Draco Malfoy Harry Potter Peter Pettigrew Remus Lupin Sirius Black Severus Snape
Mystery Slash
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 08/09/2002
Updated: 02/03/2003
Words: 93,751
Chapters: 17
Hits: 9,290

Age of Innocence

Piri Malfoy

Story Summary:
Come to a time when the world was shadier and hostile...the roaring 1920's. 17 yr. old Harry, raised as a Muggle and unknowing of even his real parents names escapes the life of abuse and torture he knew and begins to learn what freedom really means. Gaudy nightclubs, women of the night, playing runner to the mob, bootlegged liquor and much more make up the life that Harry now leads. The only problem is no one else even notices who he really is and what he did for the world long ago. There is one person however who does remember, but will the son of the mob boss make him think things he shouldn't and will he be able to help Harry find his true self? (AU/Canon fic; HP/DM, SB/PP, RL/SS)

Chapter 09


~~~~Age Of Innocence~~~~

~~~~Chapter Nine: Hope Has Returned..And His Name Is Harry~~~~

~~Hotel Wales, NYC, New York - Dec. 31st, 1924~~

A pin could be heard in the small hotel room as Draco dropped, in what was for all intent purposes, a hell of a bombshell. Suddenly, just as Draco began to fidget under the weight of the stares of everyone in the room someone spoke. Only it certainly wasn't what Draco was expecting, nor anyone in the room for that matter.

'I wondered when you'd figure it out, Draco. What gave it away?' Severus said now in a quiet voice, his gaze intently focused on Draco.

Draco turned and stared at Severus, questions in his eyes. 'It was in Croydon, 'bout a week ago. I went to deliver a message to Black...when I saw him for the first time. It took me a few minutes but soon as we started talking I knew it was him,' he said then a thought struck him and he gazed at his professor in shock now. 'You...you knew?'

Severus gave him a watery smile, ignoring the shocked faces of those now staring at him, then slowly nodded his head. 'I've known Harry was alive since the day James and Lily died. However, much as I tried to do what I could for the boy, it was impossible. Those Muggles that he was sent to -', and now he turned and gave an accusing stare at Albus, 'moved away, and I couldn't find him after that.'

'Will someone please tell me what the fuck is going on here?' Sirius asked, coming out of his shell of stupor. Turning to glare at Severus then Albus he said in a tight voice, 'You...you...you knew he survived that night? You sent him away?'

'Now, Sirius, calm down,' Albus said slowly, a faint twinkle appearing in his blue eyes again. 'Yes, I did take Harry away that night to his Muggle relatives. However, something dreadful happened I hadn't foreseen. The Dursley's moved away from the area within a few months, and much as I tried, using every magical means I could think of, I could not track them down for some reason. By the time I did they themselves were dead, and I assumed since Harry wasn't with them that he too had died long before,' he sighed.

'He wasn't dead, just living like a pariah in a tiny cupboard underneath a staircase in Surrey. He was treated worse than a bloody house-elf I can tell you that much. Even the neighbours didn't know Harry lived there,' Draco said without thinking, which earned him a few strange and questioning looks. Ignoring them however he asked Severus, 'When did you know?'

Severus pulled at his lower lip with his fingers and got a pensive look on his face as if trying to remember. 'I think it was a little over a month and half ago. At first I could hardly believe what I was seeing, but after digging up old wizarding photographs of James and Lily, there was no mistake, I knew it was him,' he said in a quiet voice. 'What surprised me is how you never noticed what was right in front of your eyes,' Severus said with a slight frown at Sirius. 'You of all people I had thought would have seen it first. You were James's best friend, the first person to hold Harry after James and Lily, the first to get him to laugh...his godfather,' he said, though it wasn't an accusing tone.

Sirius blinked in confusion wondering what on earth Severus was talking about until finally it all dawned on him. Jumping off the sofa he had been sitting on he groaned and paced the room a moment, stopping here and there to shake his head in pure wonder, puzzlement, anger and guilt. 'By Merlin...it's been him all along. How could I be so fucking stupid...so goddamned blind...' he muttered more to himself than anyone else.

'Sirius, what are you talking 'bout mate? Stupid and blind 'bout what?' Remus asked curiously, wondering if his friend was going to have a mental breakdown in front of him.

