General Mystery
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban
Published: 04/19/2002
Updated: 05/10/2004
Words: 139,838
Chapters: 43
Hits: 25,261

The Diary

Phoenix SilverWind

Story Summary:
All that she was has been lost or forgotten.... until now.``Young Thomas Potter begins his first year with his friends and a mystery to``solve... Who was his mother?

Chapter 01

Chapter Summary:
All that she was has been lost or forgotten.... until now. Young Thomas Potter begins his first year with his friends and a mystery to solve... Who was his mother?
Author's Note:
This is my first Harry Potter fic, so bear with me. I accept all notes and I’ll even accept flames. So give me some feedback! Thanks! Enjoy! :)

Platform 9 and three quarters

September 1st, one of the busiest days of the year for the enchanted platform. Robes of all sorts and colors fluttered everywhere as wizards and witches bid their children farewell. Just entering the platform was a young boy with messy and unruly jet-black hair and round black-rimmed glasses. And following him was the boy-who-lived, the famous Harry Potter, his father.

“Are you sure you have everything? Books? Robes? Parchment? Ink…” Harry began listing.

“Yes, dad! For the millionth time, YES!” he replied in an annoyed voice.

“I was just checking. It’s not everyday that my Thomas goes off to Hogwarts for the first time! I bet you are going to be in Gryffindor, just like me and play on the house Quidditch team!” He exclaimed.

“Dad! You’re embarrassing me!” Tom shouted as his blue eyes flashed with anger.

“I am just proud of you son,” he answered while ruffling his son’s hair, “And you know, your mum would be very proud of you too.”

“I know Dad,” he hugged his father one final time and head for the door of the red train, “See ya at Christmas!”

“Bye, don’t forget to owl me and stay out of trouble! And don’t do anything your grandfathers tell you to do!” he yelled, but all he got was a wink from him as the train lurched forward. “I hope Hogwarts can stand another Marauder,” he mumbles as he walked back to his car, “Lord help all the professors.”

On the Hogwarts Express

“Thank God I found you!” he sighed as he entered the compartment and put his trunk aside, “My dad was being all sentimental. He even mentioned my mum for once.”

“Allo Thomas. At least your mother isn’t a professor. I can already hear all of the teasing,” replied the redheaded boy with chestnut brown eyes as he turned his attention back to the newest edition of Hogwarts: A History.

“I suppose you’re right Will, but at least you have a mother,” he sighed as he plopped down on the seat in front of Will Weasley, “Didn’t you already read that book?”

“No this is the special edition Hogwarts: A History. It includes a more in-depth study of Harry Potter’s years at school,” Will explained.

“But we grew up hearing about that from our parents!” he explained, but realizing that it was hopeless to try and stop him from reading that book, “So, any sign of Malfoy?”

“I’m right here Potter,” answered a medium height girl with pale blonde hair, piecing ice blue eyes and a light smattering of freckles.

“Ah, Rhiannon, so kind of you to join us,” he joked.

“Yes, you should feel honored by my presence,” she replied in a snooty accent and the continued in her normal tone, “So what are you two up to?”

“We were just discussing our parents behavior while sending us off to school,” Will mumbled without tearing himself away from the book.

“So how were they?” Rhiannon inquired.

“Sentimental and proud,” replied Thomas.

“Happy and proud,” answered Will.

“I see, my mum was crying and my dad was trying to comfort her, so that she wouldn’t make a scene,” she said.

“That is just like Aunt Ginny to cry. Very emotional, she is. Too emotional if you ask me,” he added.

Brushing off Will’s statement Rhiannon turned her attention to Thomas. “So did you find out anything about your mum?”

“Nope, she still remains a mystery to me. My granddad rarely speaks of her. And Dad avoids talking about her and never puts out any pictures of her. Its like he doesn’t want me to know what she was like at all. When I ask about her, he just changes the subject, but he did mention her today,” he responded.

“My parents weren’t very responsive either,” she mumbled, as silence overtook the small compartment.

“Well be better change into our robes now,” Will said as he shut the book, “We’re almost there.”

Hogwarts Platform

“First years, this way!” called a giant of a man.

“Hagrid!!!” the trio shouted as they made their way to him.

“Why I’ll be. It’s Thomas, Rhiannon and Will. I had almost forgotten that it was your first year,” he kindly greeted and turned to Thomas, “You’re the spittin’ image of your dad, but with your mother’s eyes.”

