Once More with Phoenix


Story Summary:
What if Harry's difficulty with Occlumency stemmed from the fact that Voldemort had put a spell on all of Great Britain, forcing everyone to sing about his or her feelings, rather than being able to keep them a secret? [Parody of "Once More with Feeling" AKA Buffy the Musical; slightly but not completely AU version of OotP.]

Chapter 03

Chapter Summary:
What if Harry's difficulty with Occlumency stemmed from the fact that Voldemort had put a spell on all of Great Britain, forcing everyone to sing about his or her feelings, rather than being able to keep them a secret? [Parody of "Once More with Feeling" AKA Buffy the Musical; slightly but not completely AU version of OotP.] Harry/Cho, Umbridge/Torture, unrequited Marietta/Cho, pseudo Ron/Hermione, Sirius/Death and hinted Harry/Ginny. Warning: Singing and dancing from the Trio and other members of the DA, house elves, Umbridge, Snape, Dumbledore, Voldemort, etc. Some death by spontaneous combustion.
Author's Note:
I'm glad everyone's having fun with this! My daughter and I have also had fun singing along to make sure everything fits and picturing everyone at Hogwarts singing and dancing. This is the first chapter with the unrequited Marietta/Cho. Enjoy!

Once More with Phoenix

Scene 3

Under your Spell

Ginny walks into the Room of Requirement; the others are sitting on the cushions again, poring over books (except for Luna, who is again reading the Quibbler). Ginny has a bounce in her step and is grinning.


Sorry I’m so late; I slept in because I had Astronomy last night. You will never believe what happened during the lesson...

(as though unconcerned)

Everybody started singing and dancing?

(looking a bit deflated, then making a petulant face and speaking sarcastically)

I gave birth to a Hungarian Horntail.

(looking up from the Quibbler)

Oh my stars! Did it sing?

Ron rolls his eyes and looks helplessly at Harry. Marietta bites her lip and looks hopefully at Cho, who is reading again, oblivious to the way Marietta is looking at her. Harry is also looking at Cho, then shyly glancing away when she raises her eyes to his.


You lot did it too, then? The singing and dancing?


So, what did you sing about? The Big Dip?

He looks meaningfully at Luna, who doesn’t notice.


It’s The Big Dipper. But yes, we sang about constellations.

Ginny sighs and sits wearily. Cho meets Marietta’s eyes and frowns, confused by the sad way her friend is looking at her. Marietta looks away hastily, pretending--unsuccessfully--that she knows what the others are talking about.


That’s right! I, erm, have a book in my dormitory that probably, erm...

(frowning at her)

What book?

(blushing and stuttering)

Y-you know. The [mumbles] C-compendium...


The what?

(standing nervously)

I seem to remember reading something about this...I have to go back to the dorm to find it...

Ginny frowns, seeing a flute sticking out from underneath one of the cushions; she picks it up, examining it while the others focus on Marietta; checking to see whether any of them are watching, she slips it into her robe pocket.

(sighing deeply and rolling her eyes)

Well, I’m a hairsbreadth away from investigating Snorkacks at the moment, so I’m open to anything.


Brilliant! I’m sure we’ll find it in no--


No! I, erm, need to find it by myself. Less, erm, suspicious.


Who would be suspicious about our looking for a book?


Y-you never know. I’ll get it by myself!

Marietta practically runs from the room. Cut to the corridor outside the Room of Requirement. Marietta leans against the stone wall, looking relieved, then shakes her head as though to clear it. She walks along, speaking softly to herself, upset.


It’s happening all over again. I want to be with you, but I can’t bear to watch. HE doesn’t appreciate you. Neither did Cedric. I’m GLAD he’s dead. There. I said it. I just wish you’d let go....

She stops and looks in a mirror, but after a moment the reflection of Marietta changes to an image of Cho being picked up by Cedric for the Yule Ball. Marietta is bidding them farewell at the exit to the Ravenclaw common room, still wearing her school robes, looking wistful. As Marietta tentatively touches the images in the mirror she sings...

MARIETTA, cont’d

I lived life in your shadow.
You were the belle of the Ball.
It didn’t make me sad, though.
We were all deep in your thrall.
To be close to you,
There’s nothing I wouldn’t do.

