General Mystery
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban
Published: 04/19/2002
Updated: 05/10/2004
Words: 139,838
Chapters: 43
Hits: 25,261

The Diary

Phoenix SilverWind

Story Summary:
All that she was has been lost or forgotten.... until now.``Young Thomas Potter begins his first year with his friends and a mystery to``solve... Who was his mother?

Chapter 42

Chapter Summary:
Ten years ago Kali died leaving behind a diary and a son. Now her son Thomas finds her diary and the key to finding out who she was. Join Thomas Potter and his friends on a journey that is sure to become a tale of Mystery, Adventure, Romance and above all else… Life.
Author's Note:
After this, one more chapter to go! How will I tie everything up?

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Chapter Forty-Two*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*The Heiress*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

~Old, Dark House~

Cold laugher echoed off the walls of the dim, fire lit room as Timothy Nott opened the door. With the creak of the door hinges, the laughter stopped. "Timothy I presume?" she asked without looking around her large armchair. "None of the others are brave enough to venture into my sanctum."

"They don't know you like I do," he answered.

"Very true, Tim, very true." She held out her hand and he moved to hold it. When his fingers were entwined with hers, she sighed. "Everything is going according to plan... everything."

Nott brought her hand up and kissed it. "That is because you, my dear, are brilliant."

"You are too good to me," she told him.

He smiled, "No, it's you, who is too good for me."

A comfortable silence fell between them as the Heiress stared into the flickering flames in her fireplace. "Every hour, more and more followers are answering our calls. The time to make my presence known is fast approaching."

"Are you sure this isn't too soon?" he asked, concern weighing heavily on his voice.

"Yes, I'm sure," she replied easily, "the plans were set in motion ages ago and now is the time when we may enact it."

"What about Potter and his order?"

"They are weak now. Many of the members are too tired to fight anymore and Potter? He is too preoccupied at the moment. Speaking of which..." She pulled him around and looked up at him. "I need you to make a special trip for me."

"Anything my love, anything," he whispered.

~Marauders' Room, Hogwarts~

Rhiannon put down the book and sniffled. She wiped her tears with the sleeve of her pale blue shirt and looked at her friend to gage his emotions. For the most part, Thomas seemed stoic save for the salty tear trails that ran down both of his cheeks. Rhiannon walked over to her friend and, without any words, enveloped him in a hug. He still didn't move. "It's ok, Tom," she whispered, "You can let it all out."

"She killed her," he whispered, "Professor Covington killed my mum."

"It'll be ok," Rhiannon comforted.

Thomas pushed her off him and she fell onto the ground. "It won't be ok!" he yelled, "She killed my mum! Don't you guys understand? She killed my mum!"

Will got up and helped Rhiannon up. "We understand that, Thomas, but you have to calm down."

"Calm down?" he yelled.

Rhiannon took a step closer to him, trying to calm him. "Thomas," she said gently.

"Just... just leave me alone!" Thomas said as he smacked her hand away and without another word he left the room.

His friends stood there watching him walk off in silence. After he was gone Rhiannon spoke up. "We have to go after him, Will."

"No," he replied, "I think he is going to need some time to himself right now. Let's go back to the tower."

~Outside Covington's Former Office~

Thomas stood there, pounding on the doorway that lead to the former office of Professor Kay Covington and, till a few minutes ago, she was his favorite instructor at Hogwarts. "Covington!" he yelled, "Come out now!"

He'd been at it for an hour, but Headmaster Dumbledore had only been standing there, observing him, for the last ten minutes. "You will not find her here, Mister Potter." Thomas stopped hitting the door and froze. "Would you care to tell me why you are banging on the Defense professor's door at this hour?" he asked in that calm, serene tone he seemed to have never lost.

"It's between us, sir," he replied, respectfully.

"Very well, Mister Potter, but I regret to inform you that Miss Covington is no longer a staff member of Hogwarts," the wizened wizard informed him, "she took her leave yesterday as a matter of fact."

