General Mystery
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban
Published: 04/19/2002
Updated: 05/10/2004
Words: 139,838
Chapters: 43
Hits: 25,261

The Diary

Phoenix SilverWind

Story Summary:
All that she was has been lost or forgotten.... until now.``Young Thomas Potter begins his first year with his friends and a mystery to``solve... Who was his mother?

Chapter 40

Chapter Summary:
Ten years ago Kali died leaving behind a diary and a son. Now her son Thomas finds her diary and the key to finding out who she was. Join Thomas Potter and his friends on a journey that is sure to become a tale of Mystery, Adventure, Romance and above all else… Life.
Author's Note:
Sorry about the lateness of this chapter. School just started and my free time is extremely limited.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Chapter 40*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Not Again*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

~Hogwarts, Corridor, Present~

Harry Potter walked with one thing in mind, find his son. Whatever Thomas wanted to talk to him about must have been important. He was so preoccupied with trying to guess what Thomas wanted to talk about that he didn't see the person that he ran into and promptly knocked on her bum. Tripping over the body he too ended up sprawled on the floor. "I'm terribly sorry. I wasn't paying attention and..."

"That was obvious Mr. Potter," answered Kay Covington. She pushed herself off the ground. "Now if you'll excuse me, I was heading to turn in for the night."

Feeling very uncomfortable with the hostility Kay's voice infected, he looked down at the ground instead of her retreating figure. The light of the torches caught on something causing it to glint. "Kay, wait you dropped... some... thing." She turned around to see him staring at her with a mix of emotions; despair, hope, anger, suspicion were only a few. "Where did you get this?"

She froze like a deer in headlights. Fear had gripped her when she realized what he held in his hand and fear wouldn't let go of her.

~Marauders' Room~

"So, let me get this straight," Rhiannon said as she pointed at Thomas, "You were named after your uncle on your mother's side who only existed for a brief time in some other parallel universe that your parents got into by making a wish that Voldemort didn't exist who was Tom Riddle, Minister of Magic in this other world and was who TJ was named after."

Thomas shrugged. "I guess."

"Your family's weird," Rhiannon teased.

"So says the half Malfoy and half Weasley girl."

"Will has a point, Rhiannon," Thomas said.

She stuck her tongue out at them. "I guess that's why we're all friends then," she told them, "we're all weird and don't even try to say you're not, Will. Trust me, you are. Anyway, this is getting interesting." She held up the book. "I think we should keep going."

"But shouldn't we start studying?" Will asked.

"Will," Rhiannon said abashed, "This is far more important than school. This is a part of history and more importantly it's a part of Thomas."

~Auror HQ, Past~

Kali Potter, though most still called her Lupin so as to not mix her and Harry up, sat at her desk in the office she shared with her friends, Draco Malfoy and Jonathan Quinn. "Whatcha doing here, Kal?"

"Oh," she said lifting her head, "hi, Jon, I just need to look over some files for that hearing I have tomorrow."

"Shouldn't you be home with Thomas?"

"He's fine, Ginny's watching him." She smiled. "She offered to watch him so I could have a break."

"Didn't she just have a baby?" Jon asked, "Another girl?"

"Yup, Rhiannon Kali Malfoy," she emphasized, with pride, the child's middle name, "born January eleventh. Where's Draco anyway?"

"He'll be here in a bit. Let's all go for ice cream!" Jon exclaimed, "We haven't done that in awhile."

"That sounds brilliant. What do you think Draco?"

Jon turned around to see his other partner standing right behind him. He shrugged nonchalantly. "Let's go."

~Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor~

The three were sitting at an outdoor table, in magically heated area, chatting away. "It seems pretty busy today," Jon commented as he dug into his chocolate ice cream.

"Well Valentine's Day is about a little more than a week away," Kali answered. A scream came from one of the crowds, causing the Aurors to stand and scan the area. "Death Eaters," Kali growled.

