George & Annie: an Unofficial Biography


Story Summary:
Fred and George Weasley's troublemaking careers didn't start the day they reached Hogwarts. In fact, they had been honing their mischief-making talents for years, with the help of a feisty little Muggle girl named Annie Jones from Ottery St. Catchpole. Their secret friendship continued even after the twins began leaving for Hogwarts, as the children kept in touch via owl post. It deepened into something more as teenagers, when George and Annie discovered an attraction to each other that they couldn't deny. Their love struggles to survive one of the most trying times in the magical world -- the Second War -- and its devastating consequences. A happily-ever-after awaits them... eventually.

Chapter 03 - Curious


Chapter 3: 1987


"What do you think?" George asked his brother. They were sitting together in the tree fort, pondering the situation. The day had been dry so far, but who knew for how much longer? Grey clouds hung heavy in the cold sky.

Fred's brow furrowed in response. "Where is she?" he muttered.

"It's been a week now," George added.

Fred shook his head slightly. "Did she get in trouble again, do you think?"

George shrugged. "Dunno. I suppose it's as likely as anything." Whenever Annie got in trouble at her muggle school, she was usually punished by not being allowed into the forest for a day or two.

"But she usually figures out a way to let us know, at least," countered Fred.

"I know," George agreed. It wasn't like her at all, to be gone so long without a word to them. "You don't think she's mad at us, do you?"

Fred shook his head. "She's never been one to simmer in silence before, has she?"

George snorted and smiled slightly. His brother was right: Annie certainly had a temper, and she was never shy about showing it. But what flared quickly always died away just the same.

"I don't like it," said Fred, standing up. "You don't think she's... gone, or anything?"

"Where would she go?" George replied.

The twins had figured out, without being directly told, that Annie didn't live with her parents - lived with her grandmother instead. They also knew she definitely didn't like to talk about it. Could her parents have returned from wherever they were, and taken her away with them? George wondered.

Fred threw his arms out in exasperation. "How the hell should I know?"

"She wouldn't leave without telling us... or saying goodbye," George argued. Would she?

Fred sighed, and thought for a moment. "Well, it's no good sitting on our asses here. Let's go."

George followed his twin brother out of the fort and down the tree, but instead of turning west, toward home, Fred turned east.

"Where are you going?" George asked, confused.

Fred didn't answer - just kept marching. They reached the edge of the forest, the borderline of Weasley property, in less than two minutes at the pace he set. Together they stood, just hidden from view behind the tree line, and gazed across the open field at the little white house with weathered black trim.

They had watched Annie emerge from this house's garden gate countless times before. For the past two years, the three of them had seldom gone more than three days without seeing each other. Usually, whenever Fred and George had reached the tree fort, she would be there waiting for them. But on the occasions when they had found it empty, they would walk to this spot and whistle a loud signal that sounded like a bird's call. Without fail, their friend would then come out from her muggle home at the edge of the muggle village that was visible in the distance and dash across the grassy area that separated them.

Fred tried the signal once more, just like they had done every day for the past week. They waited ten minutes. Nothing.

"This is ballocks," he said in frustration, and began to walk out into the field.

"Fred!" cried George. "Come back!"

Fred dismissed his twin with a wave and kept walking.

George hesitated only a moment longer, then dashed out of the forest to catch up. "What are you doing?" he demanded.

"Getting some answers."

George stepped in front of him, blocking his path. "How? You think you can just walk up, knock on the door?"

"No!" he cried, his tone of voice indicating how stupid he thought the suggestion was.

"We can't do this, Fred," George urged, beginning to panic a little.

"Go back then, if you're scared," Fred retorted and stepped around his brother. He marched off, more quickly than before.

"If we get caught..." George hissed, turning and jogging to catch up. It would likely be a death sentence. His mother would have a fit like none other.

"We won't," snapped Fred.

"Fred..." George said, trying to come up with an excuse that would work to turn his brother around.

"Don't you want to know? Aren't you curious?" he asked as the distance between them and the little house was rapidly closing.

George pursed his lips. He had to admit, he was curious. Why had Annie not come to the forest for a whole week? Was something wrong? And now that they were nearly at the garden gate themselves.... What was it like, the home she lived in?
He felt the temptation of his curiosity begin to take over. Here he was, within feet of an actual muggle house! He could smell something delicious in the air surrounding them, they were so close. Muggle food - cooked with ekelrity-something! They had already come this far, he rationalized; they might as well take a quick peek.