“Speaking of my mum can you tell me anything about her?” Thomas asked.

“Allo, Rhiannon. How are your mother and father?” he asked totally ignoring Thomas’ question.

“My mother sends her best,” Rhiannon added, “and my dad…. Well you know how my dad is.”

“Yes, great surprise it was when your parents got together,” Hagrid said, “It was all anyone talked about for a whole term. Well it looks like everyone is here. ALL FIRST YEARS INTO THE BOATS FOUR TO A BOAT!”

In the Boats Heading Towards Hogwarts

“Don’t you find it weird?” inquired Rhiannon.

“That Aunt Ginny married Uncle Draco? Why yes, I do find it quite odd and thought she had better sense than to chose that slimy…. OW!!!” commented Will till Rhiannon smacked him upside the head.

“Not that you idiot. And don’t you dare say anything bad about my father William Alexander Weasley!” she yelled, but lowered her voice as she continued, “I was talking about how everyone still talk about my parents and your parents, and even Mr. Potter, but we never hear about Thomas’ mother. Its like everyone avoids talking about her like the plague!

“Well no, I just thought that they didn’t want to make Mr. Potter feel bad about it. Don’t you agree Thomas?” asked Will.

“So how do you think they sort us?” he smoothly said in hopes of changing the subject. He didn’t want to talk about his mum. *She has been gone for over ten years now and she is never coming back, * he thought as his two best friends argued about whether they were going to fight a monster or take a test.


They exited the boat and climbed the steps of the school. When they reached the top a stern looking professor met them.

“I am Professor McGonagall. When you pass through these doors, you will enter the Great Hall and be sorted into one of the four houses Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Gryffindor or Slytherin. Now when I open these doors, follow me in two straight single file lines. Understood?” there were murmurs of agreement as she proceeds to turn around and open the great oak doors.

The group of nervous first years stepped through the archway as all the eyes of the hall fell upon them. Soon McGonagall disappeared, but later reappeared with an old worn hat atop a wooden stool. Confusion spread throughout the first years, but soon their hushed questions were silenced as the hat began to sing…

Welcome children to a new year,

So have no fear

And leave the sorting to me

For I am the Sorting Hat of Hogwarts school

So come, sit and try me on

For soon you will see that I am no fool

I can see all when me you don

Where shall you go?

Proud Gryffindor, who are brave and true

Or witty Ravenclaw where knowledge they pursue

Maybe noble Hufflepuff who’s loyalty do not sour

Or Lastly Slytherin, who strive for power

So what shall you be?

And where shall you go?

Its up to me

And, now, its time to know

The hall erupted in applause, as McGonagall unrolled her scroll and began calling names. One by one nervous first years marched up stairs as they were called. And soon it would be there turn.

“Malfoy, Rhiannon,” McGonagall called. She slowly climbed the steps and sat on the chair as McGonagall placed the hat upon her head.

“Hmmmm, another Malfoy. They were all great Slytherins, but what is this? A Weasley also. Gryffindor they all were. Where shall I put you? Smart yes. And loyal true. Brave like your mother and a thirst for power just like your father. Where do you want to go?” spoke the Hat.

“With my friends,” she thought.

“With your friends you say. Then best be in… GRYFFINDOR!” it shouted.

There was silence in the Great Hall. The Slytherins were disgusted, but as she glided her way to the Gryffindor table, they erupted in applause and shouts of welcome.

“Potter, Thomas,” called McGonagall and the hall was silent. All eyes were on him as he confidently walked up the steps. He was a Potter after all and they were Gryffindors. His mother was from a long line of Gryffindors also. He was almost guaranteed a place in Gryffindor. He took his seat and the hat was placed on his head.

“Ah, I have been wondering when another Potter would enter Hogwarts. Son of the famous Harry Potter you are. You are brave and courageous like a true Gryffindor, but what is this I sense? Pride? A thirst to prove yourself? Ambition? A want of power? Your mother was the same way. She made a great Slytherin much like you could,” he said.

“My mother was a Slytherin? No that can’t be she was a Gryffindor like my dad and her dad,” Thomas thought.

“Surprised? Very bright she was, like her grandfather. She wanted to prove herself. She wanted to be perfect so she chose Slytherin, unlike your father. It was a shame what happened to her. Never reached her goal. You can be great if you follow in her footsteps. Much talent you have in you and a fine head on your shoulders. So what shall it be? The path of your father or the path of your mother?” the hat asked.