'Oh Merlin...oh Merlin...right in front of me...all this fucking time...I didn't even see it...I didn't even know...forgive me Jamie...Lily...please...please forgive me....for not even knowing it was him...' Sirius said dropping to his knees on the gold striped blue carpeting, tears in his eyes. 'I've been so caught up in what and who I've become I didn't even know my own godson...' he sobbed. Then in a sudden quick change of emotions he turned and gave Albus a gaze that could have melted steel. 'Why? Why goddamit! Why did you take him away from me? I should have been the one, I should have taken care of him! Why!!!' he screamed now.

Albus looked at Sirius with a touch of pity in his eyes, and a bit of guilt as well. Shaking his head sadly he said in a quiet voice, 'Because it had to be that way, Sirius. It was too dangerous to leave him in our world, his life would have been forfeited almost immediately if Lucius had gotten hold of him back then. Lucius knows what he is, that he is the heir, he would have killed him and you know that. Harry was only a year old, Sirius, he was defenseless. Even with all of us protecting him he would have died against Lucius at that point. The powers of the Gryffindors do not even begin to develop until the age of eleven, but when I couldn't find him at that point....'

'Then you should have looked for him harder! You left him alone, without anyone who knew him, who loved him! Do you have any idea what had happened to him when I found him? Do you?' Sirius cried out, torn between a sob and anger.

'The fat oaf of a Muggle, his uncle he must have beaten him so badly. I saw how they must have treated him when he lived there. It was horrible,' Draco said in a strange closed off voice.

Severus looked at Draco carefully for a moment then a suddenly realization hit him. 'You care for him, even though you only met him the one time...don't you, Draco. Why though? Why care for a person you've only met once? What made you even want to find Harry?' he asked.

Draco didn't turn to face Severus, only watched as Sirius was now collapsed in a heap on the floor, sobbing and muttering again to himself. 'It was a little less than four months ago that I found all this out to be honest,' he said swallowing heavily, then finally turned to face his mentor. 'I can't go into all the details but...let's just say I did my research. I had my reasons for wanting to know. I even went to the Muggle's house after they died. When I left there...that's when I knew for sure Harry was alive.'

'How? What made you suspect it?' Petey asked now, his gaze focused on the man sobbing on the floor. Concern visible on his face, he got up and went over to Sirius, kneeling down next to him. To the surprise of everyone in the room, Remus included, he wrapped his arms tenderly round his lover and softly began to whisper things into his ear, apparently trying to comfort him.

Draco stared at the two of them for a moment in surprise seeing as Sirius had now tightly wrapped his own arms round Petey. Sirius was rocking back and forth whispering back to him quietly in choked sobs. 'At first I wasn't sure, because in the house there wasn't a single clue he was living there. The only photographs I saw were of a huge red faced man which I assumed was his uncle, an incredibly huge whale of a kid, I think his cousin, and...a skinny, horse-faced woman that most likely was his aunt...and Lily Potter's sister. Though how she could have been related to Lily Potter is beyond me...' Draco said with a shiver and snorted for a moment.

Apparently a slight tension eased at that amongst some in the room and a slight murmur was heard. 'Oh I'm in agreement on that young, Mr. Malfoy. To think that such a beautiful, talented woman was related to such a...a....' Minerva began, but for some reason she just couldn't continue.

'Muggle bitch?' Severus said with a dark gaze and a hint of a grin on his face.

'Exactly the words, Severus, yes a Muggle bitch. Thank you,' Minerva nodded, a tight-lipped expression on her face.

'Err..well...from what I understand from her neighbours she wasn't the most pleasant of women, that's for sure,' Draco said with a slight cough at hearing his usually very stoical Transfigurations professor using such language.

'What made you think he had been in the house then if you couldn't find anything?' Remus said, still looking at Petey and Sirius, a tiny ghost of a smile on his face and his eyes were twinkling when it was now obvious that his two best friends had finally found each others secret desires after all these years.

'I didn't, I was a the point of thinking I had imagined that the instincts I had felt the moment I walked into the house were way off. I halfway had convinced myself that Harry wasn't alive at that point I was so err..well...disappointed. But then after I spoke to a few of the neighbours...I found out that a black haired boy had been seen once in a while out doing yard-work out in the back of the house at dusk, although they assumed it had only been a hired work boy. In fact one of them had even said they hadn't seen the boy in a few weeks and wondered what had happened to him. After that I put two and two together and re-inspected the house top to bottom. Again when I was ready to admit defeat, in a tiny locked cupboard I had previously not bothered with, I found a few odd things,' Draco said.