"Is there anyway for me to contact her?"

"I'm sorry, but no. There is no way to contact her at the moment. If it is of great importance perhaps you should talk to your father."

"Thank you, sir," Thomas told him.

Before he left he patted the young boy on the shoulder. "So polite, perhaps too much so. You make me feel old with all those 'sirs.'"

Thomas cast his eyes down. "Sorry, si... I mean, Headmaster."

"Goodnight, Mister Potter," Dumbledore bade with a slight bow of the head.

To which Thomas replied, "Goodnight, Headmaster Dumbledore."

~Owlery, Hogwarts~

After quietly sneaking back into his dorm room, Thomas hid his mother's diary and took out a piece of parchment and a quill and inkwell then headed to the owlery.

On the windowsill, with the dim moonlight, he wrote a quick note to his father. Careful not to say anything of importance, he had learned at a young age that owl post could become intercepted by the bad people, he merely asked for his father to meet him at Hogwarts as soon as possible.

"Ok, Bandit," he told his owl as he tied the note to his leg, "take this to Dad, ok? It's really important so be quick about it." The owl nodded and took off into the night. Thomas let out a sigh of relief. As soon as his dad read the note he'd be here as quickly as humanly possible.

"Hello, Thomas."

Thomas turned toward the voice as fast as he could. "Who's there?" he asked the darkness that seemed to surround him, save the moonlight that came from the window.

"That is irrelevant for the moment," he said, "Now, you must come with me. You may choose the easy way or the hard way."

"Go away! Leave... leave me alone," Thomas said with a wavering voice.

"The hard way then. Stupefy!" Thomas's limp body hit the ground with a thud that echoed in the dark owlery causing some of the once sleeping owls to hoot. The Death Eater sighed as he bent down and scooped up the boy's body. "I better get some kind of reward for this." He wrapped his invisibility cloak around both him and his captive and left the owlery and Hogwarts.

~Potter Residence, Godric's Hallow~

The Order had convened once again in the basement of Harry Potter's home. Around the table sat some of the most famous and most powerful people in the known Wizarding world. Albus Dumbledore, Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter were only a few of the wizards gathered.

Draco Malfoy leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes. "Why are we here, Potter?"

"Yes, why are we here, Harry?" Sirius asked as he nudged his sleeping friend awake.

"Huh? What?" Remus asked wearily.

"The meeting's starting," Sirius whispered.

"I'm sorry for having to call a meeting so soon after a full moony, Remus." Harry stood and pulled a piece of parchment from his robe pocket. "But a few hours ago I received this note."

"What does it say?" Remus yawned.

Harry held so that everyone could see it. "All it says is Riddle Manor."

"What is that suppose to mean?" Sirius asked.

"I believe what Harry is trying to say is that he suspects that someone is trying to tell us where our enemy is located."

"Exactly, Albus," Harry confirmed.

"How do we know it's not a trap?" Draco questioned.

"Hand it here," Roger Davies said.

He held the parchment to his nose and took several quick whiffs. "It smells a tad fainter than the previous letter from the Heiress. My thoughts are that the parchment hadn't been in the area long." He held in front of him and stared at the ink. "Yes, this is definitely new ink as well, not the same as the one before."

"So you're saying that it's a completely different person than the Heiress?" Sirius asked.

"Yes, besides that the handwriting is all wrong," Davies concluded, "Even if this person wrote in a hurry there is no similarities between the two styles."

"Ok, so now what do we do?" Ron Weasley asked.

"Harry?" Dumbledore asked as he gazed at the young man over the brim of his half-moon spectacles, "What do you think?"

"I say we go in and take them out," he said.

"Are you insane, Potter?" Draco said as he stood up. "Who knows what sort of defenses they might have. It would be a suicide mission!"

Harry stood up to meet Draco's icy blue gaze. "The Death Eaters are just convening, Malfoy. They aren't prepared yet. If we attack now and catch them by surprise."

