....who could Lucy Malfoy be dating???

Words: 2,173
Hits: 392
Chapter 06

Bill Weasley, the lonesome ranger of love, takes his youngest daughter Annan to Hogwarts. He thinks back on his colorful love life. And I do mean colorful!

Words: 1,434
Hits: 434
Chapter 07

Percy has changed over the years...for the better! He also learns that he'll never control his teenag daughter and never get over the fact that the baby does eventually grow up!

Words: 2,293
Hits: 474