'Like what?' Remus asked in a semi wavery voice now, almost as if all of this was finally hitting him. Severus reached over and took Remus's hand in his own, squeezed it gently and gave him a small smile of understanding, which Remus returned briefly.

'Err...well that is...I found a few toys. I thought maybe yet again I had been fooled, maybe they had been that whale's toys, but something made me look deeper. It wasn't really much, a carousel horse, a couple of toy soldiers, a spelling primer...but it was what I found on the wall that finally convinced me I was right,' Draco said quietly, remember how his heart had almost soared when he'd seen what he had.

'What was it, Draco? What convinced you?' Severus asked quietly.

Draco looked up at Severus and in a hushed voice said, 'Initials. Carved into the wall, recently too. The initials were H.J.P. I knew right there and then he was still alive, missing...but alive. Only one person could have carved that into the wall, and it had to have been Harry.'

Severus nodded, and gripped Remus's hand tightly now, a sigh actually escaping him. 'All these years I had hoped he was still alive. I tried so hard to look for him when the Muggles moved, but failed just as miserably. When those blasted good for nothing Muggles went into hiding they certainly managed to do it goddamned well,' Severus muttered. 'How though is what I still want to know. How did they do it? How could they manage to get away from even your magic, Albus?' he asked now turning to the man in question.

Albus looked thoughtful, his eyes swirling a mile a minute even as he was thinking. A light then came into his eyes and he said in a strange voice, 'Of course! I should have known, realised it even. Originally when I left Harry on their doorstep they had not lived as you know in Little Whinging, rather in they had lived in Glastonbury.'

'So? What does that have anything to do with it?' Severus questioned.

'It's the forest, it shielded them, how could I have missed that,' Albus mused quietly.

'Albus, what the bloody fuck are you talking 'bout? What fucking forest? Shielded them from what?' Sirius said now, apparently calmed down now by Petey that he was back to his usual discontented self. His arms though were still firmly wrapped round Petey's body and the tears were still fresh on his face.

'The Bracknell Forest. Hundreds of years ago the man who owned it, a Duke, fell in love with a young maiden who was not of social birth. The forest was their secret meeting place, and for nearly a year they met there enjoying their relationship. It was rumoured however that the girl became with child, and knowing that she could never marry her lover drowned herself in a deep pool in the middle of the forest. The Duke, who also was a wizard though he rarely used his magic, was besides himself with grief. When he heard what she had done he cursed the forest for all time, giving his powers to the forest since he could not use them to bring her back. To this day anyone living on the borders of that forest are shielded from magic detection. The forest acts like a vacuum, sucking in any magic in the area. Therefore when we tried to magically locate the boy it passed right over him. Not knowing, we thought that meant he just simply wasn't there,' Albus said quietly.

'So, that's why none of us could find him,' Severus said quietly. 'If only we had known sooner, if you had remember this sooner, Albus. We could have saved that boy a lot of trouble I think,' he said with a deep sigh.

Hermione was thinking back to something for a moment then said in a quiet voice, 'He's been brutally beaten you know. I saw as much when we met recently. Not just a one time thing either, but for a long time.'

All eyes turned to her now in surprise, Ron's eyes were just simply in shock. 'You met him 'Mione?' he said.

Hermione sighed and nodded slowly. 'In the park near my aunt's house in Gravesend. Remember I had been staying there for a few days this holiday? Anyway, it was the night of the Ball actually. I was upset about having been forced to go...' she began a bit sheepishly and gave Draco a tiny smile, 'sorry but I was at the time.'

Draco actually grinned and chuckled back at her with a nod. 'Not half as much as I was, trust me on this one,' he said.

Hermione chuckled a bit as well then said, 'Yes, well, I decided before the Ball to go to the park for a little while and think over what I could do about it and he came there too. 'Course I didn't know at first who he was, then when I saw the err...scar on his face all I knew he was the kid I'd heard about that worked for you, Sirius. We chatted for a bit and when I went to touch him for a moment he flinched and nearly slid off the bench in fear. You all know I've been studying medicine and I could tell instantly he had been hurt at least physically and emotionally. I don't know though if it was in any other ways,' she said a bit hesitantly and gave a glance towards Sirius.

Sirius's lips were set in a hard line and he shook his head. 'If those fucking goddamned Muggles did anything sexually to him....I swear to the gods I'll dig them up and fucking kill them all over again,' he said in a tense, threatening voice.

