The Properties of Voyeurism by Aja
05/14/2005Sixth year. Baseball, boys, and bewilderment. Sequel to The Properties of Being Lost.
Every time or for the first time, this is how it happens. An exercise in meta and moonlight.
The Sparrow Prince by Aja
05/12/2005Once upon a time, in a far-off kingdom, there lived a boy named Draco, who was the fairest in all the land. And then, as usually happens in fairy tales, up became down and sand became spray, and Draco set off on a strange and wondrous journey to find the boy with eyes as green as holly, as bright as the sea beneath the sun...
The Properties of Being Lost by Aja
05/12/2005Once upon a time, in a far-off kingdom, there lived a boy named Draco, who was the fairest in all the land. And then, as usually happens in fairy tales, up became down and sand became spray, and Draco set off on a strange and wondrous journey to find the boy with eyes as green as holly, as bright as the sea beneath the sun...
Love Under Will by Aja
06/11/2004In their 5th year, Harry and Draco choose to be with one another; but the story--and the battle-- is just beginning...
a perfect little death by Aja
01/21/2004I was five and he was six / We rode on horses made of sticks / He wore black and I wore white / He would always win the fight.
Famous Last Words by Aja
05/08/2003Letters that you never meant to send. The only thing vaguer than the present, past, and future, is the backstory.
Written for Jen on her birthday, with a certain cute little boy in mind. Harry/Draco, future-fic. Pure fluff.
You'd think breaking up would end the mind games. Then again, this is H/D. A short straight ficlet with the right ending.
Pillow Talk by Aja
05/06/2003Draco has trouble getting out of bed. For Alex, on his birthday--A tribute to H/D, fluff, and Brighton.
Still: A Malfoy, P.I. Ficlet by Aja
02/07/2003A standalone insert to Chapter 7 of Nancy's Malfoy, P.I.. From Harry's POV, before Draco drops by. Noir.
In which the ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Future witness Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter forming a remarkable relationship--and Draco learns that the best gifts are never the ones you ask for.
In which Draco attempts to make up for Hogwarts' appalling lack of musical studies by teaching Harry what Ravel was really about, proving in the process that teenage boys are incapable of thinking about anything but sex.
Harry & Draco *Do* the Laundry by Aja
12/01/2002Harry is rather in love with the way Draco smells. Draco is rather in love with Harry. Short and uber-fluffy.
Strip/TEASE! by Aja
12/01/2002When Draco Malfoy decides to put on a show, boy, does he have a lot to show. And when he puts on a show for Harry Potter, everyone gets to enjoy the act...
Every Second by Aja
12/01/2002'Of all my demon spirits, I need you the most--I'm in love with your ghost.' Written on the anniversary of 9-11.
When Draco takes a risk, Harry's reaction leads to a school full of gossip. Now Harry must convince Draco--and himself--of the truth. Dialogue only.
Just what it says. Harry and Draco bask in the afterglow, and have a moment of Great and T00by Love. If this were any fluffier, it'd be cotton candy.
DV8: Pillow Slash by Aja
11/30/2002An alternate slashed version of the famous pillow fight in Chapter 8 of Draco Veritas. This scene was just *asking* to be slashed. Now it is.
Monsoon Season by Aja
10/07/2002A response to a fic Challenge on The Armchair. The rain is incessant. As Harry's patience with the weather runs out, so does his acceptance of his friendship with Draco Malfoy. Harry/Draco, Draco/Hermione, subtext, tension, frazzled nerves, and water, water, everywhere.
Kissing Harry Potter by Aja
08/15/2002Draco is That Way and Harry is Crazy; The Hufflepuffs have Steak-knives and Morag Is A Boy. Find out why everyone wants to be Kissing Harry Potter.
Dark/FluffyLurve!Harry meets Evil/FluffyLurve!Draco. A Power play ensues. Harry learns about light, shadow, and love.
Who Loves the Rain by Aja
08/13/2002An encounter in the rain proves interesting. Harry, Draco, and a thunderstorm. Perfect weather for muddying the lines between rivals and friends--and muddying the divisions of the heart.
Restricted Section by Aja
08/12/2002See Draco. See Draco read. See Harry see Draco read. See Harry distract Draco. Features Harry/Draco, Jane Austen, gay self-help, and a random Hufflepuff.
Blue Jeans! Harry by Aja
05/20/2002If you've ever wanted to see Harry turn on the seduction without a lot of angst, this is the fic for you. Armed only with a pair of Levis and a Quidditch tank, Sexy! Harry gets his own back for all those Draco-in-leather fics. Tres Slashy.