General Mystery
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban
Published: 04/19/2002
Updated: 05/10/2004
Words: 139,838
Chapters: 43
Hits: 25,261

The Diary

Phoenix SilverWind

Story Summary:
All that she was has been lost or forgotten.... until now.``Young Thomas Potter begins his first year with his friends and a mystery to``solve... Who was his mother?

Chapter 39

Chapter Summary:
Ten years ago Kali died leaving behind a diary and a son. Now her son Thomas finds her diary and the key to finding out who she was. Join Thomas Potter and his friends on a journey that is sure to become a tale of Mystery, Adventure, Romance and above all else… Life.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Chapter 39*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Now What*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

~Marauders' Room. Present~

"I knew it!" Will said.

"You did not," Rhiannon countered, "I don't think any of us did."

"Professor Covington's a Death Eater?"

"I can't believe it either, Thomas," Rhiannon said, "Do you think she's still evil?"

"I'm so confused!" Thomas shouted in frustration. "I don't know what or who to believe anymore." An uncomfortable silence settled over them, each one dealing with the information in their own way. "I'm telling my dad that I found Mum's locket."

"But he might arrest Professor Covington," Will told him, "and if doesn't Uncle Draco will."

"I know."

"Thomas, you don't have to tell him how you found it."

"Yes, I do, Rhiannon," he explained, "If Covington had anything to do with my mother's death then I want to see her rot in Azkaban."

~Potter Residence, Godric's Hollow~

The Order of the Phoenix had been called together once more. None, save one, knowing why exactly they were there. All feasible possibilities of discovering Kali Potter's whereabouts have been futile. Hunches led no where and hushed whispers became wild goose chases. Hope was growing dimmer by the second. Many didn't believe that she could be found and perhaps they were right. But others who clung to the faintest threads of hope still believed and remained optimistic for some good news.

"Going to start this anytime soon, Potter?" Draco drawled.

"Don't get your knickers in a bunch, Malfoy," he responded.

"Touché, Potter, touché."

"Now," Harry spoke with a commanding tone, "I received an owl today from the heir of Voldemort." Every member was trying to talk all at once. "QUIET!" They all stopped talking. "Sit back down, all of you."

"I thought that this heir was just a myth, if you will," Roger Davies voiced.

"There has never before been proof of the heir's existence 'til now. Intelligence reports that even Death Eaters do not believe in the existence of Voldemort's heir."

"So how do we know if it's a fake?" Ron asked.

"We don't. I've made a copy of the letter for all of you. Please read it carefully."

Dearest Potter,

It has been many years since we've met, but, with time's passing, I finally have the power to finish the job I started ten years ago with your wife. Speaking of sweet Kali, I am sure you've figured out by now that she is indeed alive. She sends her love. After so long you'd think she'd give up, stubborn traitor. I was only too happy to gain the role she so carelessly tossed away. Foolish of her to give up everything she was born to be for your pathetic existence. Perhaps she never told you that wonderful story. You should really find her diary. So many things are in that book. A shame you can't even find it while it wavers beneath your every nose. Foolish man. You never understood the woman you called wife. Never truly understood what she gave up for you. What she was willing to do for you and that brat of a son. Be warned Harry Potter. I plan on eradicating the line of Gryffindor once and for all and with my master's passing his decree is also gone. It will be my pleasure to torture your beloved Kali with your deaths then killing her myself once and for all. The world will be mine and you are only delaying the inevitable.

Heir of Voldemort

"Long winded isn't he?" Draco asked.

Roger Davies stared at the document. "Not a he... it's a she."

"What else can you tell us, Davies?"

Roger studied the letter further; he was after all the order's expert in the field of written word. "Definitely a woman. The handwriting is much too flourished, even for you, Malfoy." Draco grumbled in his seat. Something about not having girly handwriting. "And here she calls you dearest and a foolish man. Can I see the original copy please?" Harry levitated the original copy over to his fellow member. Davies ran his hands over the writing. "The ink is old. So they haven't been able to buy a replacement in sometime."

"She's hiding?"

"I'd assume so," Roger answered as he began to smell the paper. "Smells of..." He sniffed again. "Pine and it's strong."

"So?" Draco asked.

"The letter has not traveled far. The heir is close." Davies muttered a spell with his wand pointing at the parchment. Nothing happened, nothing at all. "And it hasn't been magically tampered with at all."

"Are you sure?" Harry asked.

"Positive, Harry. This heir, whoever she is, is very confident. No spells masking any clues to the possible originals of the letter."

"Thank you, Roger." He addressed the rest of the order. "Comments? Observations? Questions? Ideas?"

~Somewhere in England~

In a dark grove, deep in a forest a woman laughed. "I have made the first move, Potter," she said aloud though no one could be seen. "How will you respond?" She laughed, that cold laugh again. She sounded mad with evil.

"My lady?"

"Yes? What is it?" she asked the bowing minion.

"The letter has been received."

"Excellent," she said with a smirk. "Everything is going according to plan. That fool has no idea what he is up against." Suddenly remembering her faithful Death Eater gestured for him to take his leave of her. "Thank you, Timothy, you may go now." When he did not move she asked, "Something else?"

