Art Thou Jealous

Carmen Black

Story Summary:
It’s 1977, and Hogwarts is putting on Hamlet. Cue rehearsals, romance, pranks, and maybe (with some luck) a successful production. (Version with images and fan art is being uploaded simultaneously on

Chapter 01

It’s 1977, and Hogwarts is putting on Hamlet. Cue rehearsals, romance, pranks, and maybe (with some luck) a successful production. (Version with images and fan art is being uploaded simultaneously on

Words: 948
Hits: 54

It’s 1977, and Hogwarts is putting on Hamlet. Cue rehearsals, romance, pranks, and maybe (with some luck) a successful production. (Version with images and fan art is being uploaded simultaneously on

Words: 2,163
Hits: 65

It’s 1977, and Hogwarts is putting on Hamlet. Cue rehearsals, romance, pranks, and maybe (with some luck) a successful production. (Version with images and fan art is being uploaded simultaneously on

Words: 1,968
Hits: 0