Silence reined both in the hall and in the young Potter’s mind. Seconds ticked away and soon became minutes.

“My father. I want to be in Gryffindor,” he decided.

“Are you sure? You could be great. No? Then so be it…GRYFFINDOR!” the hat shouted.

Gryffindor table erupted in applause and cheers. Dazed, Thomas made his way to a sit next to Rhiannon.

“What’s wrong Thomas?” Rhiannon asked concerned.

“Huh? Oh, It was the hat. It said something and I dunno. It just made me think that’s all,” he answered.

“Ok, and you know you can always tell me or the bookworm anything, right?” she asked.

“Yeah, I know. Hey Will’s next. He’ll be Gryffindor for sure,” Thomas said.

“I’ll bet you three galleons he’s in Ravenclaw. He’s too smart not to be in Ravenclaw and too much of a wuss to be in Gryffindor, ” Rhiannon commented.

“He’s a Weasley and he’s brave. He just prefers to stick his nose in a book rather than go on an adventure,” he countered.

“Weasley, William,” McGonagall called. Finally it was his turn. He strode up to the stool and took his seat.

“Another of the Weasley clan. Quite a mind you have here. Take after your mother you do. Constantly reading everything you can. Continuously learning anything you can. You could be a fine addition to Ravenclaw. But nobility I see in you. Striving to do what is right. A strong belief in justice and all that is good. You belong in… GRYFFINDOR!” the hat shouted. Will removed the hat and handed it to McGonagall and took his place across from his friends, as his fellow Gryffindors welcomed him. Well all but one welcomed him.

“WHAT!” Rhiannon exclaimed.

“Yes! I won three galleons!” cheered Thomas.

“You made a bet on which house I’d be placed in?” Will inquired.

“Well, Rhiannon was positive that you’d be a Ravenclaw and bet me three galleons,” Thomas explained.

“Well dear cousin, it seems like you were gravely mistaken,” and concluded with a grin, “and three galleons poorer.”

“Wow, Aunt Hermione seems to be very happy that you got into her old house. Look, she is waving right at you,” Rhiannon commented as Will quickly turned toward the staff table and turned beet-red. His mother was beaming with pride as she madly waved at her son.

“Oh bloody hell,” he muttered as he waved hoping that she’d stop. It worked. He turned back to his friends and lowered his head, “Just kill me now.”

“Ok!” Rhiannon happily accepted as she reached into her pocket for her wand, but before she could act, Professor McGonagall tapped her class with her fork.

“Attention everyone, attention,” she said as Dumbledore stood.

As he began to speak as all conversations ended, “Before we can enjoy the feast I’d like to say a few words. Hickory Dickory Doc.” After he was done he clapped his hands as a fantastic meal filled the once empty plates. Everyone dug in and stuffed themselves with roast chicken, baked ham corn and grilled potatoes. After everyone was done, the food vanished and the plates were left clean. Professor Dumbledore stood up to make his annual announcement after the feast.

“Welcome, welcome to a new school year at Hogwarts, and now for a few announcements. The Forbidden Forest is forbidden, as its name implies. Hogsmeade visits are restricted to third years and above only. And Mr. Filch, the caretaker, has requested that I inform you that the list of objects forbidden inside the castle has come to include all merchandise sold at Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes. The full list of 562 forbidden objects can be seen in Mr. Filch’s office. Also, we have a new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, but it seems that Professor Covington has been detained. Now Head Boy, Head Girl, and prefects will you please lead your houses to the dormitories. Rest up everyone, the school term begins tomorrow,” spoke Dumbledore.

Thomas, Will and Rhiannon followed the group up the moving staircases to Gryffindor Tower, where they stopped in front of a portrait of a fat lady in a pink silk dress.

“Password?” she asked.

“Phoenix,” answered the blonde prefect in the front. The portrait swung forward and let them all into the common room. After getting settled in and some chatting, the trio of friends decided it would be for the best if they went to bed.

“Night Weasley. Night Potter,” called Rhiannon as she began to enter her room.

“Night Malfoy, Night Will,” called Thomas.

“Night Thomas. Night Ann,” called Will.


“Whatever… Ann,” he responded as he quickly ran into the first year boys’ dorm.

“William Alexander Weasley! I am going to curse you the next time I have the chance!” she threatened as she entered her dorm.