Flour Babies


Story Summary:
Hogwarts begins a new Muggle studies program. This does not bode well for our sixth-year Gryffindor friends. AU, set in sixth year. Featuring lots of R/Hr, with lovely sprinkles of N/L, H/G, S/Lav, and more. Seven chapters, now *complete*! :)

Hogwarts begins a new Muggle studies program. This does not bode well for our sixth-year Gryffindor friends. AU, set in sixth year. Featuring lots of R/Hr, with lovely sprinkles of N/L, H/G, S/Lav, and more. Seven chapters, now *complete*! :)

Words: 2,003
Hits: 1,017

Hogwarts begins a new Muggle studies program. This does not bode well for our sixth-year Gryffindor friends. AU, set in sixth year. Featuring lots of R/Hr, with lovely sprinkles of N/L, H/G, S/Lav, and more. Seven chapters, now *complete*! :)

Words: 1,898
Hits: 883

Hogwarts begins a new Muggle studies program. This does not bode well for our sixth-year Gryffindor friends. AU, set in sixth year. Featuring lots of R/Hr, with lovely sprinkles of N/L, H/G, S/Lav, and more. Seven chapters, now *complete*! :)

Words: 2,032
Hits: 870

Hogwarts begins a new Muggle studies program. This does not bode well for our sixth-year Gryffindor friends. AU, set in sixth year. Featuring lots of R/Hr, with lovely sprinkles of N/L, H/G, S/Lav, and more. Seven chapters, now *complete*! :)

Words: 2,364
Hits: 850

Hogwarts begins a new Muggle studies program. This does not bode well for our sixth-year Gryffindor friends. AU, set in sixth year. Featuring lots of R/Hr, with lovely sprinkles of N/L, H/G, S/Lav, and more. Seven chapters, now *complete*! :)

Words: 1,929
Hits: 810

Hogwarts begins a new Muggle studies program. This does not bode well for our sixth-year Gryffindor friends. AU, set in sixth year. Featuring lots of R/Hr, with lovely sprinkles of N/L, H/G, S/Lav, and more. Seven chapters, now *complete*! :)

Words: 2,282
Hits: 708

Hogwarts begins a new Muggle studies program. This does not bode well for our sixth-year Gryffindor friends. AU, set in sixth year. Featuring lots of R/Hr, with lovely sprinkles of N/L, H/G, S/Lav, and more. Seven chapters, now *complete*! :)

Words: 2,006
Hits: 736