"Yes, my lady," he said. "May I kiss you?"

"Always, my love."

~Professor Covington's Office, Hogwarts~

"Come in," she called to whoever was knocking on her door.

"Ah, Miss Covington, hard at work as usual."

"Professor Dumbledore," she greeted, "Please sit."

"You seem to be throwing yourself into you work more than usual."

"Yes, with midterm exams next week, I wanted the children to have their essays back as soon as possible so they can study from them."

"And it has nothing to do with a Mr. Potter?" he asked, eyes twinkling as usual. Kay said nothing and continued to grade papers. "He is under an enormous amount of pressure, my dear."

"I know," she sighed, "and I know that we can never be. So I've dealt with it and trying to move on."

"You are a strong woman, Kay Covington."

She looked at him with teary eyes. "Is that why you're letting me teach?"

"Yes," Dumbledore answered, "I also believe in redemption and you above all others deserve a second chance."

"Why? I can't even remember what I've done," she sighed, "How can I ever get redemption for something I can't remember?"

"You will, one day." He stood up and began walking to the doorway. "I shall let you get back to your work. Good evening Miss Covington."

"Goodnight Professor."

~Potter's Residence, Godric's Hollow~

Harry Potter was sprawled out on the living room sofa watching some television. One of the Muggle things he had missed at Hogwarts during his school days. A flutter of wing got him out of whatever comedy he was watching. "Bandit?" The black owl landed on the couch and hooted happily as he stuck his foot out. Harry quickly untied the letter and read it.


Need to talk to you. It's important.

Love, Thomas

At the very bottom of the letter was a locket tapped down with spellotape. Harry pulled the necklace out and just stared at it. A moment later he walked out of the house and apparated to Hogsmeade.

~Godric's Hollow, Past~

Kali sighed as she brought yet another glass into the kitchen and set it in the sink. "Harry?" she asked as she stepped into the living room. He was working on some Auror stuff.

"Yes?" he asked.

"Can you please put any glasses you use back in the sink? I'm tired of finding them all over the house."

"Yeah," he mumbled.

"Don't say 'yeah' just do it!"

"What's the big deal, Kali? It's just a couple of glasses." He was not looking at her.

"Just a couple? In the last day I've found five alone, Harry," she told him, "Everything has its place and dirty glasses belong in the sink so that I can wash them later." He stood up and grabbed a jacket off the coat rack. "Where are you going?"

"Out for a walk, I might go insane if I stay here and listen to your nagging." He slammed the door after him.

One hour passed, then two and three and he still hadn't come back. Kali's anger soon turned to worry. Four hours after he had left, she called her dad. Harry Potter was missing and no one knew where he was.

One week later, he was still missing and Kali was going mad with worry. Thoughts constantly plagued her that the last thing they had done was argue. "Merlin, Harry, where are you?" she cried. Out of desperation she called Hedwig. "Hedwig? Hedwig?" The snowy owl flew to her and looked at her funnily. "Do you think you could find Harry?" The owl hooted. "What if Hecate helped? Do you think you could find him?" The owl hooted more confidently. "Alright, I'll go grab Harry's broom. Go get Hec, ok?"

Hours later, the owls conversed then flew down to a mall muggle town. She landed on the outskirts to avoid being seen. "Ok, is Harry here somewhere?" The owls nodded. "Do you know where?" Hedwig used her wing and pointed up to a rundown house that stood away from others. Flashes of memories pasted through Kali's head. She took a gulp and looked at the two faithful Potter owls. "Ok girls, take this note to Dad and make sure he goes to the house and not out here. Oh," she remembered as she handed then Harry's broom, "take this back too. Ok?" The owls nodded and flew off into the cold night. Kali looked back at the shambled house and sighed, "Now or never." She pulled out her wand and walked confidently to the house. Once there, she banged on the front door. "Let me in!" Death Eaters answered with wands drawn. "I'm here to see my grandfather." The Death Eaters' eyes widened in realization and they ushered her in. She waited in some type of sitting room as she waited for them to tell Voldemort that she was here.

"Look what the kneazle dragged in."

"Hello Kay. enjoying the evil life?"

"Very much so," she paused, "What brings you to our neck of the woods?"

"Just want to rescue my husband is all. I've been dreadfully lonely since he disappeared," she replied full of sarcasm.

Kay smiled. "what makes you think we have him?"

"I don't, but grandfather would at least give me some advice on how to find him."

A door opened and another masked Death Eater entered. "He will see you now."

Kali nodded. "Until the day we must fight," she told her once good friend.

"Yes, until that day."

Kali entered another room where Voldemort rested. "You know," she said, "This is a rather nice house. I may buy it after Harry kills you."

Voldemort cackled. "Kali Lupin, do you not fear me?"

"No, not anymore and it's Potter now, Kali Potter."

"Good," he told her, "I don't want my only granddaughter to fear me."

"Let's drop the pleasantries and get down to business," she said, "Where's Harry?"


"I want my husband back, now."

"Why would you want him? I have many followers who are far better than he."