'Geeze, sounds like a hell of a way to grow up though, I feel really bad for him,' Ron said in a sad, wistful voice. 'I almost can't wait to meet him now and be his friend. I would never let him get hurt again,' he said nodding his head aggressively.

'You're forgetting one thing though, Ron. In a few days we go back to Hogwarts, and Harry can't come with us,' Hermione said sadly.

'She's got a point, much as I hate to say it. Harry knows nothing of the magical world we come from. He knows nothing of who he is, and apparently is so afraid of being found out that he even changed his name to protect himself. I doubt he even knows his Muggle relations are dead and doesn't need to hide anymore,' Severus said with a deep sigh, one echoed by many in the room. 'I am curious though, was it fate or merely coincidence that brought him back to us. Why did you even help him, Black? Of all the street urchins in Croydon, why him?' he asked puzzled.

Sirius wiped away the rest of his tears and thought on that a moment. Shaking his head he said in a quiet voice, 'I...I don't really know, Snape. I remember walking into the alley behind one of the places I was doing a job in, for what reason I don't even remember. There he was though, smack dab face down in the middle of it. He was bleeding on his back so bad I thought there was no way he was alive. Something in me though compelled me to look closer...now I'm glad as fuck I did. He was a mess, looked like someone took a handful of course sand and shaved his skin off with it, and knowing the butchers in Croydon Hospital I sure as hell wasn't taking him there. I remembered though 'bout the Children's Hospital in Norwood so I took him there instead, and actually was ready to leave him and be done with it.'

'You didn't though did you,' Petey said quietly.

Sirius shook his head. 'No, sure as hell didn't. Don't know why but something just got me 'bout the kid even then. Like a force pulling me to him, though now I can understand why. I went back a couple of times to see him, I knew he'd been beaten but he had told Annie, that was his nurse, that it had been some thug he didn't know. Even though Annie wasn't thrilled with me, it was either let me have him or he'd go to an orphanage. I wasn't going to let that happen though, I knew he couldn't have survived a place like those workhouses they pass off as orphanages. He seemed a nice enough kid and sort of took to me as well so that's why I offered for him,' he said quietly.

'Perhaps it was fate than, not coincidence that led you both together, Sirius. Who is to say really, the fates do what they do and we mortals only can follow along with it blindly. Perhaps he took to you because he sensed a kindred soul, a friend whom he didn't know was there for him, or even a tiny portion of a distant memory of you. Until we tell him the truth, tell him of who we are, what has been and who he is, we will not know however.' Albus said thoughtfully.

'I seem to recall someone saying that Harry would never know what had happened on that night so long ago,' Severus said with a slight glare at Albus. 'In fact, I was prepared to tell the boy what had really happened to his parents, knowing that the certain someone would gloss it over in their usual manner.'

Albus coughed slightly and gazed deeply at Severus, then a soft smile came across his face. 'So it was you that night. I thought I had sensed another wizard nearby, but I couldn't pick up who exactly. I did detect a trace of dark magic at work, not a malevolent one however so I didn't pursue it. You were very clever and sly that night, Severus, but that is typical of a Slytherin, isn't it,' he said with a chuckle.

Severus only gave Albus a slight smirk, though he nodded his head towards the man. 'Of course, would you have expected less of me? I heard and saw everything Albus. You do realize the potential is now here for the magic you casted on him to come to pass?' he said with a raised eyebrow.

Minerva slightly gasped at that and was about to say something when she was cut off by Albus. 'So, you saw that as well,' he said in a strange voice. 'I believe you are right, Severus, yes indeed. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if the magic was all ready at work as we speak.'

'Albus what the fuck are you talking 'bout now? Why do I feel like a bloody third wheel here in all this when he's my goddamned godson!' Sirius grumbled and gave both Severus and Albus dirty looks.

Albus only chuckled however and his blue eyes twinkled like bright stars, his voice now a jovial tone. 'A magic I performed on Harry when I took him away is what Severus is discussing, Sirius. An ancient magic, no one even remembers where it came from. Some say the elves and I am more than inclined to agree.'

'What type of magic was it, Professor?' Hermione piped up, always on the look out for new and exciting forms of magic learning.

'A tri-spell Ms. Granger. What I did was make it so that when the time came for his Gryffindor powers to come to pass, he would need assistance in order to fully use them,' he said.