The images in the mirror change to Cho and Marietta walking together by the lake, laughing.

MARIETTA, cont’d

I’m under your spell.
Wish it and you’ll find
That it is now my command.

The images change again; Cedric and numerous other boys are around Cho, Marietta in the background as Cho smiles and talks to the boys.

MARIETTA, cont’d

It’s magic, I can tell.
Those boys are so blind,
Claiming you like newfound land...

The images change to Cho and Marietta in a Charms lesson, casting spells at wooden chairs and tables, making them sprout branches that grow blossoms and leaves; the girls are laughing and smiling while Flitwick beams at them and some of the castle ghosts look on, applauding their work.

MARIETTA, cont’d

Ours is a world enchanted,
Spirits and charms in the air.
We always took for granted,
Having lives without a care.

Now the images show Cho crying at the Leaving Feast after Cedric died, Marietta at her side, trying to comfort her unsuccessfully.

MARIETTA, cont’d

But he dimmed your light;
Now you’re in permanent night...

She starts to dance before the mirror in a languid, mournful ballet, and is joined by the Fat Friar and the Grey Lady, mimicking her movements while floating at her side.

MARIETTA, cont’d

You’re under his spell.
Nothing I can say;
He just took took your soul away.
He worked his charm too well.
Please dear, live again!
There is more to life than men...
He’s made you grieve.

Marietta collapses to the floor, looking miserable, and the ghosts drift off as unseen backup singers continue singing. She sees Cho’s face in the mirror again and sings with tears running down her face.

MARIETTA, cont’d

The moon to the tide...
I’ll always be at your side.
I’m under your spell;
Surging like the sea,
Pulled to you so helplessly.

Cut to their dormitory, where Marietta is straightening Cho’s blue-draped bed and then picking up a photo of Cho from Marietta’s trunk, singing to the photo as she twirls around the room.

MARIETTA, cont’d.

I know your mind so well.
Harry doesn’t see
Why your only need is me...
I’ll make you complete!
I’ll make you complete....
I’ll make you complete....

Cut back to the Room of Requirement. Harry and Neville are dueling and Parvati is watching them. The others are sitting on the cushions, reading.

(whispering to Hermione and Ginny)

Did you see the way Marietta couldn’t wait to get out of here?


What are you implying, Ron? That she’s not trustworthy?


I’ll bet she’s off right now--

He looks up, meets Cho’s eyes, and realizes that she can hear him.

RON, cont’d.
(a choke in his voice)

--singing. I’ll bet she’s off right now singing while she looks for that book.


I’m sure Marietta understands how important this is...


Oh, YEAH...




She understands. And even if she is singing--so what? I think it’s all sort of romantic...

(emphatically, speaking in unison)

No, it’s not.


Come on! Songs, dancing around... What could possibly be wrong with that?

Cut to a park at night; a middle-aged Muggle man holding carrier bags from a shop tapdances very fast while a ring of Death Eaters in masks and hoods watches. He dances faster and faster, smoke rising from his body until he goes up in flames, screaming in agony. He abruptly falls over, a charred shell, empty of life. The tallest Death Eater takes down his hood, revealing long blond hair. He removes his mask: it is Lucius Malfoy. He looks down at the dead Muggle, smirking.


Now THAT’S entertainment.

Author notes: Thanks to Lauren, Susan and June for the beta-reading and Britpicking. Thanks also to the readers who reviewed Scenes 1 and/or 2:

Liz Fiorentino, alyson b. costa, Keith Fraser, fruityness_rocksss, Helene (all on the PS group); cowellecs, inthesewalls, dreamcoat_mom, jiggery_pokery, isiyanka (all on LJ); topazladynj, flawed, Viola Vixen, Dreamcatcher, Martyr (I hope you forgive me for beating you to it!), Severiona Black, maewen, eleclya111, potterfan3242, Syhala, monkeymouse, cosmic_llin, damnyouigorDAMNYOU, saraikristi, Hedwigfan02, 2432gfdhdfh, Sabina, Elya, GinnyWolf, Amina, and sprite (on FA). Keep checking every week for updates as the countdown to HBP continues!

My other fics may be found on:

The Dark Arts
Astronomy Tower