James' Story

Trillian Black

Story Summary:
At the fifth-year bonding camping trip, everyone tells a story round the compfire. James' is about the future and is very familiar....

Chapter Summary:
At the fifth year bonding camping trip everyone tells a story round the compfire. James' is about the future and is very familiar...

"Go on James, it's your turn."

James poked the fire thoughtfully. "A story?" he said.

"Yes," chorused the others.

"Any story?"

They groaned and muttered to each other.

"Come on, Potter," piped up a Slytherin. "Get your turn over with so someone good can go. We all know it's going to be about Quidditch anyway."

"What's wrong with Quidditch?" Sirius demanded.

"Well for one thing, that's what yours was about."

Sirius growled. The other fifth years couldn't help noticing how realistic it sounded.

It was the final night of the annual, end of fifth year, 'bonding' trip, and it was universally agreed to be a remarkable success. All the students were waking up in fear of what they might see when they opened their eyes and no one took a bite into anything without making sure James, Sirius, Remus or Peter hadn't interfered with it. However, the nightly story-telling 'round the campfire had been very impressive that year. Finally, it was the turn of James Potter.

"Okay," he announced. "I've got one."

There were several 'tsk's, a few sighs, and all around whisperings of 'finally'.

"But first-" There were groans. "I would like to congratulate everyone on their stories. Excellent pieces of fiction - minus Snivellus of course, who should be a work of fiction," he added with a grin. "But especially Jo's."

The other students had to agree on this and there was a minor round of applause as the creative Ravenclaw girl to whom James was indicating blushed.

"Get on with it," cried a Slytherin exasperatedly.

"Okay," said James. "My story is about the future. Our future."

"You lot?" asked a Hufflepuff, indicating James and his three best friends.

"No," said James. "All of us. It's about the downfall of Voldemort."

Almost everyone twitched.

"I suppose you'll be the one to bring him down?" mocked a Slytherin.

"No," said James, rolling his eyes. "My son."

"Your son is going to bring down the Dark Lord?"

"Look, you asked for a story so let me tell it." There was silence. "Now in the next few years I am going to be head boy-"

The fifth years burst into fits of laughter.

"You? Head boy? Don't be stupid!"

"I am. And I'm going to get top marks in my NEWTs."

The others had to grudgingly accept that, as it was well known that James was a good wizard and he was going to do well in his OWLs.

"Who's head girl?" asked a Ravenclaw girl.

"Why, Lily of course."

Lily raised her eyebrows but didn't contradict him.

"So shortly after leaving, Lily and I get married-"

Lily's mouth fell open and there were cries of protest from her friends.

"I would never marry you!" Lily cried.

"'Fraid that's not up to you."

"Yes it is," said Lily.

"It's my story and I can tell it like I want to," James protested. "So we get married and-"

"I suppose it's our son who defeats Voldemort then?"

"I'm getting to that."

"Only that's a deep shame. I wanted a daughter..." she smirked at James.

James merely ruffled his hair with his hand and continued. "So we get married, Sirius, of course, is my best man."

"Thanks, mate."

"Er-hmm," said Remus. "What about me?"

"You're deputy best man," said James without hesitation. "And Peter is head Usher."

"What's a deputy best man?" a Ravenclaw asked, as if worried there was something he didn't know.

"He basically takes Sirius' place in case Sirius gets killed, transfigured, put into a coma or completely drunk at the stag party," James informed him.

"How would that happen at a stag party?" a Hufflepuff boy asked, fascinated.

"How should I know?" James replied with a shrug. "Sirius organised it."

Sirius' evil grin now stretched from ear to ear.

"So I'm your little house wife now, am I?" Lily asked with a snort.

"No," said James. "You're an Auror." Lily smiled. "I'm an Auror." The smile faded.

"Sirius, Remus and Peter are Aurors. A couple more people are Aurors." He waved his hand vaguely round the circle. "A few more. . .," his eyes rested firmly on Severus Snape. "Are Death Eaters of course. But Lily, Sirius, Remus, Peter and I are all in Dumbledore's secret special force against Voldemort. Now shortly before our son is born a prophecy is made saying that a child born in late July would be the downfall of the Dark Lord. That he would have a power the Dark Lord wouldn't. That the Dark Lord would mark him as an equal and that neither could live while the other survived."

There was a meditative silence in the group until, "Who made it?"

"You did," James snapped. "Okay, Sybill?"

There were various sniggers around the group.

"Sybill Trelawny? She about as good as Michael Fish at predicting tomorrow's weather."

"Well she did it, so there," said James. "So Voldemort comes to kill Lily and I but he can't kill Harry."

"Who's Harry?"

"Our son."

"You named your son, Harry?"

"Yes," James growled. "What's wrong with that."

The inquisitive Hufflepuff shrunk away. "Nothing," she whimpered.