'Are you saying that you made it so that if he doesn't get this 'help' he can't use his powers as the heir of Gryffindor?' Draco said in a harsher voice than he intended.

'Oh no, not that at all, Mr. Malfoy. Rather, he will still be able to use all the powers of his birthright. However, with the tri-spell as an additive, he will be stronger, far far stronger than even his father was. Strong enough to defeat your father most definitely,' Albus said.

'I don't get it, Albus, why would you do that to him? Not that it sounds like a bad thing but...it was taking a hell of an awful risk,' Remus asked puzzled.

Albus thought deeply for a moment, debating if he should or shouldn't reveal the information he had known these many years. Weighing the options he knew it was time to pass it along however, even if it might not be taken too well. 'There is something that none of you, not even you, Severus, despite you're being there later that night, knows about what really happened when Voldemort was actually defeated...'

'Why do I get the feeling this isn't going to be good,' Ron said suddenly.

Albus didn't smile, nor even reply to that. Instead he chose his words carefully then said, 'As you all know Voldemort was defeated on October 31st, 1908. No one knew how or why he had been defeated, or who had done it. His body was only found in a pile of charred remains, barely enough to confirm it was indeed him who had perished. Everyone assumed since Lily and James were dead as well that it had to have been some sort of 'miss-crossed' hex or curse casted at the same time, killing both or even all three of them at the same time. That was not the case however.'

'Are you saying it wasn't Jamie or Lily who killed him? If so, who could it have been?' Petey asked in surprise.

'Yes, that is what I am saying, Peter. Believe it or not, neither James nor Lily killed Voldemort. In fact, it was young Harry who killed him,' Albus said quietly.

Everyone, Draco included, turned to Albus eyes wide in shock. 'How can that be possible?' Draco asked in pure confusement.

'I take it you do not know much about the Sphere of Slytherin young Mr. Malfoy,' Albus said turning to him now.

'I know it's fucking impossible to penetrate, and it protects him from everything obviously,' Draco said, belatedly realising he had been blatantly cursing in front of his headmaster half the morning and lowered his gaze a bit guilty.

Albus didn't comment on his choice of words however to his relief. 'There is far more to it than that. In your father's case the power has actually been modified, since he only shares a small amount of Slytherin blood. It limits the true power of the Sphere, which is why I assume he is here in New York trying to protect you by other means, since he cannot offer his sphere to you.'

Now Draco was completely confused and shook his head at what he was hearing. 'I don't understand sir,' he said, raising his gaze back up and remembering his manners. 'Offer it? You mean it can be just given away?'

'Ah, that is the power of being a true-blood Draco. A true-blooded heir can pass the Sphere of Slytherin to another person, though it will only have half the protective nature. I have a very high assumption that that is exactly what James did that night, passed it on to Harry whilst Lily was casting her own charms of protection as well. However, with the limitations it has in being passed rather than casted directly, it only could do so much, even with the ancient magic I suspect Lily was using. I am sure however that when Voldemort went to kill Harry with the killing curse, it reflected off the shield, bouncing back to destroy him instead. The power of both the shield and Lily's charms must have been so strong it was enough to reduce him to nothing but smoky remains. There is a draw back however, one I didn't remember at the time,' Albus said in a heavy voice.

'What drawback, Albus? What's wrong with my godson?' Sirius said in a worried voice.

'Nothing is wrong with him per say, Sirius, not in that respect. It's his scar that I question now. I have not seen the boy since that night so long ago, so my memory is a bit fuzzy I'm afraid. The price one pays of being 150 years old I fear,' he said with a fallen face for a moment, though he quickly shook it off. 'Tell me, Sirius, what shape and position is his scar in again?' Albus asked.

'His scar? Hmm..well...it's...it's a lightning bolt shape and..er..it's on his forehead, just a little to the right of being smack dab in the middle of it,' Sirius said. He was so concerned now for his godson that he wasn't even being his normal 'thug' self, reverting almost back to his youth in speech and mannerisms. He didn't even realize he hadn't said a single cuss word in the entire two sentences he had spoken, though everyone else in the room certainly had noticed, and some even slightly smiled at the possibility that having Harry in Sirius's life might be a good influence somehow.

