Lionsnake Manor

Draconn Malfoy

Story Summary:
AU. The squickfic of all times! The Lupin-Potter-Snape-Malfoy-Black sixsome is living happily in their Lionsnake Manor (AKA Malfoy Manor). However, the future is having some new plans for them. SLASH MPREG (almost) INCEST RLSBHPSSLMDM

Chapter 10 - Recalling Evil

Chapter Summary:
When Remus has a nightmare, it makes Severus and Sirius both remember certain dark times in their shared past. Later, this makes Severus reach a decision -- one his husbands would not like if they knew.
Author's Note:
A WARNING: This chapter is rather dark. Well, you are probably used to that by now, but anyway...

Lionsnake Manor


Recalling Evil


It was late at night. The six men had all fallen asleep quite some time ago. However, they were all startled awake by a sudden shriek coming from one of them.

Harry, Sirius, Severus, Lucius, and Draco all sat up in their bed, blinking as they looked around themselves. They immediately realized that the scream had come from Remus, who was still asleep, tossing and turning in what seemed to be a nightmare instead of a peaceful dream. Draco, who was the one nearest to him, wrapped his arms around the werewolf. "Remus, wake up," he called softly. "Wake up, love. It's just a nightmare. Do you hear me? You're having a nightmare! Wake up!"

Suddenly Remus's eyes snapped open, wildly dancing around the dim bedroom. At last his brain registered where he was, and he sighed deep in relief, shuddering a bit. By now, all his husbands were crouching over him, very concerned. Remus rarely had nightmares, but when he did, those were bad.

"What was it about, love?" asked Harry quietly as the werewolf seemed to have calmed down enough to talk sensibly. "Was it again about the night you were bitten?"

Remus, however, shook his head. "No, it wasn't," he said, his voice almost inaudible. "It was... it was about Voldemort. How... how he raped me." Now, he closed his eyes, trembling. A couple of tears escaped the corners of his eyes, rolling down the pale cheeks.

His five husbands exchanged concerned looks. Then Sirius cooed, "Well, it's all in the past now, love. You don't have to worry about that. We won't let anybody hurt you ever again. Do you hear me? Not anybody, ever. You're safe now, love." After a moment, they all joined his reassuring words. Little by little, Remus's trembling and sobbing ceased, although he was still crying silently.

"It's all right, Remus, love," whispered Draco, tightening his embrace around the once lithe man. "We're all here for you now. Nobody will do anything bad to you."

"I -- I know that," whispered the werewolf. "But I can't help being afraid." At this, he wrapped an arm around his stomach. At three and a half months, he was already showing.

"You don't need to be afraid," Lucius said. "You will be fine and your baby will be fine." He pressed a light kiss on the pale man's forehead. "You will see, Remus. Everything will go just perfectly."

"I hope so." Remus gave them all a teary smile, then sighed. "I'd probably better try to sleep again," he muttered. "Staying awake is not good for the baby."

"And on that you're right," Lucius said. "Sleep now, love." Then, he gave a stern glance at Harry and Sirius as well. "You heard him," he said firmly. "You and your babies need rest."

The two pregnant men nodded sheepishly. Three months along with twins, both were showing as well, so they couldn't all snuggle up to Remus to comfort him. Instead, they all snuggled into the embrace of the one man nearest to them, Harry into Severus's arms and Sirius into Lucius's.

Minutes later, both Harry and Lucius were asleep. Sirius and Severus, however, remained awake. Both were dwelling in memories Remus's words had brought up.


"I don't understand where he can be," Remus sighed as he glanced around in the Forbidden Forest. "We should have found at least traces of him by now. I mean, he couldn't have just disappeared into thin air, now could he?" At this, he kicked a rather malicious-looking bush and stepped over it.

"Knowing him, yes, he could have," Sirius snorted. Then he turned serious and said, "You know, I'm really beginning to fear that Harry is right and Voldemort has him. That's the most logical option, isn't it?"

The werewolf sighed again. "Sadly, yes, it is," he said. "But still, we can't give up hope."

However, they were anything but hopeful at the moment. Nobody had heard a word of Severus in the last week. The last sight of him had been when somebody had seen him walking into the Forbidden Forest. He'd been going to collect some ingredients, but had never come back.

Sirius and Remus were both understandably worried. They'd only just recently found all their soulmates. They couldn't lose one of them now, not this soon!

It was still odd, to think of Severus as one of their soulmates. However, that was the truth.

When Lucius Malfoy had been captured in a fight against the Death Eaters, everybody had been delighted at the thought that they now had Voldemort's right-hand man in their hands. Their surprise had been great when they'd noticed that Malfoy had spoken truth for the whole time -- he'd really been under Imperiatus.

Shortly after that, Peter Pettigrew had been caught, and now, Sirius was a free man. Unfortunately, catching Pettigrew had revealed their spy, Severus Snape, to Voldemort. The Potions Master had no more been safe anywhere, and neither had been Malfoy, who was his lover and soulmate. So, they had both been confined to the Malfoy Manor, which was the only place besides Hogwarts with enough wards to keep Voldemort out. And Sirius and Remus had been ordered to be their safety guards.

Sirius and Remus had been in love for a long time, ever since they'd turned sixteen and recognized each other as soulmates. They had known there was still someone for them, as they hadn't felt complete, like would have happened if it was only they two. The soul was usually divided to two bodies, but sometimes it could be in three or even four people at same time. Therefore, Sirius had been surprised but not shocked when he had walked into their bedroom one night only to find Remus being fucked by Malfoy and both seemingly enjoying it rather much. The Animagus had simply gone to look for Snape and, once finding him, kissing him right on the mouth. He hadn't been disappointed as his kiss had been returned, and eventually, they had ended up in the now vacant master bedroom.