"How do we know that they sent this?" Ron asked, "How do we know it's not a trap?"

"We don't," Remus said calmly. "But I agree with Harry, we should go now if we hope to have a chance."

"Let us vote then," Dumbledore spoke authoritatively. He gestured for Draco and Harry to sit. "Who is in favor of attacking tonight?" The old wizard looked around the room and sighed. "Very well then, tonight we battle."

~Riddle Manor~

Thomas sat in his bed with his knees pulled up to his chest. He had been stuck in this room for over an hour and that was only the time he'd been awake for. Who knows how long he's been here unconscious. A knock sounded from the door then a rattle of the door knob. A black robed figure entered the room and looked down upon the small boy.

"Come, the Heiress will see you now," she said as Thomas glared up at her with watery eyes.

"Why? Why are you doing this?"

"Because I must," she said simply.

"Is that why you killed her?" Thomas asked, "Did you kill my mum because you had to?"

"I have killed in the past, Thomas, but your mother was not one of them."

"Liar!" he yelled, "I read..."

"You cannot believe everything you read," Kay told him. She gestured for him to come to the door. "Now come along. It is time for you to go."

"Why should I?"

"Because you must and perhaps she may reveal to you the answers that you seek."

Covington guided the boy out and directed him to walk down the long hallway to the door at the opposite end from the room he was in. She knocked on the door and a firm 'Enter' came from the other side. Kay opened the door and ushered him into the fire lit room.

"I have brought you Thomas Potter, Mistress," she announced with a slight bow.

"Very well, leave us," came a feminine voice near the fireplace. Thomas surmised that whoever the Heiress was, she was sitting in the high-backed armchair near the fireplace. Kay bowed again and backed out of the room, closing the door behind her. "So, you are the young Mister Potter I've heard so much about."

With a flare of Gryffindor courage he stared hard at the back of the chair. "And you are who exactly?" he asked confidently.

"Such courage," she complimented, "So much like your father..." She paused a moment as if reflecting that thought. "I am the rightful heir of Lord Voldemort much like you are the rightful heir of the great Harry Potter."

"H... How... How?" he sputtered.

"You are not the last of the Slytherin line, young Thomas." She sighed, "It is a shame that I may have to subdue you if you refuse to join me."

"You... You won't have a chance!" he yelled, "My dad..."

"Your father might make it here but that won't save you from me."


The question lingered on the air without a response. With a squeal of the leather cushion, The Heiress stood to her full height. Her long, dark brown hair swayed a bit as she walked over to the stunned eleven year-old. She smiled slightly as she knelt down to become eye level with the boy.

He had only seen her face in photographs, but he had never seen her eyes when they were not blue like his own. "M... Mum?" he asked unsurely.

Her blood red eyes gleamed with amusement. "I see you recognize me and you are surprised. And why wouldn't you be? You thought I've been dead all these years when I haven't been. Of course now you are asking yourself why. Why is she evil? Why did she abandon me?" She eyed the boy and finally placed her hands on his upper arms. "The truth is I have always been 'evil.' It is the very core of who I am. Falling in love with your father for that brief time was an unexpected setback that neither I nor your great-grandfather foresaw, but some good came from our union." She raised her hand stroked his cheek. "I was blessed with an heir, you, my son. I never abandoned you, Thomas. It was your father I detested, not you."

He pushed her hand away and stepped back. "No, you can't be my mum. Kali Potter was good. She... she was a hero."

Kali stood and dusted herself off. "She was an excellent actress as well."

"But the diary..." Thomas tried.

"Was a sugarcoated retelling of my years spent in that hellish marriage to Harry Potter," she finished for him.

"I don't believe you!" he stated.