Albus as well decided not to comment on that fact. Instead he said now, 'I see. Hmm...yes, then it does make sense. That is no ordinary scar on his forehead. It's the mark of a curse, a powerful one at that. If I suspect correctly, not only did young Harry manage to avoid being killed by the Avada Kedavra, but he also absorbed some of Voldemort's powers as well. Not bloodwise, no. Power wise. Combine that with the magic I casted on him back then before I realised this information...hmm....yes...I see now the possiblities.'

'Well that's just bloody fucking great sir...err sorry,' Ron said a bit sheepishly as his father glared at him now for his words. In a more subdued voice he asked, 'What does it have to do with anything though? How can it help us now?'

'Truth, love and friendship...' Severus muttered quietly, and his coal black eyes began to show a glimmer of understanding. 'Of course! And you say I'm the sly one, Albus!' he said with a slight laugh now. 'You'd would have also made a good Slytherin.'

Albus chuckled at Severus and nodded his head actually in agreement. 'Though between us, I always wanted to be a Ravenclaw for some reason. Ah well, long ago now and irrelevant. However, yes Severus, I see you understand now.'

'Well we don't, Albus, care to enlighten us?' Remus said in a huff.

'Of course, forgive me, Remus. The magic I casted would bring Harry's powers full force if he were to achieve the knowledge of truth, love and friendship roughly at the same time as his Gryffindor powers would emerge. Had he not disappeared and gone to Hogwarts as planned I have no doubts that would have happened by now. However, since he did not get that chance, we will have to help him find those things instead of him doing it on his own. Originally I only intended to be a guide if he would have needed it. I had hoped at Hogwarts on his own he would have found what was needed to complete the spell. Now it seems we all will have to play a part in bringing Harry to his full potentials since he is currently not capable of finding them on his own,' Albus said.

'Truth, love and friendship?' Sirius said puzzled. 'The kid's been brutalised, seen murders take place in front of his eyes..er...which we won't go into,' he said with a tiny cough though everyone knew what he meant, 'he's got no friends that I know of....and no I don't exactly count myself as his 'friend'. I'm his 'boss', not much else. As for love, for Merlin's sake...he's so afraid to even be touched...how on earth is the boy going to understand love?' he said with a deep sigh. Subconsciously he tightened his grip round Petey, knowing how close he himself had come to missing out on what love meant.

Petey melted into Sirius's arms, thinking along the same queues, then sighed himself. 'I agree with, Siri. Love is such a strange thing....it's wonderful to find it...even when it ahh...well...takes years...' Petey said with a slight blush now and looked at Sirius, 'but how can a kid who's been so badly hurt, who knows nothing beyond either being sheltered all his life like he was or in the life he currently leads where it doesn't exist openly...how can he understand what love means?'

'I think you'd be surprised, Pettigrew,' Draco said in a quiet voice. 'Love isn't something you learn, it's just something you know. Something you feel deep down inside and explodes like fireworks when it's right. Even the most hard hearted of us can find it...if we want to.'

Subconsciously Draco's eyes drifted over to Severus and Remus, and it was clear that what he had said was the truth. If two people who had such horribly battered lives as Severus Snape and Remus Lupin could find love together, then there had to be some hope for himself and Harry. The fact that Draco had known for a while now that his 'obsession' with Harry had turned into far more a waking dream that consumed him day and night, home or at Hogwarts even....well he was willing to fight for that too. Draco had fallen in love with a story book character, a boy who was only mention like a myth in passing in the history books. Only in this case sometimes wishes do come true, for Draco had found and would get his story book romance because in this case the story had come to life.

Severus however now looked at Remus, a very revealing, loving smile on his face and he pulled Remus into his arms holding him tightly. 'Draco's right. Even when the cards are against you...love somehow seeps in and finds it's own way,' he said quietly, then turned to Draco. 'Isn't that right, Draco?'

Draco swallowed nervously as the eyes in the room turned to him questioningly. With a slow nod of his head he said in a soft voice, 'I like to think so, Severus.'

Sirius looked at Draco oddly for a moment, then realization kicked in. 'You love my godson don't you. That's why you are willing to fight against your father. That's the peace you really want, not for the wizarding world...but for yourself...to be free to love him,' he said quietly.

Draco nodded and glanced at the others round the room for a moment before resettling his gaze on Sirius. 'I never meant to mislead anyone by not telling when I figured out who he was. I admit I am doing this for selfish reasons, and that when I figured out a way to get to Harry I would have used him for those reasons. But I swear to you, Black...Sirius...that I would have done it because I do love him. Because I want that hope, that better future...and I only want it for him...with him...' he said almost in a whisper now.