"My Grandad is called Harry," said Lily.

"Well maybe you named him after him."

"I would never do that. It would get too confusing."

"No it wouldn't," said James swiftly. "Your Grandad is dead."

"No he isn't," Lily contradicted.

"He is in the story. So are your other grandparents and great aunts and whatever. And so are your parents."

"Oh thanks."

"No, I'm being fair. My whole family's dead too. Voldemort's hunting us, get it?"

"Does he kill my sister?" Lily asked, almost hopefully.

"No," said James.

"Oh that's... good I suppose."

"In fact Harry gets taken to her when we die by Hagrid-"

"Hagrid? The groundskeeper? Where does he come into this?"

James frowned. "Hang on, I'm getting confused. Lily and I are being hunted down by Voldemort and Dumbledore is trying to protect us. He does everything including the secret keeper charm to try to keep us safe but we're betrayed."

"Who by?" Peter asked, entranced.

"Sirius," came the chorus.

"Thanks," said Sirius, disdainfully.

"Actually everyone thinks Sirius did it because he was our secret keeper. Which is pretty horrific since he was my best friend and Harry's Godfather."

"Why is this story full of Sirius favouritism?" Remus asked.

"It isn't!" Sirius cried, horrified. "I'm the bad guy." He grinned. "I'm the bad guy," he said dreamily before shaking some sense into himself. "I would never betray you," he protested.

"You don't," said James. "I just said everyone thinks you do. Peter betrays us."

"Me?" Peter squeaked.


"But... b-but, I wouldn't."

"You do, all right? So Voldemort kills Lily and I but because Lily dies to protect Harry, he's protected by her love. So the killing spell Voldemort uses bounces off and hits him - Voldemort - instead leaving Harry unharmed except for a lightening bolt scar on his forehead. Now Voldemort is weakened but because he's not exactly human he isn't killed. The house is completely destroyed because I'd put up a bit of a fight before I got killed." There were scoffs. "And this is where Hagrid turns up. Dumbledore sent him - don't ask me how Dumbledore knew, he seems to know everything - to collect little baby Harry from the ruins. Before he leaves Sirius turns up-"

"-To finish the job."

"No! He was just coming round-"

"-On his flying motorcycle," Sirius added.

"You do not have a flying motorcycle," said Remus.

"Well of course I don't have one now but I will then. Just like the one in the catalogue."

"Sirius turns up on his flying motorcycle-"


"-Which he gives to Hagrid-"

"He'd crush it!"

"And Hagrid flies off to meet Dumbledore to deliver Baby Harry to his new home."

"So your kid's in an orphanage now?" asked a Hufflepuff. "Why do I get the feeling the next part's going to include a rendition of 'Food Glorious Food'?"

"Why didn't I get him?" Sirius asked. "I'm his Godfather."

"He has to go to his nearest family relative," a Ravenclaw told them. "There are rules for this you know."

Lily groaned. "He goes to my sister, doesn't he?"

"Yes," said James. "Her and her husband Vernon Dursley."

"Nice name..."

"Complete Muggles of course. Them and their son Dudley."


"What? That's a name."

"It's a town," said a Ravenclaw.

"What is it with you and odd names?" a Hufflepuff asked.

"It's my story and I can name people whatever I want to, all right? So poor little Harry is left with a bunch of horrible Muggles-"

"That's just prejudice," cried a Muggleborn friend of Lily. "Muggles aren't horrible."

"I never said all Muggles were horrible," said James. "These Muggles are horrible. The most Muggly Muggles that ever existed. They raise him, conveniently neglect to tell him that he's a wizard, say Lily and I died in a car crash, stuff him in the cupboard under the stairs and basically make his childhood as miserable as possible. Now meanwhile Sirius has worked out that Peter betrayed us so he goes off and tries to capture Peter. Peter fakes his own death and Sirius gets chucked into Azkaban. There." James sat back. "Our future."

The group stared at him. "What?" they, including the Slytherins, cried.

"You can't leave it at that!"

"What happened to Harry?"

"Did he bring You-Know-Who down?"

"Did he find out he was a Wizard?"

"Did Hagrid bring the motorcycle back?

"What happened when he went to Hogwarts?"

"Did he go to Hogwarts?"

"I was chucked into Azkaban?"

"What happened to me?"

James looked round at his captive audience. "Oh I see," he said. "Now you want to hear my story."


"Well I'm sorry, I don't know what happens."


"Hello? I'm dead. Lily's dead. Peter is pretending he's dead. Sirius is in Azkaban. Remus is- Well Remus is just a bit down really. How can I know the rest?"

"You knew what happened after you died..."

"Oh I just assumed all that."

They stared. A hand was very delicately put into the air. "I have a few ideas." Everyone turned to stare at Jo Rowling, Ravenclaw. "I could continue the story," she suggested, shyly.