"Kali send up blue flares and try hide," Draco told her as all three pulled out their wands. He looked at Kali who was glaring at him with unspoken rage. "That's an order."

Kali sent up the flares as her friends left her at the parlor. She began to herd terrified wizards into the building when a cold voice behind a Death Eater mask called out her name. "My, my, my, if it isn't Mrs. Potter herself." Kali took a dueling stance and waited for an attack. "Not home with your precious bouncing baby boy?" he asked. "I would be. Who knows when he might be kidnapped?"

"You leave my son out of this!" she shouted back.

"He was born into this." His very voice seemed to smirk. "A child between Potter and Voldemort's heir. Think of the power."

"Shut up!"

"Whoever had him would be unstoppable."

"Expelliarmus!" Kali yelled.

He blocked the curse easily and sent back his own disarming charm. Kali was too late to dodge it with her bad hip. She was now wandless and helpless.

"Kali!" Draco shouted as he tried to get to her.

"Ah, my son is trying to act the noble hero now," the Death Eater told her.

"Lucius," she seethed.

He pushed his mask up revealing his face. "I see you know me," he said, "It is a shame that Draco will be too late to save you."

"You can't harm me! Voldemort decreed."

"You think I care?" he laughed an eerie sort of way.

Realization dawned in Kali's eyes. "You've completely lost it. You're insane!"

He walked up to her and slapped her like he did all those years ago. "Never say that, again." He pointed his wand at her and began to say the killing curse. Kali's heart was racing and she felt dizzy before everything went black.

~St. Mungo's~

Kali slowly opened her eyes and saw white. "Not the hospital again," she muttered.

"We seem to spend a lot of time here."

"Harry!" He was sitting next to the bed with a very fussy eight month old. "Come to Mummy," she said as she reached for the baby. She placed him on her stomach and stroke his little head she he yawned.

"Why won't he calm down like that for me?" Harry whined.

"Because Thomas is Mummy's little boy." Her light tone turned to a more serious one when she asked, "What happened out there, Harry?"

"You fainted, but Draco was able to get to Lucius before anything happened. We have him in custody now."

"Good," she replied simply.

"Kali," Harry said slowly, "I... I thought that Death Eaters couldn't hurt you."

"They can, but Voldemort told them not to. I think Lucius is insane. One too many Cruciatus curses, I think."

Harry nodded. "He did seem a little off."

"So why did I faint?"

He shrugged. "Susan hasn't said yet."

"Speaking of the good Dr. Bones," said as she nodded to the opening door.

"Good evening all," she greeted cheerfully, "I've got some great news." She walked up to the bed with a big smile. "Kali, you're pregnant!"

"Three months?" Kali asked.

"Yes, you seem to have a habit of fainting three months after conception. The baby looks fine and should be due around late July and early August."

"Susan," Kali asked, "Could you wait outside for a moment?"

"Sure, just come and get me when you're done discussing."

When she left Harry rushed to Kai and kissed her, careful not to disturb their son. "Isn't it wonderful? Another baby!"

"Harry," she said as she pushed him away slightly, "I don't know about this."

"You want to get rid of it?" he asked in shock.

"No, of course not. It's just... Thomas is already a target is it wise to introduce another child into this sort of life?"

"What if we keep it secret?"

"How?" she asked, "You remember what it was like when I was pregnant with this one." Kali gestured to the sleeping babe. "I was always tired and achy and I had to take off of work."

"We'll say you're sick."


"We'll tell the press that you're ill maybe with some type of disease or something and we can keep the baby a secret. No one has to know except our friends and family."

"Is that even plausible? That sounds like some sort of bad movie plot."

"Let's see what Susan thinks."

~Godric's Hollow, One Week Later~

New Threat: Are You Safe?

February 7, 2005- St. Mungo's Hospital

Medi-Wizards and Witches have discovered a new threat to us in the war against You-Know-Who. They are calling it the Lupin-Potter disease after the first and only known victim, Kali [Lupin] Potter, the wife of the Boy-Who-Lived.