"Your denial does not affect the truth and perhaps one day, Thomas, you'll come to understand and accept the truth and stand by my side. But, until then, you will be restricted to your room. If you need anything, Covington will see to meeting them," she commanded as she swept her black robes and made her way back to her chair. "I have finished. You are dismissed to your room." There was a hesitation on Thomas's part which annoyed Kali. Her voice was firm as she spoke, "Now go."

He hesitated a moment longer before turning around and exiting the room to find his former Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.

"Did you find the answers you wanted?" she asked quietly.

"You knew?" he asked.

She began to walk and he followed. "Yes."

"How long?"

Kay looked down at him and wondered how she could ever consider life to be fair after seeing what this boy had to go through. "I had my suspicions, but I didn't know till earlier today."

He seemed to be deep in thought the rest of the way to his room. They began to lessen their pace just before they reached their destination. Thomas turned the door knob then stopped. He half turned so that he could look up at Kay Covington. "Why..." he began, but Kay stopped him.

"I would not continue to ask questions, Mister Potter," she advised, "The walls in this house have ears as well as eyes. They hear and see things even when you believe to be alone and they report everything back to the Heiress. She will not look upon your curious nature favorably. It is best to keep your thoughts to yourself here."

Thomas soaked up her advice and considered it. He nodded in understanding. "Thank you," he said sincerely.

"You're very welcome, Mister Potter." She bowed slightly then left him alone in the dim hallway with his door cracked open.

"Where are you, Dad?" he sighed to himself before entering the room and closing the door behind him.

~Heiress's Bed Chamber, Riddle House~

Having changed out of her day wear long before she collapsed into her plush, silky bed, she sighed and hugged her pillow tighter. Just as she was about to drift off into sweet oblivion, a pair of rough, callous hands ran from her shoulders and up her arms. Kali sighed happily as she felt warm lips caress her right shoulder.

"Did I wake you?" the gentle baritone voice asked her.

She rolled over till she laid on her back, facing the man who was currently leaning over her. "No, I was still awake, Tim, but only barely."

He leaned down and brushed his lips upon hers. "I'm sorry, darling."

"It's ok."

Kali rolled onto her side as Tim plopped down beside her. He pulled her close to him and hugged her tight. "I've missed you today," he whispered into her ear.

"I missed you too," she whispered back. She rolled over so that they were now face to face, their nose merely millimeters apart. "Do you regret falling in love with me?"

He gazed into her red eyes then cast his stare down to the bed. "I admit that it's hard sometimes. You are so important and powerful that sometimes I forget that you are just the woman I love. You are always so busy, but no," he related. He brought his eyes back up to meet her eyes. "I don't regret anything. You and Elizabeth are my life; not this crusade or anything else, just you and Lizzie."

"If I could turn back time, I'd have never gotten involved in this mess. I would've liked to live quietly away from everything, just the three of us."

They kissed again and Tim stroked her cheek with his thumb. "Lizzie misses you," he told her.

"And I miss her but she is safer where she is," she sighed, "How is our daughter? Tell me everything."

"She has so much energy still," Tim recanted, "She was literally bounding off the walls. Sarah was going into hysterics today while chasing her."

"Did she have too many sweets?"

"No, it was all natural."

"Oh dear Merlin," Kali laughed, "She sounds so rambunctious."

"How did things go with Thomas?" Timothy Nott asked with a sudden edge of seriousness.

"Exactly as I suspected," she answered. She sighed deeply then continued, "He is his father's son. He is nothing like our Elizabeth, nothing at all."

A loud knock echoed through the room which was followed by the squeal of hinges in desperate need of oil. "We have a situation," the Death Eater informed urgently.

"A situation?" asked Tim.

"We... we have intruders, sir," the guard bumbled.

Kali sat straight up, making sure to keep the sheets covering herself. "I want a full report!"

"They began arriving about twenty or so minutes ago around our parameter."

"Prepare everyone. It is time to put all our training and preparations to the test," the Heiress ordered, her voice taking on a firm, authoritative tone.

Author notes: Leave me so sweet review love and the last chapter will be uploaded faster.