Slash Drama
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 01/15/2002
Updated: 06/11/2004
Words: 116,388
Chapters: 15
Hits: 191,616

Love Under Will


Story Summary:
In their 5th year, Harry and Draco choose to be with one another; but the story--and the battle-- is just beginning...

Chapter 01

In their 5th year, Harry and Draco choose to be with one another; but the story--and the battle-- is just beginning...

Words: 4,706
Hits: 49,005
Chapter 02

In their 5th year, Harry and Draco choose to be with one another; but the story--and the battle-- is just beginning...

Words: 1,983
Hits: 10,044
Chapter 03

In their 5th year, Harry and Draco choose to be with one another; but the story--and the battle-- is just beginning...

Words: 4,158
Hits: 9,021
Chapter 04

In their 5th year, Harry and Draco choose to be with one another; but the story--and the battle-- is just beginning...

Words: 2,977
Hits: 8,926
Chapter 05

In their 5th year, Harry and Draco choose to be with one another; but the story--and the battle-- is just beginning...

Words: 3,791
Hits: 9,584
Chapter 06

In their 5th year, Harry and Draco choose to be with one another; but the story--and the battle-- is just beginning...

Words: 5,878
Hits: 9,415
Chapter 07

In their 5th year, Harry and Draco choose to be with one another; but the story--and the battle-- is just beginning...

Words: 4,896
Hits: 11,319
Chapter 08

In their 5th year, Harry and Draco choose to be with one another; but the story--and the battle-- is just beginning...

Words: 5,286
Hits: 10,208
Chapter 10

In their 5th year, Harry and Draco choose to be with one another; but the story--and the battle-- is just beginning...

Words: 12,661
Hits: 13,946
Chapter 11

In their 5th year, Harry and Draco begin a relationship that will force them to question themselves, their choices, and their hearts. Will love endure?

Words: 6,826
Hits: 9,859
Chapter 12

In their 5th year, Harry and Draco choose to be with one another; but the story--and the battle-- is just beginning...

Words: 18,372
Hits: 9,773
Love Under Will 13

In this chapter: Epistolary goodness. Draco writes to Harry, Harry writes to Draco. Ginny writes to Harry, Harry writes to Hermione. Tensions run high, everybody thinks too much--and four letters are the most important of all.

Words: 11,298
Hits: 8,580
Love Under Will 14

In this chapter of LUW: Owls, fights, light reading, silent portraits, and revelations everywhere. Draco's day of reckoning is at hand. A really long spindly ugly hand.

Words: 12,507
Hits: 7,039
Chapter 15

"This time, this fate, takes the path you didn't choose." Draco's New Year's Eve comes with a most unexpected resolution. The conclusion to Part One of Love Under Will.

Words: 5,057
Hits: 11,582
Chapter 16

Draco has returned to Hogwarts, sporting the shiny new Imperius curse he got over the holidays. Harry angsts (as usual), Hermione is wary (as usual), and the Slytherins are busy being, well, Slytherin. Ron is seeing things--but what does it have to do with Harry? And does it mean that Draco is in (more) danger?

Words: 15,992
Hits: 13,232