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Stories with missing chapters.
Schism by Alchemine

When Salazar Slytherin deserted Hogwarts, he left behind a secret that would lie hidden for a thousand years -- and began a rivalry between Houses that would last even longer. Contains implied slash.

Words: 10,651
Chapters: 3
Hits: 1,296

One Harry Potter has grown up in more ways than one, and the fleeing Severus Snape, who was never cowed even by Voldemort, finds himself in that dull grey horror when he is captured. Warnings: Semi-pre-slash. SSHP, though not exactly. Moderate to high swearing and violence.

Words: 3,091
Chapters: 2
Hits: 763

Several years after the Trio left Hogwarts, they find themselves back, to defend her as Harry searches for an ancient self-defense system, left behind by the Founders.

Words: 2,362
Chapters: 1
Hits: 688
The Fall by Update

I was falling. The first time I saw him, I was falling. Before I knew it, I was falling.

Words: 589
Chapters: 1
Hits: 230
Snakes and Daggers by Yarmez

It is the tenth century - The story opens with the return of Salazar Slytherin from Italy, where he has been training with Master Gaius, a member of the Council of Wizardry. He has come with news for Godric, that a group of Muggles have killed a witch, Godric's Mother, Sara. Godric goes with Salazar to where it has happened; on seeing his mother hung at the crossroads he swears a blood feud against the family that did it. The last remaining member being a man of sixteen, who is currently fleeing to Denmark at the news of Godric coming after him.

Words: 4,286
Chapters: 1
Hits: 225

After a mission gone wrong, two men are trapped in a deserted Muggle building, one of them mortally wounded. What happens then sheds light on the true nature of friendship, love, and hope.

Words: 992
Chapters: 1
Hits: 222