During an attack by Death Eaters, Mrs. Potter, an Auror, collapsed in the mist of dueling for no apparent reason. If not for the bravery of Draco Malfoy, her partner and fellow Auror, she would not have lived through the battle. She was rushed to St. Mungo's Hospital where doctors monitored her vitals for twenty-four hours.

"After much testing, it is still not clear whether the affliction that the patient [Potter] suffers from is a natural biological disease or a curse or hex of some kind," stated Dr. Susan Bones, "I've never seen anything like this before."

Kali Potter is now resting at home in her Godric's Hollow residence with her husband and son. It is unknown whether or not the disease is permanent or temporary.

"Nothing to worry about, I'll be up, and fighting the good fight, in no time," replied an optimistic Potter when questioned about her health.

Symptoms of the illness include fatigue, sluggishness and significant fluctuations in magical ability and energy. If you or anyone you know are suffering from these signs please go to your nearest Medi-Wizard or Witch immediately.

Kali sighed as she put down the Daily Prophet. Harry came up behind her and kissed her cheek. "Good morning, Beautiful."

"Flattery will get you no where, Harry." She showed him the article. "I don't know about this Harry. It's like we're creating a panic." She picked up the jar of baby food on the table and began feed Thomas his breakfast.

Before Harry could answer, the flutter of owl wings sounded and dozens of owls dropped letters on the kitchen table. Harry grabbed one and tore it open. "It's an interview request for WWN." He opened another one then another. "They're all requests for interviews," he sighed, "You'd think they'd leave you alone after finding out that you're sick."

"The price of fame I suppose." She fed Thomas another spoonful of mashed bananas. "So what should we name the baby? I mean, I picked out Thomas's name so I think you should choose this one's name."

"I don't know. Haven't given it much thought I guess. I think once I see her I'll know what to name her," he said.

"You sound awfully sure that it's going to be a girl."

"Yes, a little daddy's girl for me to spoil and threaten all the boys that even glance at her."

Kali laughed as she wiped off Thomas's chin with his bib. "Harry it's a little early to be playing the over protective father. We don't even know if it is a girl." Harry looked at her adoringly for a minute causing her to give him an odd look. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"One second." He ran out of the kitchen.

"Thomas, my dear, your father is a very strange man."

He returned with a small red box with a pink bow. "I was going to wait 'til Valentine's but I want to give it to you now." He handed her the box and watched her.

"Are you sure, Harry?" she asked. He nodded and she undid the bow and opened the box. She looked up at Harry who was smiling broadly. She ran her hand over the vine and lily engraving that circled the silver disk and read the inscription, "To my Love, A looking glass so that you may always watch over those you hold dear. Love, your Knight in Shining Armor."

"I know the inscription is a bit corny but..."

"I think it's sweet, Harry." She grabbed his hand and kissed it gently.

"I thought that since you had to be stuck in the house now that you can use it to see everyone else. Give it a try."

She flipped it open to reveal a mirror. "Jon Quinn," Kali told it, but nothing happened.

"The maker of it had set some type of activation phrase for it to work." He pulled a piece of parchment from his pocket and handed it to her.

"Mirror mirror read my mind and show me what I seek to find." A mist swirled under the glass and soon an image of Jon appeared. He was sleeping. Kali smiled as shut the mirror. "Thank you, Harry this is wonderful. Let me get your present." She walk over to the cabinet under the sink and fished out an envelope bound with a thin gold ribbon. "Here," she said as she handed to him.

Harry untied the ribbon and opened the envelope quickly. "Oh, wow." He pulled out a larger than normal ticket for a box at the 2006 Quidditch World Cup in France.

"When I heard that they were building private boxes in the new French stadium, I knew I had to get one for you."

"This is great! England is going to win for sure!"

"We still don't even know if England is in the cup," she laughed slightly at his enthusiasm.

