Draco Malfoy Ginny Weasley
Romance Humor
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 08/26/2004
Updated: 05/11/2005
Words: 16,787
Chapters: 5
Hits: 2,484

All My Malfoys

Lanni Weasley

Story Summary:
Beware--it's Harry Potter, TV soap opera-style! Dashingly handsome Draco Malfoy and fiery Ginny Weasley are engaged to each other. But when Lucius doesn't agree, to what extremes will he go to separate them? Featuring ginormous complications with Cho Chang and pointless drama! Prepare yourself for sobbing!Harry with a dash of Caplocksbold!Harry, angry!Ron, Caplocks!Ron, laughing!Ron, nagging!Hermione, wailing!Narcissa Malfoy, strange!Voldemort, diabolical!Lucius Malfoy, and verypsychotic!Lucius Malfoy! Oh, yeah, you might want to watch out for those arguments between old Lucy-Poo and me. Will Draco and Ginny live happily ever after or will Lucius ruin it all?!

Chapter 01

Beware--it's Harry Potter, TV soap opera-style! Dashingly handsome Draco Malfoy and fiery Ginny Weasley are engaged to each other. But when Lucius doesn't agree, to what extremes will he go to separate them? Featuring ginormous complications with Cho Chang and pointless drama! Prepare yourself for sobbing!Harry with a dash of Caplocksbold!Harry, angry!Ron, Caplocks!Ron, laughing!Ron, nagging!Hermione, wailing!Narcissa Malfoy, strange!Voldemort, diabolical!Lucius Malfoy, and verypsychotic!Lucius Malfoy! Oh, yeah, you might want to watch out for those arguments between old Lucy-Poo and me. Will Draco and Ginny live happily ever after or will Lucius ruin it all?!

Words: 2,704
Hits: 1,118
Chapter 02

Beware-it's Harry Potter, TV soap opera-style! Dashingly handsome Draco Malfoy and fiery Ginny Weasley are engaged to each other. But when Lucius doesn't agree, to what extremes will he go to separate them? Featuring ginormous complications with Cho Chang and pointless drama! Prepare yourself for sobbing!Harry with a dash of Caplocksbold!Harry, angry!Ron, Caplocks!Ron, laughing!Ron, nagging!Hermione, wailing!Narcissa Malfoy, strange!Voldemort, diabolical!Lucius Malfoy, and verypsychotic!Lucius Malfoy! Oh, yeah, you might want to watch out for those arguments between old Lucy-Poo and me. Will Draco and Ginny live happily ever after or will Lucius ruin it all?!

Words: 3,157
Hits: 341
Chapter 03

Beware--it's Harry Potter, TV soap opera-style! Dashingly handsome Draco Malfoy and fiery Ginny Weasley are engaged to each other. But when Lucius doesn't agree, to what extremes will he go to separate them? Featuring ginormous complications with Cho Chang and pointless drama! Prepare yourself! Oh, yeah, you might want to watch out for those arguments between old Lucy-Poo and me. Will Draco and Ginny live happily ever after or will Lucius ruin it all?!

Words: 2,706
Hits: 278
Chapter 04

Beware--it's Harry Potter, TV soap opera-style! Dashingly handsome Draco Malfoy and fiery Ginny Weasley are engaged to each other. But when Lucius doesn't agree, to what extremes will he go to separate them? Featuring ginormous complications with Cho Chang and pointless drama! Prepare yourself! Oh, yeah, you might want to watch out for those arguments between old Lucy-Poo and me. Will Draco and Ginny live happily ever after or will Lucius ruin it all?!

Words: 3,166
Hits: 355
Chapter 05

Beware--it's Harry Potter, TV soap opera-style! Dashingly handsome Draco Malfoy and fiery Ginny Weasley are engaged to each other. But when Lucius doesn't agree, to what extremes will he go to separate them? Featuring ginormous complications with Cho Chang and pointless drama! Prepare yourself! Oh, yeah, you might want to watch out for those arguments between old Lucy-Poo and me. Will Draco and Ginny live happily ever after or will Lucius ruin it all?!

Words: 5,054
Hits: 392