Fred and George crept to the tall wooden fence that surrounded the back side of the little home. After listening carefully for what felt like several minutes, and hearing nothing that would indicate anyone was on the other side, Fred reached out for the handle of the gate.

It opened easily. George watched, his heart beginning to race, while Fred peeked his head inside the gate and looked around. He waved a signal for George to follow him, and then passed wholly into forbidden territory.

George felt a thrill of adrenaline surging through him as he entered the garden and looked around. The neat planting beds were well-cared-for yet mostly empty, waiting for warmer spring weather to thaw the ground. He knew that Annie's grandmother was an avid gardener, and often asked Annie to help her with planting, weeding and harvesting chores, just as their own mother did. Only muggles never had trouble with gnomes, for some reason, according to Annie. In fact, nothing here looked outlandish at all - hardly any different that their own garden at the Burrow....

"Where d'you suppose her room is?" he barely whispered.

Fred pointed toward the eastern side of the house; the one that faced the village. George nodded. Annie had mentioned before how she could see the steeple from her window.

They crept around the corner. Luckily for them, the entire eastern side of the house had only one window. Unfortunately, it was at least six feet above the ground.

"Give me a boost," Fred commanded after a moment's consideration.

George braced himself so Fred could climb up to his shoulders. Together, they were just tall enough so Fred could rap lightly on the window.

Seconds later, the window sash flew open. "Fred!" cried a hushed yet familiar voice. "What are you doing here?!" she whispered.

"Trying to find out where you are, git," he answered.

"Fred, you weigh a bloody ton," George grunted. His spine was beginning to feel crushed.

"Oh, sorry," his brother responded and promptly slid himself off George's shoulders.

Once both boys were freely standing on the ground, they looked back up at the window. Annie was leaning out, smiling down broadly, clearly pleased to see them.

"Oh, wicked!" the twins whispered in unison, impressed with the sight of her.

"What's all over your face?" asked George after the momentary shock had passed. Annie's face and arms were covered with little red spots, each spot surrounded by odd-shaped pink splotches that looked like she had been painted with polka dots by someone in a hurry. They could see above the windowsill she was wearing a plain white t-shirt.

"Chicken pox. I got sick Monday - sent home from school. Everyone's gotten it now. It's not too bad, actually, except they itch like crazy!" she explained, holding her arms out from her body and twisting them to better display the spots.

"Are they everywhere?" asked Fred.

George nudged him, letting him know the question was inappropriate.

"Nearly," she nodded, absently scratching at her neck. "Sorry I couldn't come out... I heard you whistle a few times. But Gran keeps coming in to check on me every hour or so, to put more of this bloody pink stuff on me," she said, now scratching her armpit.

"Well, hope you feel better soon," George offered, nervously glancing around at the mention of Annie's Gran. The last thing they needed was for yet another muggle to know about them. Annie was one thing, but if anyone else saw them....

"Thanks. It's really nice of you to come and see me," she said, smiling.

"Yeah, well, George was worried about you," said Fred.

"It was your idea, git!" George protested, shoving his brother.

"Get off!" barked Fred in a loud whisper, shoving back.

"Shh!" Annie hushed them. "You'd better go... I'll come back out to the forest as soon as I can. Gran says I'll be back at school by the middle of next week, so I guess I'll see you then," she said.

"Okay... see you then," agreed the boys. Now that they were satisfied nothing was seriously wrong with their friend, they turned away from the window and began creeping back toward the gate. Just before he rounded the corner, George glanced back. He saw Annie was still leaning out the window, watching them leave, smiling slightly to herself. He gave her a little wave.

She returned it, then slowly, quietly began to shut the window. "Gran!" he heard her call before it completely closed. "Could I have another glass of water?"

George smiled. Annie was providing them a diversion, to help them escape without notice. Good old Annie - they could always count on her.

Once they were outside the gate and halfway across the field, George peppered Fred with questions.

"What was it like?" he asked with bated breath.

"What?" Fred replied, exasperated.

"The inside! Did you see any plugs? Or batteries?"

"Merlin's hairy ass - you and Dad are complete nutters. Yeah, I saw some plugs, I think. They were stuck to the wall."

"Really? What else?" George asked excitedly as they re-entered the forest.