He looked at her in shock. "What do you mean 'if England is in the cup'? Of course they are!"

~Hogwarts, Corridor, Present~

Harry marched over to the frozen Kay and gripped her arm forcibly. "Where did you get this?" he growled and shook her as the words came out. She didn't answer. "Where did you get this?" he asked louder and shook her harder.

She was crying now. "I... I don't..."

"What is the meaning of this?" It was McGonagall. "Release her Mister Potter, now." He obeyed and released his vice like grip. "Now will you explain to me what all of this is all about?"

"Kay Covington," Harry began, "you are hereby under the custody of the Auror Department of the British Ministry of Magic for possession of incriminating evidence concerning the disappearance of Kali Potter."

"Mister Potter!" McGonagall gasped, "You can't take her."

"This is out of your jurisdiction, Professor," Harry told her, his voice never betraying any emotions.

"But..." McGonagall began.

"I'll go quietly," Kay spoke up, "Minerva, tell the Headmaster that I resign due to personal reasons."

Minerva McGonagall stood there without another word and watched the Auror escort the new professor out.

~Auror HQ~

Harry showed her to a small cell that lay in the back of the Aurors' floor in the Ministry building. "You will stay here tonight and tomorrow you will be questioned." She nodded, but said nothing. Kay hadn't spoken since Hogwarts. Her eyes were still watery from unshed tears and, when Harry locked the door and left with her wand, she curled up in a corner and cried.


Harry returned to Hogwarts, intent to talk to his son, but that was not meant to be. "Harry Potter," bellowed Albus Dumbledore, who was in his night wear, "Please come with me to my office." Harry was about to refuse when Dumbledore stared hard at him. "Now." They walked to his office in silence. When they reached their destination, Albus placed himself in the chair behind his desk. "Now, will you care to explain why you came here and arrested one of my teachers and took her to jail?" he asked staring over his clasped hands.

"She possessed evidence that could lead to Kali," Harry answered professionally, "and she withheld it from the authorities so I detained her and I will have her questioned tomorrow."

"That is not acceptable."

"Well it's going to have to be acceptable, sir," Harry replied, "I will not let you obstruct justice for any reason."

"Justice or a personal quest?" Dumbledore asked.


"Harry, I understand that you are in pain because of Kali, but..."

"You understand? You understand?" Harry laughed, "When have you ever understood what my life is like? I've more than a lot of people in this war. My parents, a happy childhood, my wife and even my daughter; they were all taken from me because I was supposed to be this great savior of the Wizarding world." He paused to collect his thoughts. "If there is even a sliver of a chance I can reclaim any of the things I lost then I will try everything I can to get them back."

"But at what cost will you pay?" he asked in that wise wispy way he always used, "When will you stop?"

Harry stared down his old mentor. "I am going to go find my son now. He wanted to speak to me in person. Goodnight, Professor Dumbledore," he said tensely.

"Good evening, Harry."

Harry left as soon as he said goodnight and headed to Gryffindor tower. When he got there, the portrait was just beginning to open even though no one was in sight. "Accio cloak," Harry muttered as the invisibility cloak flew to his hand revealing three first years.

"Uh, hi Dad," Thomas greeted.

"Hi, Uncle Harry," Will and Rhiannon both greeted.

"Late night?" Harry asked, with a smile remembering his adventures while he was a student here.

"Yeah," Thomas answered, "We went to the kitchen for a late night snack."

"So Thomas, ready for that talk you mentioned in your letter?"

"Yeah, night guys." He walked to his father as his friends entered the common room.

"I've missed you, Thomas," Harry told him as he ruffled his son's hair.

"Me too, Dad."

"So what did you need to talk to me about?"

Thomas looked a little nervous. "Can we go somewhere more private?"

"Sure," Harry answered as they began to walk down the stairs to a more appropriate location.

Author notes: Please review. And thanks to SilverPalm, enjoyingfanfic44 and mundungus fletcher (nope, just a random name I put together).