The Alternative to Loneliness


Story Summary:
Draco Malfoy, tired of waiting for Harry Potter to notice his feelings, hires Colin Creevey to take pictures of Harry for his private collection.

Chapter 11 - In a Sticky Situation

Chapter Summary:
After Colin's photoshoot with Draco, the Slytherin gives him a few words of advice. The next day, while delivering his parcel to Harry, the small boy stands up for himself.

Ch. 11

In a Sticky Situation

Colin could not wait for this night to be over. He had just taken his last shots of Draco sleeping--or probably sleeping, it was almost impossible to tell the difference--and he wanted nothing more than to curl up in his own bed and think about Luna. He was just about to sneak out of the room without disturbing Draco further, when said Slytherin's voice spoke.

"All finished then, Creevey? Do you think they came out well?"

Colin squeaked and turned to find Draco sitting up in bed, a pleased look on his face. Draco cocked his head. "Creevey, have I really ever given you any reason to be this afraid of me? I mean, I know I'm impressive and a Malfoy and all, but I'd say I've been fairly pleasant to you, all things considered."

Colin clutched his camera closer. "Well, you've been much nicer than I thought you'd be, of course, but you know you did threaten me, and Harry's put me in such a state, on top of all the usual people, and you are Draco Malfoy, everyone says you're horrible and..."

Draco put up a hand to stop the torrent of words flowing from Colin's mouth. He really did talk too much, Draco decided. "Hang on a minute," he said. "Harry's put you in a state? And what other people are you talking about?"

Colin sounded terrified. "Well, I mean all the people that bully me. You must have seen them doing it."

Draco thought hard. He didn't usually pay that much attention to the plights of Gryffindors, least of all the Muggle born ones. Come to think of it, though, he did recall Crabbe saying something about how much he liked to pick on Creevey. Other people had done it too, as he remembered. That didn't really explain about Harry, though.

"What about Harry, then?" he said finally.

Colin stared at the floor, though Draco couldn't see it as he was disillusioned. "Harry threatened that he'd curse me if I didn't get the pictures of you. He was really scary when he said it, too. Not like he usually is."

Draco grinned. Harry threatening someone--he'd pay to see that. He imagined Harry stuttering and clumsily making some vague threatening gesture that was not at all frightening. Only Creevey, Draco thought in amusement, would take a threat made by Harry Potter seriously.

"Come now, Creevey," Draco said with a chuckle. "You can't think he really meant it, can you? He's Harry Potter, vanquisher of Dark Lords and champion of Mudbloods extraordinaire. He wouldn't go through with it."

Colin shifted, sounding even more frightened, if such a think was at all possible, when he replied, "He seemed awfully serious."

Draco looked hard at the spot from which Colin spoke for a moment, making the smaller boy quiver under his disillusionment. "Look here," Draco said with conviction. "Are you a Gryffindor or aren't you?"

He could hear the confusion in Colin's answer. "Of course I am."

"Then stop acting like a bloody Hufflepuff and stand up for yourself," Draco said sternly. "If the hat had wanted you to be a complete moron, that's where it would have put you. But it didn't, did it? You're in Gryffindor, 'where dwell the brave at heart' and all that rubbish. So start acting like it. You can use your wand just like any other wizard around here. If someone starts giving you trouble, jinx them silly and then see who wants a piece of you."

Though he couldn't see for sure, he could feel Colin staring in awe at him. Draco stared back, unblinking. "Are you...trying to help me?" the small boy asked faintly.

Draco looked slightly taken aback. "Well, now you mention it, I suppose I am." Draco scowled. "Honestly, every time I turn around, I start doing things like this. I'm beginning to think I'm in the wrong house. Helping you--Merlin." Draco shook his head. "I'm going soft. Father's rolling about in Hell somewhere, I just know it."

Colin hesitated and screwed up his courage. "I think...I think Harry will like you more like this," he said finally. "I know I do."

Draco stared at where Colin was, an odd look in his eyes. Then he looked abruptly away. "Well, that's useful at any rate," he said stiffly, as though embarrassed. "Now you'd best be on your way. Don't let anyone see you on your way out. It wouldn't do to have people think I was messing around with you or something. Make sure Harry gets his photos--I'd hate to see him make good on his threats. Oh, and Creevey..." He paused. "If Harry wants more photos, better indulge him. Send me an owl and I'll arrange something, so you needn't sneak around to get them."

Colin nodded, feeling a large weight lifted from his shoulders. He'd still have to take these cursed photos, but no one was going to hex him over it and he'd have Draco's help this time. Maybe things would be alright."

"Thanks," he whispered, his voice moving toward the door.

Draco started a little and stared as the door opened, then shut without a sound. "You're welcome," Draco murmured, then lay back down and tried to sleep.


Harry was startled when Colin Creevey came up to him after breakfast and demanded to see him in the entrance hall. Harry nodded, ignoring Ron and Hermione's questioning looks, and followed the younger boy into the deserted entryway.

"I've got your package," Colin stated, holding out a bulky object wrapped up in brown paper.

Harry started a little, then grinned. "That was quick. Nice work Colin."