'Then we will fight, Draco, all of us, to get that dream of yours. As I'll fight for Petey, for our future,' Sirius said giving his lover a tender gaze, 'as Remus and Severus will fight for each other. As Ron and Hermione, Molly and Arthur...hell...all of us for whatever reasons.'

Everyone in the room nodded at that, and not a single person blamed Draco nor even Severus for not telling them all sooner of their discoveries. Remus however wondered on the other two issues and asked thoughtfully, 'What of truth and friendship though? What do we do of that? Draco clearly will handle the love aspects...but the other two things?'

'Ah, now that is where it will get tricky. The friendship that accompanies love is not enough, he will need true friends. Friends who not only will be willing to protect him, but whom he would willing to protect them as well. In his current state that is easier said than done however, but we can think on that...' Albus began but was cut off by another voice.

'Professor? Couldn't....well couldn't Ron and I handle that? I have already met him and we did get along that day at the park. I just know Harry would like Ron too....and I know that I would die to protect my friends...especially if it meant dying for the cause of peace,' Hermione said.

'Hermione, do you know what you're saying? I mean...he's not even really met us...well yeah he's met you but for what an hour or less? He's not even met me yet...how do you know he'd even want to be our friends?' Ron asked in surprise. 'Not that I'm not willing to be his friend and all but...well it seems a bit much to just assume he would anyway,' he muttered.

'Oh, Ron, how could he not like you!' Hermione said with a grin and to Ron's embarrassment leaned over and gave him a full kiss on the lips. 'You're the sweetest, kindest, sometimes the most annoying person I know...but you really are a wonderful person, and anyone would be daft not to like you.'

'Malfoy doesn't like me,' Ron muttered and gave Draco a glance of not hatred, but something similar to distrust.

Draco however chuckled and shook his head. 'Actually the only person I really and truly hate is my father. You are a bit of a git sometimes, Weasley...Ron....but then I know I am always a git myself, so I don't see the problem here. I'm willing to put aside our little feuds for the better of us all...if you are,' he said and in a show of gratitude leaned over and offered out his hand to Ron.

Ron looked down at the offered hand debating what to do. At school it was almost a weekly situation in which Ron or Draco would end up either in detentions or hospital from fights between them. However Draco did have a point, this was for the better of them all, and for Harry's sake. With a firm grip he took Draco's hand now, and said, 'Right then. For us all I will do that.' Suddenly however a thought struck him and taking his hand from Draco's he slapped his forehead and groaned.

'Now what, Ron?' Hermione asked perplexed at Ron's actions.

'Well...it's just that...what's going to happen back at school? If Mal- err...Draco...and I start actually being 'friends'...I don't even want to think what's going to happen there!' he said with another groan.

'You know, he's got a point there. This is going to be a problem,' Draco said with a frown.

'Ah, but you see, it won't be. And that is where the 'trust' or part of it anyway, will come in. At school I do not expect you to alter the roles you will play now. You will now be actors in an elaborate stage performance, as is Severus. In public, though I do hope you will refrain from using the ahh...certain hexes you both have been flinging at each other...otherwise continue as you have been. In private however, I will arrange with Severus meeting areas where we can discuss what is going on with Harry and the others,' Albus said.

'Harry's not going to Hogwarts then? So how are we to become friends? How is Draco supposed to get him to fall in love with him?' Hermione said concerned.

'No, he will not be going to Hogwarts...not yet anyway,' Albus said with a twinkle in his eyes. 'First he will have to be slowly weened into other types of trust, and of course introduced to the wizarding world. That is where Sirius, Remus, Peter and the others here will come in.'

'This...could take forever,' Ron said with a sad sigh.

Albus chuckled. 'Not really. I hope to have him at Hogwarts in due time. For now though, you two..' he said and pointed to Hermione and Ron, 'will 'accidentally' meet up with Harry and Draco whilst they are at the Museum of History, which is I believe where young 'Jimmy' expressed to go, was it not, Sirius?'

Sirius nodded. 'Yeah, he said he wanted to see some Egyptian exhibit he read in the paper this morning. Was pretty excited 'bout seeing those mummies and all.'

Draco and Hermione's eyes both lit up at that, and at the same time gave a smile of pure delight. 'The museum! I had so hoped I could go there someday!' Hermione said with a passion.