"I don't date scum. Plus, I've kind of grown attached to the bloke."

"I can't just give him to you."

Kali sighed, "What do you want?"

"For my heir to join me," he said.

"Um, no. I like being on the side of good."

"Well then, I guess I'll just kill him."


"Yes?" he hissed like a serpent.

"What do you want of me?"

"Be my heir."

"I can't and you know that!" she yelled, "I will never take the mark."

"I didn't ask you to take the mark." He smiled. "Also, I believe it is I who has the upper hand in these negotiations. Be my heir or Potter dies."

Kali closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "Alright, you can think of me as your heir if you return my husband."

"So be it." He said a spell that Kali had never heard before and soon pain shot through the back of her left hand. The pain subsided leaving a V in its place. "You now bear my mark. Don't worry; it won't be visible for much longer."

Kali rubbed her hand and glared at the evil thing before. "Now where is my husband?"

Twenty minutes later, Kali flooed back to her home with an unconscious and badly hurt Harry. "Kali where have you... oh dear Merlin, Harry."

"Dad, Sirius, he needs help fast," she said before she passed out.

~St Mungo's~

Kali opened her eyes. Everything was white. "A hospital," she groaned.

"Oh you're finally awake."

"Hello Susan. Care to tell me why I'm here?"

"You fainted," she said, "and let me be the first to congratulate you."

"For fainting?" Kali asked.

"Of course not, silly. You're pregnant about three months, I'd wager."

"You're kidding right?"

"No, everything checked out. It's also why you fainted. You shouldn't be using any form of magical transportation. I'm going to prescribe some vitamins and potions to help the pregnancy." She wrote something down on a pad of paper then ripped it off when she was done. "You will want to take this to the apothecary and a muggle store for the vitamins."

Kali took the slip of paper when she realized what had happened before she fainted. "Where's Harry?"

Susan Bones looked a bit uneasy after being asked about Harry. "He's healing up."

"Where? Can I see him?"

"Er, yes. I was just about to check on him actually. Come with me." Kali followed Dr. Bones through the hallways of the hospital play through a million different scenarios concerning Harry's health. "Here we are." She opened the door and walked over to him and began checking his vitals.

He looked terrible, Kali thought. He was so pale and, seemingly, lifeless. Nasty purple bruises dotted his sheet white face. It took all her will not to cry at that moment. "Will... will he be ok?"

"Yes, we don't think there will be any lasting affects, but we can't tell until he wakes up."

"W...wakes up?" Kali's voice was trembling now.

"He's in a coma, Kali, and we haven't been able to wake him up," Susan sighed, "He will wake up when he's ready." After she was done she looked at Kali with sad eyes. "I'll leave you two alone. If you need anything feel free to page a nurse and take care of yourself, Kali. You're living for two now."

Kali pulled a chair over to the bed and sat in it. She leaned onto the bed and clasped Harry's cold hand. Tears began to fall from her eyes. "You always looked so peaceful when you sleep, Harry, like nothing's bothering you." She sniffled. "Guess what, Harry. I'm pregnant. Surprising isn't it? I know that we wanted to wait till all this was over, but I think this will be really good for us. Just think." She stood and placed his hand on her tummy. "Our baby is in there growing. Susan thinks it will be born in May or June. You have to wake up, Harry. You have to wake up for me and the baby." She collapsed into the chair again and cried harder. "Please wake up, Harry. I miss you so much."

Harry didn't wake up till January fourth, two weeks after Kali had bargained for him. Everyday Kali was there, talking to him. She talked about everything from baby names and how she wanted to decorate the nursery to memories she had of him. She never did tell him the details of how she was able to get him back. After he was released form the hospital, they went full swing into the parenting mode. Kali took a leave of absence when she hit her seventh month and in no time at all, it was June. It was June sixth, to be exact, when Kali returned to St. Mungo's and twelve hours later she gave birth to a baby boy and nearly broke Harry's hand.

Harry lovingly stroked Kali's damp hair as she carried the little bundle in her arms. "What should we name him?" he asked.

"Thomas," she answered, remembering her bet with TJ, "Thomas Harry Potter."

"I like the sound of that." He leaned down and kissed Kali on the forehead. "May I?" She handed him the baby and Harry walked around the room with him. "Hello Thomas, I'm your daddy and see that pretty lady over there? That's your mummy. We're going to have lots of fun, all three of us. I'm going to teach you how to fly and your mum can teach you how to play the piano just like she does. We can teach you all sorts of things. By the time you get to Hogwarts you'll be way more advanced than everyone else. You'll be captain of the quidditch team and Head Boy."

Kali smiled as Harry bounced their son a little. "You're a natural, Harry, but isn't a little early to be thinking about school?"

"I'm just letting him know how great he's going to be." The baby began to fuss a little. "I think little Tom wants to go back to his mummy." Kali held him again, coddling as she whispered loving sentiments. "He has your eyes."

"And your hair it seems," she said nodding to the black tuff of hair on Thomas's head.

"I love you, Kali."

"I love you too, Harry."

Author notes: Review... make me feel good about myself :)