Once More with Phoenix


Story Summary:
What if Harry's difficulty with Occlumency stemmed from the fact that Voldemort had put a spell on all of Great Britain, forcing everyone to sing about his or her feelings, rather than being able to keep them a secret? [Parody of "Once More with Feeling" AKA Buffy the Musical; slightly but not completely AU version of OotP.]

Chapter 04

Chapter Summary:
What if Harry's difficulty with Occlumency stemmed from the fact that Voldemort had put a spell on all of Great Britain, forcing everyone to sing about his or her feelings, rather than being able to keep them a secret? [Parody of "Once More with Feeling" AKA Buffy the Musical; slightly but not completely AU version of OotP.] Harry/Cho, Umbridge/Torture, unrequited Marietta/Cho, pseudo Ron/Hermione, Sirius/Death and hinted Harry/Ginny. Warning: Singing and dancing from the Trio and other members of the DA, house elves, Umbridge, Snape, Dumbledore, Voldemort, etc. Some death by spontaneous combustion.
Author's Note:
Thank you for the beta-reading, Lauren! And many, many thanks to my daughter Rachel for suggesting that we do this, collaborating on the lyrics and for singing along! (For those of you reviewing, there is a ten-year-old girl who is quite tickled that something she helped to write has received such a positive response.) Thank you also to all of the reviewers! Hope you like this--we had a great deal of fun working on it.

Once More with Phoenix

Scene 4

I'll Never Tell

Ron and Hermione are in the library, the sun shining in through the large windows; Ron has fallen asleep on an enormous open book and is snoring loudly, with a bit of drool about to fall onto the page he's using for a pillow. Hermione gives him a look of disgust and slams the book she is reading very loudly, clearly disappointed when it fails to wake him.

(glaring at Ron and speaking
in a sarcastic sing-song)

Oh, of COURSE I'll help you, Hermione. We'll put our minds to it and find the answer in no time... Hmph! Only if the answer is engraved on the inside of your EYELIDS. No time. It's been months and we're STILL singing and dancing through every day...

She sighs and looks at him a little more sympathetically, no longer sounding snide.

HERMIONE, cont'd.

You only wanted to come so that you could be with me. Which wouldn't be so bad if you'd only ADMIT it, finally. But no. You pretend you want to do research and then fall asleep because you find nothing more boring... I'm boring, and that's probably why you haven't said anything... One of the reasons, anyway...

She rises and begins to sing, pointing to Ron.

HERMIONE, cont'd.

Here is the boy I enjoy having rows with--
Don't tell him, now!
But will we fill all our lives with such conflict
If we take vows?
I don't know what to do--
He doesn't seem to want to woo.
If only I knew--
No. He'll never tell.

Hermione sighs, looking at him, then walks off into the stacks as the music continues. Ron tentatively opens one eye, then both when he sees that she's gone from the general area. He begins to sing:


She is the girl that I hurled all those slugs for
In second year.
But will we ever be tethered together--
Am I so dear?
And should I let her know--?
The elves don't want clothes but she goes
On SPEWing hats they--
No. I shouldn't tell.

Ron looks sympathetically at her as she comes around the corner of the stacks and smiles tentatively at him.

RON, cont'd

'Cause there's nothing to tell...

(singing as she moves books from
one stack to another on the table)

He's mad.

(standing and pointing at her over
his shoulder with his thumb)

She's madder.


Say "homework" and he natters.

(picking up some knitting
sticking out of her bag)

She knits these woolly bladders that I can't describe.

(singing to his back, frowning, waving
a Quidditch magazine at him)

Sports do not MATTER--

(his fingers in his ears)

She chats and then she chatters--

(throwing up her hands)

He thinks that robes in tatters somehow ruin lives...

They sing standing each on one side of a large bookcase, blocking their view of each other.


The vibe gets kind of scary...


Like it could be temporary--


Like I should be very wary--


Like she thinks that I'm no Harry--


But it's all very well,
'Cause God knows I'll never tell.

They walk back to the table again and can see each other.

(thumping his chest "manfully")

When I'm a man an'
Can be a Chudley Cannon--

(rolling her eyes)

You KNOW that's only fanon!

(frowning, turning his back to
her with crossed arms)

I can fantasise!


You're poor--I don't mind--I only wish that you'd find--

(interrupting, speaking)

Her hair's a nightmare!


This is MY verse, hello!

Jazzy music interrupts her and Ron starts dancing with a chair.


Look at me! I'm dancing crazy!

The same music continues and Hermione starts dancing parallel to him, then they sort of dance together, but with their hands just stopping short of making contact. Ron leaps up onto a library table to continue his dance and Hermione follows; they continue to dance parallel to each other, not touching until the original music resumes, when they each tentatively reach out a hand. Holding hands, but at arms' length, they continue singing.


You know--

You're quite the charmer.

(overlapping slightly)

--my knight in armour.


If you're Venus then I'm Mars--


I could just fall into your arms--

(pulling away nervously)

But we've got studying for Charms--

(trying to look like she was kidding)

That's what I meant!

They both begin dancing a sort of Charleston again, but the music changes to sweet violins and they both drift a little toward each other as though they might waltz together, then think better of it. Instead they climb off the table and amble toward their chairs again, singing without touching. They continue singing facing away from each other.


He's brill.


She's briller.


Then why's he make me shriller?


Sometimes I want to kill her--but then anything but--


We could risk ending a friendship just by spending
Ten minutes as a couple--so let's keep our mouths shut!

(facing each other)

I lied--I said I want it.
I've tried, but there's these fears I can't quell...

(turning his back to her again)

Is she looking for a pot of gold?

(also turning her back, but peering
at him over her shoulder)

Will he run and hide if I'm too bold?


Will our life become too stressful if I'm never that successful?


Will I have to take up Quidditch so he doesn't meet some new witch?


Does she like me?


Does he hate me?


Should I go all hard and Snape-ly?


We could make our sixth and seventh years a big living hell!
So thank God I'll never tell.
I swear that I'll never tell.


My lips are sealed.

(holding up her hand as though
taking an oath)

I take the fifth.

(making shooing motions with his hands)

Nothing to see, move it along.


I'll never--tell.

They collapse into chairs, laughing nervously, avoiding each other's eyes. Madam Pince dashes over to them, speaking crossly rather than singing.


That's it! I've had it! Singing in the stacks, dancing on the tables... I won't have it! I won't. Out, out, OUT!

They hastily gather up their belongings and rush toward the door while she looks like she wants to hex them. She turns around and practically trips over Professor Flitwick, who is looking up at her as though enthralled.


Oh, hello, Irma, uh, fancy meeting you here...


And just where else would you find me?

The opening bars of "Marian, Librarian," from The Music Man, begin to play as Professor Flitwick goes to his knees in front of her and flings his arms wide, then opens his mouth, preparing to sing...

NEXT: It isn't Right, it isn't Fair

Author notes: Please be a considerate reader and review.

My other fics may be found on:

The Dark Arts
Astronomy Tower

More information on my HP fanfiction and essays can also be found HERE.