'Well you shall get your chance young lady,' Albus said with a grin. 'Now, if anyone asks, you two came to New York arriving only a few days ago, even though we all Flooed here actually except for Sirius and Harry of course. You are staying here at the Hotel Wales, accompanied by Arthur Weasley. Molly will be arriving shortly as well, she had some last minute things to attend to or she would have been here today. Now Arthur, Severus has managed to book this room, and the two next to it for the four of you. I don't need to tell you to keep your ears and eyes open at all times. If possible...'

'I know, try and play the part of the Muggle tourist to perfection,' he joked. 'Not a problem really as none of us have ever been to New York. I think we'll have quite the go of it actually!' Arthur said happily, and you could already see he was anxious to try out and most likely take home as much of Muggle New York as he could.

'Exactly,' Albus said with a small laugh. 'For now let us depart. I don't need to stress that everyone must continue to call Harry by the name he has chosen, Jimmy. Quite the appropriate name I might add. Do not slip up on this, it is very important that before you leave you do not give him any clue you know who he is, or he might run away again. And in a city like New York even our owls would get confused,' Albus sighed.

'Err...professor?' Draco said hesitantly now, and fidgeted quite a bit.

'Yes, Draco?'

'Harry err....well...that is...oh hell...he already knows I know who he really is. That day in Croydon I err...sort of let him know,' Draco said hesitantly.

Albus gave Draco a deep gaze, almost as if he was looking right into his soul. Nodding his head slowly however he said, 'That might be a good thing actually. It shows he may already be experiencing the signs of his powers, and by not running from you he might even trust you quicker. That can in turn lead to his trust in us. Be careful when you are with him the next few days however. Only call him by his chosen name in public, but I'm sure Sirius can arrange it so you can speak to him in private as well. Find out what might be happening to him, since it seems he is curious enough to stay knowing you would confront him again.'

Draco nodded and sighed internally in relief. He had hoped what he had done that day at the Inn hadn't just screwed up matters worse, but now he saw it hadn't and he was grateful. He really did want to see Harry again, desperately so, and the thought that at least for the next few days he would be able to do just that made his heart spin in joy. This trip to New York was turning out far better than he thought it would, and for the first time in his life he was glad to be a Malfoy.

If he hadn't been one then he never would have needed to come to New York, or met the Marauders. And most importantly, if he hadn't been a Malfoy he never would have found out about or met Harry, and that was worth bearing the curse of the Malfoy name forever as far as he saw it right just then. No, Draco Lucius Malfoy could not have been happier to be the son of a crime kingpin on this day, that's for certain!


Whew! That was longer than I planned on, sorry about that. I wanted to do even more with that chap, but guess it will have to wait till next time :sigh:

Oh, I forgot to mention this last chap as well. The Hotel Wales is real, it is in mid-town NYC, and not far from the MNH or Museum of Natural History. For anyone who hasn't been there or the attached Planetarium, it truly is a delight. Just like the London Museum it is a treasure trove of history from ancient to present day, and if you ever are in NYC, do stop in and go there, I insist! :grin: As for the Hotel, it is a bit shabby today, but a nice cheaper hotel to stay at, quite affordable by normal NYC rates. Worth taking a peek at though for it's history, but then most of NYC is like that for me. I can never get enough of that place!

In last chap I also mentioned Ellis Island. I'm sure you all know what it is, but on a personal note that place means a lot to me. Me parents names are on the wall of tribute there as passengers who came over from Russia, as are me aunts, uncles, grandparents and a few cousins. Another place I truly insist you visit if you go. You can almost hear the voices of the immigrants as they stood there in huge queues waiting to be admitted to their new country, all hoping they wouldn't get turned away or detained so they could begin their new lives.

Irish, Brits, Russians, Germans, Dutch, French...they all stood there side by side, hoping for a better life, and with their dreams. Though the first time I went there I was very young, 8 or 9 I think, and they hadn't 'restored' it yet, so you could still smell the musty rooms and the vibrations were thick as butter. Years later when I went back for the tribute wall ceremony it was different, but still just as lovely and awe inspiring. I will always enjoy going there though, even more than the Statue Of Liberty, it's truly a part of me family history, just like this fic is :grin:.

Oh for the record, the Bracknell Forest is real, and in Surrey, but far as I know does not have the 'legend' I created. That was merely for plot holes since I needed a way to 'hide' Harry from everyone for all those years. :P