In the morning they had established that yes, they indeed liked it in all combinations. However, they had been startled to notice that they still didn't feel exactly complete, even though there were now four of them. Four soulmates was extremely rare. Five soulmates only happened a few times in a century.

Some time later, Sirius had been happy when Harry had announced in a letter his love towards Draco Malfoy -- they had just both turned sixteen, and one couldn't find their soulmate before that age. When Harry and Draco had come to a visit, Severus had just been doing his first experiments with the Dark Plague Antidote, and so Sirius had been the only one to welcome the boys to the Manor.

A quick peck on the forehead to welcome his godson -- that was all he had been going to do, honest. However, his body had had quite different plans, and the kiss had landed on Harry's lips instead. One thing led to another, and, well, when the three other occupants of the Manor had finally come to look for Sirius and their young guests, they had to their amusement and horror found them all in the same bed.

It had taken a lot to get used to it. Of course, Lucius and Draco had the hardest time with it. They both loved Sirius, Remus, Severus, and Harry, true, and had no problems with being together with any of them. However, the mere thought of being with each other was understandably repulsing to them both -- and without any contact, their bond wouldn't be complete. At last, however, just to make their other lovers happy, they had fought down their disgust and shared a kiss. At that moment, any remains of a parent-child bond had left their minds, and their former love had been replaced with a wholly new and different love. And, at that moment, the Ministry records had scratched away any mentions of them ever being related by blood. To the world in whole, they were just lovers, and that was all they had ever been.

The Malfoy Manor had become the Lionsnake Manor, for both Gryffindor and Slytherin house animals. Then, however, a new school year had begun, and they had all decided to move into Hogwarts to stay together, as Severus had been adamant on continuing teaching.

Now, however, Severus was missing. And despite their desperate searching, his soulmates couldn't find him anywhere.

Suddenly, however, Remus grasped Sirius's hand, startling him from his thoughts. "Look!" he hissed, pointing at something between the trees. "It's him! It's Severus!"

And Sirius looked. Truly, in the middle of a small clearing, they saw a dark form that they still recognized. It was Severus. Not even stopping to think twice, they both rushed forward to reach their loved one.

However, at the same moment as they simultaneously reached out a hand to touch Severus, they both felt a tug behind their navel. Mere moments later, they and Severus all landed in the middle of an unfamiliar stone corridor. "Expelliarmus," somebody hissed, disarming them.

To their great horror Remus and Sirius found themselves surrounded by three Death Eaters. They were both wandless and thus helpless against their enemies, who all had their wands drawn and pointed at them.

"Ah, two birds with one stone," said one Death Eater. "Let's get you to the cell, then."

"Oh, no," another said. "Don't you remember what our Lord said? About the 'special welcome' in case the werewolf arrives. And, well, here he is." He nodded towards Remus.

"Oh, yes," the first Death Eater said, sounding amused. "I almost forgot." He then grasped on Remus's arm. "Come on, you beast," he snarled. "Our Lord wants to see you. Feel honoured."

"Don't take him!" shrieked Sirius, knowing already that it would do no good, as he watched his lover being dragged away. "Bring him back! Where are you taking him to? What's going to happen to him?"

"Well, our Lord decided that the werewolf is the prettiest of you bastards," one of the remaining two Death Eaters said with an evil chuckle. "So, he told that if the werewolf arrived here as one of our guests, the beast would have to be brought to him. And as for what's going to happen... Well, he just wants some, shall we say, amusement from your little pet. You'll get him back, don't worry -- although not necessarily in one piece." And then, he pointed his wand at Sirius. "Stupefy."


When Sirius woke up, he was in a dark cell. In the dim light he could only make out the form of another human being next to him. "...Severus?" he asked, already knowing who it was.

The other man startled and whimpered. When Sirius reached out a hand to touch him, he flinched and tried to get away. "No... No..." he muttered, obviously not in his right mind.

"Severus?" Sirius asked again. "What has the bastard done to you, Severus?"

"Nothing! Nothing! Go away!" yelled the Slytherin. Then, he curled up in a ball, muttering quietly, "My fault... My fault... All my fault..." That was all Sirius could get out of him.

After some time, the door of their small cell was pushed open. Then, a dark form was tossed to the dim room. The door was shut immediately, but those imprisoned were only thankful of that, since that way the light from the corridor didn't hurt their eyes. However, Sirius was now more worried about Remus.

Since it truly was Remus. His robes had been torn into shreds and he was bloodied and shivering. When Sirius reached out a hand to touch him, he flinched, but then relaxes. "...Sirius?" he asked quietly.

"I'm here, love, I'm here," whispered the Animagus. "I won't let anybody hurt you. Everything is all right. I am here, and Severus is here, and we'll all be fine, believe me."

"Oh, Sirius..." And then, Remus started to cry, rocking forth and back as if to comfort himself. Sirius could only wrap his arms around him, trying in vain to comfort him, to chase away the remaining fears of what obviously had happened to him in the Dark Lord's hands.

And all the time, Severus just sat there, muttering, "My fault... It's my fault..."


Severus looked down at the bottle in his hand. Remus's nightmare last night had made him think about things yet again. He had realized that he didn't deserve anything good to happen to him, he only deserved to be hurt. However, if he harmed himself, he would in fact harm Draco.

This would not be harming himself directly, however. Draco would not be hurt if he did this. Nobody would be hurt, at least nobody who didn't deserve to be hurt. Severus himself, of course, was another thing entirely. He deserved anything that might come to him, and more.

So, quite calmly, considering the situation, he downed the bottle of the counter-potion to the Dark Plague antidote. Putting the empty bottle back to the counter, he sighed happily.

He would get exactly what he deserved.


Next chapter: Falling Deeper

Weasleys at the Lionsnake Manor!