Colin let out a snort of derision. Harry looked puzzled. "Something wrong?" he asked finally.

Colin looked annoyed. "Well, you threatened me, for one. Then you made me take those. And I expect you'll want more, so I haven't much to look forward to, do I?"

Harry stared. This was not on behavior coming from Colin Creevey. "Sorry?" he managed at long last.

Colin glared. "I'll take more photos for you if you like, but only if I get paid. That's only fair."

Harry looked stung. "Of course. I'm sorry I threatened you. I never would have done it. I was just upset about Drac--er, Malfoy getting those pictures and the whole fuss afterwards. I shouldn't have done it, Colin. I'm sorry."

Colin smiled a little, looking relieved. "I feel a little better now about this whole thing, so don't worry about it Harry. I'm really sorry for taking those pictures of you in the first place, since they caused this whole mess. And I wouldn't open those in public," he added, reddening, indicating the package Harry was holding. "Malfoy,'ll see."

Colin turned to go, but looked back. "I'll get the rest for you later this week. And Harry..." He paused, seemed to waiver, then took the plunge. "Malfoy's really not so bad when you've been around him a bit. Just so you know."

Then Colin ran off, as if expecting Harry to come chasing after him, wand at the ready, a hex on his lips.

Harry, of course, did no such thing. Instead, he studied the package in his hand. Why couldn't he open it in public? What was in here that would require that amount of secrecy? Harry stiffened as an unexpected thought crossed his mind. What if Colin had seen that Draco had the Dark Mark? Harry's stomach dropped into his shoes.

He'd kissed that bastard! What if this was all an attempt to soften him up and then whisk him off to Voldemort? How could he have been so stupid?

Harry took off toward the Gryffindor common room, clutching the package to his chest. Herbology could wait. He had to know what incriminating evidence was to be found in these photos.

He sprinted up the stairs to the, thankfully, deserted boys dormitory. He flung himself on his bed, jerked the curtains closed, and ripped the brown paper off the package.

Harry's eyes nearly popped out of his head.

Draco Malfoy lay on his moon drenched bed, not a thing covering his naked body except a thin sheet draped over his legs, ending mid-thigh. His blond hair was sprawled across his dark green pillow, eyes closed, a slight smile on his face. One arm was lying across his stomach, the other curved above his head on the pillow.

Harry stared. He was...beautiful. There was no other word for it. He was pale everywhere, Harry thought dimly, and he was a natural blond after all. He flipped to the next photo.

Draco lay on his stomach, one arm under his head, the other flung carelessly to the side. Harry sucked in his breath. Merlin, but he was toned! He must have worked out everyday or something! He continued to flip through the photos. Draco was just as good-looking from every other angle as he had been from the first two. Then Harry saw something that almost made him drop the stack of photos.

Draco was clearly aroused in this picture. Very clearly.

Harry let out a strangled sound as Draco's left hand moved slowly, so slowly, down his chest, past his waist, to his...

Harry gulped, suddenly feeling much too warm. He should put these away, he thought dimly, these were for blackmail purposes only. He hadn't asked for them because he wanted to see Draco naked. But he couldn't seem to tear his eyes away from what was happening in the picture.

Draco was panting a little, his head tossing back and forth, tangling his hair on his pillow. Harry's trousers were becoming uncomfortably tight. He wasn't sure how much more of this he could watch before...

And then it was over. Draco arched his back, let out an unheard cry, and was silent, breathing heavily.

Harry couldn't breathe. No way was he feeling this aroused because of Malfoy! No! Never!

But his mind wandered back to their kiss in the corridor and their make-out session on the Astronomy Tower. He remembered the feel of Draco's lips on his own, on his neck, on his cheek. He remembered Draco's hands running over him in gentle circles: soothing here, exciting there. Merlin, it was hot in here! And his trousers were becoming almost unbearable...


"And Harry walked in thirty minutes late to Herbology, looking completely mussed!" Seamus finished with a giggle. Blaise let out the smoke he had been holding in as he laughed.

"Draco wasn't late, though, I noticed," Seamus added, eyes twinkling. Blaise shook his head, sliding a hand up the Irish boy's bare leg under the covers. Seamus shivered a little, his own hand wandering down the Slytherin's chest.

"Draco really loves that idiot," Blaise said in an undertone.

Seamus smiled gently. "Like I love you, then."

Blaise smiled in return. "Just like that."

"That's quite a bit," Seamus whispered, a twinkle in his eyes. "Want me to show you how much?"

Blaise chuckled huskily and drew the other boy closer. "You're insatiable. Wasn't twice already enough for you?"

Seamus shook his head, his eyes darkening with desire. Blaise looked like the cat that got the canary.

"Good," he growled, and there was no talking for quite some time.



I received your note and am quite willing to help with the next shoot, or whatever you call it. Meet me on the Quidditch pitch at midnight on Friday. Bring whatever props you think would be appropriate.

Until then, I am yours, etc.

Draco Thomas Lucien Malfoy IV

PS-Very Gryffindor of you to hex Crabbe for insulting your girlfriend. He wasn't able to sit properly for several hours. Gave us all a good laugh. My compliments.



It had by far been one of the most nerve-wracking things Colin had ever done, standing up to Harry like that. He had never thought he would need to defend himself against the boy savior. Harry had always been the symbol for good and fairness and then he had gone and threatened Colin like that.

And now there was Harry's lying to consider. "I never would have done it." Colin wasn't sure what to make of that. The more he got mixed up in this whole mess, the less he realized he liked Harry and the more he liked Draco. Harry had never told him to stand up for himself, to find that courage that their house possessed. Harry had always seemed annoyed with him, too, ever since his first year when he followed the older boy around, taking pictures of him. He'd admired Harry, especially when the DA had started. The DA had been for the general anti-You-Know-Who student population. And besides that, Harry had given pointers a lot more to the other students. He had very seldomly tried to help Colin in person.

Draco Malfoy had helped only him. Colin had been the exception to Draco's general loftiness, and the Slytherin boy had offered his help, given him advice, shown him how to find his own courage.

"Creevey," came a voice from behind, a sharp voice, older, and with all the authority it needed to make a student take notice. Colin squeaked and turned around to find Professor McGonagall striding toward him with her green robes billowing around her in a foreboding manner. The courage that had been growing in him ever since his conversation with Draco shrank back at the sight of her. "I wish to have a word with you."

He clutched his camera in his hands. "C--course! I mean...yes. N--now?"

She looked down at the camera in his hands and then at his face. "Yes Creevey, now."

"B--but I have Charms right now."

"I will send a note to Professor Flitwick. This is important and I don't think it should wait." Colin watched as Professor McGonagall took a small roll of parchment from a pocket somewhere in her robes, scrawled a quick note, and tapped it with her wand, where it folded itself into an airplane and zoomed down the hall. "Now, Creevey, if you would follow me to my office."

The small boy hurried along behind the tall, stern head of Gryffindor house, down corridors, to her office. It was important? It couldn't wait? Had she come to talk to him about the pictures? Had Harry complained? No, he wouldn't do that, would he? Well, he had lied. Colin wasn't sure he would put anything past the older boy anymore.

"Mr. Creevey," Professor McGonagall began when they had both seated themselves. "I wish to talk to you about your marks."

The small boy felt like he was drowning in a flood of relief at this. "My marks?" he asked, feeling the courage start to toe its way back.

"Yes, your marks. Several of your professors have come to me about them in the past weeks, saying that there is a drastic decrease from beginning of term and present. I, myself, have noticed that your attention and performance have become abysmal of late. Now Creevey, as your head of house, it is my duty to talk to you about this and find out the reason."

"Oh." Colin set his camera down in his lap. He knew he couldn't say the real reason. He could always go with his fail-safe. "W--well, you see Professor, some kids have been--"

"Mr. Creevey," she interrupted, holding up her hand. "Is this about the incident with Malfoy and Potter last week?"

Colin started. "W--what incident?"

"That little announcement you made in the Great Hall has been all anybody has been able to talk about. I had thought to talk to you about it directly after, however it is a personal matter and I did not wish to become involved in something that was none of my business.

"But if this is what is causing your marks to fall, then I see it as my business, Creevey. If your...involvement with those boys is--"

"We're not involved!" Colin interrupted, feeling a little sick at the thought of Professor McGonagall thinking he was in love with Harry.

She raised her eyebrow, frowning over at him, but her face had become a little softer. "It is none of my business whether you are or not. If you are, it is perfectly fine, I do not pass judgment on a person's orientation. I am only bringing this up because I am trying to discover why your marks are falling."

"It--it's nothing!" he stammered. Oh Merlin, now she thought he was gay! "Really. L--Luna's offered to tutor me."

"Miss Lovegood from Ravenclaw?"

Colin nodded fervently. "I'm dating her. And she knows I've been having these nightmares and I'm always falling asleep in class and that's why my marks are so low you see, and she said that if I wanted, she'd tutor me. She taught me a spell the other day! A disillusionment spell all on her own! And she was really good, how she explained it to me. Would you like to see?"

Professor McGonagall looked surprised. "A disillusionment charm? That is not simple magic, Mr. Creevey. Do you mean to tell me that you are able to perform a disillusionment charm only having learned it a few days ago? And taught by another student?"

"Yes!" he said and jumped from his chair. "Watch!" Then, envisioning all the things Luna had taught him to envision, he brought his wand down sharply on his head and said the spell clearly so that the professor could hear.

As the spell trickled down over him, her eyes widened a little and she shook her head. "Well, well, well. No wonder you are in Ravenclaw, Miss Lovegood. Very well!" she added to Colin. "If she is able to teach you such advanced magic in such a short amount of time, I believe this arrangement you have made with your...girlfriend fits quite well."

Colin snapped his wand back to his head with the counter charm and as he reappeared, he jumped in the air. "Really? I mean, truly?!"

"Yes," she said with a hint of a smile. "But! If there is no improvement in your marks, I shall make different arrangements for you, is that clear?"

"Perfectly! Oh, thank you so much, Professor! I promise I'll do better."